HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-11-04, Page 10OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Seaforth PHONE 527-0990 We Deliver Ontario CABBAGE Louisiana ' YAMS .. lb. 70 lb. 19 COME, CHECK OUR COMPETATIVE PRICES SCHNEIDER'S SPECIALS For This Week Schneider's Broken COOKED HAM 6-oz. 450 lb* 610 Schneider's Fresh CHICKEN LEGS PRODUCE TEAR DOWN THE FIELD IN A GOOD USED CAR FROM C4th MOTORS -- USED 4'1969 Chev. "8", 1969 Chev.. "8", 1969 Chev. "8", MOM 2-door Hdtop Custom Hdtop Stationwagon 1968 Mustang "8", Hdtop • 1968 Pontiac "8", Sedan P.S. 1967 Chev. "8", 4-dr. Sedan No Reasonable Offer Will Be Refused - NOT CERTIFIED - 1966 Chev. Coach 1966 Chev. Sedan 1963 Dodge "8" Sedan 1965 Corvair Coach 1963 Pontiac Sedan - MAKE US AN OFFER - 47h cAtoto44 SAL es ofoute,„ scsavvidebe Ply, S27-1750 • SEAFORTH Lot Open Evenings to 9 p.m.. cyr1vlvoL Er FRE Men's or Ladies' "Caravelle Watch by BULOVA • (an excellent family Xmas gift) When you buy your '72 Moto-Ski during • cough one 'iOn/Y Nieto-5k' g Ve4 YGli a 2-year ':•••• Track Warranty • len ouetrigeo • cyltncletrinbcfOisi NO DOWN PAYMENT until the snow flies! Over 300 Moto-Ski dealers in Ontario to serve you! In the final' game of the season with.Goderich, Seaforth dropped the home game 55 - 0. In the upper photo Neil Murray, (left) of 'Seaforth completes a pass while (below) Bill Kunz,(right) wasn't quite as lucky. Seaforth placed last in the Huron Perth League finishing the season with no wins and 6 les.seS. (Staff Photos) SDHS Loses Final Game with 20 players , pointing out that a total of 25 men were needed'to make a team. Seaforth scored a total of 12 points with 213 against after 6 losses and no wins. News of VVoodham The Messengers held their annual Halowe'en concert on - Friday evening. The evening commenced with a masquerade parade. The following- were the winners. Pre School and Kinder- garten - Best costume, Steven Thomson, Johh Hartwick„ Comic or Representation - Suzanne Wareham and Shelly O'Keefe; Homemade costume - Jeffrey Wareham and Deanna Copeland; Grades 1 to 4 Best costume - Cheryl Brine, Michael Brine and Marion Levy; Comic - Janet Parkinson, Bobby Cowdrey; Homemade costume - Terry Barbara Jaques; Grades 5 to 8 - Best costume - David Spence, Michele Robinson; Comic-L(11.1e Webb,Calvin Rodd. Homemade costume - Brian Thomson, Linda' Timms, Best couple - Elizabeth Levy and Paul Brine, Patricia Cowdrey and Steven Spence; Adults - Comic, Leonard Thacker, Mrs. Fred Parkinson; Best couple - Mrs. Ted Brine and, Mrs. George Levy. - Following the parade the members of the Messengers sang several songs, Recitation by Cheryl Brine, Duet by Margaret and Janet Parkinson, Dance - Marian Levy and Susan Spence; Instrumental, Michael Brine. Mrs. Ralph Wareham, Jeffrey and Suzanne of Morrisburg visited for several days with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb, Julie and Lorte. Mrs. Arthur Hopkin, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna and Miss Jean Copeland were Sund ay guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vyles, Gary and JoAnne and Mrs. Adrian Pringle and Wayne of Burlington': THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY' Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE Paramount PINK SALMON Kleenex - 200's FACIAL TISSUES McNairn's SULTANA RAISINS Maxwell House GROUND COFFEE Tenderleaf TEA BAGS Tide DETERGENT SPECIALS FOR ss„...es 10-oz. 1 .70 73/4-oz. 48 3 for 550 2-lb. 550 lb. 850 60's 790 K.S. 1.89 St, Columban and Woodstock played to a 2-2 tie in. a London and District Soccer League game