HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-24, Page 2inAani CID c$
1~ ►l[)A`t", JULY "�,1. 1891.
DI7 011,IAlc NOUS.
Tine Protectionist teolioy of our
Government has enabled, Anlell.r
nainefaeturers to seeure.a monopoly
of some liars of manufactures in Can- i lady who ventures into his immediate
afka, thus in ant making Canadian vicinity ; and if he can manage to
coneimans contribatora of subsidies to 1 crass aroghn without Wetting up most
foreign manufacturers. The latest of the rugs, and tripping over a otto'•
man or a hassock he may consider
himself fortunate,
The tidies will leave the chair -beeps
to cling tolls back ; and, then, when
somebody suppresses a giggle, be will
feel as hot as a burned potato, and
regret that he was ever born.
He has the unhappy futility of sitting
down on pet Mittens, reposing in feline
placidity on chair cushions, and he
steps on dogs tails, and upsets car&
receivers, and • drops photograph al-
bums, and breaks Sevres knickknacks,
and gets into a mess generally.
When some lady friend asks him to
button her glove, or, put her shawl
over her shoulders, he will flush to
the roots of his hair, and seize thea
glove in such frantic haste that the.
bottom -hole will tear • out, and the,
button pull off ; and the lady, though'
she says it is of the slightest conse-
quence, will be load enough to box
his ears soundly. And lfe will wish
the eaeth would open and swallow him
Beet dinner,though a man of the very
best intention, he will invariably spill
the gravy,and deluge his potatoes with
pudding sauce, rind drop his knife in.
soifie lady's lap among her silk
flounces ; and he is liable to pocket
his napkin, and produce it in the draw-
ing -room in the place of a handker-
chief. '
Nothing so completely upsets him
as to be obliged to introduce somebody
to somebody else. Ile will call the
lady Miss Captain Brown, and the
gentleman Mr Maria Smith, ,and,
then discovering' his mistake, will re-
verse the order of things, and beg to
be allowed to present Miss Maria
Brown to Mr Captain Smith. ,
The bashful man is at an utter loss
to' know what to do with his 'hands
and feet. ,They are continually in his
way, acid their prbper disposal is aper-
etual puzzle to him.
He will sit and compare his two
tbttnbs, and put bis two forefingers
together—as if noi; quite `Sure that
they are elates ; and his feet are open
to the same scrutiny.
lie is laughed at, as we said, by
everybody, and he knows it, and is
miserable. But after all, in this age
of check (pardon the slang), it is re-
freshing to meet occasionally a bashful
man, --Kate Thorne Papers.
radieai cure.
A bashful man is forever iia the
way. of somebody. He cannot walk
the street without running against
every fifth person he meets. Ile will
be so anxious to get bat of the way
that be will dodge the same way the
other man is dodging, and the result
will be W collision,
He will tread on the dress of every
instance of this kind reported is the
purchase of all the cordage works in
Canada by. an American Company.
This Cauipar.y will be able to charge 1
Canadian consmners all the protective
peril! will azllow, and the profit of the
businesswill be spent in the United
States, Protection results ihi mono -
ply; or it would not protect, and the
monopolist lives by what he is enabled
ley protective tariffs to extort from the
people. .The farmers of Canada, who
pay high prices for binding twine, will
have the comfort of reflecting that
they .are .codtributin to the wealth of
Araerioa,ti capitalists..
Tau Ontario Court Appeals have
affirmed the right of a.Liquor License
Inspector to enter licensed preeeises
at any time without his stating any
'reason. for his wishing to • enter, and
having upheld a conviction of a hotel -
keeper for refusing to admit the license
inspector to his premises, where he
carried on•busiuess as a license hotel"
A GREAT multitude of religious
people'of all denominations through-
out the world will learn with regret
that the lifework of the famous Lon-
don preacher, the Rev O Id Spurgeon,
is over and that his death within a
few days is considered inevitable by
his physicians. Mr Spurgeon's sere
mons gained such an immense poptls
laxity while he was still young that
many middle-aged people, who in their
childhood .became acquainted with
The lawyer without answer cantina.
ed : And seeing the blain on fire the
farmer seized a pail of water .and ran
to put it out,
Dill lie put it out l said auother.
As he passed inside, the door slitit
to and the barn was SQOn ill. RAMOS.
n• • out
When the hired „ill
more water --
Did they all burn up 3 asked auother
The lawyer
Tina old lady camp oat and all was
noise and confusion, and every
body was trying to put ciut the fire.
