HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-09-30, Page 9ti
Marlene Hunt and Margie Whyte painting the
Arsenaults' home at Vernon River, 17 miles. east of
Margie Whyte and Ken Dent surrounded •by the
Arsenault family.
Operation Beaver is Challenge to Hullet Student
Margie Whyte
(By Margie Whyte)
(Miss Whyte a fourth year student
in the science program at the
University of Guelph is a graduate
pf Seaforth District High School.
She is the daughter of Mrs.
W. L. Whyte and the late Mr.
I have never had such an en-
riching experience as I did this
summer doing volunteer work in
P.E.I, with Operation Beaver. My
efforts were repaid several times
over in experience and new
understanding, though not in
dollars and cents.
Operation Beaver, a Toronto-
based-non-profit organization,
sends groups of volunteers from
all over the world into com-
munities requesting help with
some project which the people
feel is necessary for the social,
cultural or economic develop-
ment of their community.
The aim is understanding -of
—ether-- people,. other __.c.nitairee,_
other people's problems - just
"being people together'''', - as
well as' completion of the actual
work project. "Beavers" face
frustration, discpuragement,
friendship, and an uriequalled op-
portunity for, communal living
away from their own home en-
This summer, seventy-six
Beaver volunteers were able to
work on ten different projects -
Charlottetown and Inverness,
P.E.I.; Mud Lake, Labrador;
Auden, Ontario; Conklin, Alberta;
Chetwynd, B.C.; Fort George,
Quebec; Bequia, St. Vincent, W.I.;
Greneda, and France. Every
group of six to eight volunteers
worked on some sort of housing
construction project except my
group. Operation Beaver paid
travel expenses and board but
not for our work.
-As I've just mentioned, my
Beaver group and project were
unique. We were the smallest
group of just three volunteers
and the only group to work in an
urban setting.
Marlene Hunt and Ken Dent,
both of Toronto, and myself
worked along with the six Mem-
bers of the Social Development
Services Committee (P. E.I. Tee-
---ants1--Union) of CliailOttetow_nter_
the months of July and August.
I learned so much about so ufany
things as we participated in a
different activity or project prac-
tically every week.
- For the first two weeks, we
helped fix up a country house for
a large family on welfare to move
into, after they were evicted from
their slum townhouse in the city.
We helped the Union with the
first publication of a monthly
newspaper, The Broad-Axe
(motto: Hew to the Line and Let
the Chips Fall Where They May.)
The paper was established be-
cause the Tenants' Union felt
that farmers, fishermen, ten-
ants, kids in court systems and
many others have been denied
access to the media. In the first-
edition, articles were presented
delivering verbal broadsides to
all levels of government, a dis-
cussion of the changes in rural
life due to farm policy and a
Landlord of the Month Award to
a slumlord". Several articles
in the paper dealt with welfare
rules and regulations. It urged
welfare recipients to insist on
their rights.
During Old Home Week at
Charlottetown, we were busy
working in the booth at the ex-
hibition giving out pamphlets on
1,v`ell'alli—reut,r1--regtriations-,-- --
discussing the role of the Ten-
ants.' Union: as well as construct-
ing a float for the parade.
And, for the last two weeks
we were involved in the NFU
action. During the Tractor dem-
onstration we passed out leaflets
to all motorists telling them the
reasons for taking such actions
Some of the placards placed on
the tractors were indicative of
some of the matters which the
NFU were protesting; "Govern-
ment wastes farm budget on
experts and offices." "Campbell
wants two out of three farmers
kicked out." "Lower registrat-
ion for farm trucks." We also
helped the farmers conduct a
"Free Food Give-Away", at the
Tenants' Union office one after-
Every weekend we visited with
the other eight P. E. I.
Beaver volunteers at Inverness.
This group consisted of an
Eskimo from• Belcher Islands,
and other , volunteers from
Jamaica, Connecticut , U,.S.A,
Saskatchewan, Alberta, Ontario
and Quebec.
