HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-09-30, Page 3a 4 The Hibbert Comintinity Young People met Sunday evening in the Family Life center. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Christie showed pictures on their trip to Austra- lia and New Zealand and Mrs. Ardhie Cooper demonstrated wool from the sheep to the fin- ished product. , The Milk Maidens met at the residence of Carol Southgate on Tuesday when demonstrations by Miss Southgate, Janice Schenck and Mary Ann Hauwert were featured. The meeting discussed 'Achievement Day activities and made chicken a la, king, White sauce• and biscuits. Joan Nobel thanked the hostess. Donald G. Eaton INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life Insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonicqllock Main Street Phone 527-1610 — Seaforth I 6 A'S ANNUAL TABLERITE BEEF ROUND-UP STARTING THIS WEEK SPECIAL HOME FREEZER VALUES -ON- RED BRAND BEEF AVAILABLE FOR 3 WEEKS immumas PLACE YOUR ORDER NO -FOR - BEST SERVIC & SELECTION iminimom ItIV-)OrsN 10k WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, Requires a CATERER To operate the Cafeteria at Seafoirth District High School Details may be obtained from the principal by phoning 527- 0380, Seaforth. Applications will be received until OCTOBER 8th, '1971 by Mr. W. H. Knisley Superintendent Huron County Board of Education CLINTON, ONTARIO P 4_ ti VSS SHEILA BLAKE To Her Shop FREE DRAW: On a multi Lamp ($40.00 value) to the First 15 Permanent Waves Booked to Sheila. :FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE:' y .1 Brussels $87-9257 — Seaforth 527-0448 AYMUMMIWWWAWS*PA MWROPROWNMWWWWWWWWWWWW, Ornate' row own ?nun& kktedowt. Your vary ONIR. De It yawn,* Album And ever 400 heitlielnely telettft4 yklairst which you Pow, end Petty in NAINIIN ar (Mau ttlIb row telentit, Correspondent Mrs. Ken McKellar Craig Kerslake and Janet Allen, Cromarty delegates to the Presbyterian Youth Congress at Guelph, were in charge of the 41 contemporary church service on Sunday, Mr. Kerslake conducted the service and read the Scrip- ture , a modern version of Mat- thew, Chapter 28. Rev. Jarvis led- in prayer, followed with the Hullet Clears ,Perimits For Constrvetj li Work 3; c-410 Dpueette (Horse Berm Lot 21, Con. 1; also to John Mlddegaal to erect Pig Pen and Liquid Manure Tank on Lot 10, Con. 12. - That we recommend consent be given for severance' of Lot 14 and 15, Con. 14, Hullett Town- ship. Accounts approved included: General $1,143.50; Drains $12,988.09; Road $1,973.06; Total $16,104.65. PrivaOo* 1110 olvinY Igloo that cap stari you:of, "ho , comfito REOIMEIli IFIFCCDSS, Correspondent Mrs. John Templeman The congregation of Hibbert United Church, friends and neigh- bours honoured Mrs. Jim Kelly (Mary Barnes) with a me'scellan- eous .shower held Friday even- . ing in the Family Life Center. • Mrs. George Vivian chaired the event with musical numbers by Helen Smale and Brenda and Jean Dow enjoyed by all. Mrs. Arthur Kemp gave a reading and' contests were enjoyed: An address of good wishes was read • by Marilyn Miller and, gifts were presented to Mary by Carol Miller and Donna Waddell. Mary was assisted by hermother, Mrs, Les Barnes and her sister-in-law Mrs. Paul Barnes in opening her gifts and thanked everyone. Miss Rosanna Worden, Tor- os onto visited on the weekend with her • father, 'Alvin Worden and Bill:— -- Miss-, Bonnie Miller, Guelph spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton mil- ler and Paul. Miss Joanne Templeman, • London spent the weekend with her family. Mrs. Gordon Parsons has returned home from Stratford • General Hospital. Bill Worden, Bob Ternpleman • and Alec Scott visited on the weekend with Don McCloud,'Sar- nia. -Roger Haines arrived home last week after spending several weeks in the tobacco. Ruth and Mary Jane Temple- man attended the Young People's ,camp at lantall on the weekend. • News of RommiRoo Rd•AIN STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Reilly, London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. David Cornish, Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Lou O'Reilly. Tom McIver, Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis McIver and family. Mrs. Mary Jordan, London visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Iver. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Flatiagan and children, Kitchener visited Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Lane on Sunday. Joyce Lillian Falconer, second daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Frank Falconer of R.R.5, Clinton, graduated from Victoria Hospital School of Nursing recently. She has accepted a position on the Nursing Staff of Victoria Hospital, London. CARROTS US No I FRESH OCEAN SPRAY ROYAL ASSORTED FLAVOURS ST. COLUMBAN Bakel. Hospital. PRODUCT Of SOUTH AFRICA OUTSPAN ORANGES 0 7 CANADA NO I Surud d GREEN CABBAGE I CANADA NO I CELLO 3 4, 25 CRANBERRYPkq 33' Lord's Prayer repeated in uni- son, using the New English Bible translation. Miss Allen gave the high-, lights of the addresses given at Congress and related some of their experiences while there. As a follow-up to the service, a contemporary Communion ser- vice will be held next Sunday. MARIAN RITCHIE AUXILIARY Mrs. Gerald Carey was host- ess for• the September meeting of the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary. Mrs. James Miller presided. The roll call "Joy" was, answered by eleven members and one visi- tor. Mrs. Miller led in prayer. Mrs. J. Templeman read the Scripture. The Bible Study dis- cussion the Word" was led by Mrs. Larry Gardiner and Mrs. Robert Laing. During the busi- NEWS OF Correspondent Mrs. Joseph Kale Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand -La- pointe, Windsor visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melady recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne left last week on a motor trip to visit relatives in Sask- atchewan, and to., Visit their 'daughter, Miss Jba'il. Coyne in Vancouver. Frank McQuaid, and daughter Karen, spent a weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid. Mr. and Mrs. Len Gilesen ilrla air_ spent a weekend recently with Mr. 6-tid-Mi—s:----Ttrerr-Van- Area 4H ClubsMeet McKILLOP #3 The Dairy Princesses met at the home of Marlene and Mrs. Nash, Officers elected are Pres- ident - Anne Marie Hoste; Vice- President - Mary • Blockeei; Se-- cretary - floating; Treasurer - Vanda Storey; Press Reporter - Evelyn Storey., • MILK MAIDENS ' , Encourage her in anything she does well; and get back to the clinic for more information.When a parent becomes persistent, a doctor will go out of his way to give the help he believes. will be used. DEAR DORIS - I am 13 years Of age and would like some help. My parents are rather strict and will not let me go to a dance which .' really want to go to. Adults are there to watch us and it is quite safe. This dance starts about 7:30 and ends at 9, and is espedially for pupils of Grades 7 and 8. -HELP NEEDED DEAR HELP NEEDED - Have your teacher or a responsible adult phone your mother and' explain that this is a school affair to which almost every- body goeti Be sure it is made clear that you will be brought home right after the dance and have her state who will be bringing you. DEAR DORIS - Couldyou please advise me as to how one