HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-12-09, Page 6tong TbreCorresponOwitRetires.-* Aegeiewte • Complete line of Kelvinator and Speed Queen Appliances • Glass — Cut to repair any window you can break. • Complete line of Electrohome Products —Radioi, TV's, Record Players. • All your Hardware and Household needs.- • Toys for the Children. WHILE THEY LAST! LIVE SELECT SCOTCH PINE . CHRISTMAS TREES DUBLIN HOME HARDWARE MAIN ST.; DUBLIN PHONE 345-2273 Rebekahs Pay Christmas Visit LSMFT These Units All Winterized And Ready To Go ... SOLD UNDER OUR NEW 20/20 WARRANTY Ask us about this new 100% warranty for 90 DAYS or 3,000 MILES 1966 FALCON SPORT COUPE, V-8, automatic, bucket seats, power brakes and steering, finished in maroon metallic with black vinyl roof. K34509. Pre-Christmas special at 1969 FORD GALAXIE 500 4-door hardtop, .loaded with extras including factory air conditioning. K34562 1969 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, '7 139 1'§65 RAMBLER 4-door, 6 automatic, economical transportation, K31457 1965 BUICK WILDCAT 4-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering, brakes and windows, K33441. Priced to sell at 1968 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, V-8, automatic, finished in bright yellow with black top, K43106. Surprise your wife this Christmas 1967 T-BIRD 4-door loaded with extras. A real prestige car at moderate price, K32136. Now only 1968 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE V-8, automatic, •powei. brakes, power steering, etc. 821776 1970 THUNDERBIRD LANDEAU 2-door hardtop, loaded with extras, one owner, actual mileage. Premium quality for those who prefer the best. K30748 1969 CHEV IMPALA CUSTOM 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, with power and bucket seats. J88713. Reduced to move at 1965 FORD LTD Sedan, completely equipped including air conditioning K39774. Only 1969 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-door sports roof, V-8, automatic, power brakes and steering, one owner., actual miles, finished in sharp red and white two-tone and all-white vinyl interior, K63689 1969 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE, one owner, actual miles, K33902 1969 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 4-door, 6 automatic, 32,000 actual miles, one owner, 43816L 1966 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-door hardtop, V-8: automatic, power steering, power brakes. Not certified, K36354 TRUCKS 1969 FORD PICKUP P100 styleside, 'economical, 6 cylinder, radio, custom cab C88100 1969 DODGE PICKUP 6 cylinder, heavy duty suspension, 282858 1966 FORD F350 with a 12` x 7' platform, V-8, 750 x 16 ten-ply tires, heavy duty springs, 27701 B Remember ... It's Sense To See Snider's Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Lamy Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235.1640 LONDON 2274191 Open Weekdays Until 9:00 Saturdays Until 6:00 '1350 '2125 '1750 ' 495 ' 995 '1750 '1/50 '1850 '3795 '2095 ' 995 '1995 '1295 '1195 ' 495 '1795 '1695 '1595 J• Home Hardware Stores - CHECK YOUR HOME HARDWARE CATALOGUE VALUE * SERVICE • OEPENDRSILIE.Y SEAS-FORTH MEAT MARKET • • Store-Sliced COOKED HAM 1/2-lb- 59c Lean Butt PORK CHOPS Fresh Sliced PORK LIVER CHICKEN WINGS 31bs.$1 Pork Shoulder Ribs 5 lbs* $1 New Season SAUERKRAUT 2 lbs.45c Rindless 'Breakfast BACON 11/2.1b. 99c: Yu an be sure of the best with fresh killed TURKEY, GEESE, DUCKS and CAPONS From Seaforth Meat Market. ORDER NO • 696 29e Fresh Cut For a Family I 6oloit,Lt G , , Table Lamps in pairs and single, Trilights, Pole Lamps, Sway LampS, Boudoir Lamps, Picture Lamps. MIRRORS, PICTURES, PLAQUES, HASSOCKS, STOOLS For A Lasting Gift, both Popular and Practical, Visit WHITNEY , FURNITURE Phone 527-1390 Main Street, .forth LAMPS Kroehler Chesterfield Suites, Rockers, SWIV- ell Rockers, Recliners and Occasional Chairs Lamp and Cocktail Tables and Bedroom Suites. - FULL LINE OF ATSUNS ON DISPLAY 1200's — 1600's — FASTBACKS •' 1; 151 TRUCKS — AUTOMATICS WAGONS SEE THE NEW SNO JETS ON DISPLAY GERALD'S DATSUN 22 Goderich St.. — Formerly Miller's Garage -..I•41.1.." 41111 RAY'S MARKET BOY:§alf OUR-MAN WHO ORDERS ALwAY6 HEg.c75 YOUR STAPLES AND 'SUCH OTHER NEEDS %A.,* 411P..044..C2 CI 447. ..