HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-10, Page 5TEMPEI:tANCE COLUMN. COND1lOTlt0 1 VW Y. W. O. T. u. You'll ><Iave to Avoid tae Saloon.. sirr LAURA 0, maims. You staud•on the threshold of youth,iaoys, Your future' lies out in the years ; You're learning your parts for life's work, Yobo're• uplanning your future careers. You'll have to fill places of trust, boys, Your fathers will pass away soon ; And if you'd be trustworthy ineu, boys, You'll have to avoid the saloon,. If you would, be honored in life„boy;s ; If joy and contentment you'd know ; If you won,?d bye plenty of oasla;boyet, And bask in Prosperity's glow, If you would enjoy robust health, boys, That priceless, but ninth abused boon; If God's benediction yoxt'd have, boys, You'll have to avoid the saloon. You'll have to avoid thesaloofi boys, Or sorrow and shame, you will share, And Poverty's crust you will eat, boys,. And Poverty's rags you will wear, .. • Your future will end in .disgrace, boys,, • Your life be cut off at croon, Both body and soul. will be lost, boys, Unless you avoid the saloon. • Clippings, Listen to these words of wisdom .from Archbishop Ireland ; ` The great cause of social crime ie drink, 'Tie great Gauss of poverty is drink• When I Bear of a family broken up and ask the s.'cause—drink, If 1 go to the gallows and ask its, victim the cause, the answer—drink. Then I ask myself in perfect wonderment,. why do not men put a stop to this thing'I Alcoholic liquors, broujht• from. Christian nations' under the protest of the pagans of Africa are designated by those benighted people under the term which in o'br • language means shame water. • In the cause of temperance, for in- stance, theweinen t re,aiways on the right •side, They think of it, they work for it, they teach it to ” their children They do better still -they live it.' They do everything for the cause but .vote for it, and as this is the most efficient method of helping along any measure, either good or bad; they fall short of their highest • good oil this point when debarred from the right to say no nefarious traffic at the polls.. It ..has been argued that there are women of low moral char- acter who would vote contrary to the interests of the community in this respect, but, they are few and far between, and in ccuntry towns and iam'tll cities these women would hardly like to appear among other women and work for that which has no moral backing among women. No matter how well the' sophistry , of socio men convince vutera•of tl eir own sex that policy dt'rnands their support for the u destructive mel,sure; no argument can persuade women, with the instinct of motherhood within tier, to do aught to imperil the safety of her children. Wa believe that which is harmful and wrong tor one human being to one is equally harmfui and wrong for another to sell far his own advantage. We ' believe that the license system is an irrigllity, and .that m making legally right a thing morally wrong the natieu becomes a partaker of the sins and infamy of the liquor traffic. I'I dxIt is not drunkenness that is our national sin ;Adrunkenness is the ugly outbreak of hurnnn weakness and ap- petite ; it is licensing 0t sin,by choice of the imperial power of the govern- ment with which. God takes issue and on which his judgment waits. We aro often told that very good people differ in dpinioll about total abstinence and prohillitiou;•as well might we say that good people differ in.opinion about stealing or treason. The saloon is the organized elfpl•ession•ofSatan's kingdom on earth. It breaks all the ten coin" teanuinents end teaches mon to do so. To protect and perpetuate 1'. is to 11efy God, to ruin omen, and to be traitors to the State by aiding and abettiuls its worst enemies. *.o drunkard shad lit limit. eternal .hfe, is the creed of the (Milstein, yet we license 800,000 teen to nnt1tt' drunkards, put their gain in our YerllPrs, their servants iu power, their greed 'liter government, and this is made possible by the ballots of ti whi•ibtain man, Same Census Cuxioisities. Some amusing .curioeitios are 001100+. ted in an article in the Wati"flit/ lies 1 view on•th'efi'eususee of the Century. It is said that the Duke id Wellington, or overwork, resulting in many of the then oighty•twe years of at;e,retnrned following symptoms' ental depres himself as deaf; a touching Sian, premature old ale, loss of g trait of his , vitality, loss of inemory, bad dreams, truthfulness, though, of course, dea& r dimness .ef sight, palpitation of the ness, as