HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-11-04, Page 323 MR 11111n 27 28 WI 4111 111111 ITI 34 11111 1111 MIN JJJ ®SIR 42 OHM WM= UMW 611111011111 UMUMNIM AMIN= AMOMME MM.= AMMIIMIE ARNOLD STINNISSEN Life — Health and Accident — Registered Retirement Pensions Income Tax Deductable Registered Retirement Annuities Representing' Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAFORTH AMMOMMIIMMUMMIAMMEM CAN IDB SERVE YOU? Friday, November 5th, 1971 one of our representatives Mr. J. D. Brinklow will be at The Bedford Hotel Goderich' In this district and throughout Canada many persons and firms in practically all types of businesses including Agriculture • Tourist and Recreational Businesses • Construction • Professional . Services • Transportation • Wholesale and Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing have obtained loans from the IDB to acquire land, buildings, and machinery, to increase working capital, to start a .new business, and for other purposes. If you consider that IDB can be of service, you are invited to arrange an appointment with the IDB representative by telephoning Telephone: 524-7337 or in advance by writing to INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANKA, 197 York Street, London 12, Ontario. 11111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111r • W! EMU CREAM SHERRY The lowest priced, best tasting Australian cream sherry in Ontario is at your local liquor store. EMU CREAM 4r St4:•iie itie. tiogesp ZaSseeS Aimetrat LVIPORTED • Try this remarka'ile wine imported from sunny' Australia. ,Treat yourself •and your friends today. Other fine Emu wines 999 Red Port Wine Medium Dry Sherry 444 Dessert Wine Imported and bottled by the LCBO' • "XPQ • • • • • across 43 Three times (comb. forrir)' -, 46 Bristles 47 Depot (eb.) . • 50 Rent roll 52 Staler 54 Make angry 55 Dyestuff 56 Cubic meters 57 Violent exhalations through nostrils DOWN 1 Unruly child 2 At this place ACROSS 1 Himalayan state 7 Inherent 13 Become reanimated mi 14 Biblical mountain •15 Spheres of action 16 Contrive 17 Beverage 18 Discolor 20"Streets (ab.) 21 Everlasting 23 Enervates 26 Arikaran Indian 27 Bullfight cheers 31 Boy's name 32 Unaspirated 33 River in New • Mexico 34 Initial (ab.) 35 European stream 36 Onager 39 Children 40 Town in 1 Scanning the Lucknow Sentinel we Mote that Lucknow tax bills will be in the mail this week.This year's rate is down considerably because of a redistribution of surplus by the Bruce County Board of Education credited to Lucknow when county boards were formed but held by the county board until this year. This reduced the school rates very sharply for one year, a total of about 19 mills. However, school rates next year will be up as high or higher as that of last year - - - Lucknow village council recently initiated talks between adjacent municipal councils concerning the possibility of the establishment of an area medical centre. From the Brussels Post reference is made in regard to an honor dinner for Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Parker at the Blue Earn recently on the occasion of Mr. Parker's retirement. Members of the staff and bank managers of area Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce were present for the occasion. The Zurich Citizens News reports that after five years in the planning stage, the reconstruction of the Zurich Water System commenced this week. The lowest tender originally was approximately $300,000 which was $85,000 over the estimates and the approval granted by the Ontario Munkipal Board. After weeks of negotiations and discussions an alternative plan was devised whereby the village of Zurich would 'be their own contractor and the estimate now is $195,000 . - - - Mr. Milford Doerr, a Zurich businessman, was, the winner of $1,000. in an early bird draw held recently in conjunction with the Ontario Sweep- stakes, Parkhill Lottery. He was the first winner from Huron County. - - - A new district ,Intermediate hockey league has been formed recently and will open a 20-game schedule on November 1st with five teams competing. They include, Huron Park, Hensall, Dashwood, Zurich and the College. Team' epresentatives are: Huron Park, Frank Funston and Bob Pinter; Hensall, Larry Ducharme and Melvin Wurm; Zurich, Dick Bedard,Dashwood, Jack Ford; Agricultural College, John Stephens. ' We note the Blyth Standard reports the Legion sponsored Walkathon was a "huge success and are planning to make it anannual event. When all the pledges are in, it is anticipated the total amount will be over the $1,000 mark. Winners of trophies were: John Battye, fastest walker; James-Oster, youngest walker; William Bromlty, 82 years old, was the oldest walker in the trek. The Goderich Signal-Star in a news story reports that Rex, the big German Shepherd dog which has been in the news province-wide recently, will be •adopted according to Mr. and Mrs. Kaz Budny. Judge R. S. Hetherington ordered last Friday at the appeal hearing that