<0 Maple Leaf Mincemeat 28-oz, can Grapefruit, large size 48 , 5 for 45c Macteallou -Eind Coffee lb. bag 89c Jack's Partypack, mixed Nuts 14-oz, pkg. 89c Tangerines, large size 176 per doz. 49c Sehnelder's Cooked Ham 6-oz. pkg. 45e Schneider's Breaded Cooked Chicken Breast 24-oz. pkg. $1.39 Store Hours-9 to 9 Saturday-9 to 6 Egmondville, Ont. A 6.1-ColZE- OF" SERVICE 1 PICK UP YOUR co-or CATALOGUE At The Store Specially Priced for Christmas Giving STOP in at your Co-op Store and browse through the display of Christmas Gifts. SEAFORTH FARM ERS HURON 1EXPaSiTOR. SigAFORTH;OnTo DEC 9 1.971 It* Correspondent Mrs.Joyce Pepper Tel. 262-2344 AMBER REBAKAH LODGE Amber Rebekah Lodge No. 349 met in the lodge rooms Wednesday evening with Vice- Grand Dorothy Beaton, presid- ing in the absence of N.G. Olga Chipchase, assisted by P.N. G. Myrtle Orr. A number of officers and other members were unable to be present because of illness and other obligations. Chaplain Margaret Consitt reported that she and P.N.G. Beatrice Rich- ardson had visited the patients at the Queensway Nursing Home and delivered treats to 46 pat- ients. Plans were made to hold a euchre the first meeting in January when members are asked to bring guests. It was decided to send cards of greeting to all the district lodges. Following the meeting Christmas carols were sung followed by -a few games of euchre. Winners were - High Hand - Mrs. Irene 'Blackwell; Low Hand - Mrs. Leona Parke; Lone Hand - Mrs. Evelyn MC- Beath.. Gifts were exchanged among members and Christmas lunch was enjoyed. The W.M.S. of Carmel Pres- bv terian Church of Hensall held their Christmas meeting on Mon- day. -President, Mrs. R. A. Orr opened the meeting with a Christ mas poem called 1•4..4 Time to Celebrate". The devotional worship , taken from the Glad Tidings, called "Hark the Glad Sound" was given by Mrs. Jack Soldan,, Mrs. Mal- e, aim Dougall, and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. A duet was sung by Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. Dou- gall with Mrs. Ed. Munn accom- panying at the pla9o. The 1972 Study Packet that the W.M,S. purchased will be pres- ented to Mrs. Al Hoggarth , who is the Explorer Councellor of the church. President Mrs. Orr welcomed 24 members and guests, and introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Margaret Thorndike of Clinton , who showed slides of her recent trip to London, Eng- land, Spain ,and Morbcco, Africa. Mrs. Schwalm also showed her souvenirs from the same trip, The nominating committee, Mrs. Harvey Hyde and Mrs. Per- cy Campbell 'brought in the slate of officers and installation was conducted by Mrs. Florence Mes- ton. Officers are as follows; Past President- Mrs. R.A.Orr; President-Mrs. Gordon Schwalm Vice-President-Mrs. Jack Sold,.— an; Secretary-Mrs. Glenn Bell; Assistant' Secretary-Mrs. Pearl Love; Treasurer- Mrs. Ed. Munn; Press Secretary- Mrs. Meng Bell; Glad Tidings Sec- retary-Mrs. Ed Munn; Litera- ture Secretary- Mrs. Harvey. Hyde; Associate Members -Mrs. Harry Snell; Supply Secretary- Mrs. R.A.Orr; Friendship and Service- Mrs. Earl Campbell; Pianist-Mrs. Ed Munn; Cradle Roll Secretary- Mrs. R.A.Orr; Stamp Collector- Mrs. Gordon schwa! m ; '' Nursing Home Repres- entative- Mrs. Harvey Hyde; Telephone Com nnitte-Mrs. Agnes Madge and Mrs. Percy Campbell A Ladle s ,Aid meeting foll- owed with business discussions, and slate of officers was brought in by Mrs. Harvey Hyde and Mrs. Percy Campbell. The Ladle s Aid Officers for 1972 are: Pres- ident- Mrs.'Clarence Volland; Vice- president- Mrs. Malcalm Cougall; Secretary-Mrs. Harry Snell; Treasurer-Mrs. Harvey Hyde; Pianist-Mrs. Ed. Munn; Group Leaders-Mrs. Ester Wri- ght; Mrs. Percy Campbell, and Mrs. •Malcalm Dougall; Recep- tion Committee-Mrs. Clarence Volland and Mrs. W. Jarvis; Card Convener-Mrs. Earl Camp- bell; Quilting Committee-Mrs. 'Ed Munn, Mrs. Gertrude Moir, Mrs. Earl Campbell and Mrs. Bessie Luker; Kitchen •Comm- ittee-Mrs. Hal•ry Snell, Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mrs. Robert Bell. Unit 4, Hensall U.C.W. met on December 2, with Mrs. J. McAll- ister presiding. The devotional on passages from the Scriptures, was given by Mrs. R. McAllister Mrs. L. Purdy, and Mrs. W. Dill ing. Mrs. E. Pym added a little huniour to the meeting, when she gave a talk on "what we learn about women when they are pre- paring a Church supper in the kitchen." She also read a Chris- tmas poem. Mrs. J. McAllister conducted a Bible study on Ruth. It was announced that the General Meeting will be on December 13. Unit 4 •are responsible for crafts at the Queensway Nursing Home in