HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-10-28, Page 11' Don't "Litteil' Sitter' A Sell it for e 1. Coming Events 4. Help Wanted A-rticles for Sale SWEET cider for sale by barrel or gallon, any quantity. Mervin Wurdell, 34 7-2774. n-07-2 T'VVETIVE can milk cooler, like new being replaced by larger unit. Ken Williamson, 887-6695, Brussels. 11-07x1 FOR Sale Apples, Kings, Taman Sweet, Spy, Snow, elicious, Macintosh, Russet, Greening, Baldwin, etc. Cider apples. Phone 482-9141. Fred Mc- Clymont, 1 mile south of Varna. II-07x4 For sale - SnoW suit, size 4, blue, and a play pen-. Phone 482- 7126 after six. 11-07-1 USED wringer washer in good condition. 52'7-0717 after.4 P.M. 11-07-1 USED Television, console model in good condition. '527-1626. 11-07x1 ELECTRIC stove and a piano in good condition. May be seen at Louis Oosterbosch after 6 P.M. 527-1223. 11-:07x3 ONE Brownie uniform, size 10; Phone 527-0921. 11-07-1 BOY'S 2-piece snow suit, size 4, good condition. phone 527- 1802. 11-07x2 ONE quarter choice beef-.Stanley Jackson, R.R. 2, Kippen. 527- 1927, Seaforth. 11-07-1 14. Property for Sale land in McKillop TOWX1Ship. Good frame house; 2 good barns and drive shed. All offers considered. Owner retiring. * * * * * * Several economical older homes in Blyth,Clinton, and LondesbOro. Priced to move . Make your offer today. 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales equipMent and stock 'dtie to other interests. Sangster Plumbing and Heating • Proprietors Rathwell's Auction Service Liquidators & Appraisers Brucefield, 482-3120. 20-07-1 21. Toitio .DRA1N P TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF_Ogt • Tenders will be receiVedbYtb9 undersigned until 1 p.m., Monday, November 1st, 1971, for the eOlif, struction of the following drainage works in the Township of Grey: 1r, KEFFER DRAIN Consisting of 3,715 lineal feet of covered drain; 985 lineal feet of open drain; 3 catch basins. .regal22. Notices, of SgAIortlt will he held PI the, cokipcn- chamlnu 4.90 .0'094 the fereheort on the 12th day 1of; November,1071 unless tn*, taxes aadooststgliSooner paldr Notice is' hereby give*; that, th# list of Linda IQr Oa* for 4;1,4,0 Of taxes wets pt1011ehed. in Ontario Gazette on the 7th day; of Auttiat, 1971, and that cep** of the said list may be hp4 '46 My office. ' Treasurees office this 9th day of August, 1971. E. M. Williama,.Treaatirer. '22-97-13, FALL Festival and tea First Presbyterian Church, Saturday, November 6 at 3 p.M. Variety booths feature baking, sewing, produce, fish pond and mystery boxes. 1-06-2 DON'T forget the Dublin P.T.A. Turkey Bingo, Friday, December 3 in Dublin Parish Hall at 9:00 P.M. 1-06-2 PLEASE note that The Happy Citizens will meet on Thursday, Npvember 4th in the Legion Hall, 2 o'clock. 1-07x1 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltu. Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, Phone 524- 6514. 19-04-tf INTERESTED IN PHOTOGRAPHY.' and dark room work? Part time work available for person with some basic experience or one willing to learn. Apply to B rs 2038 The Huron Expositor 4-06x2 FARMERS! Are you , considering erecting Farm Buildings THIS YEAR? Contact us - We offer complete farm building service. ****** Contact CLEARING " MASON BAILEY AUCTION SALE Res. 523-9338 14-07-1 Office AGRICULTURAL WORKERS 'WANTED For Oliver McKay, Lot 4, Con.8, Tuckersmith Township, 5 miles south of Seaforth, 1 1/2 miles east on staffa Road , on 482-9371 THE annual card party for Senior Citizens will be held Tuesday, 91 November 2nd at 3:30 P.M. in St. Columban Church Hall. • 1-07-1 REMEMBER the Annual Fireman's Ball on Friday, Nov. 12th at the Seaforth Community Centre. Music by the Bluewafer Playboys. Tickets available from the firemen. 1-07-1 FOWL supper St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, Ontario, Wednesday, November 3rd, 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $2.00 each. Child- • ren 12 and under $1.00. For tickets phone 262-5000 or 262- 5340. 