goes about find- ing a new job/ They tell me that Canada Manpower will not help as long as you have a job. I am presently employed as a head cashier in a large chain store and, although the pay is good and the 'work very chal- lenging, my feet cannot take much more. I have only a, G'rade 10 education, but feel that all the experience I have had in public relations and handling of per- sonnel should help me find some- thing worthWhile. I do hope you can point, me in the right direc- tion. '" -HEAD CASAIIER. PEAR CASHIER - The right di- rection is your nearest Canada Manpower Centre. Counselors there help everyone - employed or unemployed - to find the niche which suits their talents. Aptitude testing now is done by persons trained to do it. , Just don't give up one job before you find another. With your experience, there should be a bright futde for you in responsible Work handling staff , and serving the public. ness, plans were made for the Dominion Life Choir concert in November. Mrs. Robert Laing was appointed ticket convener. Mrs. Frank Hamilton gave a reading and conducted a quiz on birds. Mr. and Mrs. William Laid- law and John of London visited during the weekend with Mrs. J. R. Jefferson and with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Douglas visited his mother Mrs. Arthur Douglas, Thamesford. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott and' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Col- quhoun, Staffa visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller, Brantford. Misses Lorraine Laing, Nancy Allen and Margaret Laing attended the Presbyterian Young People's Camping weekend ,at K intai I. Motions adopted at the Septenib,eg meeting of Hallett Council included: - That we authorize payment of $20.00 to Mr. John Adams for loss of livestock from dogs. - That a By-law to provide for the Pidkard Drainage Works be read a third time, passed, and tenders called. - That we instruct the Clerk to prepare a By-law to impose al% Service charge on the Tile Drain Loans. - That we issue building permits to the following: Bert Haverkamp (Granary) on Lot 25, Con. 7; L. Taylor (Granary) Lot 5, Con. 12; Robert Gibbings (Driving shed) Lot 27, Con. 7; Ken Wright (Remodelling House) Lot 2, Con. WOO Ikis MARY MILES TOP VALU CHASE .4 SANBORN INSTANT. COFFEE 9,9t E BOLD POWDERED DETERGENT 5 lb Box 9 CANADA NO I ' COOKED ONIONS LIS NO I ROSEBUD RADISHES CANADA NO PEPPER SQUASH 23( ASSORTED Pot 2.99= GREEN PLANTS News of Cromarty Delegates to Youth Congress Conduct Services at Cromarty DEAR DORIS - My husband is attending a convention the middle of Sept- ember in Miami, Florida. As it is our 25th wedding anniversary, I am accompanying him. We will be away 10 days. Our problem is what clothing to pack. I expect there will be tours and fashion shows planned for the wives during the day, while the husbands are busy. -CONVENTION WIFE DEAR WIFE - Pack light drip- dries - the kind you hies§ on hot summer days. Miami will be *arm in September. Sleeveless dresses, sport shoes, light sweaters for the chill of even- ing - you'll live in them. Put iv drip-dry -lingerie and a little plastic container of de- tergent for rinsing it out. One O pair of high heels. .A couple of cocktail dresses, one formal a stole for the shoulders (woven or fur), a small dinner handbag. In the mail to you is the Air Canada booklet: For The Woman Who's Going Places, which is chock-full of helpful hints about packing, tipping, shopping, and other things a traveler needs to know. Happy Anniversary! DEAR DORIS - My small daughter was diagnosed as having receptive and expressive dysphasia. What does this mean? She talks very little