HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-10, Page 1VOL. X --INTO. 28 We take stook this mouth and if you'll call on us well show you some lines of goods that wn WANT To earl, and that xtau'LL WANT To -Buy ae Boon as you seep theta. Will you came. Spe,ial inducements to cash buyers, R0BT.0RR, Direct Itnpul;ter. 'an BEAR, July 9. 1891. CAL NEWS —Ne potatoes, new cabbage at the tar taurant. JAs, MoKELvre. —The pionie off St Paul's oburoll Sale en postpoued,autil next .th Scbool has b ek., -The East Wa vanosh fall show Will Id at Belgrave, on the 6th and 7th tabor next. Go to the Eclipse restaurant for re- hments and temperance drinks, T. 0. SPARL2IstG. Mrs nob.Ten tit (nee Mrs Halliday) family remove to their new home in ha township, ue Listowel,, this week. .For •the past w rnsiderable rain 0 oatly benefit AN'rnar—& situs s to pact ist Wrr IFlommercial Col ly at Trines offi At the :baud co voles fag bird place; co bost bands in ek or so we have bed a11, and the crops will ea thereby, especially tion•as bookkeeper or Orem, by a graduate lege.. Terms moderate. petition at Mt Forest, cry band,of this town, apotieg against some he conutry. �twetermatoea; apples and peaches, at :vies Star restaurant, was decided at th Couucil meeting nday night to put good coating of ou Josephine reet, from the otel to the G T Railway track. iron, agen Bank of $anvil• spending his hol days in Loudon loinity, His . plc a in the bank is lied by Mr llidou relieving agent. :Nebula of refreshing drinks at lite ettiurant. • The fountain is in full Jas. MoKrrvrr. am an article we p ,Copied from the e seen tical Mr go hotel, has bo I, for forgery sai ted in the States. olish in tamper 'oronto Empire, Garbutt, of the n, arrested in to have been ,' -a, pleasant Itafne convenieut- ed, fine view of the town. Terms erchaser. Will be sold cheap. .y to D, M. GOWN. so Pettypieoe bay ullard has been api non ae,_Cbief of Police o cot$iany. Mr Pe d, intenda,removing • rd baying wallaf ng resigned, jointed to illi add captain typieoe, we o Manitoba, d *itis rose, rage.—fastorngei r a number au be had ea reasonable terms g to the undersigned, on lob 24, nberry. Geo. BLActiwsLL. MoNicoll, gene al passenger P 11,, ,seals he 'Tree au title volume en go Iliehing ng on the Candia Pacific, Rail^ book gives' full in ormation of fishing resorts on' he line of ,disof great vale to hummer copy may be pro ured from ompauy'sagents, t class tailoring*. cheap fishings, try We. x. Sa» Co, he place, only two d ors north stand and between Ross' book. alsted & Scott's bank. Wth, of q"oront , who bas of the Atone and ick wet auk of Hamilton b °Id'Iti or the past few d, s, or and stone I zratoryy to corn's' acne s Moore Brothers • e the or the foundatioi nearly t will require 22& fe trif wail. ide before it reac es the. idewalk, • lines of confectionery at the Star reek. 1 J. Molfamyta. Carr .are receiving Tauitoba wheat. ithly meeting of the ill be held on Tuesday Messrs Hutton several car loads of —The regular m public school board evening next. —Jersey cream oh Dents each. • eese at Yates at 10 * Maitland Preab ter; will meet in the Presbyterian ohurol , in this town, on 'i'ue y next, the 1 h inst., ---:11r D Stewart sin pert two car loads of cattle to Montreal Monday, and M R 0 Sperling a oar log of butter to• the same place, —Pine Apples‘.and Bananas, the first of the setsonitArta Mollelvie's 'Star res- taurant.' -Bell's factory ban goes to Brussels, on Monday next, with t e Orange lodge cf town, totake part an the Orange celebra- tion- there.. » --First.class Georgian Bay Shingles and Lath, for sale, cheap, at McLean & Son's saw mike, Wingham. BeaS Sellery,B -,B A.,the new pastor of the Methodist ohm h, town, preached morning and evening, et Suncjay,tolarge and appreciative congr gations. =-1f your watch or olook needs i'epaiting, go to -W H Wallace, watchmaker and jeweler. next door to post office. --At the meeting o Lodge, T 0 G T, on T members were initial,• tions submitted, and t the coming pionie disc the Anchor of iT ,pe esday evening, three d, several proposis e arrangements for ased. —Call at Alex Rose' store and see the Laurance spectacle. Sole agent sauce E P Gerater left to4vn.4 —Bishop Dowli , of ;Hamilton, wi11 administer confirm tio>a, at `.Ieeswater, Sunday next, 12th it t, His Lordship, who is pronounced amou et the foremostpulpit orators of the Demi! ion,, will preach in the" evening at balf.paat eves:, —The Town Coca it ietend shortly to put ddevn the main b ee of the waterworks from thehyclrant 0e • the DinsleyHouse" to the wheelhouse, th arranging for