1-07-1 CHARTERED , bus leaving Seaforth for Royal Winter Fair November 17th. For information call 482-7627. 1-07-1 COME to Blyth Lion's Club Bingo OLD STONE HOUSE Ball - Macaulay LTD. SANDERS DRAIN Consisting of 4,113 lineal feet of covered drain; 200 lineal feet of open drain; 3-catch basins. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Salary $350./month, house, hydro, heat and farm produce provided. Positions such as this are available for agricultural work- ers who have completed the 10 week - agricultural workers course. This course is being offered at Kemptville College of Agricultural Technology start- ing January 10, 1972. Approved students will receive a retrain- ing allowance. If you have been considering farm work, take ad- vantage of this course to improve your knowledge and skills in the care and management of all IN THE ESTATE OF ' CATHERINE JOHNSON C:nten -- Seaforth Hensall 19-04-tf JOHNSTON DRAIN Consisting of 3,761 lineal feet of covered drain, 700 lineal feet of open drain; 3 catch basins. Across the bridge at Roxboro. This could be a challenge, to someone who likes to let his imagination turn into a profit- able venture. Needs renovating but is priced to' allow for the expenditure. at 1:'30 o'clock sharp, Household Effects and Antiques: Refrigerator; stove; kitchen table antique and 6 chairs; kitchen cabinet; cook stove; glass cup- board,, antique; antique parlor suite; lamps; antique book case; antique sewing machine; dining room suite; Mason and Risch piano; buffet; antique chandeliers; 3 couches; vacuum cleaner; 3 trunks; clocks; 3 an- tique beds; 2 dressers; 2 toilet sets; vanity stand; picture frames; home hooked rugs; com- mode chair; wall brackets; wash stand; shot , gun; quantity ' of dishes of which some are an- tiques; lanterns; copper boilers; sealers; rug 9 x 15 and many miscellaneous items. Machinery 'consists of: Allis Chalmers WC Row-crop tractor; 2 furrow drag plow; Massey manure spreader; 'Mas- sey, side rake; Massey 13-run seed drill; New Idea 6 ft. mower; 2 - 7 ft, binders; 2 wagons with racks; Dion threshing machine; Case hay loader; Verity walking ploy Viking cream separator) scalps; fanning mill; drag. harrows; . aluminum wheel barrow; trailer;. hxess; 2 ex- tension ladders; windless; plank; power lawn mower; quantity of planks; quantity of baled hay; forks; shovels and many mis- cellaneous items. All persons having claims against the Estate of Catherine Johnson, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, House,- keeper, deceased, who died on the 18th day of October, 1971, are hereby notified Ito send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 18 day of November, 1971, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard diffir to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 22nd day of October, 1971. HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL KRAUTER DRAIN Consisting of 1,600 lineal feet of covered drain; 3,700 lineal feet of open drain; 4 catch basins. WILLIAM M. HART MICHEL DRAIN 3 Consisting of 5,400 lineal feet of open drain. SOUTH BEAUCHAMP DRAIN Consisting of 3,053 lineal feet of covered drain; 17,542 lineal feet of open drain; 2 catchbasins Salesman Seaforth Phone 527-0870 or 527-1972 GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON Dee to the decrease in meat prices, we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast efficient, courteous same day service. 24-Hour Service - 7 Days a Week ANTI-FREEZE 2.50 every Saturday night until__ classes of livestock. Christmas at 8:30 P.M. in the For more information contact Memorial Hall. Admission $1.00 the Ontario Department of 12 reg. games at $10.00 each, Agriculture and Food, 2 share the wealth garnes,$25.00 special and $125.00 jackpot in 60 calls. Every time it doesn't go there is $10.00 added. If it doesn't 50% of take to a full card. Jack pot this week $145.00. 