HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-12-23, Page 15• Mckiilop Sets First Meeting The first meeting in 1972 for McKillop Township Council • will be held at one o'clock on Monday, January 3. This was the date set when the council met in a special ses- Won on Wednesday. Council passed for payment road, accounts of $3,464.28 and general accounts of $57,865.93 The general account includes payment to Huron County of a levy of $55,795.00. 887-6277 BRUSSELS With a little help from our friends ,we've built up a fine patronage. From our hearts . . ."Happy Holidays, Thanks." J. M. McDonald Lumber Ltd. to all this Christmas Season and Joy in every moment. MILTON J. DIETZ LIMITED • • • • • • • • •- — nt • • and in its sp all our frie Long ago, one quiet night, the Message came, f Hope and Peace we send warm Christmas greetings II- to r FROM S R. R. 2, SEAFOR'TH News of Huronview The residents were favoured last Sunday with a religious concert in the afternoon by the Salvation Army Band of Wingham and Goderich and a song service in the evening ,by the Christian Women's Club from the Exeter area. The.' Huronview Orchestra, with Miss Della Peart - piano, Mrs. Mary Taylor - mouth organ, Norman Speir- violin and Jerry Collins-combos, provided the music for Monday's program of old tyme music and dancing. Follow- ing the activities in the auditorium, Mr. Cecil Skinner and Mrs. Thelma King of Exeter joined the orchestra for an hour of music in the T.V. room. The Bayfield Brownies assisted by the Senior Boys Class of Hayfield United Church entertained on Family Night. The Brownies, with the help of their leaders, Carol Penhale, Donnalda Sturgen, Debbie Turner and pianist, Barbara Graham, presented a Christmas pageant, a skit, piano solos, recitations and several carols by the chorus of twenty-seven girls. The boys class puppet show was very popular with the residents, especially the snowball fight with marshmallows. Mrs. Gardiner pre- sented the girls with a candy cane and-thanked all those taking part. The Bayfield Anglican Church ladies served Christmas cookies to the audience following the program._ ,HyRra pcPcpr 1,71,”-15 . 0NUME T WORKS A111 Types of CEMETERY 1411M011,1AIL,S OPEN . ['AMY PRYDE SO 10,20r % WAX Ar • 'CHRIS TMAS ti STORE HOURS OPEN 14quiries ape invited — Tolepbone Nun;berst EXETER' 23540,0 462101 SEAFORTII; Contact W1105:Panda* Or Bill Pinder 52/4382 ^' ,13ni, 5271/50 • 04 t( TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21 — 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.4 ki WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22-9 a.m. to 9 p.m. L. *THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23-9 a.m. to 9 p.m. A tk FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24 — 9 a.m. to 6 CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY' and SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26 OPEN BOXING DAY, 'DECEMBER 27 —9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The BLYTH p.m. kW kfc tik ONTARIO .161 523-4595 Ar. 101 atE 10' :44r ug :ar:AT Phone 527-0847 • An Authorized Associate Hatchery Franchised to Produce Genuine This Holiday Season . . put OXFAM on your gift list! OXFAM THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PEOPLE 97 Eglinton Ave., East Toronto 315, Ontario GLORY BE ! It's. Christmas! OUR THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED GOOD WILL, THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF la Will BLYTH ONTARIO VITAMINS CHOCKS locys — (Sugg. MULTIPLE lows $4.49) 2.49 99' Retail 79' 1.29 94' 1.39 99 4 1.49 89' 89' 99 SAVINGS for YOU at PRICEGARD 'TIL DEC. 31 2 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH TOOTHPASTERS MACLEANS FAMILY SIZE CREST SUPER SIZE MOUTHWASHES LISTERINE 12 oz. SCOPE 17 oz. SHAMPOOS SILVERKRIN 7 °z. BRECK 15 oz PAIN RELIEVERS A NACIN STOMACH REMEDIES FAMILY SIZE BROMO SELTZER COLD REMEDIES DRISTAN SPRAY BABY CARE CURITY NURSER KITS— A NEW ITEM 4 .99 JOHNSONS BABY SHAMPOO 1.09 1,05 ( SECRET SUPER DRY-6 oz. 99' HAIR SPRAY ADORN 7 °2' 1.39 DEODORANTS SUPER DRY ANTI-PERSPERANT-9 oz. RIGHT GUARD BItyA UT`, SOAP — LIMITED QUANTITY YARDLEY3 BAR 1.-29 pAcK4.ea, Chairman William Amos, vice-chairman Elgin Thompson of Tuckersmith and all commit- tee chairmen of the Ausable River Conservation Authority had their terms, o f office extended for another year. Mr. Amos, representative of McGillivray township will serve as chairman for the fourth con- secutive term. Normally the authority chairman serves three years and committees are changed anntillly. John Stephen of Blanshard township speaking for the exec- utive committee gave two reas- ons for extending the terms of office. He said Mr. Amos had rec- ently been named to the provin- cial conservation chairmen's association and should be left to continue in that office. In addition, he explained, it was felt that with nine munic- ipalities from the Bayfield River watershed joining ARCA Jan. 1 it was necessary to have exper- ienced committee chairmen. Representatives from`- Bayfield are to be placed on various committees, but none will be a chairman. A series of regulations for controlling the parks and con- servation areas. of the Authority were approved in draft form. Chairman Amos explained that the development of more recreational and conservation areas by the authority has crea- ted a need for the rules. He Said that up until now the • authority had no specific reg- ulations applying to areas under its control. The regulations, which now go to the province's conservation branch and