HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-11-04, Page 7Describes Special Program tt ' A FUN-LOVING BOY" Billy's disposition Is just as winning as his smile. This three-year-old is an outgoing, loyal, fun loving boy Min inekes friends readily and captures' the heart of everyone IR' meets, With an Angio-Saxon background, Hilly is about average in size with blue eyes, fair skin. and shining ihlonde hair, lie is in good general health, but he has cerebral palsy (lack of muscle control) affecting his legs. He is attending a nursery school operated byothe Society for Crippled Childrrn where daily thereapy is available, and Ts alrriost walking. He tries hard and thrives on 'the praise he gets'for his ;achievements. Billy likes to watch Sesame Street and enjoys playing with eaticational toys. He looks forward to Sunday School, especially the music, and In his foster home he is often heard singing little rhymes to himself. This laddie needs parents whose love will surmount hiS physical handicap and who can help him develop to the limit of his abilities, with more concern for personality than for scholastic achievement. To inquire about adopting Billy, please write to To-day's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 192. For general adoption Information, ask your Children's Aid Society. TODAY'S CHILD Grade 8 students at St. James Separate School, Seaforth„, decided, as a special Halloween treat, to throw a party and invite their teachers. Games provided the main entertainment for the Thursday evening event. Theresa (Teri) Craig, Physical Education teacher, employs some tactics to draw laughs rrom Lynn Realer, 14, wearing the curlers. BY HELEN ALLEN Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne have returned from a graduation exercises at which month's Mrs. Dennis welsh received her visit with relatives in Saskat- Bachelor of Arts Degree. chewan and Vancouver. Mrs. Angus Kennedy is, a • patient in Stratford General Lannitsos Regina Van Bakel, n College, Sarnia, spent the week end at her horns here. Hospital. Rev. Frank M Dylan, S. F', M.,Rev. Francis Moylan, S.F.M., - is spending some time with Mr. has gone to Brooklyn, N.Y. and Mrs. John M oylan. to attend the funeral of Rev. • Thomas Boyle, which takes place Miss Nell Doyle, London, visited Ted Doyle last week. on Wednesday. and Mr. -Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand La- M; s. Gerald Gaffney, Pointe, windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Peterborough, visited Mr. and Harry Ryan, and Jim Malady, Mrs, James Sloan Sr. daring the . week. London, were here recently, anc with the other members of the Miss Hilda k'elmedy, Lciriddh, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melady family honored their parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Edward August Ducharme, Melady on their, 30th wedding Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Staples visited their daughters, Misses anniversary. .The Forty Hours Devotion Sharon and Barbara Staples in Stratford. Was held in St. Cirdumban Church last week, under the Miss Maureen Ryan, daughter direction of Rev. Father Mc- of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan has Cormack, C.S. Sp-Woodstock. received word that she has passed her ,R.N. examination. She is now a fully qualified registered nurse and will continue her work 'at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. On Saturday evening a shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan in honor of , MiSs Joanne Dunbar, whose forthcoming marriage to Jim Ryan will be an event of this month. Misses M aureen .and Confirmation was held at St. Mary Lou Ryan sponsored the Patrick's Church on Wednesday of last week when Gerald E. shower. Bingo was 'played and the many 'beautiful gifts were Carter, Bishop of London, ad- opened. Miss Dunbar extended ministered theSacrainent of Con- firmation. His excellency was her appreciation to each donor. assisted by Rev. P. Oostveen and Rev, G. Dill, Pastor of St. Patrick's Church. Other priests' attending were Rt. Rev. J. J. White, Rt. Rev. C. Adams, Fr. Snyder and Fr,' A. Looby. • The children confirmed wb.r., from Si, Patrick's Church, Dublin,, St. Columban Church, St. Brigid's Church, Kennicott and Mitchell. ' "' They included: Bradshaw, Joanne , Connelly,Timothy Murry Dietrich, Terry Dietrich, Sunday with M rs, Lawrence Hill Linda Fizelr, Patricia Fizell, of C,redtton. et'Dianne Gaffney, Donald Gaffney, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hoegy Tom Gaffney, Jennifer Hennikam , and Scott of London were