HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-12-23, Page 18FolrITED TEA RING, This attractive tea ring is made from sweet dough and may be made ahead and frozen for the holiday season. It can be stored for a period of 2 months in the freezer according to home economists. This is Just one of the many recipes contained in a new 'edition of "Festive Foods". These recipes, chosen for their appeal at the Christmas season and their "freeze- ability", are yours on request. Write for your free copy of "Festive Foods" publication 1407 to Information Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, K1A 007. Suggest Freezing Ahead To Aid Holiday Entertaining "RICK DIAZ" December 20 -- 23rd Dec. 27th -- Jan lst SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET • SCHNEIDER'S, SpECIA1,S Skinless WIENERS Thuringer Summer SAUSAGES Store-Sliced Cooked HAM , 1-lb. Schneider's MINCEMEAT 39gb Lucas, Fully-Cooked Boneless DINNER HAM'S 99t • 591 99a 59c 0 FATHER STEPHEN ECKERT COUNCIL'S ANNUAL New Year's Eve Party COUNCIL ROOMS, ST. COLUMBAN Friday, December 31st Music — Novelties --,- Refreshments — Smorgasbord Lrch — Couples Only — $12.00 per Couple (ONLY A FEW TICKETS LEFT) Available from Leo Hagan, 527-0843, by Tues., Dec. 28 ' • ' • Koff • PROCLAMATION ! TOWN OF SEAFORTH By resolution of the Council, I her‘ proclaim A PUBLIC HOLIDAY Monday, Dec. 27th —BOXING DAY and respectfully request the Citizens and Businessmen to observe the same F. C. 3. SILLS Mayor "GOD SAVE TIM QUEEN" p\AVA4A\Vagg; Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron et g011ta Were Vests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Geddes last week. Mrs, James Souter was in Grand Rapids, Mich. for the weekend and attended the wed- ding of her niece Miss Dianne Pater, daughter of Mr. andMrs. V. R. Fetter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cole- man have returned from a tour of the British Isles, visiting the Royal Smithfield Show and other points of interest, London,Eng- land; Edinburgh area, Scotland; Dublin and southern Ireland. Mrs. James McGregor, of the Post Office staff, had the misfortune to VW and break her arm on Monday. •Itir. and Mrs. Edgar Ellig- sea, Joanne and John Elligsen were in Waterloo Friday evening to attend the performance of the opera Hansel & Gretel at the Waterloo Lutheran University. Their daughter, Margaret, played the part of Gretel and theremere eight performances last week. Also attending from this area were Jeanette Finnigan, Nancy Forrest, Terry Kunz, Janice Powell, Janice Dietz, Darlene Elligsen and Mr. Burgess. 0•0000000000000410000 Entertainment this week at the ELM HAVEN Sunshine Company Playing somethina for every- body, both Western and Rock. Next Week:— "SHIRLEY FIELDS" CLINTON MOTOR HOTEL AT THE ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL $7.00 Couple Cold Plate, Prizes Etc. ENTERTAINMENT — Maitland Trio MIMMIHHHHHHIVIHN News of Brucefield Correspondent IVirs.liugh Berry We are sorry to report that Mr. Fred Burdge is a patient in Exeter Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Cairo, Michigan, spent the week end with Mr. R. Dalrymple and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burdge spent the week end at their home In Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Broad- foot, Sr. left on Friday for. Florida where they will spend Christmas. Said the head L. chi. data pro-_ cessing department to the comp- any executive "The slowdown is due to a situation we should have foreseen, sir. The big computor is shoving all the work off onto the little computor." RECEPTION AND DANCE for Mr. and Mrs.