in Woodstock on saturday. Wood- stock opened the scoring in the 1st half- but St. Columban tied the score on a goal by Brian Melady. Woodstock made it 2-1 lust before half-time. St. Col- umban tied the score mid-way NEW Hurricane, 644 CC's, 35 HP. Lightning, 398 CC's, 30 HP. bt 010M 9n lies Woodstock 2-2 through the and half with Gerald Ryan being the marksman, mak- ing the final score St. Colum- ban 2, Woodstock 2. The league standings are very close and the final team positions won't be determined until all games have been completed. At present, St. Columban have a threepoint lead over Woodstock but Woodstock have 2 games remaining against Tilisonburg and London Germans while St. Columban will end their schedule with a game against Sarnia Dante, in Sarnia on Saturday, Nov. 6th. The. two bottom teams in 1st Div- ision will be demoted to the 2nd Division for tile 1972 sea- son and the 2 top teams in each section of the 2nd Division will be promoted to make the 1st Division, ' a 10 team league for next year. St. Columban line-up: Paul O'Reilly, Ron McClure, Tom Melady, Murray McClure, Ger- ald Ryan, Paul Malone, Dave Mcinally, Torn Love, Brian Mel- ady, Larry Kale, John Gottschalk, Tom Burke. or Seaforth Defeats Stratford In a Huron-Perth Conference Girls' Basketball gams in Sea- forth on Friday, the Seaforth girls defeated Stratford Central in both the senior and the junior games. The Seniors were downed 36 - 11. High scorers ' • •-for Seaforth were Sandra C olem an and Betty McGregor and for Stratford it was Janet Kriesel and Peggy Budd. The Junior's score was 32- 18. Joanne Kunz and Teresa Flannigan were top scorers for Seaforth and Jeanette Mark and Pam Mountain for Stratford. Jeanette Mark suffered a broken nose during the junior game. The next game for the Sea- forth girls will be in Mitchell on Thursday, November 4, with the final game in' the regular schedule at Stratford North- western on November 8, Find Md. Balloons In Hibbert Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dillon, R.R. 2, Dublin recently dis- covered 12 balloons on their farm lot 22, con. 2, Hibbert. While two of the balloons were punctured on a wire fence the others remained inflated for several days. The balloons boe an inscrip- tion Baltimore Highlands Ele- mentary school balloon ascen- sion" and had travelled nearly 500 miles to reach a resting place in Hibbert. Vincent Farm Equipment Ltd. . Ph. 527-0120- Seaforth THURSDAY NIGHTERS Team standings: Squeezers, 17; Geriatrics, 15; Ruggles, 14; Sweet Nothings, 13; Crooks, 13; ,Maulers, 12. Ladies' high singles, Gail MacKenzie, 249 and Jeanette Harris, 233; high triples, Mary Anne Weiler, 604; Gail MacKen- zie, 595. Men's high single and triple, Mac Webster, 274 and 621. EGMONDVILLE Team standings: Whippets, 32; Grea Doris, .26; Lincolns, 23; Cou Cars, 21; Datsuns, 14; Fords, 10, Ladies' high single and triple, V1 MIlligan, 207 and 515; high average, Helen Nott, 174. Men's high single and triple, Randy Grldzak, 310 and 749; high -average, Gord Nobel, 228. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Team standings; SharpShoot- ers, 19; Irish Tigers, 17; Irish Dutchies, 15; Greyhounds, 14; Challangers, 10; Sharp Dutchies, 9. Ladies' high singles; Ann Nobel, 232 and Rachel Walters, 222 high triple, Rachel Walters, 618. Men's high singles, JohnSeg- eren , 236 and Rick Wood, 209, High triple, John Segeren, 576. C.Y.O. LEAGUE Team standings: Super Stars, 30; Humans, 30; Africans, 26; Gorillas, 19 ; Baboons, 11; Pullets, 8. Highs, Joanne Van Drunen, 236; Mary Van Dooren, 212; peter De Groot., 260 and 627; Bill O'Shea, 263 and 704. MINOR LEAGUE • Team standings; Pro's, 26;. Tornados, 18; Born Winners, 17; Ball Bouncers, 15; Bombers, 15; Pin Knockers, 14. Highs, RossGovier, 329 and 854; Nick Houwart,, 221; Jim Case, 205.