an infirmity of old are, didheart, 'emission. . lack of energy, train not come within the scope of census l in the kidneys, beadttlie, pitlipies on f the face or body, itching or peolilar inquiries. On the other 'laud, a 1 y 1 sensation about the scrotum:, .waititing. clergyrn'lat refused to return the I of the organs, dizziness; specks before schedule to the parish clerk, who was i the eyes, twitching of the muscles, the enumerator, and sent it direct 01 eyelids and elsewhere, laushfulness,. the central office, all'eg ng that'}f, he d'epor'ts in the' urine, lo. s of will had done otherwise itis wife's a i power, teuaerues o£ the scalp and g spine, wer;lc and flabby muscles, desirc� world have become a toprio of gossip in 1 to sleep, failure to be rested Uy sleep, the beershops of the village. ` • Ito R constipation, dullness of hearing, loss Devonshire a middle•age.l man refused °bility of temper, sunken eyes stir. of wire, desire for 'solitude, excittl to make riot his schedule, •vayiug that he did not !mow either hie mime or his place of birth, and be would not per- jure himself by making a false entry. An author added to his return a note, stating that his wife said he was heal idiot and lunatic. In the wetter of the ages of the peoplo,the most eurious. fact noticed in the report for 1881 is. that there are • more girls aged from twenty to twenty-five than ea.n.he accounted for. 5rottug women of twenty-five at one ,Census mast bare been fifteen'at the previous one. We must allow for death having thinned their renks,;trd yet the girls of twenty- five are far more numerous than were the girls of fifteen, of whom they, are the classes (so.valled) there is a desire to ,be over twenty iu order to obtain better situations iu domestic service ; and in the classes above them there is an ,even stronger desire to remain below twenty-five, which is somehow LEAVING Aaa1VIN licked on as a sort of limit of the 5:0352:00 a, p, m rom...:,..,..For Tonto. m,, ... • 5 36 a. most marriageable age. ,Such arniatlle '2:0010;55 pp, . mm " Per Toeswater... 2'00 nr 2;00 p weaknesses on the nart of the fair Sex, 10:55 ' must be pardoned even by the Regise GRA tsTD T EUJS I� AU Mon. young. old, or middle aged, who find themselves nervous, week or exhaust- ed, who are broken down fres' excess rounded with ;Annan oxiicc,r, oily looking skin, etc., aro 'dl symptoms of nervous debility that led to inanity and dead useless cures. .the spring or vital power having lost its' tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance May be pertnanentely •cured.' rend your address for book 1 on all diseases peculiar to pian. Address , T. LUBAN, 5f1 front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Books : sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes, rush bf ;blood to the bead, dull pain in the heart with brats strong, rapid and irregular, the second' heart heat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc,, can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. 8end for book: Address V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East,. Toronto,, Ont. —•--"'r-„'^.,-q"'--�.----_e'^..s€'s "."'.”"M;F.;.. r._T;.,;,, all We have received a large. stocIk from tl:e BastCaoadianad Aerican aouracturers, Our assortment is the finest we have yet sbriwn and we believ. we have a stock to suit everybody. We have taken special select Patterns that are Suitable, and the effects front the ath Bor .dery are really excellent. a lieRileacac.......C.M.1311/..1sactemrespc.leterameinefalett•IinCnnasa. C;. P. R. TIA1L TABLE. Trains arrive and depart es follows : trar•General. ADVICE TO MOTUEas._'Aro you disturbed at nigh$ and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth 2 If so send ' at once and got a bottle of " frs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup:' for Children Teething. Its value is incalml. able. It will relioto the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it, It cures Dysentery and Dlarrhma, regulates the Stomach and towels, cures Wind Colic, sufthns the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the,whole system. "Mrs. Win. slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and curses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for ",Mas. Wissiow'd Soomnzse anon' .and tnkn,rn other kind Horse Dent's. D,pn't tie knots in your Harness to make sores on your horses. Don't leave your team standing in `the fidld while you go to' supper. Take there in, give thein a drink anti a light feed. • • Don't put that collar on