HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-10, Page 9re You limit? you critic i;= our neighbor's wife, You criticize her daughter, You help to swell the scandals rife, You wade in foreign water. So stop and think before you speak ; Just cogitate a minute ; It makes all the differenee in the world If you're not in it. Yott find fault with the churches, too ; The members and the preacher ; Their creeds may. seem unwise to you, You microscopic creature. *Ake off these glasses ; look around Unprejudiced a minute ;. It makes all the difierence in the world ' If you're not in it. A funeral went by to -day ; ' Tbu called the dead "a sinner ;" I wonder what the world will say .. When you forget your dinner ; When you ride by in such. a coach, A long pine box within it 1 It makes all the difference in the world If you're not in it. 'There's not a thing upon the earth, Or oyer youin heaven', But you must weigh its little worth, Insert the gossip's leaven. 'T wonder when you view the Throne What flaw you'll find within it? It makes all the difference in the world If you're not in it. —Evelyn U. Roe. The year 'VI saw the end of English- men's custom to dine in celebration of the battle of Waterloo. c'Shares of Paradise" are alleged to b sold by the Salvation Army throughout France at a large profit. It is never too late to give tip our pre- judices, --[Thoreau. The best education in the world is than got by struggling to get a living,— Mendell Phillips, Do not wait for extraordinary oppor- tunities for good actions, but make use of common situations.—(Goethe. The Nostrum Craze. It is surprising that the American people still retain their faith in patent medicines. Rather than pay an educat- ed physician a fee of two dollars, some people will spend that amount for a bottle orbox of patent medicine. They will try one nostrum after another until they are killed or cured. The -'supersti- tion is not confined to the common folk. alone. People who should know better are ' ,among the best customers of the nostrum - „vender. The steady purchasers of•patent medicines are the poor andignorant. To be ignorant is to be credulous, and it is to the credulity of our people that our nostrum-vender,appeals so strongly. The farmers and their families aro afraid of the doctor, but they make friends with the quack. A. correspondent of the New York Sun, in describing the peculiarities of the western farmers, says : "If one patent medicine fails, it is because it is not the right patent medicine, and they try another. They perfer patent medi. cine, partly becauese there is a certain mystery about the ingredients and they are put up in an attractive form." It is riot easy to calculate how many millions of dollars are spent by American people on patent medicine every year. Think of the enormous expense required to keep a preparation before the public eye— calendars, almanacs, cook -books, cards, high-priced articles in all the daily papers. Of course, the money to pay for this comes from only one source -- from people . who buy the stuff. The sale of a certain . "vegetable" compound is said to have amounted in one year to three million dollars, and one-third of that went the nest year to advertising. Now to yeld three millions at least six million bottles }oust have , been sold. That gives one some idea of the number of people who use . such preparations.— .Popular Seien a fllo,ie ty, `�a"CITY RESTNVRRNI' for PINE APPLES, ORANGES, • LEMONS, BALANAS,' TO til ATOES, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, CONFECTIONERY, ALL KINDS, ' ALMOND NUTS, WALNUTS, PEA NUTS. ?LEV? fld'YS. I have much pleasure in„anounc(ng to the farming publio that 1 am agent for these Celebrated' 1'lowe and other FANOY BISCUIT OF ALL FINDS. A Large Stock of Canned' Goods TO 1v1 &TOES, PEAS, . CORN, SALMON, LOBSTER, CHICKEN, , TURKEY, CONDENSED OOFFEE, CANNED PIGS FEET. Agri:kr:1 . I lesxi t I k REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND. The Old Stand on Victoria Street will still be HEADQUARTERS FOR Sewing Machines,l Organs,. Washing Machines andrjWringers. FIREWORKS OF ALL HINDS. R. HILL. SANITARY .,PLUMBING AND HEATING. We wish to.l Woolen Alille MOOR give Op cUs In all Its class Tweed Flan Eto Bl (made from pure Give axe a call and inspect Goods. Customers from hone with them t V, B Curnmiris1 1� Wingham, April 17th 1891. LOOK MERE! I have in stuck a full line of FLY NETS, WHIPS, BRUSHES; CURRY -COMBS, &o. ALEX. SAUNDERS, CODER=C23- LATEST METHODS Particular *attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation.. Plans and Specifications care- fully prepared. , w Repairing Promptly attend- ed to. • Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Correspondence Solicited. Jetige Wa1[oins Political Proverbs. 