HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-03, Page 8tr. elNi)00. Drees Goods, opened this week f novelties, in black and, colored Usses`Goods, also a full range, of Sarah, Silk in all the new shades. We willbave our fall Prints and Sateens opened this week in large assortment including all the ,,fa.ew colors in Polka and coin. dot effects Ohallies and 1 claim our etyles the most rti.att� designs controlled exclusively by ourselves. qexttlero,en's Ties secs silk shirts in lin the new styles. Boots and ShOes well 'assorted at It H. itolH000. 4'.-dutgoam (Liao FRIDA1, JULY 3, 1891, - A LAO GAL NEW 8* - Deneriatton D thie is ereseretien ON at boron to those we lave, Who left the kotheboo4 of earth for the brotherhood above Fair in the everlasting hem, where (ley. light caunot die, They rest secure frons arcs of each beyond the azure sky. The bend. Betide forth tit gladdeeing uotes, food music loud. and lear, The dear old tunes of by • us we know fall sweet upon the eer,. The orange and the •IA said blue, the ancient petrlotie flo e, Still borne by hardy o en aud true, wisp worthy of the us, e. The Foresters fro vele and bill, the strearolet mud ne wood, Iu hive they thiul of those that's gone, otiose true to bt the rimed The GatifaebilionsOr.ex too, in ancientsaus u No scot is there mor true than theysnaore noble, more subli e. With hearts sincere in ots so pure, gay floral beauty spree,.. Iievaried hues upon mounds that wrap our cherished dead To them is still o mercy due, their bodies lowly lot, Tho' mouldering in t e sileut tomb, they WW1 not be fore t. • -The ilev Sellery the •new pastor, occupy the pulpit of the Methodist • churcb. of this place, o Sabbath next. -Vies Eoughton,as feted by her pupils -will...give a concert in the town hall, on Tuesday evening net, July 7th... The programme will co sist of vocal and inettatmental mus c, tableaux, fancy drill,'&c -The prize lset or the next Toronto Industrial Fair, whio is to be- held from 7th, to $,,te 191,13 of ptember, has been iSateti. Copies can procured by drop'. ,ping a post card to s Hill. the Secretary, rro'-***404010-rtiVerento. -11r Paul Melun the lightning insure anee egeat, was ia t wn a few days this week‘ He is now, 12 addition to his in. sitrauce business, s lthg a book, entitled r of Sir John Mac- , the ,./3ife and Oare donald," A very succes grove just belts Dominion Day. Wingbam Gong meetiog. Swits kinds helped a while eider folk we • lisfreshments were .4sed again at 5. Be wel, gave eta addre was well receive enterprising, eitize with toothsome da important ecquisiti picnic. 1"1.341.o. ul picnic- was held in the the Zetlaed bridge; • on 'The Sabbath .Schools of egationalists and Zetland and games of various ase the wrung people, made young again. served at 1 o'clock Dr Gunner, of List°. to the scholars, which and applauded. Our , far 11. Hill, was out ales and proved an tr to the success of the May Year by year t le standard rise, with noble Christen) im, And deck iu beauty 11 their graves, for we must rest the s. me, Latino aeproafili wi • due regard each grave, tho' nut th goal, Bach dark and lo ely 'confine orovin as God bas erowne the soul. mats. d is visiting her par- , Ont -Mr 0 Varney, Lower iiugham. TO FARIVIE 411•1=4.4444444442148011.111.14444 44444444 Wishing to close our log book for the season, we would desire all parties having a log account open please call and receive payment for same. GILCEBIST, GREEN & CO. ArOZT0,c We take stock this month and, if yott Call on us we'll show you some lines goods that wo warm TO SELL and th rOTer,t. WANT 1;013Or SS S0011 55 you se there. Will you come. Spepial inducements to crush buyers. Holidays have .me round again and the children re set free from tasks and tease once more. • On Monday, 'Tune 29 la, the Lower Wing. ham Foot Bali Ohl faced the Brick, Yard Club on Win ham Park and a return match was played. Both clubs played well, but Lower Winghatu boys succeeded in driving the leather through the goal posts once and their opponents could notpome up to thie esevsaeetre,',...1„ R 0 11,T. OER, Direct .141 orter Bnatt, July 9, 1891. P ^- CAL NEWS .