1-07-1 per gal. West Lorne 14-07-1 15. Property for Rent AVAILABLE Nov. 1st. spacious modernized 3 , bedroom apartment, hydro and water in- eluded in rent. Convenient lo- cation. Phone 1-237-3654. 15-06-qf TWO-bedroom apartment for rent, including refrigerator and stove. Centrally located, im -ned- late possession. Phone Norm, Clarke at' 229-6211. 15-07-3 FOUR-bedroom brick farm house including bath, oil and wood fur- nace. Immediate possession. 345-2496. • 15-07-1 MCCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. • Solicitors for the Executors 22-07-3 VINCENT FARM , EQUIPMENI BEAUCHAMP DRAIN Consisting of 13,400 lineal feet of open drain. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Township Office, ARDA BRANCH Call Collect 482-98II License #237-C-70. 19-04-tf in Clinton, Markdale, Walkerton or your Agricultural Represen- tative. 4-06-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 11-07-1 BUSINESS. LIQUIDATION AUCTION COPIES Copies of your .important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 24 each.. THE HURON.EXPOSITOR 11-04xtf BARBIE or 11 1/2 inch doll clothes for sale. Many styles and patterns to choose from. Isabel Janes, Phone 527-1693, 11-06-3 EAVESTROUGHING and light- ning-rods. New installations and repairs. Estimates without obligation. Contact R. E.Ruttan, ' Wingham, phone 357-1077. 11-04-tf IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT SMITH BEATTIE Ethel, Ontario. The Township to supply the tile and pipe.Ten- ders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of amount of tender. Completion date to be stated on each tender.' Lowest or any tender no't neces- sarily accepted. 5. Bus. Opportunities AVON CALLING Seaforth Optimist All persons having claims against the Estate of Robert Smith Beattie, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died op the 10th day of October, 1971, are hereby notified to send in full particul- ars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 18th day of November,. 1971, after 'which date the assets will , be distributed, having regard only • to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 26th day of October, 1971. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor -2241-'3 "ROUND-UP DANCE" Only one territory available now in -this area. Call evenings. MRS.M.MILLSON 17 Hawkesbury Ave. London, 32, 451-0541 5-04-4 At Lot 156 Mill Street, Hensall on • Saturday, November 27, 1971. Dancing from 9 to ? in Seaforth Legion Hall. Limited quantity of tickets available from all members. 1-07-2 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 " Mrs. E. M. Cardiff, Clerk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario. 21-06-2 17. Wanted to Rent WANTED in Seaforth small apartment with private bath. Box 2041, Huron Expositor. 17-07x1 7. Situations Wanted SLIDES AND TALK ON RIISSIA' At 1:15 P.M, TENDERS INVITED WILL do bookkeeping and typing in office or my own home, full or part-time. Mrs. Donald Tremeer, Phone 527-0814. 7-07-2 WILL do typing and bookkeeping in my own home. Phone 345- 2667. 7-07x1 WILL baby sit in my home,Wash- ing and ironing. Phone 527-0921. 7-07-1 8. Farm' Stock -for Sale PIGS - 18 good chunks; one English black hog. George Love, Walton. phone 527-1536. 8-07-1 CALVES for sale. Home on week ends. Archie Smith, Phone 527- 1397. 8-07x3 A number of good beef Cross bred calves. 482-9880. 8-07-1 TWO Holstein heifers due next.. month. 3 Holstein steers, approx- imately 800 lbs. Roy Swart; 345- 2789. 8-07x1 Plumbing and heating tools, large quantity of stock and equipment consisting of a complete line of Brown Bogeys, sheet metal equipment, 8 ft. brake, 36 in. lock former, 30 in. shears, rollers, crimpers and benders and many, many more items. Full listing in next week's edition. 