HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-17, Page 8it AlleINDOO. New Dred Goods, opened this week case of novelties in blaolt and coloreti Dross Coods, also a full range of Smolt w "` Szlk in all the new shades. We will have our fall Prints and, &aeons opened this week in I{Arge assortment including all the 'Sharpie, l:nalne....No 16 tY (diol & Grey Torrance, Etta.,.'No 7 Rowick .Hooper.. Alfred. , . , ....,.. , No 2 Turnberry McTavish, Jam es.,.4:. < ..No 12 Turnberry Stewart, \Villiatlx ....No 2 Turnberry Ito'rs. 491 Clarkson P . Seaforth P S 412 Carlini J'os... , < , ... No 3 MoKillop 387 Coleman, Thos., Na 7'i'uoitersmitli 452 Downey, Jos:.. , , , ..No 3 McKillop 502 Douglas, A.. No 0. Stanley 443 Esler, Al. , ... , ; • No 9 Stanley 397. tilloran,Leo Saaforth P•S. OiSLS, 442 Crosby, Agnes, , . , , „No 6 Hallett '542' Davis, L ,,No 4 Ribbert 411 M . ; .:.' No 9 Stanley 472 Fowier, M ,,No 1 Iftrllott 417 Gillespie, 111 Seaforth P S 437 Grieve, J.. ,...No 0 Tuckersmjtit 447 Gemmell, l3 No 8 Tuoli:orsmith .new colors in Polka and coin clot effects 511 Boldin N......No u Tuckersmitl 396 Ireland, L No 7 Tuckersmith t:.'hallies and 1 claimaur styles the most f 432 McDou'ley,E Seaf zth' 5h7 McDougalMa1�,1,l• J -' 54'2 McLean, ud t 4: K 480 MoMillan N.... .._No 13McKillop artistic desil izs controlled exclusively by 539 McMichael, 1.. ,......No 1 Hallett 407 Ross, M .. , ...., „N*o 3Tuckersmith 413 Sullivan, A. , No3 MoKillop ourselves. Gentlemen's Ties and silk 426 Weir, Flossie , .,..Seaforth P S IJ BRASS SLS, BOYS. shirts .0 all the new styles. Boots arid E428 Duncan, m a " "589A'rongE...Brussels P S 512 Norton, Thomas.,,..., fl " :Shoes well assorted at 40'7 Smith, Oliver, No J Grey 506 McNeil, ThosJ...,,,..No3Morris OIBLS. G18 Engler, Martha.. ,....,.No 10 Grey 388 Maxwell, Martha E....No 8 Morris 4.81 Norton,Mina.... Brussels PS 574 Smith, Dora " +f Entrance Examinations, 388 Smith, Lizzie L Mo 11Morris Below i+s a list of those who passed at 439 Smith, Martha A No 3 Grey the recent Entrance Examination, A 502 Sellers, 1Tinnie E No 8 Morris ----- number besides these are recommended 501 Smith Ida No 8 Gre M. 1. li�cii JOO. 445444.6664.61.616. ETO Fig . r Wishing to close aux o book for the season, we would desire all pax��� hang a log account open please call. and receive payment' for same. t GILCHRIS , GREEN & CO. ,but itis contrary to departmental reg;ulas• 440 Welsb,Emmeline,,.. NoG Grey The Coring School of Medicine, ':`ions to publish the Tames until accepted Miss Martha Engler, of No 10 Grey, fby the Department. In addition to the took the highest marks in this inspector- —TSE--- Haloes, is given the school to which each ate, . candidate belonged. The members of the ggjj���{,, )8 Q�[agp Borrel of ExaminerseraoInsprector Olto iitea, �, Pri am Maple Leaf Eestaurant, l•y F , and 11Yroneter aro inspector Iloob, Priuci• •11 pli Mr 1) Bush wishes to intimate to the r III ��WWJJ Mil Figgie i) 'ill ltd �YdP iIG�Y�}' pal Turnbull, and Principal Lough, the public that be has opened a restaurant in representative of the Public School Beard. the shop lately occupied by Mr blemin as Mr Liiu+ li did not examine way papers; ft bakery, opposite the Bonk of Hamilton. GLi'Tor. All kinds of Refreshments and Tempers —� Iiaxs. trace dtiulcs. Grood stock of coufectr+?uer rilHIS sYSI•r.I IS COIIPLETC, timin different ,Acheson, 'eros S No 2 Tuckersrufth f Ys medfcinos far.aII the different al3seases. Tb No 10 Baty Clinton M 8 nuts, tiro. Lunches at all lhours, theory is entirely diifersnt fxoru that of the old schools. Tho m x icinoe are perfectly pure, coa- OIr, What o (Sough. twining nothini; of n poisonous nature