Inverness is located in the
northwestern section of the
island; and the married male
-population of 20 is made up
-----largely___of___Qyster _and lobster
fishermen; with dependents nut&
bering nearly 100. Low income
has been a problem for years,
reflected in inadequate ,de-
teriorating housing. So, this
summer, the Beaver group
undertook to make renovations on
a good number of the houses in
the community.
P.E.I. is a uniquely beautiful
province, with distinctive red
earth, inviting beaches and the
world's finest seafood. There are
many fields of potatos, clover and
daisies. And you couldn't ask for
friendlier people.
The main attraction in Char-
lottetown is' the Confederation
Memorial Centre, which is a
theatre, library and art gallery
in one massive structure. We
saw the three excellent live
musical productions put on by the
Charlottetown Festival Company
- Anne OP Green Gables, Jane
Eyre, and Mary, Queen of Scots.°
Working with Beaver means
exposing yourself to a different
mode of life. You can feel your-
self changing from day to day.
Every morning, I was curious to
see what the day would bring.
It was exhilarating. For me, •
this summer in P.E.I. was a
most enjoyable arid learning ex-
Anyone can apply to Oper-
ation Beaver but most partici-
pants are students. For further
information, contact the Oper-
ation Beaver office, 2328 Dan-
forth •Ave., Toronto 13, Ontario.
Margie in
front of Confederation Centre,
Suggest Huron Council
Four "Beavere" volunteers working on a house in Inverness, P.E.I.
Assume Responsibility for Services a CFB
Members of Huron County
• Council admitted Thursday they
are interested in the Crown
Assets Disposal Corporation
offer of the utility services -
free of charge - at Canadian
Forces Base, Clinton, but also
expressed doubt that taxpayers
a of Huron County could afford to
operate the facilities after re-
ceiving the gift.
The offer was made to the
county by A. B. Hamilton Of the
Lands and Building Division of
Crown Assets -Disposal Corpor-
In a frank discussion with
county council, Mr. Hamilton
traced the chain of events since
the federal government
announced in 1969 that the base
would be closed in September
He said the first step was
to try to find some other use
^ for the base on a govern-
mental basis for the desire of
government' was to produce a
minimal amount of detrimental
effect on the community.
He said all federal govern-^
ment departments were
canvassed to ascertain which
ones might be interesting in
locating it CFB Clinton. He
said there had been meetings
with the provincial government
representatives, with represen-
tatives of Midwestern Ontario
Development Council and with
the Huron County development
committee's officer , Spence
"We haven't just sat back
waiting for something to happen,"
Mr. Hamilton said. "One of
our big problems is to find some-
one, somewhere, that can utilize
this property in total."
Mr. Hamilton reported that
the base is self-contained with
the services there all centra-
lized so that no part of the base
is really functional unless the
central utility system is operat-
"The base can't be subdi-
vided," he stated. "There are
any number of types of organizat-
ions, that can use parts of the
"Can the people of Huron
County take on and operate the
municipal services?" asked Mr.
Hamilton. "We would be pre-
pared to turn aver all ttibse
facilities without charge, to the
county of Huron if you wotild'be
interested in taking over ,.the
utility -services on the base."
Mr. Hamilton said that when
no government agency expressed
interest In the base - although
there were hopes of some solut-
ion along these lines at one time -
the property was offered for
sale to the public.'Bids are to be
in to the Crown Assets Disposal
Corporation by October ftl and
would be opened the following
Mr. Hamilton said it was
hoped to dispose of the base at
the best possible price s o that
the people of Canada would re-
cover as much money as possible
from the sale, but also to have
concern for the type of use to
which the base would be put
following the sale.
He indicated that if a private
bidder offered a fair price for
the entire base, and his intentions
for the facilities looked solid,
reputable and of value to the
people' of the community of
Huron, the deal would likely be
It, on the other hand, the bid
was not -telo high and it appeared
as though the base might be turned
into a waste area of no particular
value to anyone, it would be
highly doubtful if the bid would
be setiously considered.