19. Notices JIM'S ABATTOIR et Mrs. Dave Schenk, Seaforth and Mrs. E. Brothers, Stratford, will present their slides and talk covering the International Union against T.B.Convention which they recently attended in Moscow, Russia in 'the Legion Hall, Seaforth on Wednesday, Nov. 3, • 1971 at 8 P.M. 1-07-1 GESTETNER ink available, at 'The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-04xtf TERMS - CASH 5% Sales Tax on For services required by Seaforth Community Hospital as follows: 1, SNOW REMOVAL For necessary snow plowing, snow remOVal, snow blowing, and sanding as may be required - from tine to time on roads it Seaforth Community Hospital and on Centennial Drive. Tenders to ir,dicate equip- ment to be used and rate per hour including necessary oper- ator for each unit, • 2 , GARBAGE DISPOSAL Fur the removal and dispos- al of accumulated wet and dry garbage at intervals of not more than 24 hours, Further nformation concern- ing any of the tender require- merits maybe Obtained from the undersigned. Individual sealed tenders cov- ering each of the requirements and on- which is to) be indicated the particular requirement of the tender ie. "No. 2, garbage disposal" may be submitted to the undersigned on or before 12 o'clock ~noon, November 12th, 1971. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Not respo'nsible for accidents premises day of sale. ' OLIVER McKAY Proprietor ANTI-FREEZE $2,99 PER GALLON CUstom killing and. processing. Killing Monday, cattle and pigs, Wednesday cattle only. NOTICE TO CREDITORS over the counter TERMS - Cash No Reserve LARRY GARDINER Auctioneer GERALD'S DATSUN IN THE ESTATE OF •• THCft3T-AS HERBERT COOMBS Selling all plumbing and heating JIM DARLING 20-07-1 2. Lost, Strayed STRAYED from lot 29, Con. 6, McKillep one yearlrng Hereford steer with ear tag . Missing since the end of September. Art Mf Anderson, 527'--1.308. 2-07x2 Goderich St. . Seaforth 11-06-2 LIQUIDATION AUCTION OF FARM SUPPLIES, FEEDING EQUIPMENT AND SNOWMOBILES All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas Herbert Coombs, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, deceased; who died on the 8th day of October, 1971, are hereby notified to send in full: particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of November, 1971, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 26th day of October, 1971. 12. Wanted to Buy Phone 235-0420 Exeter 19-07x2 WILL teach beginner piano. To inquire phone 527-1456. 19-07-3 COMBINE for corn, 36 inch rows preferred. George Tepyer,,phone 262-5282. 19-05-4 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guarantee all , work. Write or call Harvey Da.11e,Seaforth.Phone Clinton 482-3320. 19-04-tf ROUND or oval wooden dining• room table. Phone 527-0925. 12-.06x2 W ANTED - Ski-doo suit Size 6X. Phone 482-7126 after six. 12-07-1 14. Property for Sale MITCHELL, ONTARIO Estate Sale, 7 - room, 1 1/2 storey frame home on large lot. Gas heated, 3 piece bath, attached garage and workshop. Taxes $1•23 annually. Contact Mr. Ike Culligan, Mitchell, 519-348-8355. J4-07-2 4. Help Wanted REG. Nursing Assistant night time duty. Apply to Queensway Nursing Home, Box 250, Hensall, Ontario or phone 262-2830. • 4-07-1 IF you feel that selling Real Estate is really your thing,don'ty.,„ wait, Learn full details in ,con- fidential interview. K. G, Fer- guson, broker, 459 Wellington, . Woodstock, 539-3091. 