HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-17, Page 5'CORDON & MCINTYRE STOCK -TAKING SALE. Qn the 15th of August we start stook taking and in order to reduce our Stook to the lowest possible point before that 'day, we have decided to give bargains to all who come for -them. It is,for our friends, and the publio at large, to say howfar OUT .intentions are carriod,out. We are prepared to do our part. Will you. do your part ? Bargains in General Dry (foods, Bargains in Dress Goods. . . Bargains in Prints and Mullins. Bargains in Hats, Shirts, Collars and 'Ties. Bargains in Ordered Suits. Bargains in Boots, Shoes andSlippers. Tons .of sugars and teas, that must please every taste, GORDON & McINTYRE,. The 13ig Brown Anchor. . victory over 'Tames Ix at the Boyne, at Gorrie. Tile procession there was very small, and as it was Saturday,. a number of staunch Orangereen.finisbed their celebration by joining with then' brethren at thewalk in either Brum sola, Walkerton, or in Luoknow,— Haying has begun in this 1Iooality,—fir ]'itch has,the masons busily engaged in building his brisk house.—The Rev Mr McLaughlin has gone to fill the pulpit of the Methodist church, Tees, water, and the Rey Mr Shaw takes his place Here. --Bellmore is talking about organizing a foot ball club. Go ahead, boys, now is your best chance. "You have some good material to select from since school closed. Brussels. The • anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne was celebrated here on Monday. Two speoial trains came from Harriaton and Londsborough and intermediate towns. These trains consisted of fourteen coaches each, packed with Orangemen belonging to theseveral lodges represented. The lodges present were ;--No 16, Walton y Lady True Blues.; iN'o 18, . Wingham, Lady True Blues, and No 19,Belgrave, in carriages ; Young Britons—No • 239, Ethel • No 243, Bluevaie ; Orange lodges—No 252, Walton ; No 459, Sunshine ; No 462, Belgrave ; No 631, Ethel ; No 763, Londesl oro' ; No 766, Bluevale; No 774, Brussels; No 793. Wawanosh ; . No 794, Wing. ham ; No 873,M orris ; No • 922, Minto ; No 981, Auburn ; No 963, Blyth;- • No 1,100, Morris West No 1,150, Harriston. Those) lodges' were met at the G T R station by Brussels ladge, headed by our • band. Returning they marched back to the park, where games were participated in, for which prizes were awarded to; the successful competitors. After dinner, marohing'was the order of the day, whjciP was headed by Harriston, Wingham, Blyth and Brussels bands, fifes, drums, etc. The procession wound up at the pa*, whenspeaking. commenced. W H Clegg, county master, occupied the chair.. Rev Mr • Salton opened by prayer. The follow- ing speakers took part :—.Rev lir ;; inghes, Wingham ; Rev W JI Smythe, Harriston;A. I3 Musgrove, Wingham ; Rev CluiT,Brussels. After the speaking was over a"collection was. taken up to be donated to the Toronto Orphan's Home, The remainder of . the afternoon wasfilled in with 1a- crosse, Brussels v Wingham, which resulted.2 to 0 in favor of Wingham. The crowd present numbered about 4,500 to 5,000, Zetland. ' We were hardly correct in or re• port of last week in regard to the fatal accident which befell the late Labin V Walters,on the 9th instant. There were four in the bush at the time the accident happened. Mr Walters and his father were sawing down a dee.. Tlie tree pinched: the sate and Mr Jos McDonald picked up young Walters' axe• and started to drive in a wedge into the out, when the axe slipped off the handle; striking young Walters in the abdomen and penetrating it. Mr Walters was but 22 years of age. He was a very exemplary yoi,ing man and highly esteemed by all those who had the pleasure of his company. • He ws a member of the Young Peoples Christian Endeavor Society and took an active part in their worlc. The funeral on Saturday afternoon was one of the largest that ever went through Wingham.. The parents and sorrowing widow have the sympathy of the entire community.