HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-24, Page 1leve comae to the conclusion ."•�' visa for ore to stay that it's tit this in view I ave taken as work, J' E Riscaoks, who will menage rainesa fn futur tyle of Orr & Ili irvEFtY owe 84R&Y, tai [though I ant 'not going to be soto in the'store myself I feel satisfied o it in his bands because I RNow ma, .and I know Mitt is a better tan T ane. You see, lie' is going to e work and 'I ain just going to Y and see fair play; Inot close this MY last "sae so" thanking ray friends for the way, ve stied by me, for they certain - done. aroma— and . I think 1 ean them,with new blood. introduced, iter service and better satisfac- Yours faithfully, RG13'T ORR, LOCAL NEWS potatoes, now -cabbage at the `rant. Jas. McKean% blic Sabo enders for Set to the r,- be? • Wiugha "•-Mr A Rrisbois, su NI ilra L. .. IO 014 ,. ULY ,?,4, 1891:. 's civic i,oTiday The latest oburon fair wrinkle y a e ere is aery lurt• ese, has arrived Ii —Full tines of eeefeeueuery at rite Star restaurant,. —Notice is given,iu '�, Mc.I1 sLvs>a, the fust coelia ofanother column of List. g the ' urnberry Voters' ^-The annual pin o « em- ployeesthe evil] be held in Strr f tford G T R rd ta•marrow• eessor to n - alai au a sl role, 11Ir Jos -Work on the f n town. Bank of uudatibn of life new f Hamilton ildin along vividly.€, is being pushed Saturday. a under the name —Zoos() ,to Bent —Situated Street, aext to Si Parso on Joke n2ethodiseP oath, con. ns seven rooms,. $4 per month, Ronx, ply MoLveo0. --The fall shoat/ of Teas Wawanoah Ag; rioultural Societyan will` b held at Bolgrave 1801, on Tuesday d Wednes ay, Oct 6 alae 7, —Ur T Pealiain, th ologioal student, of Atwood, will conduct he services meths Methodist church on S day neer, absence of Rev -Ur Se erY, wile goes the Hinburn. s to I Hoard are sever. - certain repairs and iblio school. sting of a Direbtors of the Agrioult rel Sooiety will be (nday, A. last 1st, to make ars, for the f 11 show. he Ecl pse'resteurant for re - and temperance drinks. T. 0, Snanrru*t:: [lding co [gham, ar if their pr Bks will b mittee of St Paul's asking tenders for posed new ohurch in received up till the 11a,nrch , abbath School held 41u1 pi _ in Tarolyu's grove, t• Swin s, refreshments, &c, , and tit littie fours enjoyed their he rear content. rl offices of Minerva Ens ale, I 0 0 P, for the present ainpri , C P ; Jae Hunt,, S HP Jae. idorton„TIV; S ; y P ldrookenshire, T. Georgian Baty Shingles ale, cheap, at McLean & Wing yarn. Mira three grand haryest e No th•west, on August ean September 1st. This fete visitors au excellent •isit that part of the noun' ea, Its best. toss' book store and s0e facie..• Sole agent since torn. /I,a has disposed of his tford Beacon to Mr J Bce 2'desropo,Waikeeree, to Beacon will in future ler the firth name of is. or 'Toronto and east a m and 11,10 ant. , and at 6.45 a m Tinton and Guelph. all trains. if h much Brest to the has beer; settled in teotgab, when he, he executions planed in hands, if partly in, ce of an assignment liters. ,manager eloekileeds repairing, Winfitiam, his y S, watchmaker and ,strata, 4,158; dt postdate. son of Harnblete of first nuknber malty ikionthiy," tt pa, Mr A t ety. tor, The volume 1 written articles o Ootfegians,as well —The afueicapal Ao isnow's° amended as to make reuuicipali les to regulate the construction and wi th of stairways is churches, theatres, an halls warehouses, hotels. b rdiu n i Ioagfactoginsin houses. g and --The thirty -drat nnual report, of the Canadian Prams Asso iation has been res ceiyed. It is neatly dated, and contains the constitution, bye awe, anda list of the members of the asap iation; as 'well as a buyere' directory, --cigars and Ice Cream at the Eclipse restaurant. Also, of ai1 Finds. so, conT, 0. S>xaitL —`The Canadian Pao' moo' ..the Trans r' a little vote New Highway to the Or a lot of information travellers. —According to the certified by R L Taylor' expenses of Dr W Dominion election were as follows : Printieg, %?2 general expenses and se, rooms, .