--Ne potatges, new cabbage at the 4 r taurante JAB. BfeKsavie. -The picnic oft St faul's rthureh Soh. th School has b en postpouedhutil eext ' The Bast We, vauosh fall show Will be 4 at Belgrave, on the' 6th and 7th ........100.1%.•••unamowsmontessmenniaaw?.. maw DIED. xeme-At Bilis, ICansas, on May 26th, Kepple Disney, late of the town- ship of Morris, county of Huron. MIAS -In .1:1owick, on the 22nd ult, Mrs Mary A Willlis, aged 50 yeare, 2 m nths and 27 days. LACI—In Turnberry,ort June 30th, Helen Black, wife ot Mr Samuel Black, score, * This was the second match bet- ag0472,:i'Neeln-ag gthm, (0) 111.1 niltSalutday; Sums tween these two clubs, the other l'14ch 271h, T'Phomas Watson, erehant; ' aged was a draw .-A gain on Wednesdey,July 76 years. A.: native ' of Stirlingshire, 1st, in newer to a challenge from Zet. Scotland. WINGIIA.M. MAIMETS. bam boys weut. ao that pace and a very . WING11/01, July V.1301. warlil hour wt* ripen t by both clubs, Correoted by F. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flaourpor 100 1.bs, . S 2-75 to 2 75 hut,ae usual,the Lower Town boys were Fall anattem bushel, . 1 00 to 1 02 payers were itt Myth playing base ball. utes4 „. Spring ..“ - 1 00 t 1 02 victorious, although same of their best oats - The score was eneqo nothing, -A jun- eines; ior foat 1 all teem also went over from do'itena, • Lower Winghato and played a 1114toh fMdIer;I:01:4 with a Zetland junior team and the same fate happened them ai our senior, they heat the Zetland Juniors, the score -be. lug one to netkiug. The boys are eer- Minty not to be fooled with, when with so little practice they Call leave Moll "old titnees" as Zetland in the shade. And now since they have played three sucessful games thia week, they are going to take a rest ,for about two months, until the Cool weather is again around, when they intend to follows up their suceetesful cereer. • land. foot ball:011lb, the, Lower W ing- Poifim has betor s.me years living in .tireketa, has net `o at well of late. Last week, his daughte , 'Miss Maud Varney, left here for Dako a, intending to go to her father. .Miss lorenee Ila,mbleton, of Lucknovr, is visi i ng' at her mint's, Mrs • James liier.. r Geo Scott, son of Mr Walter Scott, of oronto, is in town visit- ing relatives ..M A Porter, of Ilamiltoh, epending a s' art time in. town—Mr john Mollannus and his son George left last week for Ca1ai, N W T. .Mr Job D. • Itopper; of town leaves next week for • Manitoba, on al) ospecting tour. .Mr 11 • Moore, the ge ial editor and proprietor Of the Acton ze Press, spent a few • lams in town la Truss *as in Brussel •Salisituel Jam popular in Luckno ride ..Go ()tibia gold W T, i the Ba Norris. 'The pupils of 5 5 Np 5 . held a pia nic on Friday last, 26th ult. There was a large attendance, and the pro' gramme, an exeelleat literary end musical one, was well carried out. The lasso ball match between Brussels and Belgrave wits won by Brussels. A football match between sides chosen by Messrs Wood and A.rmstrong, was closely contested, but resulted- in a victory for Mr Wood's side. -Mr 3 D Nichol, of S 5 No Lima an examine, Mon on the 80th Jane. A. number of teachers were present and took part.- Fraulc Newcomb, of Newark, I J, is visiting, at Thos Wilkinson' -Mrs Holliday spent &nay ati Goderich. The 'following statistics of the town- -liip will be of interest No s of children t weelr, and gave the r Fisher, postmaster, last week..LuckaoW Winghare's stemma restaurateur, on Wednesday. seeing • erich Signal: 0 Yates eaglet, is visiting his Wingham„.1V1r 11 Will- a Itamilton, was hi ow, on aday, accompanied by relie big agent of the hank John 13w anatt, of. Toronto, le eg Mends i • town thits week..Mr eway, paid a shortvisit , parents in town on Wedn•Witty... 