—Mr Lewis Thomson, of. South River, who has been home to attend his, brother -ins law's funeral, left Wednesday morn* ing for his home. Tho 'Toronto College 0f Nude, Perhaps noeducational institution Canada to clay is more, deservedly popular than the Toronto College of Music, Pound- ed and cenduoted cal metropolitan prinoi- ples at the same time aspiring only to the highest ideal in the musical art, this iustitutiou is already one of which the country tnay be proud, an honor which has long since conferred on its: well-known founder and director, Mr T H Torrpgtou.1 The ellioienoy of its; staff, it various ap- pointments, its business management, .its high standard of iustruotion places the Tomato College of Music iu a position to offer advantages to the musical student not met elsewhere in the Doruiniou, ' The College is in Milli of Toronto. T 3rd, inunedi turn from i' prospeotu tion. .d NOTICE '>'O SUBSCRIBERS, With this copy 'of the TIMES we send a large number of accounts. The accounts are shall, but 4 anfount to several hundred dol- lars in the aggregate. We need, the money, and would be very . glad if those who are `owing. for the paper would send along the amount of their. accounts. R. ELLIOTT. • East Wawanosh. A, base ball club has been organiz- ed rganized' in Union School Section No 3, which will be known as the Union Beavers. Mr Neil Taylor has been appointee' captain and Jas 'Ross, sec- treas. They meet for practice on Wednesday evening of eaoh week in i3lackbrough's field. There hag been a good attendance of ladies, and it is very' desirable that there should be.— ;Mr 0 Wightman was seriously injured by falling from the roof"of his house on Monday,having itis wrist dislocated, as well as his thigh broken. t ion with the University o fall term begins Sept ly on 111r Torrington's re- rope. A handsomely printed will be forwarded on anplioa• A. $2,000,000 CONSOLIDATION. WING XIA1VI, T G N RIDAYa yea .4 to • WINGI3.01 MARKETS. WINOIIAN, July 10, 1891. Corrected by P. Beans, Produce Dealer, Flour per 100 WS, • ,e", 2 76 to Fall Wheat per bushel, 1 00 to Spring " 1 00 to Oats, - 40 to Barley 45 to. Pegs, 60 to Butter, tub 12 to do Rolls, 12 to Eggs per dozen . 11 to Wood por cold, Ray por ton,- Wool , • JOHN ROBINSON'S: ' GREAT WORLD'S EXHIBITION. IMITABLE At Gr,tENTED POR THE. PRESENT TENT- - ING SEASON. Probably the most colossal as well as the most nervy amusement venture of the day is' that inaugurated this season by the management of the John Robinson show — a venture requiring au expenditure so enormous that a statement of the amount would scarcely be credited by the.general. reader. We allude to tine production on. a scale of magnitude and opulent splendor never precedented of the new biblical spectacle of Solomon his Temple, and the Queen of Sheba, a spectacle prolific in grand scenic effect, impressive in pomp and pageantry, realistio in its reproduc- tions of the patriarchal . era, sacred in its biblical associations, and entrancing in its ballets, poses, marchings and groupings, The visit of the Queen of Sheba to fling Solomon's court with her immense and richly costumed retinue, the Judgment of Solomon, the sacrifices in the, temple, Solomon's seven' hundred wives, the grand, processional pageant to meet and welcome Sheba's lovely'queon, the .fills and city of Jerusalem, the inner co t of Solomon's temple, the great thr• • e of ivory, the sacrificial ser enionies th aored ark of the covenant, the lovely Cresset girls that canna t be gi tractions this wo