HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-10-14, Page 12Party, together with ZOne Com- • wander, Comrade Ted Elliott, Comrades Cleave Coombs, Gor- don Scott, Ted Pooley, Peter Bannon and George Inglis, and Piper, Comrade Hector Kings- well laid a wreath at the Ceno- taph. The Past District domman- der,Comra.d• Allan Nicholson, was Chairman of the proceedings. The veterans were entertained and participated in- community singing led by Bob Spittal. CQmrade Dave Ryan, 92 years young, was 'the oldest veteran in attendance. The Ladies Auxiliary served a beef dinner. Head table guests were the Hon. Charles S. Mac- Naughton, Robt. McKinley,M.P., Mayor Frank Sills and Comrade Judge Robert Hetherington. Rev. Dwight Patterson was the acting Padre. During the evening activities, Comrade J. K. Cornish intro- duced Comrade Bill Tuckwood who related some of the valiant deeds of one of his war-time friends, Harry Miner. "In an action at Amiens, the Germans cut the communications lines three times and Harry Miner repaired them three times, while Comrade Bill Tuckwood covered him each time with a Lewis 'machine gun. For this deed, Harry Miner won the Croix De Guerre in Nov. 1917. In a later action at Demuin, east of Amiens, 41 Harry Miner won the Victoria Cross. His citation reads as follows: "For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty in attack when despite severe wounds he refused to withdraw, he rushed an enemy machine gun post single-handed, killed the entire crew and turned the gun' on the enemy. Later, with two others he attacked another enemy machine gun post and succeeded in putting its gun out of action. , Cpl. Miner then rushed single- handed an enemy bombing post, bayoneting two of the garrison • ,and putting the •remainder to flesh.. ne was mortally wounded in the performance of this gal- lant deed." The two mentioned in the citation who joined him were-his Sgt. Major and Comrade Bill Tuckwood, all of the 161st Battal- Ion. The Sgt. Major was killed instantly and Comrade Tuckwood received head wounds and was rendered unconscious. • • 40.4irNg HURON EXPOSITOR. SEAFORTH, °Nil% OCT. 14, 1971 you caul miss WITH THESE READY-TO- GO USED CAR BARGAINS. CARS 3- 19'71 Ford Galaxie 500, 4 dr-.H.T.'s. 3...1971 Pontiac Tempest, 4 dr.seaan 1- 1971 Valiant, 4 dr. Sedan Z- 1971 Mustang, 2dr. H.T. 4- 1971 Cievrolet Impala H.T.'s 1- 1971 Buick-Skylark Custom,2dr.H.T. 2- 1970 Chevrolet Impalas,2&4dr.H.T.'s. 3- 1970 Ford Galaxie 500's,2dr. H.T.'s. 1- 1970 Pontiac Catalina, 4 dr. H.T. 2- 1970 Pontiac Parisienne, 4dr. H.T. 4- 1969 Pontiac Parisiennes, 2 & 4 ° dr., H.T.'s. 1- 1969 Ford Custom, Fully Equipped. 1- 1969•Chev. Belaire Sedans 1- •1968 Plymouth 4 dr. Sedan 2- 1968 Chev. Impalas, 4 dr.H.T's. 1- 1968 Pontiac Parisiennes, 2 dr.H.T's 1- 1968 Meteor Montcalm, fully powered, air conditioned. STATION WAGONS 1- 1969 Ford Country Squire, 10 passen- ger Station Wagon TRUCKS 2- 1970 G.M.C.1/2 ton pickups, V 8's, 1 standard, 1 automatic. 1- 1969 Ford Super Van • 1- 1969 Chev. 1 7'on Pick-up. 1- 1968 Chev. 1/2 ton pick-up, V-8 Auto- matic, Heavy Duty. 1- 1967 Ford, 1 Ton pick-up. 31 1967 Chev. Step Vans, 14 ft. 1- 1966 Dodge 1 ton, Duals, V8, 9 ft.Van 1- 1965 Chev. 1 ton, Duals. V-8, 9ft.Van NUMBER OF CHEV. AND ECONOLINE VANS, BOTH STANDARD AND AUTO= MATIC TRANSMISSIONS. 1965-1969 is BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS - ONTARIO PHONE 81174$113 "The Home of Better Used Cars" ' OPEN EVERY EVENING 16 ox. 2 1.49 Er . HOOVER • Phrn.B. PHONE 527-1990 1- 2 FOR MFR'S LIST PRICE OF ONE PLUS Some ReZoll franchised stores sell some Recoil - brand products below Manufacturers' List Price. Look for these informa- tion•Cords throughout the store for your actual savings. 2 rORoON E LISTspRICE REXp RIN MFR 'S gr'1 0 I./sr pioce ouf,' f6 i 1..0 0 99` vERYDAy p pic e • REXALL SUPER DRY ANTI-PERSPIRANT 6 oz. Size Mfr's List 1.59 2/L60 VITAMIN C (Ascorbic Add) TABLETS, 100 mgm =9, 2/100 List 1.98 2/L99 '• BONUS BUY BUFFERED PAIN RELIEF TABLETS. 