$64.13; telegr: personal expenses of ca{ —New omatoes, AteHelviets Star restaurant.as peaches, at` —The annual Sabbat railway senor e entitled "Tile • which gives • tourists and official statement, agent, ;the election olmes at the last 6816,26,)made up 1.75 ; livery, $127 ; ices at Committee hing, 4ec, $18.41; 1 didate, $80. to Goderinii will take School excursion dace on Tuescle ham at 81111. The fret, will leave Wing, at 1O•de• ain, and , mire at Goderioh at 1045. Betgivingg 11 leave Glodeehakt ai 7,80, ne rly Eine hours at 'Whe coniine, ions steamer City of Wjndsot has been e gaged to run exe oursioa tripe on the la during the day. --Miss Susie Petty sen and: stater left for Manitoba. oh Se rday last. They went by bora from +c ineardine, There were a number of, y, ung people at the 'station to see them o,; and some of the young ladies acoomp, Died them as far as Eincardine. air Geo P tt on Saturday, taking • ' e ire o else left settlers' effects. b ith hint a oar Load of and Northern a fects. cut 'ent by Greed Trunk piece and several t embers op th Mrs Petty.m havineepreceded hi,. r family -'-Zubkuow rend 'l: D Bamilton,..'V 5, has gold'tat W p+ Delia ge, of '�Vingham, for ,Br K i,li, of 'Wars: , Wis, his two ililies Saranac, 4,158: darn{ by Ridge-. 111858, by ysbyro rd,'awbeltouircn, a It > tdamilto received, $400 for them. They are a clue p: it and with others will be shipped to Wi :consiu fore stock farm, Mr Delmage has : leo bought from Mr B yV3ilsorr of the Hank of Hamilton, arlfug fitly sired by Sar,, by Ridgewood, 10858, fan, 10, for $140- [oring and °heap Webster k4 Co, rR'y twodoors north green Boss' boot% b` tt'e bank, tie Mouth. hires and Dairy t which 1 a , —The pienie ,; Wednesday,' un of Rope,Lodgti anile proved s, de - 1teptbney ail aft her enjoyed bone ,leaving :1 di•Jtreal of the Greed Mo, was autl.poiet Id in- Willsou's bush, on. the auspieee of Anebor G T,was well attended cleti etletteittle Omega were moot, and a laieat Dena. if on tint rivet% eeveral kiudly placed at the alae ten -days • alvation Army camp ti coinrnen ed in Johnston's grove on Thursday. --Mayor Clegg a d Reeve M at Goderich ou olieuyie were funeral of t " ondaY, attending the he late ounty Clerk Adamson. —Air JV' Droll returned from Manitoba on Tuesday evenii g. He ryasas far as Brandon, Me1it , &c, and says west are looking rn gni s v the crops t� g cont: dNrr n, wo Coat Pants and V sts hand, Makers t and one wanted at once, BAL ANrTNFi, Atwood, Ont. Mr John A M ean, through Mr ouhill's real este% agency, has disposed of lot 21, Edward s teat west to Stewart, at a, fair .ice, ]!Zr Jas —.All kinds of i Trashing drinks at the . The fountain . Star restaurantis in full •las, .Mone vxx, —Mr Oliver'Gilo rist, of the firm of Gilehrfst, Greene o beaut- iful handmade diol g tab table shipped sa in Caithnesshire, S ti nd ' a ,lately. As will be seen another column advehtYsement, in. TJ ' Mr obt Orr has taken r $ Hisoocksin o partnership with him, and after the 1st business will be carr• s of r theust nath me d on under the of. Orr � e & •Hisoocks) e wish the new firm abundea success. —An excbanye sa lawyers and busines away enleying Hawse belled ' to remainat awake at night tr ing