With each a d'sirable feature added to the admirable •ireus, the vast managerie, and the roy Roman hippodrome, the many canvas=s,spaoious as they are,shonld and will be •aoked from centre to oirown, ference by =ager and gratified spectators each tate owl and evening. Tire show wil exbi at Wingham July 31st, • Culross. The.. building of Mr R Marshall's mammoth barn is,a thing of the past. —Mr J N and Master Will Picked spent last week visiting friends in and • east of . Toronto and report crops in the neighborhood of Oshawa enormous, ---Mr E Marshal and wife were visit- , ing in the vicinity of Goderich, a few days ago.—Miss R Caslick spent last week ill Wiughatn.-= We have had a good deaf of • rain during the past two weeks, but it came too late to save the hay crop. Hay is almost a failure, spring grains are short.- Potatoes are doing nothing, a groat many having never come up.—The. nlower.is heard on all aides; farmers deferred haying as long as poesible to see if the hay crop would not pick up a little.-aral1 wheat will be a fair Crop and will soon be ready for the sicl> le, —tees have done. poorly and the honey crop will bo short.—Mr •Wnl Dawson bad a big time on ) riday raisin ehveral buildings and in the evening the boys and girls had a bigger time tripping the .light fades. tie, - • Belmc re. All the pedagogues are coming bank again' for the .stsfl mer vocation. ---Geo Bridge is home from Listowel high school. Ile wrote for a second class certificate at the teoent examination. -•-The Orangemen anal.'Orange Young Britons of this place attended the 201st celebration of King William's 08 ewitaliing ballets of and myriad features in detail, are the at- drous spectacle presents. 2 76 1 02 02 '46 60 05 13 13 12 1' 60 to 1 76 7 50 to 7 60 35 to 40 17 to 20 The Dontlefott illustrated. A fine portrait, on heavy plate paper, of the Hon J J C Abbott, the new Premier of Canada, is issued as a special supplement with the last number of that oxeellent journal, the Dominion Illustrated. Thee is also a sketch of his life, and views of his Montreal residence, as well as of Earns, Cliffe, Ottawa, recently leased by him from Lady 111aedonald, There are in the same issue a number of find military views, in which figure the Queen's Own, Toronto Rend Scots, Montreal, and the officers of the 6th Eatt, Montreal. Among general articles, +'A Day at Monaco and Monte Carle." is illustrated with views of Monaco . and the Theatre at Monte Carlo. Tbie weak'staeue ie•an unusually fine one, The Cod That Helps to Cure The Cold. The disagreeable taste of the COD LIVER OIL. is dissipated in SCOTT'S EINULSION OfPure Cod Liver Oil with HYPOPHOSPHITES o x..rsizoz .SSTs soDA- The patient suffering from CONSUMPTION,.. BUOWCRITIS,'COUGH 'Com, int WASTING DISEASES, takes the remedy as he would tske milk. A per. foot emulsion, and awonderfulflash producer. Fake no other.,411 Druggists, 60o., L00. 8002T & BOMA Belleville. Dissolution of Partnership. THE OLDEST I THE LARGEST ! THE BEST OP ALL SHOWS t JOHN OBINSON'S. GREAT WORLD'S EXPOSITION Greatly augmented by the New Biblical, Historical, Triumphal awl Colossal Sccneographic, Terpsichorean Dramatic and tluslcal Spectacle of Solomon, FlisTemple. and thuri of Sheba, A titanic and colossal Inspirational creation from the fertile and• gifted brain of Mt. JOHN RETTIG, she father,origioator,projector, painter,designer and constructor of the world famed sensational Spectacles 100 --Beautiful ladies in 'the - GRAND BALLET --100 1500. People Representing Characters of the WISE KING'S REIGN, attired in magnificent costumes similar to those w, in that age of opulence and gran- deur, manufactured at a cost o' ,ne hundred thousand dollars. Notice is hereby given that the Part- nership heretofore