pipes, &e, being in the hand of;a committee of the Council. —Cigars and Ice• Cream at the Eclipse restaurant. Also, confectionery of all kinds. ` T. C. SPAWN°. -A grand picnic, uta Anchor of Hope Lodge; will be held ' in Wilso the north branela of the Wednesday, the 22nd in heating and other an furnished. It is expect of the members of surra be present, as well as invited friends. --We must have money, and parties receiving notice from us in reference to past due accounts had better get a bustle on, r J,ts A CLINE & Co, Wingham. e interested in the the, Sons of Soot. in the Temperance last. 3iIr Stewart, with the "pipes," ceedings, Mr Wm d Secretary of the ned the aims and , in an interesting some rnisunder+: of the society, the s deferred,* er the auspices of 0 GT, this towns 's bush, alongside aitland river, on Swings,oroquet, usements will be d that a number iuding lodges will large dumber of —A meeting of tiro formation of a camp o land, in town, was hal Hall, on Friday evenin of 'Unless, was presen and enlivened the pr, Banks, of Tortnto, Gra Sons of Scotland, explq objects of the Sooiet »address. Thera bein standing as to the rule formation of a cstmp w House to hent— iituated on John Street, next to lt2ethodistParsouage ; eon. tains seyen rooms. e4 per month, Apply to , hoar. Moi:lnoo. -We take the followi Seaforth Expositor: b family, who have been years in Egmnndville, bl ed to Wingham, the lad' ville Auxiliary of the Women's Foreign isiung to express Adam,' service% Auxiliary, at a he following com. which speaks for • gfrom last week's J 1t Adams and estdents for many. ving been remota s of the Bgtnoade Missionary Aasoeiatien, their aptleectatien of Mr in connection with th regent meeting adopted limentary resolution, im as for Toronto an east ens 6,80 a re and 11.10 a'm Division, and a 8.48 a m vta Clttrtott as!1 Glti 1ph. tomb?' all traita =-Tke latest and Ginger Ale,at Jas M ant. —Regular meetin Canadian Order of F tonight (Friday), quested. Importau --At a recent meeti IO OF, Mil Wm Rob Representative to the ing, which will bo held the second week of Aug -Mr J A Morton'is t - of 11i:inerua Enoampmeu Grand Enoampment, wb annual meeting in Galt week of the present mo —Is anybody visiting Are you going away on a We want every "laerronal liged to persons who dro us of such matters. Don et drink.—Near York The icing' elvie's Star restaur• In 1880, tea la of Court Maitland, York engaged in resters will be, hold work, decided to b ull attendance re. business. g of Maitland Ledge, rtson was elected as rand Lodpae meets atratford' t. ,dr wring' Representative , I000,tothe oh will hold its during the Last —A man in the rural di. eel an advertisement the ot western agency, of 150 use vonient household.artioles l I©_ ot 159 pins. Some one who had not 61 law before their eyes and ha abnut taking that which was visited Mr D 1 c1 inlay's h Sunday night last,.aud stole and 800 celery plants. Can Wednesday evening a as organized in town with Captain, W Lawrence, Tress McDonegh,Seo'y.. The boys that, with a little pl:aotice, tl any of the sut•rouuding clubs t your place ? trip or a visit? ' and feel ob- in to acquaint be bashful. triol answer- er day by a ul and con - or 30 cents, e fear of the no scruples of their own, t house, on etweeu 200 —Mr Wm Miller, for the years employed with Mr 1'st for Douglas, Manitoba, on T he will join his father, Kale went ?vest a couple of mon J -as Miller"•is •greatlyplea: country, and it is thought he his family from town before —The concert given by M and her pupil's, in the To Tuesday, evening last, eve musical treat, but the audi as large as the merits of anent deserved., The fano pupils was greatly admire Parent harts of the pro well sustained. —Acton Free Press : Turas Lias put in a Prou of the latest pattern.' Un moat of Mr.Zi E1liottth an influential journal and of the power press to hi will be much facilitate of ,his office increased an kcal appearance of the Ti prove bfi Joe Hurtibeso, who Wingliam for a number of y duty it was to keep the wir- W. Telegraph Company i remove, wit It his family, Tuesdaynexr'Ie will still employ of the same compans assigned a. large district Burro over which be will have sup successor wilitarrive in Win day next. I rr Hurtibeso has position as one of the town fi ootball olub J Allenby, and Jos E el confident ey will beat' ast couple of r Deans, left esday, where Hiller, who ha: ago Mr d . wit the will remove ong. ss Boughton' n Hall, on a splendid nee was not e entertain - drill by the and the dif- rarame ' were The Wingham cylinder press er the manage - Trains