HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-10, Page 7St. Uoletxu•
erhape no event,naore exalting in
the history of the St Helena base ball
club has occurred than the contest at
Clinton, on lot July, for the silver
tankard and' the championship of
Western Ontario, In this Contest,
there were three competing teams,
viz ; St .Veletas, Mitchell and Clinton,
Iii the toss fol. places, SteHeleus was
first matched against Mitchell. In
the toss for planes on the .field, St Hel-
ens won, and took the field, The
teau a were both in fine shape and both
did twine very sharp playing, but it
, wits eerily seen by all that Mitchell,
though considered a pretty good "team,
was no thatch for the sturdy yeomen
of the Northern district. Captain
Webb, with his usual catm counterse
alias, stood in the box and did some
fine twirling, which Taylor, the back-
• stop; book in in great shape, and nosh•
ing could be heard but the loud clear,
. voice, of the unepire saying: "one strike,
two strikes, three strilfee, and the
batter out..." When St Helens went to
the bat things were altogether different
as the ball was continually being
pounded right and left, by the slug-
gers Webb, Elliott, Taylor, Barbour,
Taylor, Stalker., McPherson, Gordon
and. Cameron. T1ius things: went on
till the third innings, Mitchell having
' got two or three runs. Then that
twirler Elliott took the box and both
players and spectater were wonderfully
surprised to see the manner in which
he rattles( the Mitchell Learn, with his
drops, upshots, ins and outs. Finally
at the end of the fifth innings, Mitchell
saw ;,he case was lost and threw up
the sponge. The that St .Helens had
won the'y had to play thehome team(and
the whole town), But the boys were
not in the least rattled land at the end
of the time Clinton was very sick, al-
though buoyed up for a lona tinea by day In Joly-»,-gained.
Wee D.nxE, Clerk;
West Wawanosh•
The West Wawanosli Council rnet.
on Saturday, June 27th, The mem,
bers were all pfesent. The minutes
of forme;, tneeting were read atld
approved.. a Moved by Mr Bailie, sec-
onded by lllr•Todd, that George Beattie
and Charles McRoberts be paid $1
per day for shovelling gravel for patti-
masters---Oarriede Moved by Mr
Bailie,'seeonded by Mr Bowers, that
Messrs Hannah and Kilpatrick be
that if bis ditch be not opened up toe
sufficient depth within 10 days from
this date the council will let cantina,
of souls at his expense. also Jae
Porkies to have his completed on or
before the lOth day of July or sante,
proceeding will be takers -Carried.
Moved by Mr Nay, 'secondedby Al
The Lower Winghatn tele seem tet
think they ,late having: a very eeeecss-
ful career at flit ball. bort wait.I
glades they will be going to Detroit or
Toronto soon *and taitirit a prize of 'Wishes to intizna,te to tiie la
r 'coal' again and their celebrated, ogue �i�-�f th
Glrabam,that`P } Stoker receive $16,. player and suhool•teaober, :t1•r Hertel)", S P A Art c S tJ
50 for coffin aed burial of ane Proctor, owes Welt again after holidays They has arrived and is now o n
who was' found dead on boundary brut us all reilit,lrttt it was bi arouse the )clic(
betwee H ,
the reeve 'write the reeve of Carrick favored alert; in every .turaVlt'J' They
far half the a
$100 or thereabouts, whee it gets
n owiclt and L,arxiglt.and that rteferen, who was a.,Lo'vror''. o contains all the fig l
amt unt Carried,. Moved w chid nrot Bare grit the goal at all but
stook i O a o o D:,
, • . `sting o ' Embroidery, Silks, Feathers,Flow
y Mr Giallans, seconded by Mr Nay, a foal was made right ' f & largebawl r•ranslf
airs, Ribbons, ),,aces,c±tc.