Sun- Mary Lynne Jordan, Elaine day visitors with Mr: and Mrs. Maloney, Diane Maloney, David William Dale and Cheryl. Nicholson,'. Susan Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grim- Murray Nicholson, Gerald veil oldby of Teesi,vater, Mrs.George Herk, Michael Van Herk, John Harkness of Ripley visited on Verhoeve, Robert Verhoeve, Sunday evening with Mrs.lrene Eddy Van ROessel, Kenny Bruxer, Grirnoldby. Frank Claessens, Don Cronin, Thirty friehds arm relatives `William Downey, Andre Du- News of ST. COLUMBAN Correspondent Mr. Louis O'Reilly and Mr. Mrs. Joseph Kale and Mrs. Jack O'Reilly were in Ebuidon on Friday attending the of 'Mr. and Mrs. Sam McClure and family took advantage of the warm weather on Sunday i'rs-1 held a picnic in their hush. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley left on Sunday to spend a fee' days wall, their daughter and son-la-law and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods, Debbie and Michele of Gananoque. Mrs. Jim Jamieson, Mrs. John Thompson and Mrs.Ter- rence Hunter Of Colborne Town- ship left on Monday to spehd the next few clays visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reynolds and family of Smithfield, Michigan. Sympathy of the com inanity is extended Mrs, Irene Grimold- by on the death of her cousin, Clifford Trott. John and Jim Scarrow spent the week end in Sarnia with Kevin Staniforth. RemeMberl It takes but a moment to - place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. Correspondent Miss Mary Mcllwain Mr. arid Mrs. Ken Pres zcator, Linda, Dianne, Nancy and Larry Dill on of Seaforth visited on Constance News of charme, Pat Fe,eney, Tom Feeney, Steve Goettler, Larry Fritz Klaver, Paul Krauskopf, Mark Looby, Tony Loomans, Bill M.iCreight, Torn Correspondent Mrs. Bob Cronin Dublin W. I. met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Roney. Mrs. Charles Friend, president , opened the meeting. There were fifteen ladies present with the roll' call being answered by "How to fur- ther your education after leaving school". The assistant secretary, Mrs. Harold Pethick, read minutes. Correspondence included notice of a needlework course Nov. 25 and 26 in Fullerton, Mrs.Norman McKay reported on two 'fall conventions. These included London AreaConventIon held in Clinton September 30 and the Perth County W. I. Rally held at the Stratford Coliseum Oct.21. The program theme was Education. Mrs. Charles Friend introduced Mrs. George Coville, who spoke on the special educa- tion program in Huron County Public Schools. She was thanked by Mrs. Anne Burchill, Mrs. Charles Roney played two, selec- tions on the organ. A successful bake sale was held with Mrs. Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THilJRSIDAY AT 2:00 P.M. All classes of Livestock COMPETENCE CONFIDENCE COMPETITION Victor ' Jack • Doug Plaint-eaves Roddeil Riddell 482 751 1 237-3431 237 3576 Clinton Dashwood Dachwood Confirmation exercises for students ofslrea separate schools were held last Wednesday at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in Dublin. His Excellency Bishop Gerald E. Carter, London, confirmed students from St. Columban, St. Brigid's, Kennicott and Mitchell. Here a portion of the procession is proceeding into the Church. (Staff Photo) For Publin Akact_Children Hold Confirmation Service McGrath, Ronald McIver, Donald Melady, Allan Murray, Eugene Nolan, Frankle Nyland, GaryO'- Reilly, Pat O'Reilly, Jeffrey Rey - nen, Allan Ryan, Jerry Ryan, Reg, Swart, Michael Terpstra, Jim Van Bakel, Tony Van Bakel, Richard Verberne, Paul Vogels, David Vonk, Don • Vonk, Anne Albert, Cathy Brosens, Kathy B uxer, Karen Cronin, Maureen laney, Catharine' Dekroon, Pauline Dekroon, Mary Beth Downey, Catherine Duffy, Nancy Eckert, Lorie Ferguson, Linda Ferguson, Joan Flanagan, Patty Flanagan, Marg. Frariks,Joanne Jordan, Mary Ann Kale, M cry Lou Kramers, Donna Krauskopf, Ca- therine Anne Lane, Laurel Looby, Carolyn Maloney, Susan Maloney, Sharon McLaughlin, Marilyn Murray, Mary Jean Olsthoorn, Mary Helen O'Rourke, "virki O'Rourke, Mary Renne, Maureen Ruston, Gloria Smith,Charmaine' Staples,, Joanne Swart, Patricia Terpstra, Mary Ann Van Bergen, Rita Verberne. NOW OPEN in STRATFORDL For the GLORY of GOD THE BIBLE and BOOK HOUSE' 21 DOWNIE STREET TEL. 273-1261 Visit us soon for all your CHURCH and CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Enjoy Our Rest Corner and Warm Fellowship. Active Christians Use Our Store Jack Burchill as auctioneer. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. L. Aiken and Mrs. L. Barker. SHOWER - A miscellaneous shower was held for Miss Joanne Dunbar, bride elect of this month, by Misses Maureen and Mary Lou Ryan and Marjorie Hedley at the home of Mrs. Frank Ryan of R.R. #1, Dublin, Approximately 25 of Miss Dunbar's future. in-laws were present. Several games were played. Miss Maureen Ryan read an address and presented many gifts on behalf of all present. Miss Dunbar thanked everyone for their very useful gifts. Miss Dunbar, Of Stratford, will become the bride of Mr.Jim Ryan, son- of Mr. and Mrs. Zack Ryan, on November 13th. ANNIVERSARY A 30th anniversary party was held at the home of Mr. and MTS. Ken Ryan in honour of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Flannery. The family were all' present as follows, Mrs. E. W. Ryan of Clinton will give a • demonstration of Christmas decorations at the November meeting next Tuesday evening at the Hospital. Mrs. W. C. Bennett will give a resume of the convention of the Hospital Auxiliaries Association which she attended in Toronto last week. Anyone interested in joining the Auxiliary is especially invited to attend. (Carol) Mrs. Ken Ryan, Mary Elizabeth and Margaret at home, (Brenda) Mrs. Bob Telford, Niagara Falls, Pat and Joe of London and James at home. Also Mr. and Mrs. Flannery's five grandchildren, Wayne, Neil, Anne, Jean and Kenneth Ryan were present along' with many friends and relatives. A social- evening was enjoyed with cards and the winners were, - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Durst, Mrs. Liz Brown and Mr. Joseph L. Ryan, Mr. Ken Moore presented MT. and Mrs. Flannery with a foot stool and a swag lamp from their neighbours. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Cos- tello and family, Kitchener, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Rev. Father Vincent Eckert, Gary, Indianna, Mr. James Eck- ert and Danny, Rochester, N.Y. were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Coville on the week end. Mr. and Mi,s, Ed. Hallinan have returned to Detroit after spending a week with members of the Cronin family. The Knights Of Columbus formed a bodyguard for the cere.:: mony and after the Ceremony the Bishop met with the parents, children and sponsors in St.Pat- rick's Church Hall. 40+0•41.4, ,11.4110.1.4.0 WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY GERALD HOLLAND Funeral • Is Largely Attended Largely attended funeral ser- vices were. held Friday morning va • in St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, for Gerald Holland. A widely known area businessman, Mr. Holland, 69, died suddenly on October 23. Funeral mass was conducted by Rev. T, G. Dill, Dublin, Rev, Vincent Eckert, Garry, Ind.,Rev. Arthur Looby, Toronto and Rev. R. J. Durand, Stratford. Interment followed In St. Patrick's Church cemetery. Pal- lbearers were: Oliver Gaffney, Stratford; Steven Holland, Brant- ford, Ed. Holland, Toronto, Leo, Carlin, London, Wm. Holland, Windsor and Matt Murray, Dublin. vo Single-breasted fancy weaves or plain shades in double- breasted fortrel double-knits lead the style parade this fall. Sizes 36 to 44, ,49.50to $55 Double-Knit FLARES Plain or fancy pattern. washs able double-knit flares to wear alone or to co-ordinate with Sports Jackets — We have all the new shades. Sizes 28 to 38. 16.95 NEW FALL DRESS SHIRTS . 7.95 8.95 PLAIN SHADES FANCY PATTERNS FOTREL DOUBLE-KNIT SPORT JACKETS Visit our shirt bar to see the hundreds of new shades and patterns in perm'a-press shirts for fall. Regular 8.50 to 10 00, Arrow and Forsyth Makes — OUR PRICE F012 1312EAKFAST;- CEREALS AND JOY / so 140U12151-4ING FOR GIRL AND BOY/ it Store Hours 9 to 9 Saturday 9 to to EOMONDVILLE, a THE. HURON EXPOSITOki; 4RAFPRTilik TI M W OR FM STYLE ANTI COMFORT-. XN Men Clot es • Dovto,pKNIT FORTREL ITS a Small neat patterns with the new sport bads, go. velope flap pockets and flare pants — are it I'M. the smart dresser. Drop in to-day and try on a suit or two — you'll like the stretth comfort Two-Pant Suit 9.50 NEW NECKWEAR We always have a profusion of the newest and and smart- est in Men's. Ties — Let us match up or contrast, some for your new fall shirts. 2.00 4.00 . .......... This store will be open Wednesday morning, November 10th, from 9 to 12;30. On Thursday, Remembrance Day, we will remain closed until 1 p.m. ...... STEWART BROS. "THE MEN'S SHOP"? Campbell's Mushroom Soup 10-oz. cans 5 for 95c Mitchell's Applesauce 19-or cans 5 for $100 Kellogg's Corn Flakes 16-or. pkg. 39c Kellogg's Rice Krispies 9-oz. pkg. 33c Weston's Cinnamon Iced Buns, Tog. 49c for 39c Schneider's Slic Side Bac- on, lb 59c Schneider's Breakfast Sant- sage lb. 63c