Diel anybody burn up? said another.
The lawyer said.. There, that will
do, you have all shown great interest
in the story. Blit observing one little
bright eyed fellow in deep silence, he
said : •
Now, lnealittle man, what have you
to say
The little fellow blushed,
easy and I ammered out :
I want to know what became of the
squirrel ; that's what I want to know,
You'll do, said the lawyer ; you are
illy man ; you have not been switched
off by a confusion and a barn burning,
and the hired girl and water pails.
You have kept your on the
them, will be surprised to know that
Mr Spurgeon is not an old man,being
only in his fifty-seventh year.
1J1PDEa the amendments to the Assess.
meat Act at the late session of the Legis-
lature, the poll tax in cities, towns and
`villages is reduced from $2 to $1, and
young men in townships, who are not as-,
sessed will hereafter only have one day's
statute labor instead of two. Owners' sous
residing on the farm may be assessed as
joint owners u>tider the Franchise Assess'
meat Act of 1889, instead of as farmers'
sons, and are thus exempt from statute
labor. The act of the late session relieves
tenant farmers' sons, residing at home
from statute labor in the same way.
QUALtrTL*D L+'LtCT011a—•and very few men
over twenty-one are not qualified -should
went on
take immediate steps to have their names
placed on the Dominion voters' lists,whioh
are now being revised. Derain,.all over the Derain,.
ion. 13y a simple declaration as' to his
qualification, macre before a Justice of the
;'sacs, . any elector can have his name
placed on the lists 'without any trouble,
before the first of August next. After that
time the process of registration will be
more difficult, more tedious. and far leas
Certain. •
There is a good deal of guarantee busi-
ness in the store keeping of today. It's
too excessive. Or too reluctant. Half the
time it means nothing. Words— only words,
This offer to refund the money, or to
pay a reward, is made under the hope that
yOt1 Wont want your money back, and
you hou't claim the reward. Of course.
So, whoever is honest in making it, and
works—slot on his own reputation alone,
but through the local dealer, whom you
know, must have something he has faith
in at the back of the guarantee. The busi
rens'wouldn't stand a year 't ithout it.
What is lacking in confidenee. Back of
that, what is lacking is that clear honesty
*Which is above the "average practice."
Dr t'ierce's medicines are guaranteed to
accomplish what they are intended to do,
and their makers give tete money back if
that result isn't apparent.
Doesn't it strike you that a medicine,
of Ontario provide that a person taking
up any stray stock shall give notice cif
such taking up by publishing a at•,ticr
three times in a weekly' nowspancr, if
one is published in the section where
ly ?tbijoe
I•,' E FIRIDA.Y el01t1l'ING,
.the estray was taken up; and it the TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET
paroporty is not called for within tltrt•e.
weeks after the first insertion of tIu
notice, the finder shall go before a
justice of the peace and take oath to
finding and advertising, If the prc''p.'
erey is not claimed within one year
and should net exceed fifty dollars ill
value, it then belongs . to the party
taking the salsa up ; if over fifty dol-
lars it shall be advertised by the juse
tice and sold; and the excess of all ex-
penses shall be paid over to the county
treasurer.. Any person taking up an
estray and negleotiug to causte the
same to ,be advertised and appraised,
shall bo liable to a fine of . twenty
dollars. The estray law applies also
grew un -
"La Grippe"
"La Grippe" or Influenza can be quickly
cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of
Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for
Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup. Colds,
Coughs and ether' diseases of respiratory
system. Wilson's Wild Cherry. has beeu
in use for many years and is highly recom-
mended by all who know its virtues, Sold
by all prominent druggists.
• That Estimable Lady.
Xnoxonian in Canada Presbyterian:
Leaning gently on the arm of a tali
member from one of the Presbyteries
of northern Ontario, the deceased
wife's sister entered the Assembly.
She came in answer to remits that
had, been sent down by Presbyteries
anent her eligibility. The remits 'did
not make it clear whether she was
eligible or not. Dr Gregg, like a gale
.ant Irishman, offered the 'lady his
arm, and proposed to escort her out of
the Assembly: She• declined. On
the last evening of the session ex.