k � h j g '�•1, y`��eyt' ENT L'�'ur4LE D.L.aPA Trvi ElRtT
that t1 t k
a to a
et notify the count tread ul front of env
firer to cancel the arrears of taxes o- goalie referee,cour men
' o wed 1 playing learned in
lot 1, Alfred, street North, Fordwich, foot hall, said it wiry riot a feel aizd
acid park lot 17, Fordwioh, pant lot of course wt. had to take what lin said,
47 being deeded for a public burying T think he had bet ter recti the rl l 1 Le Man
Johnson, seconded by Mr Ferguson, if the hall slits, a man ou the'arin ;any
that the Howick Insurance Company
have the.use of township hall for their
meetings at $12 the i
ground --- Cprried, t es is
loved ley Mr little better and he will Lind out that
y hav
d Surrounding county
Lr,.. -.[IN, ,iEtY
ocl3; is well assorted ani
Myles for title year. e
ng ade
application for the satne Oar led,
Accounts paid -,1 Stewart, 50 Sts
for repairing bridge, con 9,lots 10 and
11; !sirs Muir; $1, for one year's lent
of ro.td . across lot 20, con B ; Jno
Donaghy, $9, charity to Hooneynitin ;
Win Dene,'seoretary Board of Health,
$4,for the burying of dead animals ;
Wm Donaghy, $8; tor gravel; Chris
Baylere $8, for road work returned ;
Alex Bing, $9,50, railing at Gorrie..
culvert; Conrad Ranty, $10, for fence
at Ranilton's bridge.; 3 Winter, 50
cls, for devises for scraper ; R Fallis,
$19, for road work returned in J
Goggin's division; . J M,oDeemitt, $1,
for roadwork returned in H Newton's
division ; Ritchie, $9,50, for clothes
for F Mitch. Moved by Mr Johoeton,
seconded by Mr bray, that the council
do now adjourn to meet in the town-
ship hall, Gorrie,olr the third•,Wednes
their own townsmen and the hope of '.
rattling the. St Helens team, The
batting for St ;Helens took place in!
grandorder. First came ;:hat slugger
Webb, who was never known to be
struck out, but paralyzed the ball
every time, . Next 651110 Elliott, that
man who made such havoc among the
other teams with his pitching and who
still kept up hie reputation in the bat-
ting line. Then came' the ever foe
moue .hack stop; .0 Taylor, who made
the opponents sick with borne runs, at
the same time cleaning the bases of
base -runners. Then followed. Barbour,
who by his strong and robust .frame, paid the balance; of contractprice for
scared fear into the pitcher, , at the cutting hill opposite 20, cans 4 and 5,
same time- pounding the ball in all less $2 kept back for work uncompleted
dire,etions. Then came that first. 'hese
-•zazati Stalker, who took in the bails on
first, and_on coming to the bat let
Barbtur, Ta3'lor and Elliott home,
Then followed W Taylor, who was
never struck out during the whole day
and who, though wee, is •a very hard
hitter. `Next came Me$herson, who
still kept up his reputation as a good
all round player. Then followed Gore
don 'Aid Cameron,' Gordon known as
the champion base -runner and Owner -
On as the hard and long hitter. 'We
lnust here give the Clinton friends
credit for their grand cheer and the
honorable way in which they treated
the visitors, alld although not stfccoss-
ful hi the attempt to retain the . cup;
yet on the whole played a very good
The couneii met in Brown's Hotel,
'ordwich, June 19th, 1891, pursuant
to adjournment, Member all prevent. , were Issued : \V J Fowler, minding
The reeve in the ` shah. &li.nutes of gap, $1 ; Chas McRoberts, shoeoiling
last meeting read and approved.
gravel, $2.3 Geo Beattie, do.$1 ; $an-
1.toved' by Mr Ferguson, seconded by 2nah and 0 sou lipatrtck,cutt ng hill,oppos tt;
Mr Nay. that Mr A Hood, pathmaster, and 5, $43 Jas W hyoid,
received $4 to expend for shovels- statute labor commuted, $2 ; Jas D
Carried. Moved by Mr Nay, seciond� Smylie;25 rods grading and gravelling,
.75' and
n 16,eon osa
byMrf u
Hugh (xi
Grata $19en
Graham, that,
Mr 'Robb
Ferguson receive $6 to expend for
shovels in his division, Carried.