'When the crops is good, patriotism sprouts in all the fence corners. The Canadian Beaver ain't no spring chicken. The stump is the cradel of our Liber- tys of Speech. Offices to give away help a candidate to git than. F,grmors that don't know politics from pertateis gods into politics. Some men thinks bein' elected to parliament is bigger than the Almighty. Freedom costs money. ptatesmen has to do a heap of talkin' before they get down to bizziness. They ain't no pints to the cumpas in this country outside of politics. Tho first of July is one and insepper- abls. 1111 A RIK S double and single, light or heavy, made to order, in the latest styles and of the bast material. TRUNKS, VALISES, HAND BAGS, &c., in stook and will be sold cheap. • Repairing neatly an'a promptly done The patronage of the publio solicited, and satisfa& ion in work and material guaranteed, Shop—One door south of T. A. Mille' store. C. KNECHTEL BOOT A MoL Having purchased McCormick & Co, w opened out in the s Store, Wingham. Boots and $hoc Stook on short t promptly done, 'Tho patreuage of guaranteed. GOOD WOOL WANTED. The Hoy ai w ff1is Chance. One Sunday a boy who had always 'been noted for bis respectful demeanor, observed a rummy old citizen yawning on a street corner and said to ham : Please, mister, you'd better not open your mouth too wide. Why ? was the surprised query. Because there's ^a lfiw against opening a saloon on Sunday. HIGHEST PRICE PAID , AT THE WINCHA fI TANNERY The majority of people die sooner than they should, George E Waring, jun,says : "Disease is not a consequence of life ; It is due to unnatural conditions of living --to neglect, abuse and want." And 1)r Stephen Smith says : "Nlan is born to health and longevity ; disease is abnor- mal, and death, except from old age, is accidental, and both are preventable by human agencies." The fashionable word to replace "swag- ger" is "wide." • W. J. CHAPMAN. Wingham, June 15, 1891, H A,LST D & SCOTT 13.13.1\TS- Josephine Street • - - • • - Wingham, Ont, LUMBER, Dressed and undressed, M MATTHE HARNE hag on ha HORSE BLANKETS, CURRYCOMB BRCS LATH, SHINGLES, STAVES, BARRELS, CEDAR POST WOOD, &c., J. A. }Mane, 1 J. W. SCOTT, . Mount Forest. I Listowel Always on hand,and will be sold cheap. MILL—Adjoiniiig G. ' T. .11., on Sbuter Street. McLean & Son, Winghaw, Ont, Deposits Rteeeived and Interest Allowed. Money Advanced to Partners and Business 1VJ:en, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes Nought at a fair valuation. Honey remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Gi'den to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. Agents ft Cattadf Canada. Merchants' Bank Office fours--1,'retlt 9 A. m. tab p. in. Al. V. SMXTHy Agent. Pisos Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. W , iPS, TRUNKS. VALISES etc. Which will be sold at bottom prices. vn mill to the tem of Hungarian Roller Preee I lievo wecan now give better ace ' ever before, We offer Prompt Dispatch, Pair E HARNESS, double or single, made to order on QTJA,LITY SECOND:TO NONE IN SECTION. And by close personal attention to the business SHOP—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton.hope to be again favored with a trial by all old ) friends and matey new ored. 1Y�ble i Yours most respectfully, toll MATTHEW AMBLER, * HUTTON & CARR, °b0 In Wingham Mill, Oot 49,1889. usssis Wingham, Feb. Cth, 1890. 1370 2,02 +GOLLEY, Vedh' VETERINARYSURGEON. Sep Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Co11o. Also Graduate of Dentistry School, Toronto is prer21'�j.d pared to treat all Diseases of Domesticate AniA1 6 in the latest scientific manner. 37 •Ozt 1. Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infirmhry 1, RtDD'S OLD STAND, wings er { e E 0 Callers by night will find him at the ofH8e5 ''Q oa,� Gelb 1.454 or R. A° ro iits , tct ?o rt short notice, and satisfncation guaranteed. i'A call solicited, Sold by druggists or sent by mall, s0o, E. T. Hazeltine, warren. Pa., II, 8,A. H P. CHAPMAN, ISSUER . or MARRIAGE LICENSES, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, ETC, OYPICE—" Big" Bookstore, RIPLEY, ONT. Money to Loan on Farm Security at Low Rates of interest. No commission charged. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON; Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car load Orders a 'Specialty. Increase of IS CERTAIN IF THE GENUINE E1cCoII's L Ig ONLY USED. 'e+• �Id dfl A BE ENERGETIC, BY GIVING IT ONE McCOLL'S WELL KNOWN ?.*6 0.7 ' WOOD delivered to any part ot AV' Orders by mail promptly attended to• OtouCtE T110148014, Witurbaz P. O. ACknowledged the best in Canada. earlier Sale by Leading Dealers throughout th A Blessing to Every 11,7,,v),,i1:1,t),C,,14.,4,0-"q0:ce614.04:0:4,1,4, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS • A sr' 4.6 Iks, 4. yi ,a These remedies have litood the test of ilfty yeas experience, at 131, rutty the blood, correct all disorders et the LIVER„ 4011t tioNtYs Alio& v , rat 6.0 NGS AND AL N Is the only reliable reinedy• for bad Itge, 9011.9 *lab, ADcr011ff tt'ett>tiliN THROATS, COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, RITEIBitTIS314 01,01114,11, 6f0 end sold by all Medicine Vendora thretmhout thleAvold. 6,./, C •••,?' so not 533 Oxford Street, London, they itr4aV4r RP9 lp I CDR Iva them return again, phoney Or leaning, worst dues. Bedauselo Once feta treatise aro Pest Orfide. It toste THOUSANDS ,EN AW YEA or. stop yd er4 .aid rittiteoroe cr ee in OT