100's 2/1.90- BONUS BUY ULTRA CARE Feminine Hygiene Deodorant Spray a " 2/216 BONUS BUY REXALL White Petroleurn - Jelly B.P. (Baby Care Formula') Rexprin latituktritAndllt BP CHILDREN'S REXPRIN Tablets 1 1/4 gr,, Orange Flavoured Child Guard Cap,' 24's BONUS 9/59; BUYS AL. • .CHEWABLE VITAMIN "C" (Ascorbic. Acid) 100 mgm„ 100's List 1.49 2/L5O BACHELOR Anti-Perspirant Spray Deodorant 5 oz. List Price 1.49 ABSORBENT PUFFS , .300 i PI poly bag Mfrlist Price 1.19 2/L20 BONUS BUY Regan Fluoride TOOTHPASTE Mint or Regular 5% ox. 2/1.53 Alumo) MODACIN FOR FAST PAIN RELIEF 100's List Price 1.35 2/1.36 Adrienne BATH " BULBS 12's List 1.69 2 /1.70 FIRST AID SPRAY 5 ox. (avoir) List 1.69 2/1.70 BONUS BUY NEW AWAKENING . LEMON SHAMPOO For Oily Hair 7.5 ox. 2/1.49 ;.Antiseptic Mi-31 SOLUTION ANTISEPTIC 2,Q oz. List 1.49 2/1.50 BONUS BUY Super White Toothpaste 5.6 oz. 2/1.55 BONUS BUY • REXALL BABY TALC 130 2/1.39 All Day/All Night Decongestant Cold Capsules 10's List 1.59 2/1.60 ALUREX Tablets Relieves hyperacidity and heartburn 50's List Price 1.75 2/1.76 Alumox 2.70 CHEWAMINS MULTIPLE VITAMINS FOR CHILDREN 50's Mfr's List 2.69 • w.v.,./A*.vo•Ar Antiseptic ) 4 types List Prise 2,49 2/230 MINISHEER UNISIZE PANTY HOSE Mfr's List Price 2.00 2 /2.01 J Polydrops imeliftfremeno Orbifactr oridtbAbert tetotese. ' *ye okupozroommo REXPRIN . 5 grain, Bottle of 100 List 99c . 2/1.00 THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF VALUES AVAILABLE DURING OUR lc SALE Keat • ings Pharmacy Ltd. AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES BUT NOT 2 FOR 1 PLUS A PENNY ALUMOX SUSPENSION 12 oz. Mfr's List Prioe 1.75 2/1.76 REXALL FAST HOME PERMANENT ALL DAY ADULT MULTIPLE VITAMINS 11.73..79 2/3.80 .i25:;.39 •2/7.40 REXALL EGG CREME SHAMPOO 12 oz. Size Mfr's List 1.49 -2/1.50 BONUS BUY Moisturizing HAND LOTION 15 oz 2/2.30 BONUS BUY BACHELOR TALC FOR MEN 4 oz.2/1.75 BONUS BUY MILK OF ' MAGNESIA 11,S.P. (regular or mint) 12 fl..2 1019 POLYDROPS Paediatric ' Formula with calibrated dropper 30 c.c. Mfr's List 3.42 2/3A3 BONUS BUY ALL DAY/ ALL NIGHT COUGH SYRUP 3. 2/1.43 BONUS BUY , ' PRO-SHAVE AEROSOL SHAVING CREAM 110-2/1.49, BONUS BUY IMPAKTA MAGICUBE Camera & Pouch '4' 8.88 ADRIENNE GOLDEN BRITE SHAMPOO 12 oz. List 1.69 2/1.70 TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN "STURDY AND 1.,10tLYqi Martin is a handsome boy, very 'tall for his two years and four month's. He is a child of mixed race -. black and white - and he has fair skin, light-brown soft curls, and brown almond-shaped eyes. He is the kind usually described as all-boy. ,He is happy, active, rambunctious and very determined. He is built like an athlete and is well co-ordinated, running and climbing and, riding his tricycle with skill. Martin is very inquisitive, wanting to see what's behind or inside everything he sees. He isn't much Interested in television, but does like music. He's a good eater and makes no fuss about going to bed. This sturdy young fellow needs parents who will enjoy his liveliness and will provide _stimulation witheut pressure for academic achievement. To inquire about adopting Martin, please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general adoption information, ask your Children's Aid Society. • :z LET GAUNT DO IT! A LIBERAL GOVERNMENT 1. Will organize Gov't Departments. 2. Will assume 80% of Education costs to relieve farmers and property owners of this crushing tax burden. 3. Will return Provin4 facial assessment back to County eon- *: :IL create jobs tiro. tax reform to stimulate economic growth. MURRAY GAUNT WILL SPEAK ON CKNX RADIO Fri., Oct. 15 - 7:55 am. Sat., Oct. 16 - 9:55 a.m. Mon., Oct. 18 7:55 a.m. CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS Wingham - 357-2801 Kincardine - 396-7980 VOTE FOR THE MAN WHO WORKS FOR YOU Murray GAUNT 0 Sponsored by the Huron • Bruce Liberal AsSoeiatiun imenegomeroommiewort As harvest progresses, Ont- ario's corn crop appears excel- lent. However, with such a bounti- ful crop, there is a possibility that some corn could be left in the field, even after the silo is filled. Douglas H. Miles, farm out of their tower silos until early in the new year. Then, when the weather is good, the silage is moved by blower, from