castcollecting qutatandino revise ways of is g mounts. The de: e•eoileoti ng,well s': 'Wile teachers, men and others are ves,editore aro coir- theirpost, and lie 'ming quite easy,but t that's another matter. Wr i:a p C.ONLiitoATroNAL ClitrltCH, Ser- vices each S oda Watson, . in. Pastor. Ser- Sabbath Sehool at close of Morning B' Ser- vice. Weyer Meeting every Wednesday at 7.30. p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel- come, Morniuos enact next Sabbath, Witnesses." g people, won- derful tree. Evening A will preach, The pastorwill oecupy�the pulp of •Baptist churc.. "Mr S Garbutt was lb Igin, at Toronto, on. Sat several residents of :'S Swore that Garbutt wa cashed a draft ata bank. last, he then going by the: The Judge decided that a been made out and that have to go to Texas foi%tri stand that there are a nu who are prepared to swear• ryas here. at the time sta draft was cashed in x'ex Garbutt intimated to the would apply for a writ of An account of the trial, fr Mao will be found u ane -aWe' •are pleased to energy and ability of School principal, W niakug: themselves appa assistant in tate Ryerson.. „. ports—St Ste Maris, Port „art died to the chair, awl are the moot invigerating,and Addresses delivered by 1* huh Du fresh water,threugh u, Looknow; Water*, of Wile tag lake and river a fore Judge Dior. rday lest, and stolen, Texas, the man who ere, lu March ame of Huntley.. !ear case bad We under. er in town that Garbutt ed when the . Counsellor Court that he abeas corpus. the Toroato er column. note that the roves, are etill sot Ire is 1st or fifth class, ere foiannuai pile of the Ave e city twelve was two years late institetee seholatehl • io order of' the wieners &delis well, surprised ; te :fro the &wet the izetpetztos vox, lake ur, Duluth, These trips njo.yable to some of the ry Ina the Georgian Bay ports ha doing so. The Sarnia Aleoa,rob (new) and Dui both rated at the highest and strength and are the equipped steamers ou the as petAiste fro le tee die e on arrival of train laiiviog agliana at 1.1.1,0`a na. an Wednesday . and Saturdays. See G T aarent for all informatlon, stateroom re- servation , eta Val0 0„ i 020 tie the option of lady will bernueb Eine Steamers, of trioxide who th ted Empire, are tion, had end clues for safety but at no most comfortably so much no' lakes. Sailiog where tone p beve parted w' sister forever, the Winglia and was eats Entrance lax atiens, • The following era the marks made by the pupils of the Wing aria Public School at the recent Entrencr Examination. To pass it was necessery to obtain 382 marks on the aggregitte,ana esides thia one third of the roarke ass' bed to eaoh subject, Those pupils who Me the aggreg4e and as soon as their apers go ta Toronto the central oonamittee '11 pass them; Bella jobost Those marked thus * are roc untended. ntlitfget77-icit/s. Au in tares oo' nesday morning, wh-en Nis daughter of ?Jr J Honaut and T Edgar Bovilesa Beetles, of Orangeville, of the churcen tieing the The bride, dressed in a whit dress tritianaecl with silk la blossotns, entered the chin prefusely decorated for t o'clock howling on the ar who gave her away. Miss the weddite match. Th Miss BeWlea, sister of Miss Shaver, of Toronto assisted. by TievB A Woodbriclge,and Mr Wm of the bride. A,fter the performed the wedding p the bride's fethet where most delightful ejeurtaer was partaken . The newly wedded couple left by t (3'3.20 p na train for London,Toronto and a trip down the St Lawrence tiller, takiu in sorne of the most popular reeorte Quebec). :after the 'in Orangeville, wher Mr Bowles is due honeymoon, Mr aocli rs Bowles will settle brother Amos town, The latide w 11 be much. mietted Somers and W Winghare by her anyfriends,with Whom irls. Visit she was very perm ar. prbeents were trio l'emPornra both costly and tumorous, inoieclibg a. anti family, of 'gala brooch by , groom, a silver cake tailor, will lea, wee crowed w from Biyth, other placee. 