Moved by Mr Ferguson, seconded by
•-Currie;;: The treasn'rer'e report, for
May showed balance and receipts
$55.73, and expenditure . $6.15 ;
for June,balance and receipts $591.19,
with expenditure $227.95, leuv..
ing $263.24 on hand. The report was
received and 'filed, A cormuuicatton
from the County Clerk, certifying that.
this township will require to levy
$2275,98 for cbunty purposes. and $249
for municipal school grant, was read
and tiled. J`0 Wilson, in communica-
tion, complained that Young's drain
was being filled by logs, tree • tops, &c.
The Clerk was inetrueted tonotify the
several eorvners interested to have all
the obstructions °removed forthwith.
Moved by IY1r Bowers, seconded by Mr
Bailie, that the reeve be authorized to
arrange with the' reeve of Ashfield for
eleatirng out ditch' opposite lot 18, con
1. The clerk was'inst_ructea to pro-
cure two tape lines for use ofMem hers
of council. The following; checks
shovelling gravel, $1 ; Wm Cameron,
bridge between 18'mid 19, con 7,$15 ;.
ivl Wood, repairing bridge. eon 8 and
1VIr Nay, that all pathtnasters in
9, 75 cents; R K Millet•, 5 ntenioran-
wick be instructed to. open all streets dum boors, $8.75: Robt Black, 11
in respective division in accordance
rods "ravelling, apposite 24 and 25,
ve tea by law passed by the conncit. - con 7, $6.49 ; Samuel Alton, 21 rods
' Carried --«Moved by t1'1rNay,seeonded grading aad gavelling, opposite 21,,
by 11'1r Graham, that Mr Geo Banton 6 and 7, '$25.20, Council adjourn-
• be paid $8.25 for damage to buggy by ed to meet on Saturday, August 22nd.
breaking through culvert on 2nd cone R K Iblllt>;> R, Clerk.
Carried. iYloved by Mr Gratiatn, ti
seconded by Mr Nay, that. plans and Belitor'e.
specifioatiotis be procured for the
ereitbt 7
of a bridge an cans 10 and 11, Mr E Graham, teacher, is writ.
opposite lot 19, known as Dane's ing for a second class certificate at
bridge, contract to be let as soon as,Clinton, and Mr y S hall is writing
possible - Carried, Moved by Mr for seoorid elitse certificate et Harris.
Johnston, seconded by Mr Ferguson, ton, May they both be successful.-
that the oleik notify Jno Sothern. ar, ;Mr ll J .Barton, who id now devoting
that complaint has been made to the; his time in the interests of the Cana- I
about Council obstructions placed by dfan Order of Foresters, and who has
him opposite his $No 19, con {;,said recently established. a strong Ciaurt of
ollstructioii extentiftig north to bridge that Order in T'lantilton, is visiting hied
ithd linnet he removed aWile eight' relatives here. -Mr t N McDonald,
days from this date or the same will merchant, has been appointed poste
be held responsible for all: costs in master here, in room of Mr r Teerifr',
cunnectioti there with -Carded. i)tiovt resigned.•.••-i4'lrs Wm Gilmore, of Clare
ed 1w Sir .chnson, seconded, by Mr 'rick, has been very ill' for the past
Nay, dist the clerk notify "Thos fimitlz week.
place below the sltouteor (not bel•,w
the elbow) ;that itis a foul Besides,
when we,went en the field we under-
stood that we were to play an hour
and a half, but When we had played au
hour and Liwer Town had win a goal
the referee called time and the Lower
Town boys would not play another
half hour as they were Afraid we
would beat them. However, the Zet,
land boys will play thein again with
another referee and ee will net fear
the result.
A sad and fatal accident occurred
here on Thursday forenoon, by which
a young iron nautad Label) V Walters,
so» of Mr Richard Welters, lost his
life:. Tt appears that the deceased
and Mr Jos McDonald were peeling
benilnck ;,ark, on the farm of Mr
Walters, and were both working on
the eatne log. and ,.141cDon t1'l's'axe,
which was loose on tlii: handle,when
the the, latter was e1l;tieig akuot,
slipped off the handle, striking Wal-
ters in the stomach, penetrtatiug the
stoulach. He lived only abc,ut fire
miuut,•s after the accident happened,
Mr Watters was a married inttu,
having bYNl.i married to a daughter
of MrGen'.l:I,otrisan, of this petie,only
u few nicnths ago. Elie friends of
the deeeeeed have elle sincere sympathy
of the whinier eeil;libi,rhaod in their
Mr Richard Armstrong is tit present
Visiting in Nliehl:'ian,-Mrs Stewart,
Stanley, is ti.e guest of Mrs T,tMetofelf..