eventually to the cabinet for approval, will pro- hibit hunting (except by permit), use of, fireworks, and the re- moval of fossils or any other object from a conservation area for any commercial purpose." Mr. Amos explained that the ban on fossil removal was in- tended to protect the Rock Glen fossil beds from being collected by people who use them to make key chains and other tourist items. It will not prevent a•visi- tor or fossil hunter taking sam- ples, he said. No motor boats are to be permitted in the Morrison Dam or Parkhill conservation areas. Horseback riders will also be banned unless they have permits from the secretary-treasurer. Similarly dogs, cats and other, pets must be kept under restraint. In order to avoid planned or impromptu rock concerts and other such gatherings, one sec- tion says that no person may conduct a public meeting or per- form any act that will cause people to congregate in a con- servation area. The ARCA has jurisdiction over two parks in the Exeter area, Riverview and Morrison Dam, the Parkhill Dam and ad-! jacent camping and adjacent conservation area, Rock Glen park at Arkona, the Thedford conservation area and a section at Port Franks, the 2,000-acre Hay Swamp reforestation area, and 'the Lucan conservation area. A penalty of up to $100 for breaking any of the regulations is proposed. .speed limits are to be 20 mph in the parks and areas. Camping is to be restricted to designated areas and banned anywhere else. Snowmobiling will be restric- ted to roadways and certain areas designated. A tentative budget ca$342,600 for 1972 was proposed. If this figure is approved at the next meeting in February it would mean an increase of more than $95,000 over this year's expenditures. Part of the increase would be caused by the larger authority to be formed January 1 when nine municipalities of the Bayfield River watershed area join. The new group will be known as the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority. Included in the capital projects budget of $178,000 is $50,000 desiganted for expansion of office facilities, presently located in the' Riverview park area at Exeter. Authority secretary Mrs. Lila Hume said this week that nothing definite has been planned on chan- ges in office facilities. "The building committee is currently looking into several alternatives. We could add to the building here, buy an exist- ing building somewhere or con- struct new facilities," added Mrs. Hume. The secretary explained that with nine new members on the Authority come January 1, a larger room needed for board meetings. Also included in the capital budget is $10,000 Per conserva- tion land purchase. The Authority Correspondent Miss Mary McElwain We would like to wish Kevin Jewitt a very speedy recovery. He is a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London, following a car accideit on Friday, Dec. 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook of Sarnia visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and Kerri. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Sharon and Bob visited on Satur- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Hunter of Col- borne Township. Margie and Bill Whyte of Guelph are spending the Christ- mas holidays with their mother, Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Tom and Mr. Harold Whyte. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bettles, Pamela and Michael of Seaforth were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Medd of Blyth spent Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and Kerri. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson, John and Elizabeth, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Law- son of Clinton, when they held Christmas for the family. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszca- tor, Dianne and Nancy, held their Christmas celebration for the family on Sunday with those at- tending. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presz- cator, Billy and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. David Preszcator, Christ- now has an option to buy about eight 'acres of land directly west of the Morrison Dam property from Robert Frayne. A request' has been made for the proper land severance. Further devblopment of the Parkhill conservation area is planned for capital cost pro- jects in 1972 at a proposed cost of $30,000. Continuation of a Port Franks study is expected to cost another $35,000 and $13,000 has been earmarked for mapping and anticipated projects in the Bayfield area. tne, Lisa and Christopher, Miss Linda Preszcaior of Clinton, Mr. Larry Dillon of Seaforth and Mr. Lawrence Hill of Crediton, Mrs. Hill is spending a few days at the preszcator home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley spent Sunda y with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley of Clinton. Ricki Thompson spent Fri- day with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Craig of Staffa. Paul Buchanan and Jeff Shad- dick returned home the past Thursday from their trip to Spain and Switzerland. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson and Ricki spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art McMichael, Rhonda, Jeff and Scott of Goderich. TERM INSURANCE on the BEST of TERMS ROY L. HANNON Occidental Life PHONE 345.2274 NEWS OF "N• CONSTANCE Ausable River Authority Extends Terms Of Officers "QUAKER STATE" SNOW:MILE OIL BIG SAVING BY CASE LOTS We have all you really need. — Gerald's Datsun 22 Goderich St. — Formerly Miller's Garage •