11 flailid y returned to kArbome on Vi/' esday. - ; flay per ton, Potatoes, - • - 3o to 40 Wool, • 10 to 18 40 to 45 to 50 60 to 65 • 12 to 18 • 12 to 18 11 tO 12 • 1 50 to 1 75 7 50 to '2 50 NOTICE. All parties indebted to William, Ridd, either by note Or book i account, • will please oall and PurtheSame to me ht onee, as they have been placed isa my hands for collection. JOHN NDBLANDS.. Wiugham, June 18th 1891. ' from 5 to 16 years, .796 ; 7 to 13, 480 : 19 to 21, 844; acres land, 54,- 95Q ; acres cleared, 40,475; value of real property, $17,650.'76 ; income $57 ; total, $17,707 76 ; persons frotn 21'0 60s 1,854 ; , dye' labor, 3,9; dogs, 310 ; hitehos, 8; persons in family, 2894; cattle 5,920 I sheep, 8,066 ; hogs, 1,57S; horses 1,808 ; acres woodland, 6,872*; acres swamp, 8,19/ ; aeres orchard, 6841-; acres fall wheat, 8,874.; steam boilers, 6, ' Dissolution at Partnership. Notice, is hereby given that the Part- nership h.eretofore subsisting between the undersigned as Hardware Meachants, under the name of JAS. A. CLINE Sv Co., at the Town of Winghaus, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 12th clay of March, A. D. 1891. All accounts due to who will carry on the business at the old rea,t as s WING I—I A Is offering Goods at reduced prices' for cash. Every person looking for Goods away down below regular prices for cash please give us a call - before purchasing elsewliere. If you want to save money and buy cheap ratoode, call and inspect our Toduced prices. , PRINT PRINT PRINTS, 9 • CHEA.PER THAN THE• CHEAPEST. We have the largest stock of Prints in ?town and the innciest pat- terns to etoosb from.. Please call and examine onr.Prin,ts. We have about two hundred REM.NA.NTS. to sell, at a gtos1 retitle- tio'n in price. 0.111.A Ste61.) In great variety: of 'patterns and in all the see our table of, ()heap Dress Goods novelty shcdes. Call and IATe are Selling at ILIalf Price Do not naiss this chance to secure big bargains. — • the late firm:will be paid to Jas. A. Cline Cheap -MusIins, Cheap Flouncings Cheap Shallies, Cheap Elousings, stand and by whom all obligations of' and any quantity of patterns to choose from, the late firm will be paid. • Dated this 24thlVfarchA. D.1891. Witness, t ?As. A. CLINE, J. A. goitres. s , SOHN ,NnEratusins. BORN. uncrirtt-In Turnberry on the 19th ult., the wife of Mr Samuel Burchill.; a son. HisnoisTzro-In Brussels;on June 18th, the wife of Mr Wm 1tnechtel, jr ; a son. Banuntt-In. Brussels, on June 20th, the wife cf Mr George Baeker ; a daugh. tqy. SEC4D9014-1,n Wingham, on the 26th June, the wife of Mr. Ntimalerguson ; 41 daughter. lonotI/ACMES-x/1 xiblogs, -on the 26th June, th wife of Mr, BB. Jaques; a son, ''Aan--In Witighatn, on the 26th June, the wife of Mr. A. 11. Carr; a daughter, Mocutu--In Kinloss, on the 27th June, the wife of Mr. Jas. Moore; a son. MARRIED. Ktart — Wirztsusorr —At the residence t)f the bride's parents, 645 Lorne avenue, London, on the 30th June, by the Bev A 0 0ourtioe, Mr 0 W Mitt, to Miss Percy Williamson. Refering to above, I wish to return my thanks for past favors, and trust that by close attention to the wants of my ons. tourers to merit a continuance of, the same. • Jas. A. Cline. P. S. -Past due aneounts must be sht- tied at once. ()all and see OUP in Ladies'and Children's. We have been soiling- them very fast', but have still a tow big bargains to offer in the above Erma, fact we are selling , 'verything in Our Store• at Reclined- Prices for Cask. NOTICE. ' So if yob. are looking'. for Big Bargains please call and examine our All parties indebted to B. R. Talbot,l stock. No trouble to show goods. either by note or book account, will please call and pay the same to me at once ! as their have been th? sate m my hanc lt; 100 000 Pounds Wool Wanted in:Exchange for for co lection. Goods or Cash at tb.e Cash Stote;: JOHN DrnmAisms • Winghatn, Sone 18th, )891. CONSU PtiON CURE. The sucecsa of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medichte. All druggists ate authorized to sell it on a pos. itive guarantee, ateSt