--Rev Mr Davidson, "of 'Wroxeter,,
occupied the pulpit of Eadi..:' .Churet,
on Sabbath last, in• thee, itbseuee of the
pastor, -Quite a number ;rpm here
attended the F,,rt.st,lrs t1,+171fsi1stratiJn
in farriston tin the first, -Sir Richard
Wallace, with his tisnal>' enterprise ir,
improving his pl•opertv,is now erecting
a fins' verandah in' front of his dwell-
ing house. Mr Dunn has the con,
tract -1lr' G M Robertson, teacher,
18 (away er',jnyieg his, holidays.
Mr Thomas Kidd, the oldest resit
dent of Goderich, died on Saturday
at the advanced age of 87, end was in.
terred in Maitland cemetery on ;Mon-
day afternoon.
The. holstein -Friesian Bull,
Huron Lad, No. 11669,
registered in the fourth volume of the Holstein..
Friesian Herd Book, will be kept for service during
the season of 1801 at Lot 11, Con 1, Morris.
TERMS -01.25 for grade cows, thoroughbred Hol-
stein cows 520; with privilege of returning, to bo
paid at time of service. •
Morrls,Itle,y 18t1r,1801. JOHN A MoEWEN•
Money; to Loan on Notes.
gates Discounted
Abney advanced on ltfortga es at a per cont. with
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes
and accounts collected,
Witt. INItsI vDOOe
(lryws,--fcavor Nook. wineham„ oat.
suers; is
Enjoy IL
of purls Cod Liver 00 With Hypo
phosphites ttf Little rand SOda,ls.
eeriest Asa palatable ae initic..
1t le Indeed, and the little feat And
,haslet who take cold welly, may be
fortified agalnet q.couett that might
prove redone,. by taking S'Cotes
Emulelon atter their meals" during
tato Winter *efaeon+
lictoo'0 of 1UMfffadienantaet itattruteee,
000?? & eotiiNkt 13eitevlitee
Satins, Satin
fashionabl'u st
Department contains a varied asytirtrent orf' Silks
Brocades, Plashes, Velvets and Mantle Olathe to ehooss
made to order ---Perfect Fitting and in the latest and mos
Stamping done to order,
• • An inspection invited
Mather'. G -love C1eari.ex ,
9. preparation for cleaning kid gloves. It will al o. remov g
stains from silk or woollen goods. Try ita -.. a grease or,
Remember the place -First door: north of Ed. Dinsley's jewelry
Wing1lam, April 3rd, 1891. A. B O Y D
} Sine!atr,t
M. D. M. A., f,, C. P. S. 0.,M. C• P. S M., •
« Jonathan Bushed, Listowel, says ;•--
After spending all ,guy money and prop-
arty to no purpose on „inedicai men, for
what they termed a hopeless ease of eon-
sumption, Dr. Sinclair Cured me."
Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says:
"When alI othela failed, Dr. Sinclair
oured me or :fits."
W. MoDonald, Lakefield says :-"Dr:'
Sinclair cured me of Catarllh.'
Geo. Rowed;RIyth, Says :--"Dr, Sin-
clair cured me of heart disease and drop-
sy when all others railed "
of private nature . brought on
by folly Dr. Sinelair certainly cures.
, DR. SINCLAIR will be at the
MONDAY, AUGUST '10th 189.1.
Commencing Friday, July 3rd
F 13ND
and to all
Returning, leave Old Orchard 5very Monday and
Thursday, running through to Toronto during
Summer Season.
For rates and full information apply to
any C. P. R. Ticket Agent.
