HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-12-16, Page 5Brownies. And Guides Fly Up Kroehler Chesterfield Suites, Rockers, Swiv- ell Rockers, Recliners and Occasional Chairs Lamp and Cocktail Tables and Bedroom Suites. Tfi .liPRON R §OPPRTK:PNT, Suits For Men, Women And Children Children's Sin 2 to 3X, 4 to 6X and 8 to 14 • 4 • Obituaries I MRS. ROBERT CAMERON - That a donation of $25. be given to war Memorial Hospital for sick children.. - .That Garry Davis be sent a letter.for `his files regarding a zoning by-law. - That the ,Kinsmen Club of Cornwall Licence No. 17171 be allowed to sell lottery tickets in Hensall. - That tenders for snow re- moval be held over until next meeting. Building permits were issued to the Bank of Montreal to reno- vate the porch on their residence, to Ron Beaten for renovations, to Hyde Bros. to build a •combine shed, to Tom Chuter to build three houses and to W. G. Thomp- son to build an addition to the fertilizer building. Accounts amounting to $60,353.44 were paid; of this Huron County leevy was $25,636. Huron County hoard of Education was $28,383.40 and the.Separate School $324.15, Roofing at the, Arena $393. B. Beaton accompanied at the piano by Mrs. M. Sherritt, after which the Hensall 4-H Club dem - onstrated gourmet dishes featur- W.I. Notes Joanne Luxton. An interesting presentation and display was given by the following - Tracey Turner on Scotland, Patti Van Wiera n on Holland, Flora Nabrotzky of Clinton on Germany and Marg- aret and Mrs. Couper. on New Zealand. The girls put a lot of work and effort into their talks to make them more informative and interesting, and also showed artifacts from these countries. Christmas carols were sung in Dutch, German and French,. The lunch featured foods, from these countries and was e joyed. by a large attendance of me hers, Brownies and Guides. here will . be no Brownies or Guides meetings until January. The Christmas meeting of Hensall U.C.W. was held in the Hensall Women's Institute beautifully decorated sanctuary held their Christmas meeting of the Church. Mrs. Earl Rowe, in the Legion Hall with Presi- the President, read a poem and dent Mrs. J. McAllister in the Scripture from Luke. Others chair. After welcoming theWitaking part were Mrs. Stewart guests Mrs. Mc-Allister gave a Blackwell who told a Christmas report on the distript directors story and Mrs.-James MeAllis- meeting. Members may write a ter who read an article called report of someone they consider "Christmas - the season of al- to be a local personality, to be entered into the Tweedsmuir Book. In charge of setting up the ing dairy products. Taking part were Alma Oud and Willy Blom. Mrs. Ted Oud gave highlights of Christmas in Holland, then everyone told of their most amus- ing or memorable Christmas, after which a few poems were read. The January meeting will start with a tour through Boise Cascade trailer plant and mem- bers will meet at the Legion Hall by. 8:15 to arrange transportation. Programme conveners were Mrs. C. Reid and Mrs. J. Mc- Allister. Hostesses were Mrs. B. 'Beaton and Mrs. P. Koehler. Hensel United Church will have the Christmas service on December 19„with service in the morning at 11 a.m. and in the evening at 7:30 p.m, when a Christmas contata will be pre- sented by the Senior. and Junior Choirs. December 24, at '7:30 p.m. there will be Christmas Eve Communion and December 26 ha's been announced as a Family Worship Sunday as Sunday School has been withdrawn. firmation'', and' Mrs. Robert Cook who asked the. question "What means this Glory?" Five Brownies, Linda Lent- CHRISTMAS MEETING HENSALL U.C.W. CHURCH NOTES S LAMPS Table Lamps in pairs and single, Trilights, Pole Lamps, Sway Lamps, Boudoir Lainps, Picture Lamps. MIRRORS, PICTURES, PLAQUES, Councillors Hear Report On le Aux Sable River Program Fair List for 1972, are Mrs. R.M. ing, Debbie Venner, Karen Vol-Peck,' Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs. E. land, Shelley Wareing and Bar- Riley and Mrs. H. Cbrbett.bare McCurdy, .favoured every- Carol singing was led by Mrs.'