subsisting between the'undei•signed as Hardware Merchants, under the name of JAs. A. CnirrE & Co., at the Town of Wingham, was dissolved by mutual' consent on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1891. All accounts due to the late firm will be paid to Jas. A. Cline, who will carry on the business at the old stand and by whom all obligations of the late firm will be paid. Dated this 24th March, A. D. 1891. Witness, t Jas. A. CL1xE, J. A. MORTON. S Jomv NEnrsams. Refering to above, I wish to return Iny thanks for past favors, and trust that by close attention to the wants of my cus- tomers .to merit a continuance of the same. Jas. A. Cline. P. S.. --Past due accounts must be set- tled at once. FIFTH O •' MENAGERIE Must um o ',;'/ onfzler, and a vastcollection of Relics the Olden Age and Modern Curiosities. Realistic Revival of the S • orts,Pastiules and Contests of the Ancient IR, 0M_A..T\T The world=popular and : er-welcome mirth -provoking Pantomime of 11UDIPTY- DUMIIPTY, his fortunes, isfortnnes and mishaps, Absolutely without any addi- tional cost. Another o' the many brilliant and unprecedented attractions that have been added this , -ason. Don't fail to be n time to witness the Commencing Friday, July aid • FROM • TORONTO TO 1�11 OLS OXtC Th D . FREE STREET PAGEANT,— With its myriad . -us of perfoiming wild beasts,tigers,lions, hyenas,leopards, bears, arm=pythons, ana• as, boa -constrictors, ete, with their keepers, al thrown open with sides down, ^ in the mighty parade. D ORS OPE AT 1 AND 7 P. M. • - PERFORMANCES ONE HOUR LATER. . t'IONS ON LL LINES OI RAIIARO DS 1891 SU -MME MISS A.. BOYD Wishes to intimate to the ladies of Wingham and surrounding country that her stock of SPRING I SUIVI MER 1 .ILLINE Y has arrived and is' now opened out. The stock is well assorted and contains all the fashionable styles for this year. 1891 FA.N-OY G OODF!', A large stock on hand, consisting of ELnbroidery, Silks„F+eathers,F.low- • ers, Ribbons, Laces &c. MANTLE DEPART ENT. . '.CEe Mantle Department contains •a varied assortment of Silks, Satins, Satin Brocades, Plushes, Velvets and Mantle Cloths to choose :froth. , Mantles Made to order --Perfect Fitting and in the latest and most fashionable styles. ' Stamping done to order. •An inspection. invited. SOLE AGENCY FOR . ather's Glove Oieaner1 preparation for cleaning kid gloves. It will also remove grease or stains from silk or woollen goods. Try it. Reinelnber the place—First door north of Ed, Dinsley's jewelry store. A..E OY D Oil' THE MAINE COAST, and to all WRITE MOUNTAIN RESORTS 1fVEIWY` TU S»AV and 1;"ItXDA4sr Thurtday, runningd through tow Torotntodgddotiing Summer season. Vor rates and full information apply to•• any G R. Ticket Agent. ' Wingham, April 3rd, 1891. JOSEPil COW&N, Cana Ota Div. (lotrar, Go. Nunes, AUCTIONEER, . ISSUER. O1 MARRIAGE LICENSES CoSlnissOONRR is H. C. T., ,I.''+rc.. Wnoxnrun, ONT. NOTICE. All parties indebted to William Kidd either by note or book account, will please call and pay the same to mo donee, as they have been placed in my hands for collection, JOHN NEELANDS. Wingham, June 18th 1801. TO BREEDERS. The Holstein-iPriesian Bull,gar � �Jl Na . 116169 Itegistoredin the fourth volume of the Itolsteiu- b'riesian Mord Book, will be kept ler service during the ee5000 Of 1801 at Let 11, Con 1, Morris. TERMS -41.25 fOr grade cows, thoroughbred Hot. stein cows os; with privilege of returning, to bo paid at time of service. Morris, May 15th, 1501. 301;N A d.:MI N. Money to Loan On Notts. 'oteiscountAd A'P itEASON'A73LE R U - Money advanced on Mortgages at 6. per cent. "sills privilege of paying et the end of any year. 7teter and newtons collected. ROSS. ll1t'o1'irbOty* t1Pletoil,...-heaver lllee'k. wtnuharn, Ont.