`Doug Hulley WED., DEC. 29th at the New Hall at FAMILY PARADISE in McKillop MUSIC BY ROYALAIRES Ladies please bring sandwiches Friends and neighbours of MR.AND MRS. ARNOLD STINNISSEN are invited to attend a party to mark the 25th ANNIVERSARY of their marriage LEGION HALL SEAFORTH TUESDAY, DEC.28th Ladies .please bring lunch Food has a big role to• play in entertaining. The hostess who enjoys her parties most is the one who begins her food pre- parations early. She can make a start right away if she has a freezer. Honle economists did their planning months ago so they would have a special leaflet Festive Foods" for the nation's hostesses. This timely public- ation is a completely new edition of a former favorite by the same name. It contains recipes for foods which can be made and frozen for periods of from one week to three months. All the foods do not need to be frozen, however. There are fancy breads made from „ sweet dough and biscuit mix, bars and cookies, desserts using frozen straw- berries, ice cream or whipping cream, and two fruit cakes made from one batter. For a free copy of "Festive Foods" publi- cation •1407 write to Information Division,. Ca4ad,p., Department of Agritulture;- Ottawa 'KIA 0c7. As, a sample of the goodies contained in this pre-Christmas publication, the home economists include the recipe for their "Fruited Tea Ring". This attractive bread stores satisfac- torily in the freezer for two months, Directions are also provided for reheating. FRUITED TEA RING SWEET DOUGH' 1 teaspoon sugar 1/4 cup lukewarm water 1 package dry yeast 1 cup hot water 1/3 cup sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/4 cup Shortening 2 beaten/eggs 4 1/2 to 5. cups sifted all- ' purpose flour Dissolve 1 teaspoon sugar in warm water and sprinkle yeast over top. Let stand 10 minutes. Combine next four ingredients, cool to lukewarm and add eggs. Stir in yeast mixture. Gradually beat in 3 cups flour until smooth and elastic. Work in enough re- maining flour to make soft dough,. turn onto floured board and knead 10 minutes. Shape in ball and place in greased bowl. Brush with melted fat. Cover and let rise in Warm place until double in bulk (about 1 1/2 hours). Punch down and divide in half. Makes 2 rings, or 1 ring and a dozen small rolls. FOR ONE TEA RING 2 tablespoons melted butter 1/3 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup raisins 1/2 cup mixed candied fruit . 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom 1/2 teaspoon grated orange rind • Roll half of dough in 9 x 16-inch rectangle and brush with melted butter. Combine remain- ing'ingredients and sprinkle over Save Money On Milk, With Skim Do you buy skim milk powder regularly? It's too bad U you don't because you are missing out on an economical, nutritious and very useful food. Skim milk powder can help. lower your milk bills if you use it in place of skim milk or mix it with fluid whole milk. A one-pound package of skim milk powder makes 4 quarts of skim milk. It's similar in food value to fresh skim milk; it's an ex- cellent source of protein, ribo- flavin, calcium and phosphorous and a good source of thiamine. Skim milk powder can be bought in several size packages, such as 1, 3, 5, 10 and 12 pounds. Since it can be stored at room temperature, it doesn't take up much-needed refrigerator space. Unopened packages can be kept for 'many months on the kitcheh shelf, but opened ones should be used up within oreto two months. Once the powder has been recon- stituted to liquid milk, it should be refrigerated and treated like fresh milk. The real money-saving factor about skim milk powder is its use in cooking. Besides being used in place of fluid milk in puddings, cakes, soups, sauces, etc., it can also be added to casseroles, meatloaves, etc. to put more protein and calcium into the family's diet. For recipes and ideas on how to use skim milk powder in your home, write for the booklet entitled "Skim Milk Powder" available free from Information Division,Can- ada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. K1A 007. The home economists with Canada Agriculture, Ottawa have incorporated skim milk powder in two different dessert recipes. The "Apricot Coffee Cake" uses skim milk powder in the biscuit- type cake while the skim "milk powder in the “Lemon Chiffon Pie" is whipped into the lemon filling. Classified Ads pay dividends: 11,-,4110 