„ At last summer is over and most of the sports associated with it. Weep not for there is a whole new, winter coming and with it the joy of Curling. Officially our season opened with a pot luck supper which was held on October 23rd and was very 'well attended. A delicious meal ST. JAMES LEAGUE Team standings: Blue Jays, 29; Ostriches, 29; Rarabling Ravens, 26; Crows, 24; Orioles, 21; Sky Larks, 18. Ladies' high single and triple, Anne Noble, 284 and 752. Men's high single, John Cole- man, 278; high triple, Reg. Dick, 771. LEGION LEAGUE Team standings; Deadbeats, 28; Gumdrops, 27; Threeballers, 24; unpredictabies, 23; Arm- pits, 14; Helibeli's, 10. Ladies' high singles, Helen Nicholson, 288, Geraldine, 299; high triple, Helen Nicholson,649. Men's rgh single and triple, Jack Eisler, 331 and 724. SEAFORTH MIXED LEAGUE Team standings: Caterpil- lars, 26; Beetles, 20; June Bugs, 19; Bed Bugs, 15; Lady Bugs, 14; Termites, 11. Beetles, 2719; June Bugs, , 2635; Bed Bugs, 2601; Caterpil- lars, 2533; Lady Bugs, 2484; Termites, 2293. • Ladies' high single, Helen Stewart, 223; high triple, Elva McKellar, 519. Men's high single and triple, George Hays, 277 and 690. - COUNTRY CLUB Team standings: High Flyers, 24; Tricky Six, 23; Packers, 22; potato Kings, 18; Dickers, 12; Pinstikkers, 6. Ladies' high single, Leona Elliott, 217; high triple, Betty Harris, 587. Men's high single, Cookie Van de' Pryde, 237; high triple, John Snushall, 611. FORESTERS LEAGUE Team standings: Combines, 14; Green Acres, 13; Hay Mak- ers, 13; Hee Haws, 12; Hill- billies, 7; Hay Seeds, 4. Ladies' high single, Laurene Regele, 251; high triple, Ruth Campbell, 621. Men's high single and, triple, George Love. 247 and 716. Seaforth District High School ended this years football season on a sad note as they were handed a crushing 5\5 - 0 loss at the hands of Goderich, in a game played in Seaforth Thursday. Goderich picked up a healthy 39-0 lead by the end of the first half and controlled the play throughout the last half. The game statistics told the story more accurately. Goderich picked up' a total of 360 yards in rushing and 118 yards in passing. Seaforth were minus 10 yards in their rushing abil- ities and gained 57 yards in passing. Seaforth placed last in the Huron Perth League. Coach Terry Johnson said Thursday after the game that he felt this year would be the last season for a football team in Seaforth. He completed this year's play Ladies Aid Meets Miss Jennie Hog of M3Killop was the guest speaker at the •Ladies Aid of FirstChirrch Tues- day afternoon when discussing the subject "work". Mrs. Ed Andrews was in the chair and conduCted the business. A moment of silent prayer was observed in memory of Mrs. Helen Hem berger. Mrs. F. Cole- man gave the opening poem "Church Suppers" and the scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. J. A. Munn after which Mrs. wm. Dr aver led in prayer. The nominating committee for this year will be Mrs. James Keyes and Mrs. F. Coleman. A duet was sun by Mrs. Robert McMillan and Mrs. F. Coleman. Mrs. Andrews introduced Miss Hogg and Miss Jean Scott thanked those who participated in the pro- gram, Mrs. Frank Kling thanked all the Ladies Aid members for the assistance they had given at the Turkey dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Befiarfl, 46 George Street, Seaforth cele- brated their 35th wedding