that no other cure can sue- tessfully sinful." That it may haeotte known, the Proprietors, At an enorraous expen. se are placing. a Sample Pottle bree into every home \ in the United States and Collude. • If you have 1 a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cotteb, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, Use it, Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURB, 'Price 00 cts„ 5o cts. and $t.00. If your Lungs are sore or Beck lame' us e Shilelet Porous Plater, Price aS r ' • //P 1EW BUTCHER SHOP. GEO. SHAW Wishes to intimate to the people of Wingham and that he has commenced the Butehethat Business again, and has opened out in the Old Stand, a tow doors North of the Brunawleit Ilona; Whore he will keep o. fresh stook of • BEEP) LA1113) T. A. MILLS. '— IALLANiaiTE .11,0YAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. NEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE. Even,' .WEtift. Montreal and Quebec, In Derry or Liverpool. PORK) And other meats which he ern sell eheap. Nelda 'delivered to any part -of the 'town. The Patronage of the public °Ilene& GEO. SHAW 0A13IN, $50, to 580. Accoraine to Stonier , and location of Stateroom, . intermadiateand Steerage at low tete& rr /.;43 CATTLE OADMInto. STATE} SER:VIPII LINE. ALLA.N LIN t STRASISIIIPS. N'TeN7 VORIC St GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. CAIlIN,f015and upwards. Return, 055 and etwaads. Steerage at tow rates, Apply to fr. it ALLAE, Montreal, or 13.161TRY. DAVIS,. ‘4'rsomue. AV, Mbar next. Goto-the Eclipse testaurant for re- hments and temperance drinks. T. C. Steusmato. Mrs nob Ten tit (iiee Mrs Halliday) t farnily remove to their new home in a township, ue Listowel, this week, or the past w ek or so we have heal esiderable raintil, and the crops will greatly benefit ed thereby, especially s, saanre-A situ tionas bookkeeper or • to poet i»Wt glon, by e graduate Commercial Co] eg,e. Terms moderate. ty at Twos offi At the hoed co petition at Mt Forest, veels,,Dell's fa c ory band,of this town, bird place, co peting against •some best baucle in be country. ,taratomite, apples and peaches, at tar restaurant, raves decided at th Commit meeting nday night to put geed coatieg o t ou Josephine • root, from the • otel te the G T Railway track. t all lean agen Bank of tranaii- veoarng his hol days in London leinity, His pia e in the hulk is ' led by Mr Bideu relieving agent. l'Ithadts of refreshing drinks at the astaurant. • The folisuniviK taionirsLviniu. 11 • si et an artiole W1 p copied from the e seen Ono Mr go hotel, has be for forgery ss,i ted in the States. lish in another oronto Empire, Garbutt, of the n. arrested in to lta,ve been -Apleassit home convenient. ed; fine view of the town. Terms rottener. Will be sold cheap. .p. y to D, M. Geoa. • eo Pettypiece hay ullarcl has been ap ton at_Chief of Police o cortany. Mr Pe d, intendaremoving rd baying perelia. resigned, ointed to fill aad Gaptain typiece, we o Manitoba, al 'his reale raga.-Pastnru/; Ai l;umber u be had oh ressoneble terms g to the unersigned, on lot 24, nberry. 'Geo. Btacxweras MoNicoll, gege al paesenger P E,,aeocls he Tpres an ittIe volume so t1Aa Piehing ng on the Canarlia Paoifie Bali'. book gives' full to ormation of fishing resorts on he line of a is of great vale to summer copy may be ri? tired from ompauy's agents, t14aanbri64ehea:18bingsittWe hp1ane olyt:: Morsnort; tandandbetween Ros' book. s • siteicit:0770':bank, , who has irk con of the etoue and ijiek recent uk of Baroilton h liAioorkdthaent)aasbtotet7ida endere 4rorat7heto cfopumucl lleanticlot nearly fug thi turefro • Moore Brothere the which a will require 224. fe tnf wzal. meetin$ Me before it nee et Ike oseoauci eplyidei ialu5:ef61O18rki x0', a n d a§ 8.45 a ix u Toronto an east 10 a ra and 11.10 a'm Disvia Clinton mai Gaya)* by all tadne, roc pas on. Lor lan Hal of E and Beni Sons obje addr, sten formi Stree tains to Seek %mils yams ed to ville Missio their a , . ),r'• :