111.1RONPostros, SEAFORTH, ONT., DEC. 23# 1971 LOCAL BRIEFS ri • rectangle.'Roll up like jelly roll, rolling from longer side. Seal edge and place on greased baking sheet bringing ends together to form a ring. Seal ends and cut through outside edge of ring almost to inside edge at 1-inch intervals. Twist each slice on its side. Arrange slices to overlap slightly. Cover and let rise in warm place until double in bulk (about 1 hour). Bake 20 to 25 minutes at 350 degrees F. Glaze with icing while warm. Ring may be made ahead, wrapped in foil- and frozen.. Allow to thaw in foil, then heat ,20 to 30 minutes at 350 degrees F. L MON DANCE SEAFORTH SDHS Mornington Drive 9 -- 12 p.m. THURSDAY, DEC. 23rd Admission: $1.25 (Student Card Req'd) ..,11•111•1•11111, yeet"\v/gaioolvooktivn CHRISTMAS DANCE • MONDAY, DECEMBER 27 10-1 3eaforth Legion Hall Music by "THE, BLENDERS" •Admission: $1.50 per person - Sponsored by Seaforth Legion Branch 156 1.41WAVV \'`)110-Ci \10&14i =OM MIN 11 Queens' !Iota SEAFORTH In the Huron Lounge ginii NM Mil 4 umminunimimmin I RESERVE NOW for New Year's Party ••••••••••• CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Nary you celebrate the Christmas season joyfully with all your loved ones. CANDELITE RESTAURANT and TAVERN SAYFIELD ROAD IN GODERICH .14.••••••••••••••••••••••••#t NEWS OF CROMARTY a C ..o "This year you have over a million new homes to visit and over two tnillion changes of addreSs!" ..o 4""-• .4401 0 a • (St E4111 Kt ENTERTAINMENT: NEW YEAR'S EVE - Russ and 'Dorothy in the Ladies' and Escorts' Beverage Rooms — No Cover — No Minimum — ALSO NEW. YEAR'S DAY Providing Song and Laughter ELGIN FISHER and Sons with Audrey Kerr at the piano •1' • TRY OUR TASTY CHICKEN WINGS FOR A SNACK — AMPLE FREE PARKING — THE MANAGEMENT would like to wish everyone A HAPPY CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth -r4 lwk04 ,f0 S * * • • Sit. 25 Sun. 26 Mon.27 It's Charlie... Me webfoot wonder with Me 24 Wet Weer.), Own plbdUCtieflf wean Correspondent Mrs. Ken McKellar LADIES' AID MEET The December meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Cromarty church was held at the home of Mrs. Mervin Dow with a good attend- ance. Each member was accom- panied with a guest and pro- vided a gift for an exchange of gifts.' Mrs. James Miller pre- sided and the meeting opened with Christmas carol singing. Mrs. Charles Douglas and Mrs. T, L. Scott led in devotions and Mrs. Douglas gave two readings. During the business period it was decided to have a party in the church basement early in the New Year. This being the annual meet- ing Mrs. Robert Laing presided for the election of officers for the coming year as follows: President, Mrs. James Miller; Vice-President, Mrs. John Mil- ler; Secretary, Mrs. John Tern- , pleman; Treasurer, Mrs. Eldon Allen; Work Committee, Mrs. T. L. Scott, and Mrs. James Miller; Mrs. Grace Scott; Mir2 FRESH KILLED CAPONS DUCKS and GEESE Available' • STORE WILL REMAIN CLOSED BOXING. DAY, DEC. ,27th Olive Speare; Mrs. Laurie Mc- Kellar; Mrs. Mervin Dow. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Tasty refreshments,with , Mrs. James Miller and Mrs. Gerald Carey assisting the host-„, ess. Mr. Otto Walker is a pat- ient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. SKIERS MIX GARB While safety officials suggest that skiing and when are dangerous when mixed, fashion experts' disagree.. To-day's skiers and snowmobilers have very comparable apparel needs and tastes. Jackets or sweaters are adequate when lodges and fire- places are close by and ski runs are short, but cross country skiing, long runs in high alti- tudes, and the speed of skiers on steep runs create a need for ultra-warm clothing among the ski crowd. Wan' JONES BencyDUNCAN JoeFUTIN ron9ROBERTS arn 4.clit mean TECHNICOLOR" OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY MATINEE-2 P,M. EVENING-8 P.M. • SUNDAY & MONDAY-8 P.M. WHAT A WAY TO FEATHER YOUR NESTS Walt Disney DAVIE C OPPERFIELZ GODER ICH PHONE 524 7811 •