has been itihtheaddition plant "his work the capacity the typograph- aFis greatly im; —On Wednesday eight, bu the woolen mill of ilfessrs this town, and gained an ant ing up one of the window They commenced operations with a drili,bofore they font not looked, . The" safe was books and all the papers it lying about the floori and all in the desk were palled otic gene tlirouli, and their co about. There was 110 mono to the "gentlemen of the ji leave empty handed, —The—The Provincial Agriete dustri l exhibition wtl l be la Sept 17th to 25th untie lientree' Exposition c features of more than 'ill be presented. Th onventently situate neotion with the I, ground( on Fourth Royal av Also tbat we 1 so well nowt and easy o lure from among ,' bean aa• red for the use of at hope that alae ; L•'xiensi'a alterattone and at in carrying on ' have be. a made to the V, fieri of labor. ground,. 11 new speediug t yeeft i des of provide( and every facility elf ; "That a heart vote of thanks be irons of the endured to Mrs J. 1a Ad ms on her'depar. many ture frons among ua,fer a able manner in , terest Which she itssistea at al times in perform.. and fag the 'dalesin ;po: meetings of our roast deeply regret her depa' us' and express the fere May bet long spared t•. ew the itod work in her This* the earnest ands? Y� 19M1j doombty1£At.rs • • ras resided in ars,and whose of the GN repair, will o 'Orillia, on main in the and will be riding Orillia vision. His lam on Mon resigned his erten. glans visited glia & Co,`ofnameae by pry. an the office. n the safe that it was opened, the ntaod left the drawers nd had boneatss thrown in the safe, my" bad to rid card 1n. ire lifontrea the auspices pany,whpn dinary, ink ommodious exhibition e,which are eeesa, have e company. rovements clings and u Id e u ac tit m ail as a society under Daughters," for the b of the work, believing strength„ The sooiet a small way has gra ed so far teat it new ands of members whore of the No The greatest reli to the* mem bet 0, non sectarian, bers to read daily tures and engage in.. prayer. There is no the work which each usage in. 'It may be ay School, systematic k or infirm, work fpr serious, &o, Any work s as its aim the ad.. ingdom in the world. .King's ^Daughters" will Church Rectory, reef- nglies, this (Friday) are interested are charge made upon g the annual roe of join. • 777-7 Daughters. es in the city of New hilanthropio obristian nd themselves together e title of "The Ring's tter accomplishment in union there is .established in such ,a,eo fast and exteud- nunabers many thous- ud covers nearly the th American continent. nue freedomis allowed or the society'1s purely d only requests its metal - portion of the sorra.. tie as to the nature o person is allowed to teaching in the Sun visiting of, the si home or foreign m is allowed which h vancement ot the A meeting of "Th be beld in St Paul deuce of Rev E W evening. - A11 who invited. There is no may member, excepti ten cents to those w Town Council.. The regular m mthly meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday even. egg, Mayor ; Geo rr, Deputy -Reeve, Homuth, Holmes x,Anderson; Herds - (Wm), Hill. The ting were read and ication was read from ating that the amount aid by Wingiiain for couple If wane.' am Eobt McLean, erwiters' Assooia4 Hook and Ladder owed by Go Mo., Herdsman, that the m the Fire 17nder. be referred to the Fire "e, with power to act signation of Mr F er was read, when oltnes, seconded by o resignation of Mr F , and that Tho Moore stead—Carried. T ttypiece,• as captain , was road, and on moti conded by II Kerr,. w . The Financ-Gommi men t of the followi tationery, $3.75 ; files drawer, 02; ,h tug last. Present— W McKenzie, Reeve ; 11 Ic and Councillors Messrs (Taos), Griffin, Lemm man, Rawson, Holm minutes of Last in adopted. A comm the County Clerk s of County rate to b this year is 0549.78, munieati'ons were read t Secretaryof the Fire Un tion, re the securing of Truck for tire town. Kenzie, seconde3 by oommuuications fr writers' Associatio and Water Commit —Carried, The Kormau"as poundlco it was moved by W R Anderson, that t Korman be accept be appointed in hi report of George the fire compan of A Dawsonr s received and file tee recommended p aceouets : A toss,. Fisher, rent of post Lloyd, inspecting h 11, $2; J 13 Ferguso salary, 075, poste e, $1.75% total, $76,75 John Dickson, sal ry, 818.75; Geo Petty piece, salary as a ief and captain fire com pony, $151.75, •epairing hose $3, total 0154.75 ; ,Tet '0. + d, salary, 315; Wm :[tan kin, filling gr vel, $10,01; Jas Groves spreading gr. vol, $8.1.3 ; Jas Moiwlanns, teaming, 821. 