withoutcleaning it Don't use the curry comb on the mane or tail, Use the brush lightly. Don't expect as rnucll of a colt as you do of au old horse. Don't ever put the harness on a horse without currying, and do it well. Don't let your, flatness stand in a dirty stable, Don't be afraid to raise good. horses. Don't breed to or from any unsound horse of any kind,—('W. R., in the Stock- man and Farmer. "Le Grippe", "La Grippe" or Iutlueusa can be quickly cured by the use of Wilson's•Compoundof Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Whooping Cduglt, Croup,Colcls, Coughs and other diseases of respiratory system. Wilson's Wild Cherry has beery in use for many years and is highly reeoru• mended by all who know its virtues, Sold by all prominent druallis'te. Who cannot renounce,. cannot love. Who cannot renounce, cannot become. perfect.. Who cannot, renounce, cannot be made holy. is Simply epidemic Influenza; Wilson's WildCherry will cure it safely. anti quickly. Get the genuine, in white wrappers only, land use it as directed for influenza. During the past year Odfifellows have cbstributed in relief $1,500,000 and since the founding of the Order over $58,000,000. No mare who has reached out his fiend to receive that re'; lief lion been humiliated t it is tint ,a gift. noroharity, it; was his dile, 'his right. 'Y. A. (1, STRAT7:IDEE, AGENT, YINGI,Assr. Through 'Wrote to all points .In America—North. West Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all •popuia'r routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. `—TIME TA BLE LEAVE WJNGIIAM. ARRIVE AT \VINCI-IAN. 0:30 a. m.Toronto, Guelph, Pahneiston, Sia 3:30 p.m.11:10 ."a " 10:10 " 3:40 p.m. •' Clinton, " 5:25 Palmerston, Mixed 10:10 a.m. 0:46 ani London, eco 11:00 " 3:40 p.m. " 7;46 pan, 11:10 a.ni........ Kincardine, &o .. 0:30 can. 3:30 p.m" 11;10 " 101O " 6:50 u.m • ICI USIO. INSTRUCTIONS ON PIANO AND ORGAN, ALSO CLASS IN • HARMONY. For particulars regarding terms, etc, please call at my home, corner Fr eros and•Patriok streets. 1'LORILLA SPARLING. H DAVIS 18 OFFERING • 0 • i": •..._()'N—___ fl • .F' „4.S-L1Vt PROP ar., A TY AT VE 1 V LOW RATES. "E3M PEI T OFFICE—OPPOCITE THE MARKET, NVu aIIA\,. OCTOBER #Tu, 1SSb Pro arty Tor Sale in Belmare. Tho undersiJ•tned Offers for sale a desirable pro drert,V in the village of Delmore, consisting of a good welling house, odleo, stable and driving shed, with one acre and whale of land In connection. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees: will be sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to F1tEDERICg 00015, Delmore, • Ran OF HAMILTON, WING%IAM: Capital, $ 1„'00,000, Rest, $600,.000, President -30113 Siu.cnr. Viee•Prosldent—A, G. ItA1[SAv., DIV:ICvTO CS Ione Pttooron, Cuna. GraAr, Gee itoAolr, A. 'f woo), A. 13. LEn (Toronto). Cashier—,r, T5IRNBL'LL. Saifings Eatlic-.-iloure,10 to 3; saturdayS,10 to 1. Deposits osita of :,1 and upwards received and interest . allowed Specal 'Deposits utwo received at eurreht rates of interest. • Drafts on Great Britain anti 'the united States bought and sold 16. WILLSON, Ansa., 'A1'.'5G1:1t & DICKINSON', Solicitors, • 5t1 y, y \• 511 .k;: 0 TRH i4DTT+C ".tt Please !crow -Amur readers that Y have a pdsltive remedy for this above' , 14010. Ry its timely use t6 mends of hopeless cases have been permanently cured I rya"'. i glad to sendd two hothdd�� of my rem FREI any of our readers who havee x•etrl}lvlr tf tbr)• '0r nrMiet atilt% r d oa e{' H` . Respec aLnCY' M: f s Tf tiI ;.N.1tiLptiTIVI 1 SHADID • A large'stook on hand to select from, and will be sold at the low, est possible. prices. Call and see our stook and get prices. No trouble to show goods. Wingham, April,`lyd, x801, OS, S, 'The Popular Bookstor FOR THE BEST VALUE. — -IN ORDERED HATS, OT THING, GO TO CAPS, CoL3. 3, • Cheap 'for KC.ASi:L.. SHIRTS, CUFFS, WE B S T }JU ' S u-37:.,iv1170 .‘,. • ' Has removed to E.,F. Gar'ster's cid stand, where he has a large and nicely assorted stock or atehoge qeek5, X4wollay, Silverwam iixd. Which he is selling away down in price, and will he pleased t have you call and • take p look through his Stock. Rtepairing a Specialty Wall work warranted- and done promptly. Ed. Dins1e ;r, - Mason's Brock. —Successors to it 60 Robinson, rnanufacturorers of— MO : S, LAND.ROLLERS, PLOWS, GANG. PLOWS, c"c, Castings o f Elleff Descriptionio Coo �and Brassd and Gourd rpairaPromptly Mind: t. AGENTS FO13. R. IVRITEI%AW 'S' AGRIOU•:rrxTtJE.AL EN- GINES AND BOILERS, CHEESE FACTORY EtritiINES AND SOTLERS: AND SUPPLIES. .,