the dog should be destroyed "at and when at their own discretion, the Humane Society determines;" and that in the meantime the ' "dog be committed to the Humane SOciety's care without furder'expense to anyone involved in the Goderich episode. Mr. Budny reported before press time that the dog, Rex, has been adopted and will reside on a 1200-acre farm. The Mitchell Advocate reports that Lynne Sinclair was one of four Western Ontario students chosen to sing in the A5-voice Ontario Youth Choir. Lynne is also a member of the UWO choir and Pro Musica of London; She is attend- ing London Teacher's College this year. - - Dr. Harry Parrott, son of Mrs. Parrott, Mitchell, and the late Mr. W. C. Parrott, was the winning candidate in the Oxford riding for the Progressive Conservaties. The Advocate heading reads "Two of our Mitchell, boys win seats in. Ontario Legislature - and aren't we proud?" ' The Canadian Legion Branch 30'7, Howick, was honored Monday night, according to the Wingham Advance-Times; with the presentation of a commemorative sword to be hung in the Legion Hall. at Gorrie. Donated to the Branch by Major A. B. Corbett, a charter member of Branch 30'7, the presentation was made by George Inglis to Legion President Jack Clarke. Major Corbett served in World War 1, 1916- 1918, in the Militia from1920 to1939, then with the Veterans' Guard until 1946. - - - Approximately 100 attended the referee's clinic at Wingham and sponsored by the Western Ontario Athletic Association. '- - - The Wingham Pee Wees are already practising with Ken Balzer putting them through their paces. Ken in the workouts stressed the quick pass and pick-up, With direction to keep shooting. The Clinton News-Record reports that Mr. and Mrs. warren Gibbings, who have just returned from England, marked their 40th wedding anniversary with Capt. arid Mrs. Benno Botterbusch, who were former residents at CFB 'Clinton. - - - Nearly 300 Huron County Public School students took part Tuesday afternoon in a cross-country race on the farm of W. C. Millson at Constance. Setforth was third with 451 points. - - - Twenty ladies met at the Auburn Community Memorial Hall, Monday, starting the • sewing class - "The Knack with Knits." Grand Bend Council learned Monday night from Coun- cillor Dave Jackson, according to the Exeter Times Advocate, that dredging at the Grand Bend harbour should start very shortly. - - -Sunday, the congregation of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church on . Highway 4 south of Centralia, will mark its 100 anniversary of the opening of its present building . There's a small marker In the church yard, still clearly visible for those who will stop and read it and states, "In memory of Patrick, son of John and Margaret Glavin, who died July 20, 1843, aged four years and four months." Sunday, Rev. Father Raphael Glavin of Windsor, Ontario, great grandson of John Glavin, • father of the little 'boy, will celebrate the Centennial Mass at the special services. Father John C. Mooney is the present pastor, and it is mainly through his efforts that'the Centennial celebrations are being conducted. Variety Scanning the Weeklies By Lee Hee 10 Flower Answer 11 Huge 25 Heap 44 Lease 12 Summers 28 Stream in 45 Concerning (Fr.) Siberia, (law) 19 Exist 29 Geraint's wife 47 Mix 21 Make into a .30 Coteries 48 Canvas steep slope 36 Anoints ' shelter (mil.) 37 Perched 49 Greek god of 22 Girl's name, 38 Rays war . 23 State flower 41 Method, 51 Sailor of Utah 42 Wading bird 53 Equal (comb. 24 Dry 43 Very (Fr.) form) 3 Iris layer (anat.) 4 Metal 5 Nautical term 6 Squatter 7 Feminine appellation Amphitheater 9 Hebrew letter 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 /5 18 H !MOON I tn..t_ 't;P' • ri 4V 0 17' -. S NR9P. 19 )4 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 22 NJ aaa a.. I Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall The Huron County Historical Society met in the Walton Com- munity Hall Wednesday evening. The President of the Society is Harold Turner of Goderich, Mrs. Herb Traviss was pianist. Rev. J. Ure Stewart spoke of the Van Egmand home in Sea- forth which it is hoped will be restored. A word of welcome was ex- tended from the Institute Pres- ident, Mrs. Gerald Watson. She. introduced Mrs. Nelson Reid, who gave, the History of Walton. A ' road map was on display to show where the first businesses were in the village and the first one to settle was in 1850, During the evening entertain- ment included numbers by Bruce, Ronny and. Dianne Godkin and Linda and Bob Axtmann when they sang "This Land is Your Land" and "Strawberry Roan" assisted by Mrs. Laverne Godkin at the piano. Th@ Silver Strings of McKillop gave two nums)ers with Faye Dalton a t the piano; Linda Godkin, the violin; Beth McNic'hol, the banjo and Ray McNichol, the electric guitar. Beth McNichol also Tap dances. Mrs. Ron Bennett read a poem by an unknown author that was written in 1904, the time the rail- way was to come through Walton. Community