the stack into the silo. This can be done in a short period of time and is a good alternative to moving the feed from the stack to the live- stock on a daily basis. Mr. Miles offers a feW tips to ensure a,good stack: 'To provide good drainage, place the stack on high ground. Keep the stack as deep, as possible, rather than spread over a wide_area. Pile the stack with a. front- end loader rather than a blower, so that leaves do not separate from the rest of the corn. • Cover the stack with plastic and weigh it down with old tires or other suitable material. One possible problem, says Mr. Miles, is the dryness of this year's crop. The lower the moist- ure content of the corn, the harder it is to pack it suitably. For this reason, the farmer should use his greenest corn for stacking. management specialist, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food and former Huron agricul- tural representative, says a corn stack is an alternative to leaving the crop for grain corn or having to dry, crib or acid treat it. This is especially true if the corn crop can be used ha-advan- tage in its roughage form, he says. Many people object to this type of storage because of the wastage as well as fading diffi- culties with mechanized feeding systems. Waste can be a prob- lem, says Mr. Miles, but if cer- tain precautions are taken, it can be kept to a minimum. Such a storage system will offset by a good margin the added costs of depreciation and Interest on an investment in other types of silos. The handling problem can be alleviated. Man farmers with mechanical feeding syktems feed An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Council Meets 4ast Wawanosh council met on October 5th in the Belgrave Com- Munity Centre Room with Reeve, Roy Pattison presiding and all the members present. Motions adopted included: - - That in connection with the flinctionSAn-Of the Land Division Committee the five percent con- sideration be charged when the Land Division Committee is approving cqesent of land severance, - That, the Council endorses the counts, of Huron Official Plan as presented to Huron County on Thprsday, September 23rd, 1971 for submission to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. A letter from the Town of Whitby•asking for contributions to assist people who suffered finan- cial loss due to unusually heavy rains in August was filed. Council declined endorsing a proposal from the Huron County Federation of Agriculture that a wide-spread telephone toll-free area be sought. Road Accounts of $13,202.36 and General Accounts of $1,103.34 were approved. B7 John D. Baker Public Relations Office, Branch 156 Last Saturday, October 9th, approximately. 75 World War I Veterans from Zone C.1 gath- ered at the Seaforth Legion for their Annual Reunion. The Parade to the Cenotaph was cancelled_ due to the incle- ment weather, however, a Colour PAST EVENTS. Last Friday night at the Bingo y r there were 81participants.Prizes to the value of $332.00 were won. COMING EVENTS Thurs. Oct.l4th - Regular Meet- ing at the Legion Fri. Oct.15th - Bingo et the Legion Hall Members of Branch 156 wish to express their 'sincere sym- pathy, to the Coombs family on the death of their father. Donald G. Eaton INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life Insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 - Seaforth • Tough times for grasshoppers - • Remember that old fable about the,grass- A hopper living it up and laughing at the ant aS it worked to save - for the hard times ahead? To laugh tomorrow, save today! Get eight per cant rat Victoria and Grey, VICWRIA and ° GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 19601 Stacking Corn Possible Answer To Surplus Crop 0 • • • N . 5. BANGHART, KELLY, DOIG & CO. Chartered Accountants 476 Main St. S., EXETER 235-0120 $. W. REID, C.A. SEE DRIVE and BUY 11.1; e New '72 Models RUPP SNOWMOBILES at Wm. Beuerman RUPP SALES and SERVICE Five miles North of Dublin andl/z -mile West or six miles Eastrof Winthrop. VALUES,„, IN USED MACHINES 1 - 1971 Skidoo Nordic 24 h.p. 1 - 1970 Sno Cruiser 20 h.p. PHONE: 345-2950