4-07-1 at 267 Victoria Street, Clinton on, ,TWENTY-FIVE started York and Hemp crossed pigs. Leo Cronin, , Lot 23, Concession 1 Hibbert Township. Phone 345-2856. ' 8-06-3 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 AT 1:00 P.M. AT 1:00 P.M„ 9. Poultry for Sale McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario - Solicitors for the Executor 22-07-3. New Stock - Hog scales and feeders, water bowls, one heated bowl, Jet pressure pump, 2 sump pumps, 20 bu. feed cart, mineral feeders, cow trainers, 2 steel water troughs, quantity of fencing and' equipment, battery charger, hydr. jack, forks, shovels, brooms, large assortment of nuts, bolts, washers, 20 gal. body fill, garden tools, hand tools and many,'many more items. Used Equipment - 20 ft. silo unloader, 75 ft. Auger, bunk feeder, electric insilage distributor, litter carrier, vacuum pump - all sizes, Worthington jack hammer, emery and stand, 180 Amp. Forney welder. KI1VIBER ''LEGHORN D'ay Old' and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY ▪ FARMS, LTD. Seaforth phone 527-0847 TOWN OF SEAFORTH ANY TREES TO CUT? FOR SALE HENSALL Three or four bedroom, two storey white vinyl house. Re- cently refinished living room, dining room and kitchen and T.v. sitting room. Must be seen to be appreciated. Please contact Bill Mickle, Hensall, 262-5708. EXETER Beautiful, two storey brick, four bedroom house near Public and High Schools. Large corner lot. Beautifully finished within. You must see this attractive home. Please call Ray Charles, London, 471-4926 or Bill Mickle, Hensall, 262-5708. ***** Have clients looking for cottage- type house in Hensall area; 5 - 25 acres of marginal land; and good farming land. Contact Bill Mickle when fisting your farm, house, cottage or business. 23. ,Business Directory W. J.. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night. and Day. Calls - 52'7-0510 23-04-tf POLICE CONSTABLE Box169 WILLIAM.' ALBERT Phone 345-2583 19-04-tf 9-04-tf • Applications for the position of police . constable for the Town of Seaforth will be received until 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon on November 5,1971. Applications must be in the applicants handwriting and state the qualifications possessed and a resume of personal character- istics, education, etc., and two character references , must be given. Please state also any previous police experience. Applicaffons must be in a sealed • envelope clearly marked "Application-Police Constable" and addressed to: 10. Used Cars for Sale ., '62 Biscayne car, in good run- ning order, new battery. 'Phone after 4:30 P.M., 345-2347. 10-06-2 SEAFORTH SPEED WASH 15 USED SNOWMOBILES GORDON McKENZ1E ADMINISTRATOR SeafOrth Community Hospital G. A. -WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable' hospital beds for rent FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION phone 527-1390 ' Seaforth 23-04-ti 19 to 35 H.P. including Moto Ski, S -doo, Sno jet, Rupp, Dolphin, Eskimo, Due to the •demand of Archer's Hog Stabling they find it necessary to sell all stock to make room to-iricrease production of the new style' of stabling. 11. Articles for Sale APPLES - Special Northern Spy, Delicious, Macintosh and Court- land , two bush.Jis for $5.00; Windfalls $1.50. Pick your own, large excellent quality. Bring containers, low trees, no 1.dder climbing. Ross Middleton's Or- chard, 'one mile east of Hayfield north of •the river. 11-06-3 WASHING machine, 2 wooden • tables, vacuum cleaner, 2 re- finished school desks,10 stacking chairs, size 14 Guide uniform, I showcase, large blackboard. Ted Savauge, Fri. after 7 P.M. -or Sat. 11-05-tf ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines 'available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-04xtf 6 dryers, 12 washers, big boy fpr rugs and drapes, open sevendays a week from 8 a.th, to 11 p.m. Under new management. 19-01-'10 21-07-3 TENDERS FOR SNOW REMOVAL "Everything Must Go" SHOEING and trimming, all types bf horses. COntact Ross Elliott, phone 527-0118. 19-04-tf CAMPER trailers for renf. Reasonable fates. Contact Hopper Mechanical Services.. 527-1859. 19-04-tf FOR information on all mutual. fund investments contact Fred (Ted)Savauage,52:7.