whatever; and heed the warning ? The signal aro quite tasteless, Jot three Beare tlreso medicines Q its been g{ivo» away free and thJroughiy tested in approach of that more thethostiiopetesscasesbeforobeinl� placed en the surniition, Ask your -market. The result has exceeded tags iuostsauguino rd for the Rake of oxpeotations. Hundreds of cases supposed to be iueurnble havo boo» cxirrd, and abundance of proof ▪ risk and do nothing .can bo produced to convince the mnostst.optioal that »on experictiee •that II)stogenetlomedicines Bare cured and arc curing cure your cough, It today DISI' rslis at a later sta a tban any othor- system ni u+. dieknein the norld. In ACUT1 cases the niedioines eot,.liko ina.zae. Chronic troubles re- Poc$„"C. quires 1ongtr tulle, generally teem one to three months, accordip' to .the nature of the complaint. N --In Delgra e, On In FEhiAI.8Iita.ocJLA1ttpIEs,woM01'It0lJ13LES . Godfrey, miss 31ary oto„ the..,,,x cines havo bfisn espeeiallp successful, John Brooks, all Of Bel Private 1:ot gilts, 0NS fn t1i eau tromrbles are a)ntost, if not quare, Absoltitoly r nizecessery. Call or send ler one di our JI•ee Loajcs exl,tuinlnp Pio —Iii St. • Thomas'' sistuur, They s'lrbutd be ip •a, ry house iu rho by Rev.. Mr. Fat, on ' Iand. .. . tNV. Runt to• ]Miss R31EH1'JIA.TISM a'iaci SCIATICA or, of Brussels, In Wroxetdr, at the Lo 0li;r, April 20, 1$41. e's father, on July . • 1 Stu happy to acknowledge,. laud now testify,, to i S' a Bell, Thomas Gantelon, David A.. Crooks, Jelin., .,No 8 Goderich Tp , Will you Dolierty,Lours E .... Clinton :i1 perhaps of. the sore Davis limiest `' " terrible . disease Con Grant, Howard... , , . a, " "- sel e�, if ,yon. otto affo smog 5t0C.,to run tl: for it. We know f ason, Henry,.. •.... •.. Shiloh's Cure will Midaleton, Vannes. , , ..No 10 Gotierieh Tp never fx ." McQarriu. iii'reel Jas... No 5 btuniey Liei:eau, James M...., No 10 Tuckersmnith MAIL Murdoch, Wan J..,.. .....,.�Tn 14 $twttie Bnoo; s—linArrno Plummer, Stuars....., .. ,... t,liutou M 8 July 1st, by Rev, Mr Pickard, Ira . ,.. , ... , .. No 8 Godericli Tp Brandon to Mr, Joh lietd, Davin„ .No 1.4 ltn,uley' grave. Reid, Jas ti. 4. No .3 Stanley HurrT—O'Corrrrox Renter, Otto. - . . _No 6 E Wawanosh church, Walkerton, Tippet, 'William ..No:6 Stanley June 3015, Mr Ernes Trorn e,Lours ....., private study 1Lille Maude O'Conn 'Wheatley, Thomas.-- ...Clinton 11 8 radon-331iowtl.—) Whidden, Malcolm Bayliel residence of the prid Yee, 4Vitlium .. No 2 Goderich '.1'p 18th, by Rev. Geo, Ire atz,Ls 1 Jahn Ross, 13.A., Mr. Audersotr, J'auet....... • ..... _.. ,.. Blyth Knox, James................ , No (i Millett Lavin;I'red..•r. .. „ .,Cl;utou Al 8 the atfieee' or you, n,odtwne*m onthigr Itbeuiiratisn SVn, as listed by Eov.. I have suffered wish this pal fel disease in .nr `Thos, Gibson, of + shoulders, knees and hips for .twonty-live y earn, ate ' Brussels. t0 'Miss Sutth Zi'rown, of Wlox- with selatica for sorno tiii,e. I deefll1d to try Eli to l lionetic nledlcin„s as. a lest resgrt; us nothing; ever 1 seemed to give me any'prenianont rviief. The first sz,' i week's medicine save me relief, and in .two weeks h iriEi at the re8i- ; the selaticadiealxpear1d and basmmot returned. 1 took r1 ho rnediaans for six weeks, and mu cured ot rho Culross townslaiji, rheumatism, I 'feel .bettor 10` every Way. 0 amp aged • 15 years, ,11Can elioo ally reco and ediCiuos tot the • 1 pub)ir,;, and will bo glad to teil•ttlfx' sufferer al.nct my case.. It isicowvmart' two months since I• -ceased 1 tag, �im„ the t..s lfcanes, and the effect IS preutanent,, UM. I'oRDg, 1028 viable street. r .. 