Beautify Your Homes
Late of Hamilton and Paris,
World take this opportunity of luter,ning the Citizens
of wfngham and surrounding country that Hiring
had largeexperieuco in city work, he is liropared to
de Atao:wailing, I{aisominiug and Wall 1aporing in
1110 latest appreved styles of plain and ,dccoraaiVe
work, Churches, halls or other public ot private
buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs
at moderato rates,
Graining in Walnttt,Oak,,Bird's Eye Ma
ple, &o., a Specialty,
Alt orders entrusted to my Caro done with neatness
and despatch.
orders left et ffe. Noss' Ilookstero will receive
Wingllatn,. April
Castle Otrr Irv, Caner, Co. lltiite.r,
AVCTtON '`ill%,
ISSUI:I'. OP AIA.1t1tietO:r LeCENSEl;
00,1 fI99Y0.1VIt TN 1I. ii.3., ETC,
WItoXI Titlt, ONT.
A11 parties indebted to E. R. Talbot;
either by iiote, or hook account,, will
as theey hal ve b pay tpplaced sameto
my ha ds
for collection.
Wingham, June
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the Part-
nership heretofore subsisting between
the undersigned as Hardware Merchants,
under the name of Jets. A. CLINE & Co.,
at the Town of Wingham, was dissolved
by mutual consent on the 12th day of
March, A. D. 1891. All accounts due to
the late firm will be paid to Jas. A. Ohne,
who will carry on the business at the old
stand and by whom fill obligations of
the late firm will sae paid. •
Dated this 24thMarch, A. D.1891 w
Witness, JAS. A. CLINE"
J. A. Momegi. sJoule Nssreeens.
Refering to above, I wish to return my
thanks for past favors, and trust that by
close attention to the wants of my ons-
tomers to merit a continuance of the
Jas. A. Cline.
P. S. -Peet due accounts must be set-
tled at once.
The Coming School of Medicine
rpuxsSYSTEM IS CCMPLETE,ehaving different;
medeaes. The
theory isientirely different cines for all the dfom th trent 'sofsthe old
schools. The medicines are perfectly pure, con
tatninff nothing Of a poisonous nature whatevor, an •
are quite tasteless. For three years these medicine
have been given away free and thoroughly tested i
the most hopeless eases before being placed on the
market. The result has eaoeeded the most eanguin:
expectations. Hundreds of cases supposed to be
incurable have been cured, and abundance of proof
can be produced to convince the most skeptical that
ilistogenetie Medicines have cured and aro curing
today DISEASES ata tater stage than any other
system of medicine in the" world. In' ACUTE cases
the medicines act like magic. Chronic troubles re-
quire a longer time,
froh1one to t
months, accordingto thenature of tho complaint.
ole„ themedicines have been especially successful,
Private EXAMINATION$ in these troubles aro
almost, if not quite, absolutely unnecessary. Call
or send for one of our ire Looks etcplainina the
system. They should be in every house in the
tonnes, April 28,1851,
I am happyto acknowledge, and now testily, to
the effieaey of your medicines in cerin Rheumath ins
1 haste suffered with this painful disease in thy'
shoulders, knees and hips for twenty-flve years, 0180
with sciatica for some time. I decided to tit ,halo.
genetic Medicines es a last resort, as nothing ever
seemed to g�ive hie any prentanCntrelief..ThO drat
week's medicine gave me relief, and in two weoke
the sciatica disappeared and has not returned„ I took.
the medicine for six weeks, and nm curet; ot the
rheumatism. I feel better in every way. 1 ata
sixty years of age, andeel quite smart and active.
I can cheerfully} teoantmond these medicines to :the
public, and will he glad to tell any sufferer shout
ease. 1t 95 now nearly two months since 1 sea
taking the medicines, and tho•ettoet is rrentaoent.
MRS. FORAM, 1022 dable Street. ;
Will be at
. (1Y
friday,. Julys 24th, 1891,
loft... to 4.30 p. lit. for the COnvenieuco of wiag.
}mmpatientt. ,••
Coxisu1tation 3* ree,
Ji$to enetic ediczno A$ o,
I....2 and 1 Albion Inoek, Titehntond street, Una
don, end 111'rouge ;Street Market 'Toronto,
Mention Wingheur'Tirsos,