HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-11-18, Page 84RON EXPOSITOR, sEAFORTH, ONT., NOV. 10, 1971 so nice to give- andto get EARLY SHOWING OF Christmas Cards FOR OVERSEAS MAILING Greatest Variety of Quality cards to be fowl anywhere, includ- ing Rustcraft, Coutts and Norcross, Religious, Personal, Comic and Conventional Designs. Larone's HOOKS AND. STATIONERY STORE The Friendly Store in Seaforth — "the friendly town" /fraikikaai CAKROSTAWAIS A GREAT COLLECTION OF • A bundle of toys to make wishes come true for children on Christmas morn.. We have all the most wanted items. Buy Early, Avoid Disappointment FRANCIE with grow hair,- . extra braids and curls for styling fun. 5.29 a • tr MALIBU Barbie The Sun Tanned Fashion Doll 24" Walking Doll by Ideal 7.50 •i* 3.49 Eldon's Billy Snowmobile Set as advertised on TV 6.22 "Wind UP" Super Snowmobiles Stocking Stuffer 2.98 Model Car Kits 3.4 Y'.,- HEY KIDS! ••• • ••• „k,„„ MAIL YOUR LETTERS TO SANTA AT STEDMAN'S FAQ MAIN STREET gEAFORTII AtttittettkVatia W. WESTERHOF NEW Elects New Officers Shirley M. Wearing was elec- ted president, at the annual meet- ing of the Huron New Democratic Party association at Brucefield Monday evening. Other officers named are: Vice-president: Herb Klopp; Secretary - Shirley Dodds; Treasurer - Stan Profit; Organ- izer - C. David Weary; Provin- cial Council Delegate: Paul Car- e, roll. The executive formulated plans for a membership drive and the president stressed the neces- sity of a vigorous follow-up to 'the recent campaign. "It is important that we maintain the contacts established with our many new supporters," she stated. HOMEOWNER LOANS 24-HOUR APPROVALS Low cost 2nd & 3rd mtges. Arranged in the convenience of your home. You can call to 10 p.m. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt Investme^, Ltd., 330 Bay St., Toronto. Call collect. 366-9586, evgs. 231-8146. • • • FOR CHRISTMAS • • . .Sizzler Fat Track . By Mattel. Complete with two Sizzler cars, • Juice Machine, Scramble Start and Lap Couhter 19.99 Sizzler 3.79 Cars each . . a Mrs. Joan Chesney who earlier this year graduated from Stratford General Hos- pital, has received her Reg.N. Brodhagen Correspondent Mrs. Ken Elligsen The L.C.W. of St. Peter's Lutheran Church visited Mr. and Mrs. Ell Rapien at the Milverton Nursing Home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Rapien celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. Flow- 4 ers were placed in St. Peter's Lutheran Church for. the Sunday morning service in their honour. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ben- newies and Cheryl were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennewies on Sunday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Leon- hardt and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leonhardt and family, Thamesford, Mr. and Mrs. Hart- ley Davis, Fullarton, Wayne Davis, Tillsonburg, Pat Jordan, MitChell, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Davis and family, St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris and Staffa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leon- hardt and Jeffrey at Straproy. They celebrated Jeffery rg first birthday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Les Wietersen during the week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grove, St. Helen''s, Michigan, and Mrs. Louise, Jarmuth, Born- holm. RAY'S MARKET BOY:ccIF FOLKS COME BACK IN EVERY SEASON FOR OUR GROCERIES;< THERE A REASON/ --arl" oeier _I • / 0 a .immin. OUR STORE MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR 7-1b. be'1g 75c NESTLES' QUICK 2-lb. can 89c LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI • 14-oz, can, 5 for 95c WESTON'S LEMON DANISH PASTRY, Reg. 49c—for 39c MAPLE LEAF CANNED PICNIC, 1-lb. 97c SCHNEIDER'S ASSORTED • MEAT PIES, 3 8-oz. pkgs 87e SCHNEIDER'S BACON ENDS lb. 53c V Store Hours-9 to 9 Saturday-9 to 6 Egmondvil le, Ont. FAMILY MARKET THE PRICE FREEZE IS OVER IN THE U.S. Companies are approaching the Government for price increases due to their rising costs. Buy Now! Save Now! Interest Free To June 1st; 1972 on Tractors and equipment sold with tractors. Two Loads of Tractors Are to Arrive Shortly. DON'T BE LEFT OUT! Hensall Livestock Sales SAL -C EVERY THURSDAY AT 2:00 P.M. All classes of Livestock COMPETENCE CONFIDENCE COMPETITION . Victor Jack Doug Hargreaves Riddell Riddell 482.7511 237.3431 237-3576 Clinton Dashwood Dashwood a cro IN 0 _L •v• as s 0 DOWN 1----Carta 2 Decorated elaborately 3 