& one by singing songs they had learned 'in Brownies and were led by Mrs. Eric Luther with Mrs. Cecil Pepper at the piano. Many Christmas carols were sung with Miss Greta Lb.mmie accompaning on the organ. Mrs. Rowe closed withprayer after which everyone journeyed to the Fellowship Hall for the rest 'of the meeting. Mrs. Rowe presided for the pusiness. Mrs. Walter Spencer gave a final year end treasurer's report. Mrs. Robert Cook thanked Mrs. Rowe for serving her year's term as President, and Mrs. Howard Scene, on behalf of all the units, presented her with a poinsettia? Mis ,„„Rowe thanked)) everyone who helped her throuili the year. kachemade a little Christmas favor to go on the trays at the Queensway Nursing Home for their- Christmas dinner. International night with Brownies dressed in gay costumes to represent people from other lands, highlighted the Brownie and Guide Fly-up in the Hensall United Church re- cently. Linda Lenting repre- sented the Netherlands, Lori Lovell - Trinidad, Barbara Mc- Curdy - Japan, Debbie Venner- Ceylon. Prior to the Fly-up, Mexico and Shelley Wareing - the girls were presented with Golden Bars and Wings by the District Commissioner, Mrs. H. McCreath. Each Brownie des- ceibed a Christmas custom of a country, then joined silver links forming a circle of friendship for Brownies around the world. Julie Mock, Brenda Camp- bell, Alma Archer, Dorna Williams, Kim Stewart, Vicki Baker, Janet Bilke and Melissa Veal were enrolled into the Guide Company by the Cemmis- stoner. Girls receiving interest badges were as follows - Back- MYRTLE M. PEART Yard camper - Lisa GTadding, Gall Travers, Cheryl Fuss, Aileen Klungel, Barbara Cooper, Tracey Turner, Nancy McCurdy, Dale Simmons, Margaret Couper and Brenda Pepper.. Backyard peek - Lisa Gladding, Margaret Cowper and Tradey Turner. Col- lectors and Swimmers - Tracey Turner. Laundress and Pioneer- Joanne Luxton. Fire Brigade - Dale Simmons, Nancy McCurdy, Joanne Luxton, MargaretCooper, Cheryl Fuss, Tracey Turner, Brenda Pepper, Melissa Veal, Lisa Gladding and Barbara Cooper Little House Emblem - Baker reported drains that had been giving trouble were working now. Councillor Neilands re- ported for the Property ar ttee and said G. Postill 'idonee satisfactory work at the ,durrrp.costing $50 .for domes- tic, $50. for Boise Cascade and $212.50 for the Mills. Councillor Knight reported on a Mutual Aid meeting he had attended and that the fire mar- shall's ,office is advocating a radio system of communication. He felt that small places could not afford the expense involved, and that such an arrangement should be handled from County Council and each municipality would pay its share in the County Le y. Clerk "Earl Campbell read respondence dealing with sing homes being paid $1.1. per day; retention of 5% when a lot is divided; and from Charles MacNaughton, M.P.P. regarding provincial assistance to install sewerage in Hensall. Motions adopted by council included - that Hensali is agreeable to pay the Board of Education twice a year on June 30 and Dec. 15. • 45% GIFTS Evali NEWS OF NIPPEN correspondent • MrS.Rena Caldwell The DeCember meeting of Kippen U.C.W. was held on Thursday evening amidst a set- ting of Christmas decorations and light d tree. The theme of the worship, in charge of Mrs. Laird Finlayson was, "Love is God's Free Gift". She said we yearn to share ourselves with another person, to enter into real communion with some- one who understands and accepts us. Hope is such a small word, yet giant size which cannot really' be explained but must be exper- ienced. Christmas carols were sung throughout the worship ser- • vice. The in-coming President, Mrs. W. J. F. Bell had charge of the 'business part of the meet- ing. The minutes and reports were read and approved. It was decided to hOld meetings on the fourth Wednesday of the month with the mteeption of the Christ- mas meeting. The allocation is to ernain the same for the com- ing year. Mrs. Bell read a poem . A medley of Christmas music was sung directed by Mrs. David Cooper. A humorous but very mean- ingful skit was enacted by Mrs. Edison MeLean, Mrs. John A. Cooper, Mrs. Wilfred Mellis, Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs. David Turner - "Neighbours" ending with Joy to the World sung by all. Mrs. McLean then read a true story in 'the Dec- ember issue of Readers' Dig- est written by Harry Boyle of a Christmas when he was a boy. . Mrs. Robert Elgie read the slate of officers for the coming year. Numbers were drawn for a gift, Mrs; Keith Lovell being, the lucky winner. Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Lovell gave courtesy, remarks, the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Lunch was served. Officers for 1972 - Honor- ary President - Mrs. Robert Elgie; President - Mrs. W. J. News of Hensall Mr. and "Mrs. Robert Mickle, London and Charles Mickle, Hamilton, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle,Hen- sall. UCW Meets ' The Christmas meeting of the ChiSelhurst U.C.W. was held at the United Church Manse. Mrs. Russel Brock,, president, chaired„,,thee megitlg,and opened, with a poem. Mrs. Tom Brint- nell led the worship cailed,"Good News". The financia 1 reports were given by the heads of the Commit- tees. Mrs. Boyce read a le ter she had received from Mi s, a missionary. Mr. Beck gave a Christmas message and Mrs. Beatrice Munn read humorous poems for the program. Mrs. Jack Brintnell conducted contests and Mrs. Brock thanked the ladies for ,their co-operation while she served as president. Mr. Bee( closed with the benediction. The Jahuary meeting will be a pot luck dinner and ,quilting. Hostesses were Mrs. Alvin Cole, Mrs. Jack Brintnell, Mrs. Brock, and Mrs,. Rose Harris assisted by Mrs. Beck. 1 We Also Have . • SNOWMOBILE BOOTS • For Men & Women • WARM MITTS • TOQUES • Etc. For the cold weather ahead TAYLOR'S READY -TO HENSALL -WEAR • Huron's Largest Selection of Children's Clothing McKiilop Correspondent Mrs. Ed. Regele Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Regele, Krista , Karen and Darlene of Princeton spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele. Mr. Ronald McCallum has returned home from St. Joseph's Hogpital, London, where he underwent surgery on his arm. Miss Marion McCallum spent Saturday evening with her great grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Thor- nton. Ski-Doo's light weight ELAN first introduced last year, promises to double its snowmohiling success this year. The '72 Elan with a new polycorborate plastic cab and. stranger ribbed frame has proven itself to consumers as " the Ideal low priced machine for the youngsters or the family that wants a second snowmobile. Available, at Hopper Machanical Services for as low as See the ELAN as well as the full SKI-D00 line alrady for Christmas giving 44441••••••••••emeeee•••••••efee••••••e••••••• Good selection of used machines 20 HP. 1971 OLYMPIC SK1-D00 595.00 30 HP. 1970 NORDIC, ELECTRIC START 795.00 18 HP. 1970 OLYMPIC SKI-D00 435.00 15 HP. 1969 SNO-PRINCE 195.00 30 HP. 1969 TNT 495.00 A well knoWp Hensel' rest: dent Mrs. Riebert Cameron, -, passed away fn St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on December 10, in her 90th year. The former Annabel Foster was born at Varna, Ontario and was the youngest daughter of Alex and Margaret Foster. - Mrs. Cameron spent many of her younger years travelling in a horse and buggy as a music iteachee in the Varna, St.Joseph and Brucefield area. In 1917 she married Robert J. Cameron, who predeceased her two years ago. A son, Rob- ert Bruce, Hensall, and a sister, Mrs. Charles (Jessie) Stelck, Seaforth, survive. From 1931 to 1965 Mrs. Cameron served faithfully as a LIJararian In the Hensall Public Library. ' She was an active member of the Presbyteelen Church and a Life Member of the W.M.S. At one time she was organist of this church and also sang in the choir for many years. The' body rested at her late residence until December 13 at 2 p.m. when funeral service took place with Rev. W.Jarvis and Rev. Parker of London officiating. Interment was in Hensall a Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were, Emery Bruce, Keith, Holmes, Jim Ben- gOugh, Bill Parker, Dave Kyle and Kenneth Elder. , Myrtle M. Peart passed away in, South Huron Hospital, Dec- ember 9, 1971 in her 75th year. Surviving are several nieces and cousins. The funeral service was held from the • Bonthron Funereal