1 Burnett, knee M...,.,.No 10 Goderich 7.'p otor Brieirenden, Minnie ' No 2 Hullett . - 3a3I1 Cooper, lolinda ..,....,No 2 Tuckereinith CoTT—On the 71 • . Cooper, Isabella Ir .. .i7c 2 Tnckert,.rtt.,4 dance once of her father,. Dyer, Katie , No 5 Hullett plisse Mary' Scott, Davis, Hattie .... .. .Clint.... 11. ti months, and 7 days. rerguson, Elizabeth...,..... .,Be field ��• � $odg;ens Berrie 110 10 Elay Safety, Annie No 8 tbillett 14looreliourme, Hilda.... Bayfield McMurray, Maggie ..Clinton M S ' Murray, Georgia.... .' It McLoy, Mary Jane No 2 Turkersreitli r McGregor, Minty A., No 2 Tfioltersmitlx urrav, Aunie., 14o 2'1:ucki.m erith I' IlMarks. Dottie ..., .... :..Bayfield it Pti.ttiron. I+'3oronco.-Clinton M 8 Richardson, Mary E .... , , ...1'o 3 Stanley Lilian Slater ... .. ..Blyth Sterling, Sophia No 9 Godarieh Tp The success of this Great Crt e, Cs.:-...) . t Sinclair, Sarah No 91urkersmnf tai without a paraliel in tho history ot 180.;aic ,re. Weir, Alice/ . , ....... , No 11 trod r i elm 'P All dreg/pas are authorized to sell it on a nos- i Yen, Almo Annie 2+io 2 Gouerich '£p itive „ucrantee, atest that no oth;r cure oolitic. t Allaerwvu; A.ddio,..,..... ... Sbu.g,harn Proprietors, i r7 r i•n..c, ate t ,00111nrg O S t: c' is aa;. 1a � w mm`s, m�, 1t .h ale ! IDLISt W i ..N Er A. �, Is offering Goods at reduced prices for -cash. Every person lookingfor Goods away down:below regular prices for cash please give bis wean. before purchasing elsewhere. If you want to .samon cheap Goods, call and inspect our reduced prices. money and buy s. . • :.PRINTS 9 o * OF(E ?ER THAN THE CHE.A.PEST, We have the largest stoel•, of Prints in town tents to choose from. Pleaseand the "fanciest pat- call and examine our Paints. •We3 have about two hundred REMNANTS to. sell, at a great redizc- tion in price. In great variety ,o3 - patterns *and in all the novelty shcdes. Call and see our table of "Cheap Dress Goods We are Sellin4or. at Half Price �o not miss: this chance to. secure big bargpins.• $ tyitl beat Cheap : use .n, Cheap Flonncings, ' II TTE JURY HOUSE, CU T N Cheap Shakes, Cheap lousings, • and any quantity of patterns to choose•fronl, 4 Friday, July 24th 1'891, 1 10 a. at. to 4.2o p. m.'for'thc convenience of Wing. itampatients. Consultation Free. Vogenetic in Ladies' and Children's. We have been, selling. theta fast, R '4 4 Call and see our . mans.., . ., x,� q 664,644,062331. 444¢446414644.440 Fely tyX Jf3X A:I, ccsslully atwn,i. That it rn tq be n u Itrnc n, i IlCotns 2 and 3 Albiomr l;iock, l ichmond stroat, ion• have Still a 'dew big bargains: to offer Ina the above lines in f c t• the PYci rietcmrs at an err„r . ox c,..:^ Jori, and X0 Yoxm a Strew Market loron o r fact w0 •etre. Bennett, Maggio, Na 1 L Ni.f„wanoyli placing a Sample Bottle Iyee into every lronte Mention llinghanr t1tttea, Belt, Nellie,. Can/wings, Lizzie . Win+shun, in the United States and Canada. If you bare , - z. •.•J V ., a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use 5, for Crittendeu .._v i ;rick it will cure you. If your child !t . filo Croup, Tarn or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief art, u Dtoat,. 'derma ...... .,....Nviu•gi Deana Ella, • is sure. If you dre4.d that insidious disease De ix L. Georgic No 2 Piottiek Consumption, use it. Ask your I Inmagistfor Fieher,tarrio E ',Vin lm.rin SHILOH ca CURE, Price ro els,, I. cts. and r So 1f you ITti s rix oo If your Lungs are sore or 13 ck la r ' AS smjor.i i Our .toe Reduced 'Beautify Your Homes aprion for soak r Yr are; looking- :for Bili Bargains rtrc s, Alumuie ,ixici i2 aV 1C awaanslo ; a to , [il', 3 . 