1 circles was burch, Wed - Bose, eldest. of this town, sou of Sheriff re joined in BA, pastor corded si and orange b, which was occasion, et 11 of her father, Beizooids played brit:Isolable *ere he groom, and ;Kisses Plag The groOtu was Cleveland, aritOna3 A, of Onauth, brother brother's, NI road..Mr an missed by a, large airele axed herself to them place will she be Bed as at the home rents , and kind brothers loving daugater and Tbe funeral took place to cemetery on Wednesday ded bract large number of nds and relatives. Personalsa artahters,at Vast Tawas, ble.. Alt Thos gen visiting her of Boissevain, Mani Taa,was in town thiS renewing acqual taeces. He reports magnificent prospect of a bountiful orop an the west this ear. aMtss Norma the week- Mrs E 0 larks and Edith left on Saturday last or a three weeks visit to friends in. Po t Elgin Tara and Southampton - Miss Effie Veraeggen, of arr Sawa) °err, real oed to her home on Saturday last, er a short visit -Mr arid Mrs John Str lid left for a trip to Manitoba, on Sat eday last. They will near Deloraine an. expect to return to return to laaing,h +m in the course Oa Miss Banns Welch, o ListoWel, are visiting in town, the g st8 ,of Mrs R. Elliott.. Mrs James Am , of Listowel, spent a day With' friettcl in ftowia, this week, .,Mr Smith, sort of ill' W ..1' Sznith, 131 a e, droppocl in on is illoriday.„ He *is teaching near llama • , and is spend- ing some of his holicla s under the par - entail roof -Mee De ies, of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest of rsjoseph tradwin. Mrs Degries is a si ter of Mrs Brad- frieridehips in town. Ile has been en- gaged on the Statfoi Beacon for some time past; .Mrs S Gra ey returned oa Sat- urday last from a t ree vreeks visit to friends in Ottaava, ananoque and other eastern places.. Ur Andrews, of Kincar- dine, is visitiug at 111r jos 13raciwin•s, . paid the Truzs a isit on Monday last, Mr Palconer wa on a visit toil* relations who reside near Lucknow. Aft and Mrs dived in List wel ..Mr W 1r Lloyd has retureed from. a is visit to Michigan. - 0 io, are visiting at their d iss Hannah Jeffrey of ceremony was Virden, Mani at Irir Amos T of the Wingh his holidays vi and that sooti is in Ve nd tob , re at present visiting ip ing's..Mr AR Cameron, an post office, is speeding on, Suudayed with. his Irwin,of Blyth, aware - good ladies, paid Wing- ledneeday, and attended picnic,. • Mrs R13 Jeffrey, ling's.. Mr Thos Leslie, next Wedneeder oft a Loodon,ia in, town visit- s Young, of tlyth,were town oh Wednesday,. of Cheeky, and Mrs may, are the gnesto of Aft Chas Robortsong' Mr Thos Robertson, of , are visiting lit the rieoclo, Rev and Mhz is visiting. friends in le Soole returned to forth -on Wednesday, aszt*r Lloyd Sills.. IO'r be Trams joint with the many friends f the uewly mattleti couple It ie out p ehroniele the Thenison, clang son, which lad last, Mee Thon grippe about ei from covered ham, the Xs effeets She w g for in iodise al duty this week to ter of lqt George Thom - vent took pito* at her e, Zetlatid, eti Monde vieitiog friend Miss Williams Barchard, of 1V1te lobo Neel Glasgow, Soot Itouso of the Watisen, Whig) liana Of Stratfo his, home in after a visit to accompanied by son was taken with la Loncleeboro, hteen mouths ago arid Well known lu Wing*: urobe • oo