Mr. Hamilton stressed the
fact that the federal government
was anxious that the base be put
to some useful purpose and that ,.,,,
the buildings and • facilities
already established at CFB
Clinton be properly utilized for
the benefit of the people of Huron
County and the province of
He termed the resolution of
the problem as "very, very diffi-
cult" but said he hoped he had
offered some 'partial solut-
Wheh questioned by county
councillors concerning the cost of
operating the base, he said the
%cost factor would depend upon
who operated the base and to what
use it was being put.
He said he wasn't hedging on
the issue, but added that it-would
not be a fair comparison to
estimate the cost to the federal
government for maintaining the
base while in full operation.
"When the federal govern-
ment operates a base, it operates
a base," said Mr. Hamilton. He
suggested that the services pro-
vided on a government military
base were different than those
provided in the average
He did say he could probably
provide rough estimates of
certain costs which would be of
interest to the County of Huron
in the event it would accept his
Also present at the meeting
wds Don Southcolt, executive
secretary to Hon. C. S. Mac-
Naughton who was unable. to
attend because of a bothersome
foot injury.
Mr. Southcott claimed that
Hamilton's presentation toHuron
County Council was fair and went
bn to explain the Ontario govern-
ment's position in the matter.
After the Ontario govern-
ment's involvement in the base
at Centralia, Mr. MacNaiighton
had written to the federal govern-
ment urging them to give ample
warning well in advance of the
closing of a military base so that
the community would have an
opportunity to make alternate
plans. This had been done' and he
said the provincial govern-
ment was pleased when the
announcement of the closing of
Clinton came about two years
before the actual shutdown.
From experiences at Cen-
tralia, Mr. Southcott continued,
operation costs amounted to
almost $600,000 annually as well
as an additional $500,000 to
$600,000 to repair some
facilities. He said that when a
purchase price was tacked onto
this amount of money, it became
a sizeable project and one which
was not all that attractive to the
provincial government.
Mr. Southcott also complained
that in other instances where
military bases at other points in
Canada had been closed - most
notably Gimley in Manitoba and
Goose Bay in Labrador -
the bases had been turned ever
to the proVinces free of charge
along with assistance to get the
project- going to the benefit of
the people in that area.
He said the base at Clinton
could still be of interest to the
provincial government, par-
ticularly in the area of recrea-
tion and youth training, but that
the province would expect "some
consideration in the purchase
price comparable to what has
been given to other provinces."
"It, is not unfair that at least
Huron be given'an opportunity to
indicate its preference of the kind
of use to,be made of this facility,"
he said.
He said that Mr. MacNaughton
would be eager to serve on a three
level committee of federal, pro-
vincial and municipal represent-
atives who would consider the
bids that came in on the property
at CFB Clinton.
It was noted from the report
of the Huron Development Com-
mittee that the county officials
have already requested a meet-
ing with federal and provincial
people to discuss the Clinton base
Robert E. McKinley, M.P,,
said he was sorry that the
"federal government took go long
to say no" with regard to whether
or not some federal government
department would utilize all or
part of the base at Clinton.
He said the Clinton base had
not been offered to the Ontario
Development Corporation free of
charge, and if it had been it ,
might have been of some interest
to them.
lie pledged support to a con-
tinuing effott to find a use . for
Major Frank Golding,who is
responsible for maintaining the
base, said the buildings are par-
tially heated and that a staff of
about 3 8 people is keeping the
base in good repair.
Deputy-Reeve Gerry Ginn of
Goderich Township, said that he
felt the county should acknow-
ledge the proposal of Crown
Assets Disposal Corporation
with interest. He said the matter
should be thoroughly studied by
the County Development Cein-
mittee and that the proposal
should not be dismissed lightly
as too costly.
Reeve Elgin Thompson,
Tuckersrivith, the township in
which the base is located, agreed
but urged county council. to get
behind the provincial government
in its desire to'have alinparable
assistance from the federal
gover,nment as has been given in
other provinces.