Moderator Laing, so the report says,
moved that the matter should now
take end. Whether a man may even
yet legally marry his deceased wife's
sister is a 'question we dare not
answer. Perhaps he may if the sister
is willing: If not, he must just look
out for somebody else's -sister.
subsoriPttonprice, w1 peryear,iU advaatco
. _ .leo. 1 mo,
Spncc 1,y13p .� Omo 1 1
Ono Cohnnn Soo 00 033 00 i 820 00 1 8(i 00
one Inch -6 00 3 011 2 00 1 00
t10 �� 3G 00 2n se 12 00 a 0o
Qa1f t r ., I •.0 00 1' 00 7 00 1 d 00
Local anti other casual at0ertlscntents, 80, per line
for first insertion, and Sc. per lineforcaclt subsequent
Oe, per line for first insertion, and
Lperl leor notices }
0o,perllnoforouchsubsoquent insertiCr.. No local
notte° will be charged less than OOo,
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed Situations,.
and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 liners *
nonpareil, 81 per month
Houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 linos,
S1The that month, 80e. per etterms will be st ictlyta tibe emonth
d to
‘,Special rates for longer advertisements, or for
longer periods.
AdvortisemCnts without specific directions, will be
inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran.
sitory advertisements must be paid in advance
Changes for contract advertU ements must bei in
the office by Wednesday noon, In order to appear
that week
to any other, personal property which R. E,iLIOTT
Paol iu TrO8 ASO PORiisi=R
Relief for R,heUmatism. !J
This information, said a well lin0Wn JOSEPHINE
physician to me, may save many lived; at
any rate it will prove an invaluable boon to
linty be found in like masher,
aevres,T0 Morulas.—Aro you disturbed at night
and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and
prying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalsul-
umedie Beware
ately11relieve the Depend upblt it em othersoor tl
. there is no
mistake about it, It cures Dysentery anti Diarrhoea,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic,
softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives
tone and.energy to the whole system. " Mas. Win-
slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of•one of
the oldest and best female physicians and nurses n
the United States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout tho world. Price twenty-five cents a
bottle. Be sure and ask for "!tilos. Wrxsi.ow's
&oosome SUM .mil talcs. no other kind
beople suffering from rheumatism in any
shape or form: Rheumatism, as probably
everybody knows, is caused by acidity of
the blood. It should never be neglected•
This remedy as I know by long practice,is
very efficacious, and it is as simple as itt is
Here it ie, he added; When a rheumatic
twinge is experienced, the patient should
proceed to a drug store and buy fifteen or
ts' euty-five cents worth of oil of gaulteria
(pit of wintergreen), put ten drops ua a
lump of sugar, place it in the mouth, per-
mit it to dissolve slowly and swallow it.
This should be repeated at intervals of two
hours until the last yestige of the malady
has disappeared. Li the moautime take a
dose or two of Rochelle salts.
;That, said the physician, is all there is
to it, but if token as I have prescribed, . it
will save suffering humanity many dallars
iii doctor's bills, to say nothing of pains,
aches and swelliuge, No, I charge nothing
foi this advice. itis simply given for the
benefit of maukind.—New York Herald,
The sun climbs up with bt;ruing feet,
The sea is like a, tossing -sheet,
Fire,tringed,where shore and waters meet,
While ou the crest of yonder height
Those tall, dead cedars shine so bright
That each one seems a lance of light.
fierbert'J3ashford iu Overland Monthly.
Water as a Medicine.
The human body is conatantly
undergoing tissue change. Wornout
particles are oast aside and eliminated
The people of the United States and
Canada use three times as much writing
paper as those of any other nation in pro-
portion to their n,l}mber.
Mr Gladstone recently remarked that
the only two young men of his acquaiutanco
who bought and read books were Lord
Roseberry and Iter Balfour,
One of the largest hospitals in the worn
coritaining acoomodations for from 1,000
to 1,500 patients, has bean opened at •C:')u-
stautin ople, Turkey.
It is said that au effort is being made to
purchase, for the world's fair in Chicago,
the house in Salem,iYlass,in which Nathan -
from the system, while the new are Kiel Hawthorne was born.,
ever being formed, from the inception
of life to its close.
Water has the power of increasing
these tissue changes, which multiplies
the waste products, but at the • same
area, 40 acres.
time they are renewed by its agency, The things that promise most success,
Will vanish while we look ;
giving rise to increased appetite,whieh It always is the biggest fish
in turn provides fresh nutriment, That wriggles off the hook.
—Was�lingtou Post.