Chapel, Hensall, Saturday at 11 a.m. with Rev. W. Jarvis offic- iating. Burial was in Staffa Cemetery. Pallbearers were Robert V1,- 4 vian, Lorne Elliot, Phillip James; and Lisle Warden. Reeve Baker presided at a meeting of Hensel]. Town Council. Lorne Hay representative of the Aux Sauble River Conserva- tion , reported to Council that they had a winter works progratn that •requIred the hiring of eight new, men and rehiring four men who were usually laid off to,cut dead elms, paint picnic tables, etc. They also hire students in the summer holidays. A year- end report, will be sent each mun- icipality with a proposed budget for next year. The decision of the Bayffeld River System to join Aux Sauble (involves 32 municipalities he said Is well as provincial board mem - bers. Although there are 13 full memberships, there will be only nine new members as Tucker- smith, Hibbert, Stephen and Hay " 4 Townships had partial represen, tation. Ernie Davis reported that he and Frank Forrest had been pick- ing up dead branches and that 600 ft. of snow fence had been put up. He reported the drain across the road from Mrs. Cochrane's had been fixed and that Reid will blow snow again this winter. Lonard Erb and Murray 1 WE HAVE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Baby Sleigh . •- . . .. . $13.77 Punch Bowl, ' -9.85 IT.VJables $7.87 to 19.87 5 Pce.Wearever Kitchen Set; Avocado . ...... 25.95 Snowmobile Cover 14 97 Soldering Gun ... .. , . 11.95 1/4" Drtll 10 88 Jtg Saw 16 88 Electric Corn Popper 18 97 Speed Queen Washer & Dryer. .199.95 * * * TOYS OF' ALL DESCRIPTION • DOLLS - GAMES - TEDDY BEAR F i I THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL:— ' • Chesterfields and Sleeper Lounges 44, Ne,63,t1P0eroni • UCW Elects :Wilk:Ors F. Pen; 1St. Wee President - Mrs, David Turner; 2n4, Wee Prensident - Mrs. David Cower; Recording Secretary F Mrs.Edl- son McLean; CorrespondingSee- retary - Mrs, Thomas geld; ieTreasurer - Mrs. KenMeLellan; Citizenship and Social Action - Mrs. John Anderson; Community Friends,hip and Visiting - Mrs. Kenneth McKay; Finance - Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. E.McBrlde. U.C.W. representative to Board of Stewards - Mrs. Ray Consitt; Manse Committee - Mrs.Orville Workman,. Prees and Publicity - Mrs . Robert McGregor; Sun- shine & Cards - Mrs. Norman Dickert; Roses - Mrs.Laird Fin- layson; Social Committee - Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, Mrs. Keith Lovell, Mrs. Keith Love, Mrs. Wm.Con- sitt; Flowers - Unit 1 - Mrs. E. Kyle; Unit 2 - Mrs. P.Wright; Unit 3 - Mrs. Robt. McGregor. Literature - Mrs. E. Faber; Supply & Welfare - Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mrs. W.Mellis; Pianist Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, AITS.Robt. Kinsman; Unit Leaders -(1)Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, Mrs. Tom Reid; (2) Mrs. R. Elgie, Mrs. R.Kins- man; (3) 'Mrs. E. Anderson, Mr H. Hendrick. Mr. wm. Wilson, London, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis, Sunday. Miss Jean Ivison spent a few days in London. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke Apsley, Ont. visited Mr. and Mrs.' W. L. Mellis and the latter's sister, Mrs. John Barnard, Exeter. Kenneth McLellan returned from a business trip to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthhr Gibson, Wroxeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jac- ques, Clifford' visited with Mrs. Norman Dickert. GIVE HER A NEW BATHROOM SANDSJONE _COLORED SET TOILET — $40.90 BASN — $14.25 CRANE TUB — $85.60 GLASS SHOWER DOORS $43.35 OR BUY PIECES FCe CeeL ALL FOUR Y '175°0, FINK PLUMBING ANP HEATING C9. LTD. HENSALL L. HOCKEY EQUIPMENT OF ALL SORTS * 20% OFF Christmas Decorations and Paper * * * SMALL APPLIANCES COME IN NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE IN GOOQ SUPPLY GEO. A. SILLS & SONS Phone 5274620 Seaforth HASSOCKS, STOOLS For A Lasting Gift, both Popular and Practical, Visit WHITNEY FURNITURE Phone 5274390 • Main Street, Seaforth ,See our fultline of -snowmobile clothing and accessories. HOPPER MECHANICAL SERVICES ,SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 'PHONE 527. 1850