singing, led by Don McDonald included "Pack up your troubles" arta "It,s a long way to Tipperary He al so contributed 'two solos °Galoway Bay" and °Bonnie Lassie". Lunch was served by mem- bers of the Institute and Mr. Turner thanked the ladies for their hospitality during the even- ing. 4H Clubs The Walton H Dairy Daisies met at the Walton Community Hall, with all three clubs taking part and with Miss .Catharine Hunt, Home Economist present. Miss Hunt discussed the next project "Sleepwear", which will take place 'in the spring of•1972. ' For a demonstration, all three clubs took part, Walton I club members making chip dip, Walton II dandy candy and Walton III Butterscotch fudge. At the next meeting Debbie Van Vliet read minutes and hand- out sheets were received "Feat- uring Proteins" and Spot- lighting Dairy Desserts." Joyce and Mary Anne Blake made pud- ding and Heather and Pat McDon- ald cheese drop biscuits. Milk Maids 4-H Club met at the home of Margaret Short- reed on Thursday. Mary Searle and Margaret Shortreed made cream puffs and there was a discussion on butter, cream and cheese. Mrs. G, Watson stowed pictures 'of Dairy Products which we are going to be used'in our skit. Mrs. Robert McKercher was guest speaker at as special 4-H homemakers meeting in the Sea- forth District 'High School on October 26th sponsored by the EUCHRE PARTY The first euchre of the sea- son was held in the Walton Com- munity Hall on Friday evening with five tables in play. Prizes were won by: high lady, 'Mrs. Ernie Stevens, low, Shirley John- ston; high man, Harvey Craig, low, Jim McDonald. Lucky cup, Mrs. E. Stevens. Lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge: Mrs. M, Shol- dice, Mrs. J. Van Vliet Sr., Mrs. A. Craig and Mrs. R, Huether. YOUTH CLUB The Youth Club met at Walton United Church Sunday evening. Officers are President - Bruce McDonald; Vice-Pres. - Steve Sholdice; Secretary - Dianne Fraser; Treasurer - BrianSum- merville. WALTON W.I. The Walton Women's Insti- tute held their October meeting in the Community Hall on Oct- ober 20th. Mt s. Gerald Watson opened :the meeting. with Mrs. Herb Traviss as pianist. Citizen- ship and education conveners, Mrs. H. Williamson and' Mrs. H. Traviss provided the pro- gram. Mrs., Williamson read a poem entitled ',Auction Sale" and introduced her 'daughter, , Miss Eileen Williamson who showed interesting pictures and told of her trip to B.C. taking in the Yukon Territories, Alaska, Dawson and Whitehorse. Mrs. Traviss thanked Eileen and pre- sented her with a gift on behalf of the Institute. Mrs. e. Van Vliet Jr. was auctioneer for a large display of hats. Each mem- ber wore the hat they purchased Mrs. Watson conducted' the business with Mrs. W. H. Hum- phries, reading minutes. Mrs.. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION Ail Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 Don Achilles and Mrs. Alvin McDonald delegates, reported on the County Rally held in Ethel. Coffee and doughnuts were served by Mrs, Neith Rock, Mrs. Joe Steffer and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr. The Sacrament of Infant Baptism will be administered on Sunday, November 7th at 11:15 A.M. at Duff's Church. Mr. and Mrs. James Daley, Cedar Springs, Blenheim, spent a recent weekend with Rev. and Mrs. D. Docken and Kristen. The 8th and 16th Unit are planning a social evening to be held at the church on Tuesday evening when Elvin Roth of the Mission Service will be guest speaker. Nurse Qt Ofitvick that. Of has SOCOPSONIlY p48§0411.erregr istered Sprees Wca.414.atlflfl•Ah0- is exinanvoct on the 4444. the LIstoei nosp#41. SEE -- DRIVE and BUY- The New '72 Models RUPP SNOWMOBILES at- Win. Beuermwi RUP.P SALES and SERVICE Five miles North of. Dublin aroci%-mile West or six miles East of Winthrop. VALUES IN USED MACHINES 1 - 1971 Skidoo Nordic 24 h.p. - 1970 Sno Crulser 20 h.p. PH I NE: 345-2956 In Glitirafit 'T Certifica " DONALD 16. EATON Office in Maspiftc.ElOck' Main St„ SEAFORTR Phoile 5274610 • • • • • n 21 Wtcilton Hosts Huron Historical Society Me ting Seafortir Wamen's Institute for 12 local clubs. Mrs. McKerc her told the girls about being through a Blue Cheese Factory in Denmark while on a trip last year and discussed Family Living, stressing the value of good famtly corn meni- cations. Films shown included the story, of cheese and clean milk and short talks were given by girls whose clubs had toured Exeter Dairy 'and local dairy farms in connection with their project. Mrs. Erlin Whitmore, .4-H Co-ordinator for the Women's Institute chaired the meeting which was attended by about 90 girls. 527 - 0311 Mr. and Mrs. W. Stuta Of waterloo spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Dundas. Miss Helen Searle has received y.'prd from the College Inquire About Our SHARON and LEO Medd 21 CLUB" It Could SAVE YOU MONEY ' It will soon be time' to change to Snow Tires and for Installation of of Anti-Freeze. —Medd's Supertest— Main and aderich Sts. SEAFORTH 4