3; Johu Nlellwain, 'mirk on streets,; 010 Fred 'Hughes, do, 81.25 ; Urias She,i1 , drop curtain and extras, $44,60; Thor jobb, horsepower, &cafor water tank, $1 repairing wheelbarrow, $2,65, total $26.55: L McLean, lumber, Pests, &o, 0126.07 John Groves, work on streets, 01.25; 1 as Barber, do, $58.31; W Gray, do, 0,03;' R Kinsman, do, $5.25; J'as A Cii ,e & Co,materialfor fence,. ales, filled charity order, 'myn,work on streets,02,50; nights as patrol, $35, two six days' work in cemetery, Wilson, fitting up room for statute. and work in cellar, urtisbese, removing fire W & T Moore, work on h & Pethiek, spikes, &c, tea, material for water.. hos Dickson, work on ong, fixing lock, $1 ; Jas on streets, $14.95;- ,Geo ou Water tank, $10, ex.. el, 02, total, $12; George' k on streets, $0.2G; W 5. The report was rtt• nts ordered to be paid. essed the council re t. No action taken. oiutingeloa Bullard ae, ead three titres and o 192, appointing filo r Ma hie prowls he of on as ng, as n, 615.81 Tilos Irwin, 3 months and 018,59; jas 835,85 ; jos alarm gong, 01, streets, $21 r Brei 811.58; 0 le. Will works, 06,40: McManus, woz Illet shard, do, 0°00 Ana the ace° rebate of $5 hall r 13y.Lits 191, e, Chief Coustable, passed. hy.I..aw has bean Moore as poundk be WROLE NO. J015 Mayor and Treasurer to borrow money to meet the expenditure of e tow% was road awl passed. The folio ug'is synopSia of a statement of the anoial standing of the town, which was ad by the Clerk ; Rent of Town Hall Cellar. .. 29 16 " of Room to Mechanics' Inst. 43 33 Total estimated reoi s .. 69 Exemption of taxe per by-law...$ 53732 6505 Uncollected taxes ay Discouut on taxes p rap pay... 88 00 Taxes refunded a celerity say... 25 00 Extra to Town Treasurer for o 1- School rate Balance town hall contr 32820830°9 009009 Grant to Mechanics In itute.. ,100 00 Printing say e Atniounts unpaid. Electric Light say Statiottery and po age 476514001.00200 $12,781 05 The receipts fr in taxes are calculated won a rate of 20 mule on the dollar. Ac- cording to the above st ernent it will re- quire a rate nearly 23 ills on the dollar to meet the obligati° of the towa, as per the estimated expe ture of the current addressed the uuorl offering to furnish new roller bli ds for the town hall far 02.50 per win ow. No action action. The Mayor broug u he 'question of putting down the water. pr es on josephine aud Water streets, fro the ,llinsloy House to wheelhonse, Moved by A•taitiesoteas Committee be in tructeci to measure the distance that wil be required to have new pipe laid, for the ater works, and. get prices of pipe and otitis e the labor, aud report at next meeting; size of pipe, 8 inches-- pointed captain o the fire conmany,instead of Chief Pettypi ce, resigned, at the same salary— Carried, eeve Mele'enzie ad- dressed the Counoil. urging that Josephine isoturereutedb.e gravelled roth the Queen's Hotel to the Dingley H use. Council then ad* For some time number of the furni- ture manufactu re of Ontario have been endeavoring to rgarnze a, combine, we are informed, t. Mr James Hay, of general salesman The oonditices, as given to us, are ; That Mr Hay will sell the output oft factories for five per cent,ancl guara tee the payment of the or- ders for time er cent more, he to bay° • control of the whole output, to say what class and how h furniture they slaall make. Mr Hay ha been for seine time trying to get this s heme of his into forcet, but there are a n eber of the Manufac- turers wbo r. use to enter the Green & Co, an Button & Vessant. On aruesday evenin eating of those opee posed to the Hay co bine Was held in the Brunswick Haus., in town, at which Were present : Me srs 1V,IcEagan, Strata Mord ; Box, Seafort ; Anderson, 'Walker- Wingham. A. n mber of methods were sugkestod arid disc ssed rte to how the interests of the fu riture manufacturers . might be adva ed, such ad making special lines, pla leg a traveller on the road to represe t the several factories, &e, but no antic,/ was taken, and the meeting adjour..d. Another meeting. will beheld S rth shortly. Witteran,--W. , Watson, Pastor. Ser. vices each. Sunda at 11 a. tn. and 7 p. Sabbath Soho& at close of lVforning Ser- vice. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at '7.80 p, Seats free, Strangers vvel. come. Morning subject, "The call ,of Abraham and its lessons."' To yottsav - people "A talk aboufwatelies." Evan- ing subject: 'Im.,,,,Who__takes my placer 3341)14 Lang Iteetattrant, Mr Buell 'wishes to intimate le plblitilliat he has opened a robin the shop lately occupied by Mr