anni- versary Friday, October 22. Married in Drysdale the couple have resided in Seaforth for ti.e past 23 years. A family supper was ,held the Commercial Hotel, folloar4d by a social evening at the Sea- forth Arena when 200 friends and relatives joined them in celebrating the event. " Down At The Lanes By Lee Hee Rocket, 339 CC's, 25 HP. Thre'e great machines. From , fast to very fast. They're all fun. All dependable. All Merc. And they're all on display in our showroom. See them today. ACCESSORIES • Speedometers • .Snowmobile Covers • Mere Snow Suits • Quicksilver Winter Formula 25 Oil [1.02222) MAKE YOUR MiNettP ON A MERO AT Seaforth Sports 8t' Marine JIM HOPPER R.R. 2, Seaforth, Ont 527-0775 moto•sla BONUS DEAL AYS Froth Oct. 29th to Nov. 21st, 1971. 14 models all packed with performance, design and safety features that make ' Moto-Ski YOUR Best Buy! The Bos'n Shop Brucefield dateoNii (By Norm) was enjoyed by all. A short meeting was held with President. N.Scoins in the chair. The secretary, Chas. Woods, read ,the. minutes with treasurer, Jack Patterson giving the financial report. With both 1st. vice, A. Wright, and second vice, Willard Aiken, in attendance. This year the finance com- mittee chaired by Bill Campbell Sr. with Don -Stephenson, Steve Brown and Lloyd Rowat are put- ting on a drive to have everyone in the club financially interested. At the conclusion of the meeting • a social evening followed. Monday evening the member- ship committee held their second meeting headed by Dave Cornish with Fred Elliott, Bill Lobb, Herb Traviss and Ken Willis to con- firm last year's list plus many new curlers for this season. The list of curlers was then turned over to both draw committees. The mens draw is composed of Gord. Beuttenmiller, L.Slade, Jim Cunningham and Glen Ches- ney. The mixed includes Andy and VI Peterson, Bob & Mary Fotheringham and Bill and Mar- lene Roberton. The co-ordinator is Lloyd Rowat. If you are interested in curling for this winter and would like •to spend your winter in a sociable atmosphere, contact any member. We would be very happy to have you come. As you drive by you will notice a new roof on the north side. The property committee of Bob Wilson, Rod Dolg and J. Longstaff r assumed that responsibility. This year Bill Campbell Jr., Bob Wilson, Bob St. Marie and Royce Macaulay will be in charge of bonipiels. The Special Events committee includes Stu McCabe, Stu Hum- phries and Bill Campbell Sr. while on the Special Events Mixed are Norma and Doug Riley, Ariel and Chuck Wood; Gwen & .John Patterson Jr; Joan & Graham Sholdice; Dien & Ron McKay. Other committees are: Publicity- Norm and Ina Scoins; Rules, J,E.Paterson, Bob Wilson and W. Campell Jr. For the last two years the club has been under the leader- ship of past president, Harry Williams, and members expres- sed appreciation for a job well done. The ladles under their P resident, Ariel Wood and com- mittee of LeoneRowat and Norma Riley undertook a major face lifting on the interior. The-tesult is that the lounge has been com- pletely redecorated lending a much warmer atmosphere. I'm sure every member joins me in a most sincere thanks. By the way it is expected there will be curling in about a week. See you all there. Members of St. James Roman Catholic Church, the couple have six children and fourteen grand- children. Mr. Bedard is on the staff of Seaforth Creamery Ltd. Guests at the social evening included those from Sarnia, De- troit, and Kitchener, Goderich, Zurich and Hensall, as well as from Seaforth. Mr .,Mrs Lloyd Bedard if\ Mark 35thAnniversary