-1522.Seaforth 19-04 -tf TERMS - CASH •-PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER ARCHER'S FARM SALES & SERVICE RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Plainly marked sealed tenders. will be received up to twelve o'clock Noon on Friday, •5th of - November 1971 or Snow Rem-, Oval from the gr el d veway at the sides and behi e Winthrop Municipal Offices to a minimum width of twelve feet. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained at the offices of the Huron County Board of Education, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. E. 1V1,, WILLIAMS, CLERK, Town of Seaforth, Box 610, Seaforth,' Ontario. 4-07-1 Auctioneers Appraisers Brucefield - 482-3120. • • 20-07-1 Kippen, Ontario Telephone 262-5515, Hensall 23-04-If EXPERIENCED typist required in Seaforth office three hours each Tuesday evening. Write Box 2039 Huron Expositor. 4-06-2 AL. SINNOTT,_ REALTY LTD-. ' Realtor R. S, BOX, FUNERAL HOME CLEARING AUCTION WANTED Phones: Dead and Disabled Cattle Horses, HigheSt Prevailing Prices" Paid for horses on the. hoof. 24 Hours, Seven Days Weekly. Fast efficient service.' C^",L COLLECT BRUSSELS '819334 London, ant. 14-07-tf JOBS OF INTEREST TO, MEN STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED PRODUCTIN WORKERS for • OUR PLANT #4 IN MItCHELL *, ONTARIO Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 23-04-tf Rathwell's Auction Service APPRAISERS SOUND SYSTEM TWO-storey,. 3 bedroom home in Seaforth with all modern con- veniences on 4 acres of land with small 'barn. Gas heated next to public School. Call Mrs. 0. Burl, Tel. 527-0723. 14-05-tf ( Of- FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, TOOLS, ANTIQUE, AUTO- MOBILE, ETC. IN THE VILLAGE OF WINTHROP, FIVE MILES NORTH OF SEAFORTH, ON R. B. DUNLOP Superintendent of Business Affairs, • Huron County Board of Education 21-07-2 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, AT 1 P.M. 22. Legal Notices CONSISTING OF -- RCA refrigerator; RCA 21 in, TV.; Coal and wood annex; four burner electric stave;, table and six &hairs; sideboa-d; four high back chairs; D. W. Korn antique organ; thrCe washktonds; four high bedstLads; dre.sers; antique cupboards; 'rockers; picture frames; two cords fireplace wood; large selection of, carpenter and timber framing• took; crocks; dishes; glassware; mirrors; pots and pans. Many, many other items too numerous to mention. BAILEY No experience necessary. Life Insurance, Hospital and Medical plans paid by Cofn2any on completion of Probationary Period. TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTH Phone 482-3120 Brucefield 23-05-If JOHN E. ,I,ONGSTAFP OPTOMETRIST ,,,,,,,, By Appointment Only Seaforth Office Wed., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:60 p.m. Thursday Evenings Monday only - Clinton Office For Appointment • , Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 23-04-tf Additional Clisgfied on 'page 12 1 1/2 miles south of Brussels. ,Lie. No.'273-C-70 19-04-tf Real Estate APPLY IN PERSON TO: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PROpUCTS'(CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie Street, Stratford, Ontario. AUTOMOBILE, - 1954 Au_toi, TERMS Cash, NO RESERVE. ROBERT S. BEATTIE ESTATE, proprietors. R. G. GETHKE, auctioneer. 347.2465. Not responsible Kr occidents on day of sole. 82 Albert Street Clinton 350 acres of level productive crop land 3 miles from Seaforth with 3 room modernized brick hbuse. Large frame barn partly new; 2 new steel granaries. Good crop farms 'can't be bought any cheaper than this one! ****** 161 acres of .very productive NOTICE, we are shipping ccttle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm phone by. Saturday night. COUNTY OF HURON To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the. Mayor tlf the Town of Seaforth under his hand and the Seal of the Corporation, ,hear- tng date the 29th day of June, 1971, sale of lands in arrears WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 19-04-tf 4-07-1 20-07-1