Wild ass 4 Recent Answer 5 Gunlock catch spacecraft 37 Placed in a 6 Preposition 23 Titlers chair 7 Seines, 25 Diners 38 Peculiar 8 Feast daY 27 Persian 40,Those who (comb, form) tentmaker (suffix) 9 Nautical term 28 Feminine 43 Siouan Indian 10 Female ruff appellation 44 Feminine (PL) 33 Archimedes' • name 11 Gluts exclamation 45 Sheaf • 19 Starlike body 34 Reviler 48 Compass point 20 Early 36 Body.of land 50 Extinct bird - 1111113 • 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 IN 16 17 18 22 15I 19 20 21 n 23 n 1125 26 U 28 RN 29 30 111 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 II NM UM ill 41 1. illill iiiiii III 47 Imp' Mil61111 JUN aim 1 , 51 ilium lI low Heavens Above! 1 Earth's satellite 5 Earth's source of light 8 Red planet 12 English compoSer (1710-1778) 13 Mariner's direction 14 On the briny 15 Chew upon 16 Lawyer (ab.) 17 Let it stand (print.) 18 Irritate by scolding 19 Got up from- sleep 21 First woman 22 Solar disk (pl.) 24 Sherry 26 Muse of lyric poetry • 29 Stretches 29 Hebrew letter 30 Altitude (ab.) 31 Epoch 32 Caviar 33 Mistake 35 Salien1 Angle (arch.)Y 38 As though 39 Sigmoid curves 41 Swiss canton ,42 Giver 46 Pillar • 47 Lampreys 49 Masculine nickname 50 Confound 51 Pieces out 52 Individual 53 Heavy blow ACROSS 54 Uncommon 55 Auricle 56 Puts to M"-a`co "g a 1:1 a _L a .L11- _L S A 0 • V 4. 0SV a ni a si=rinosi Nns a S a a 'NY a a ti arsio sarla IN 1 _L a 117* t1 ONO a V ri to O 2:1 V a 10.1 V V N AAVND 0 N Z=1 V NC>01"1 _1: V al S N -_.V t=i a Correspondent Mrs. Joseph Kale At the November meeting of the Catholic Women's League Mrs. Dan O'Rourke of Dublin was introduced as guest speaker by Mrs. Frank Ryan, Mrs. 0' Rourke discussed and demon: strated the art of cake decora- Correspondent Mrs. Bob Cronin Miss Rose Ann Benninger received a $50.00 bursary at the Mitchell District High School Commencement for the student most worthy to enter into the nursing profession. Rose Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger and isAn train- ing for a nurse in the Stratford General Hospital, Stratford. Rev. Father Jack Costello, Windsor, was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello for a few days. Miss Mary Evans and Miss Madelyn Piche of Windsor were tang. ,She was thanked by Mrs. Robert Duffy and presented with a gift. Mrs. Dominic Murray opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes were read by Mrs. Rob- ert Duffy in the absence of Mrs. Richard Downey. Mrs. Jim Du- charme, Corr. Secretary, read a "thank you" letter from the Staff and pupils of St. Colum- ban school for a donation given them for books. Used clothing, baby clothes, toys and doll. .s are asked for, and are to be left in the parish hall by the end of November. Altars will be cared for in Nov- ember by Mrs. Francis Hick- nell and Mrs. Joe Visser. Mrs. Tom Kale Will visit the sick. Donations were voted to 'the Diocesan Reserve Fund, and the Veterans' Christmas Fund. A Pot Luck Supper and Card Party was planned 'for St. Col- umban Day, November 24. Mrs. Maurice Melady gave an interesting account of the Deanery meeting held in Zur- ich. There were 14 ladies at- tending from the St. Columban CounCil. The mystery prize, donated by Mrs. Maurice Mel- ady was won by Mrs. Frank Ryan. Lunch was served by Mrs. Frank Ryan and her committee. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and children, Acton visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mel- ady and Mr. and Mrs. Theo Mel- ady and family spent a few dayS recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack' Melady and family, Trenton. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London visited Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme, Mrs. Frank Maloney . and Francis Maloney visited in Zur- ich with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Regle+ and family. Remember! It takes but a Moment to place an Expositor . Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. visiting with Mrs. Frank Evans on the week end. Mrs. Evans had spent a few days in Windsor earlier in the week with Miss Evans and Miss Piche. Mr. and MTC. Glen Butters and family, Hespeler were visit- ing with Mr. Tom Butters on the week end. Mr. Ted Feeney, Kitchener, was visiting with his mother Mrs. Mary Feene7 and Mr. and Mrs. Steven Maloney and family. Mr. and MRS. Neil Stapleton and family, Dungannon were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ferg. Kelly and yr. and Mrs. Ed. Stapleton on the week end. Mrs. Patricia Feeney and family, Kitchener and Miss Joyce Ryan, London, were visiting with Miss LindaFriend,Kitchener, Miss Susan Friend, Guelph, Miss Judy Friend, Kentucky, Miss Lyda Johnson, Toronto and Miss Jackie Vanier' of London spent the week end with' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend and Melba Jean on the occasion of Melba Jean's graduation. Miss Friend is now training for a nurse in Toronto. Mr. John Nagle has returned home from the Stratford General Hospital. Mr. Donald Looby, Regina Mundi College, London, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Looby. Wm Albert Heads PTA At a recent meeting of the P.T.A. the following officers, were elected: President, Wm., Albert; Vice-President, Mrs. Thomas Murray; Secretary, Mrs. Tom Kale; Program Commit- tee, Jack O'Reilly ancIMrs. Fran- cis Hicknell; CorrespondingSec- retary, Mrs. Lou O'Reilly; Treasurer, Mrs. Edward Melady. "Zowie, it's cold outside!" "Somehow, -this all seems like a rerun." • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.Ryan on the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ryan and family, Kitchener, and Mrs. Anne McEachern and family, Parkhill were among the guests attending the Ryan - Dunbar wedding on the week end. Smiles . • • Youngster to friend about baby brother: "He has a few of his teeth but his words.haven't come in yet." Did you hear about the fellow who went from draftee to Brig- adier General in less than 24 hours? He still doesn't know what happened. The last thing he re- members, he was standing in line for his physical examination with his IBM card in his hand. He scratched his head, dropped the card and some sport in golf shoes walked across it. A little old lady was held up on the street by a gigantic thug armed with a pistol. "You should be ashamed of yourself, holding up a poor old woman," she scolded. "A man your size should be holding up a bank." At Nero's command, a young slave was hurled into the Colos- seum to be devoured by a lion. The beast, an unusually fierce specimen, had been penned up for days without food to make him even. more fierce. The lion roared into the arena and then an incredible thing happened,. Just as, his great jaws were ready to snap shut, the slave managed ,to whisper in the lion's ear. The savage animal slunk away and disappeared into' his pen. Nero summoned the victo- rious slave and asked how he had accomplished the marvel. Easy," replied the young man. "I merely told the lion that after the meal he would be invited to say a few words." 444444444~~4~4•,•••••••••~&.* For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE or JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency • Phone 527.0490 : SeafOrth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors NO#14114•41~4~•~4,44~~8,1404 NOTICE Read this if you think you are honest and have the guts to admit you made a mistake. To our patrons who inad- vertently misplaced our glass- ware; give yourselves up. Re- turn any item and we will reward you. THANK YOU! QUEENS' HOTEL • • • • 0. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P. • • • • • • • • • • • • NEWS OF Constanc 'Correspondent Miss Mary Mcllwain Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tzannes of Toronto spent Saturday visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and Kerr!. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator Dianne and Nancy visited onSun- day with his father, Mr. William Preszcator of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley, Gor- don, Greg, Sandra and Lorna visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Riehl, Jackie, Shel- ley, and Kim of Huron Park. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Betties of Winthrop were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, George Mc- Dwain and family. Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Hun- ter of Colborne Township and Miss Grace Hunter of Windsor visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Jim, Sharon and Bob. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Betties, Pamela and Michael of Seaforth and Mrs. Ken Betties of Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator Billy and Debbie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Desjar- dine of Grand Bend. Mrs. Lawrence Hill of Cred- iton is spending a few days vis- iting with her daughter and son- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pres- zcator, Dianne and Nancy. 0 0 Receives Bursary at Mitchell 0 News of St. Columban. Mrs. Dan O'Rourke Addresses CWL