January.' - FUN & GAMES NIGHT IN CHURCH A Fun and Games night was held in Hensall United Church on Saturday with members of, the congregation taking part. After much discussion it was • decided to plan a bowling party to be held on Jan. 15, 1972. It is hoped that more people from the congregation will plan to attend the event. HENSALL LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY • Some members of Rensan Ladies Auxiliary, along with members of. Exeter Legion .Ladies Auxiliary,' visited West- minster Hospital, in London, re- cently, distributed gifts and playe d Bingo. Those attending from Hensall were Mrs. Ernie Davis, Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. - Mary Taylor and Mrs.Clarence Reid. An association that has ex- tended over many years has been terminated with the announce- ment by Mrs. Maude Redden that she was retiring as Hensall cor- respondent for the Huron Expositor. Mrs. Cecil (Joyce) Pepper, a life long area resident, is assum- ing the responsibility for keeping the Expositor inforined of activity in Hensall and district. Mrs. Pepper is an active member of the Hensall United Church and is a leader of the Messenger Group as well as singing in the choir. She is secretary of Unit II of the United Church Women, and also teaches Sunday School. In addition, Mrs. Pepper. is assoc- iated with the Brownie Organiz- ation in Hensall. In accepting the appointment as news correspondent for Hensell and area, 1VIrs. Pepper said she hoped the people will continue to give her the same fine cooperation that they have always given Mrs. Hedden. ,,Her position is a tough one to fill", she said, "but if the people will co-operate with me I will try my best." Mrs..Pepper stressed the fact that it is not necessary for the people to bring the news to her house if they don't wish, all they have to do is give her a call at 262-2344. As well as all news items, Mrs. Pepper will also accept classified ads and sub- scriptions for the Expositor. Personals (Continued from Page 1) Sauble River Conservation authority might be interested. Reporting for the nominating committee, Kieth Sharp said no recommendation was being made at this time concerning the office of president. Other officers prbposed and approved by the meeting included: President:I (To be nominated); Vice - President; John Snushall; Past President - E. St.Clair Canto- Treasurer - Len Ford; Secre- tary - Ken Oldacre; Retail - Dave Hoover; Civic Improve- ment - Walter Westerhof; Mem- bership - Ken Lihgelhach ; Pub- licity - A. Y, McLean ; Econom- ic Development - Joe Wilkinson; Public Affairs - M. E. Nott; Nominations - E. S. tampbe11; Entertainment - Cliff Broadfoot; Fall Fair - Len Ford; Xmas Committee = Walter Westerhof; Xmas Decorations - J. A. Stew- art; Auditors - Elmer Larone and E. C. Boswell. Mrs. Redden succeeded the Tate George Sutherland as Bensall correspondent for the Expositor. Mr. Sutherland, who was Hensall postmaster, and his - sister, the late Miss Hattie Sutherland represented the Expositor for more than fifty years. When she tooR over duties of eorrespondent, Mrs. Redden quickly joined a wide association with news sources in the area. She .served, in addition to area weeklies, several dailies and radio and TV stations. Mrs. Redden has been inpoor health for some time and just recently has returned from South Huron Hospital to Hensall. 11111101.111111111101111.1111101.011010 EGSIONDVILLE ROVERS 'CHRISTMAS TREES Contact: Ken SMith EgmOndville Open from 8 til 6 - 6 days a week Mrs. Grace Harpole left this week to spend Christmas with her family in Ottawa. , While there, she plans also to go to , Florida for ,a winter vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary December 6th, at their home in Hensall. They were honoured at a family dinner at Hotel Hensall on Saturday Dec- ember 4th, with 1,4 attending. Relatives and friends from Guelph, Barrie, Exeter , Kippen and Hen- sell called during the weekend to offer congratulations and best wishes. The Kinette Club of Hensall visited the Queensway Nursing Home,The CU nNursing Home, 'The Bluewater , est Home, and shut-ins in He sall on Sunday afternoon. poinsettia plants,gifts and fruit baskets were distribut- ed , as well as Season's Greet- ings expressed to all. Capt. John -R. Beer, Camp Borden, and Dave Beer, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer and Mr. and Mrs. George Beer and family of Hensall. C of C Hears • a • 0 • • 0 •