Persons but little accustomed to drink An exchange says : Miss May Belle
water are liable ,to have the waste
products formed faster than they are •
removed. Any obstruction to the free
working of natural laws at, once pro.
duces disease, which if once firmly
seined, requires both time and money
to cure.
People aecustonaed to rise.in the
morning weak and lauguid will find
the cause in the imperfect secretion
of wastes, which many 'times may
be . remedied by drinking a full
tumbler of water before retiring, This
very ,materially assists in the process
during the nighb,and leaves the tissues
fresh and strong, ready for the active
Work of the day.
VY B. TbiwER, BI,D.C.AI.,
Member College 'Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.°
—Coroner for County of Huron—
Office at "Tug Pn.+Rnincv" Wingham, Ont,
"FIR. J. A. MELDltiltt,
honor Graduate of Toronto University, and
Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Office and Residence -Corner of Centre and Patrick °
streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune.
Wisoumc - - QNr
ABorn Laivyer.
A lwyer advertised for a clefts. The
next morning his office was crowded
with applicants—all bright, many
suitable. Ile bade them wait until
all should arrive ;lend then arranged
them in a row and said he would tell
thein a story, note their comments,
which the makers have so much confidence and judge from that whom he would
in, is the medicine for you2 choose.
leashfiibaess. A certain farmer, began the lawyer,
1?er7body laughs at a bashful lean,
body emus to realize that bashful„
le a misfortune, and 110 more to
Flit criteitied than a bald; .lead, or a
bad cough, oe a squint eye.
A. plan cannot help being bashful. noon, he took his shot -gun and fired
°thing will cure hila of it but time, away ; the first shot set the barn on
el the constant friction of society, fire'•
in some eases nothing will effect, Did the barn burn/ sailed one of the from one of our exchanges : The laws
Private and Company funds to lean at lowest. totes
interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town
and farm property bought and sold.
Otto lirm in Chicago in the cattle busi-
ness did a business amounting to $00,000,
000,1at year, The floor area of their build-
ings amounts to 14 acres; cold storage
OFFICE—Beaver Block wn onsr+t, ONr
Wingham • •Ontario
,t •
ivinYER & DICK1:l,SON,
1-1. W. '0. MEYER Q. 0, 1 t. L. DlCi<INsbN, B. A.
icitors for Bank of Hamilton. Commissioners for
aping affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and
Village property bought and sold. honey (private
funds) loaned on mortgage security at 51 per cent.
Money invested for private persons, upon the best
mortgage securities wittwut any expense to the
lender. Lands for sale in Jlanitoba and the North-
Office—bent's Block, a lliallant.
was trotibled with a red squirrel that
got in through a hole in his barn and
stole his seed corn, lie resolved to
kill the squirrel ae the first opportune
ity. Seeing hien go in at the hole one
Subscribers often drop into our sano-
ttlrtl with notices of estray animals,
and are generally ignorant of the law
on the question. For the benefit of
such we pnblielh the following, clipped
DENTISTRY,- J S.3LI;f+.IE,rl'rsuttntl,
Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates
Vulcanite plates ate: of the bestmaterial
as cheap as tiny tall be got in the
Dominion. Ail work warranted.
Painless extraction of teeth b;. the use of Electric-
ity o t VegRetable. Vapor.
Taltt Norton.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents
OFFICE: in the Beaver illkr.at, opposite the
Brunswick house.
Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S.,
0 Opposite the Queen's MAO, Wingham.
Will visit Corrie 1st and 3rd Mondays
of each inonth.
tya teuait, ORTAau0
sends us a• beautiful little poem which a--
we Have not the space to insert in full, DEAN, ill., wtsanAti,
but which is too good to be lost.. We LICENSED Al CTIONEFR Fol: TUE COUNTY
have condensed it as follows : Sales attended In any part of the Co. Chargee
" Must wait, at gate—honk : 33oderat8,
• Words sweet, gate'soreet--gloatn. •
Long stand, sleaze hand --late.
Words low,wdoli't know --gate.
'Ta to 1' Bo long l -bank;
Beal dark, hides—hark
°dmo out and watch with' what deft f,klll
An Irishman I hire;
And help me sit upon the fence
To watch the ,man perspire, iicnNNRn AOCTIOSRRR roe Vel NItE8 411110N AND
When I was young and foolish, Maude, Ail t;a105 attended to promptly natal "n tileeihorte8t
1 used to do that work; vette°.