1 RI, ,N r stock, No trouble to show goods. • ue>> 7 use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, price 25 cls, g zy -Efat , Alberta- ... -,.No SV Wawenlm'Jl ,Jacke',rt.lViutiie. ...... SVinggtran Johnbtun, Etta rJollnstoar 1,>oalmi , ...,...g. herr, Xc1a , , nit' Nettie. ......No 3'I'urulyfrrr 'acdou•tlu,'�1;}lrp ,... ; <1Virig;Irttn isyer. Gretchen., ...... 'l 7 W Wawtknosll eattersf•n,`airute.,.:..:4...,..Winglhwrtr ttarm, Nellie...)..,,. - No 7 Morris alder. May Niulham Taylor. Maggie B„.....No 813 Wavrmnotl a tson, Lucius... r ........ .. , r Y�iinghtri at!mfiu, Mary.., r' Oeirwo,.4a )i •e 12 a x ..4.No1V'4G g .. 5 st'gtout enc ,1 tnpl.rll, William C ,...No 13 Turuberr} �eccl+ +L'. Louis T3,. .......No Ttrruberry 4J 1: n+,. George C. Wing;attar son-., I''rtruk v av,.- h, tt Robert iu brrtr.iii, Salt T ... ,. No 8 1: Wawanccul );$snot, i''yruii W.......No 13 L' Wawitnn.i tt, 1,arbert 1' "iVin:sh-e,rtf l , .r`11 'r.. ...... 1Vo 3 Turnberry 1x4 se,Ilervey..., ., ltlnfitn, lterbertlf.....,•. waoxaratn. bran.. . ..No 1 Turnberry ct ftowirk .... No 7ltowih *Ma . , No 1813owtah PiraItiit ir�f „ IS m fiH 0.1 t 6./tl y 21.15.11. A., L. 0. P. S. 0., hl. 0, P. S. il., TORONTO. . "Jonathan Bushart, Listowel,. says :--- 1 .tt Atter spending 1 d fy�, all nay money and prop- ' rX erty to no purpose on lima' .1i anon; for what they termed a hopeless t.. so at bon- ' suniptiou, Dr. Sinclair cured me • Mrs, Mary Furlow$, Woodhouse, says: • "When all others failed, 1>r. Sinclair cared me a me r 4V, iticl)c Bald, La8t31ielci, %vs �Sinelair cured me of Catarrh.' #xeo iiowcd,T3lyt5, says clam t ureel MO of heart diiicase and drop- sy, ell others failtrl: l I)is.e as es of private xt turd brought on • by folly 9`.3r°,Sinclair eertaiiil;y cares, ANION MR .ate of Hamilton and Damtis, please call_ and -exataline -lir HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN* '100,000 Pounds Wool Wanted in Exchttn . for TAI. PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, rrtESCOEr , t'S4C, 'would take this opportunitvot intormningr the ettlzens of evinghnnm and surrounding minuntr9 that having had large cxper•kmoo to city work, lie is prepared to anAiaunetinimr ICatsopmininmxand Wall Papering in . the latest approved styles of plain and doeorative work.Ohntel,rs, Halls or other, xublic or private buildings gresroedin beautiful Colors and Designs at moderate rates. Dl;. SINCLAIR will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wirigharn, (til d, t41 • 1 t, Graining in Walnut,Oats, Bird's Eye Ma- ple, &cy a Specialty. • ilii orders entttrstecl to ins cure dope with neatness and despatch. • Goods. or Cash at the Cash Storek T. A. ?AMIS.. 444444444,444.4.4, 444,444,44 NEW BOTCHER SHOP, •A , Td A " L GEO. s>tAw ROYAL MAIL S'.t'EA7175PS. •CHEAP EXCURSIONS 'to,EUROPE. Wishes to intimate to the people of Win;ghant and ZVERY VJGEK., vicinity, that im has commenced the Ilntehorina n1t� 13usineswagain, andluta opened out In the Old Stand, 1Vldnt, a lore doors North 41 the 13ranewicic Hottea, rt) Order; left at lir. ntoo; 1'.,41;atoro will receive Where he wilt keep e i 'veil stock of prompt attention, • JAS. It. RIEND. Witmiihittn, April 3rd. LAMB All parties indebted to L, It. Talbot, And ther hats which he either by note or boots account, will pleast •t'all and pay talo same to int at once, err thov love been placed In my hands' for toillection. Imo a3 ani 11. II": m beo,. 00.. • 'Amer CAIIJN, a Intornmodlgt>ll,-and NO C1,, cx"r STATE 81•.:141,1t113 'lp : �rtxir. )• ALLAN �. t > t gal soil cheap, `,TRAUS/41PS. NEV. 'i'OktIC -' LASGOW Meats delivered to any part of the town. 11b Lnndenclorry, et tn5nCABIN, t66and upwards. te..$61aspwarde TPN ratttm/h al the pgbito oitafted, App17 to fi. dSteerage at low A. ALLAN, liontirell, or 4