And showed big blisters on my hands CitargesModeratoand Satisfactiond+ui,ranteed.
As proudly, as a Turk,. Alt necessary arrangements ..li be grade at the
p Y Tins' Oleo
But now, although my head is bald, n Wixsnxlc tlNT
lt's twenty times as foxy,. -WA
And whin tbo gentle springtime Comer;, BOL'CO'v ,Bi It tetttakas
[ gtlydon it by proxy. p; L. ac D. L etrMMUS ANA t nn, Estionass,
OHN CtJEitil;, WnrcotrAsx, OCT•,
LICBNsI:i) A11CTIolisEii Fon 1In: miner or,
Alt orders left at the Trois e. , . le niptly attend'
id to. Terms reasonable.
Will you,ileed the warning? The signal orders lett at the cnleo „t the 11555 will re.
perhaps of the sure approach of that mere ere cetva prompt attention
terrible disease Consumption. Ask voter•.
salvos if you eau afford for the sake of re t
savng. GOo.,to run the rink and do nettling 1,s e
for it. We know from experience tblOt4(•tlat m re MOMDlvfstoN COURT, Isivrit (ti' MAR• filhitoh tt Our will cure your cough.. 11 RIAvr4 Licstars.
never fails, W NUfIAM ONT.
ril•�utilo, Plow", and Loo
I'M a farmer near flog„ s
Bret Concebsion Line,
.tend when wheat was nigh
' barley eighty»alae,
When buyers'ull take your
ly at your samples look
Well, --I'ct money then to
got my picture took.
Tito feller stood the near a
behind my ear,
And knobs a•sticlsing in my
wink for fear
I'd spile the whole arr
„ breathe I mostly (lass
Then he peeped. beilind a
„smile, pleaso,aticl look
I've got that aoggoned plot)
up in the barn,
Alia many eur'us things s
picter'e helped me lar..
Soon times got dull and w
and baukrupt namely a
Then I turned my coat aur
vote for the N. P.. and
Hogg's Iioller'd be a fr
chimneys by the bun
The hung of work fro
would make the peopl
And wheat would°rise be,
and barley —well, at p
T can't remember all the s
and looked quite pleas
But,the great N. P. don't
and wheat ain't on the
And barley ain't a bloom
scarce a crop that pay
Our member hain't explai
really think he hasn't.
But tells of ruined gam
"smile, please, find lo
We've tax knobs st iek int
forks behind each ear
Everything we sell is ghee
buy ie dear,
Our income 'stead o' grow
ting lessened—
But walleye gotto grin arh
please, and look pleas
--Bob Cr,
The Sheep Ire.
,There is good room
the further expansion C
dustry. Not One fa
compared with some y
sheep, and no clonbt
partly to the low eerie
those farmers who b
plaining • should ret.le
lustre wools have beet
time; Some thirteen L`
ions changed and d
lustre dress goods bus
our combing wool was
there is every reason to
the near future talose
into favor again, ,and
be a better demand f
goods at a higher figar,
of the wool, sheep pay
other animal for the
The wool at the most it
.seventh ororie-eighth o
-duct of the animal, s�
flesh is the most inipo
pecially when mutton i
the present,price, ant
reason to doubt tllltt r
'at our commanel in On
remain firm. We haw
our baw, so to speak,
increasing home den
good markets both in
and the United States
. farmer who gets lam
class, who takes ca
feeds properly through
ship them to Englan
. "will stand him $9 api
no reason why a hien
England,cannot lie carr
Let us occupy the An
..too, and make the be
can prepare one lot to
and another, in the spi
The Americans will t
that are fat and stron
what kind ; but . t
. the Old Country
lar about getting lit
faces and with. black
well fatted. • It seem
.night grow to enoruh
If every farmer in Ont
' 6 lambs for the Englis
would be 1,200,000 la
bring nine times that
$10,000,000 of Brit;
than. has been obtaine
port of'olheese from the
An era physician, retired;,fr
had placed in his hands by an
the formula of a simple regret
ape oily trhdpermanent care of
chins, Catarrh, Astunia and
Affections, also apositive a
Nervous Debility and alt Nati
having tested ftp wonderful
thousands of eases, he has fel
known to his sneering fellow
nm oth re and a desire to seller
w 11I sena Stec of Hance, to c
r (ripe, in t crman, Frrneh
diroetione for prep:arin;g and t
ddres4na, ivitii stamp, mum
Neves. Sid "c vers Block Itoc