and is behind in school, ' • Right now she goes to a school for, retarded- children and is making good progress. She was referred by the clinic to a school for emotionally dis- turbed children, but they are in no hurry to take her there. - AT SEA DEAR AT SEA - Psychiatrists are stilllearning about dysph- asia, which is a malfunction of the faculty of speech. Receptive - a poor understanding of what is said or written. Expressive' - poor ability to speak or write. It may improve With training, although your girl may right now appear a perfect dunce; and she May show brilliance in me- chanical or other skills not using words. JELLY POWDERS 84 CHRISTIE S PREMIUM SALTED PLAIN OR SALTINES CRACKERS '1 lb Pkg Mrs. El zabeth '‘ Murray, London spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray and family. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Melady and Debbie,. Whalen's Corner visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melady. Mr. and Mrs, Vincent Mur- ray spent the weekend in Tor- onto with Mr.and Mrs. Gordon Butters. Mr. and Mrs. David Regier and baby, Kitchener visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. Miss Catherine Moylan, St. —Thomas1721te-d—MrT-and- Mrs: John Moylan. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London Mid Mr; and Mrs. Ron Marcy and children, Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme. Miss Regina Van Bakel, Sar- nia spent the weekend at ther home here. Mrs. Angus Kennedy is a patient in Seaforth Community YOUR HOME COEUR FAR1 OUR ME OWN SPECIFICATION CUT 10 GOVERNNT INSPECTED BRANDED BEET Of BEEF bfg rOtA=ATIA PoLN ANON SRN "NM— COLEMAN'S FULLY • te 0.4.• Ind ANkoNe. SMOKED di BO COOKED IL MATTED 69 HAMS ESTER 'HALF Olt m LO uss 11 GNA . Myer MILES By Ow Nee* ASPRFAI sive US NO I GOLDEN YELLOW HEAD L.,„ 10( griuZLA LETTUCE BANANAS 3,35, 2 6429( 111101ov:i's- Seatorth pa. S e WOW symcivra maw -14t, Doe' :114* iFIIE Lorrawi• Smiles . • The six ages of woman: The infant, the little girl, the miss, the young woman, the young wom- an, the young woman. 11 0 II Ni Twin Po& 129 Both Fee Only P(10 litig " . % BEEF 1 ti li no. x . STEW 1111 ...0_ JORGRT R I artuAOssiNvwcAsrearisi io; La( NA DA 614-1;17;1777:"7 Tor 41 FRESH EGGS A. ........., CNN% WUXI • 99( QUIN 2 CousAMAI , • TANG ORANGE P°IY bag it CRYSTALS af 4 9 l' IN OIL OR vira,,I,Aut., SARDINES' 3 % ot tins tee V ARV PAIN:WAN. II i ib in C MARGARINE j og. u9 _ s SPAN SI64LAS CANADIAN 2 ID 159 CHEESE SLICES - PI" THE TEA PINg of THAT DARES 60 beg, 79( NA SAGS SCOT, MANION COUlbrii pi,. A dm NAPKINS . el 12 It Mir Pull KUNO I lb 'SHORTENING mg 39c I''442" 59 t .BF14?„...SC:U:IPIITS"" S LAIN wocuorn !TA: 194 zit'll:CTTE, gatAnT4 MI-NSW tr 33c . CHIPITS DK°. ASSOSTID COLCANS 2 rob TISSUE 3 88( '''a ".C.'"" '''' Llb 3.9c MACARONI ' — MIMALSWAssl FLAVIN/SS 66...100 CA TFOOD brie WONTIpASSOIXO 4,.. 59e . CUPS UM ; 86 4ctinc;" ; ;nig s 'S.% 49t NABISCO , SHREDDEDviEA1 zp,,07 49. CHECK THESE VALUES SrEA VEAL BEEF OR PRIMROSE tams IL) WONDERS OF THE FAUN! II kit% ANIMAL KINGDOM • EST IMPORTED DINNERWARE BY ALBUM ENOCH WEDGEWOOD tTUNSTALL) LTD. PACKET OF 10 DIFFERENT PICTURES ON SALE EACH WEEK FOR ONLY vain 51 00 IGA 4 00 PURCHASE Dine with the English country sot A cheerful pattern that capture* the charm of the English country. side in worm Harvest colours. AVAILABLE THIS WEEK SAUCER Only _ITH EA 00CH $5. KtA 100004ASS A D W ffl'sR MO ON SAL EACH Valk Tho WR Inn of onOworli PRHPF an **1* W slooms- c PAULINE'S BEAUTY SALON WALTON WISHES TO ANNOUNCE The'Appoiutment of 1st BIG WEEK OF THE FAMOUS IGA ANNUAL • TABLETRIM THE KING OF ALL ROASTS RED OR BLUE BRAND PRIME RIB ROAST 4th to 7th rib 79 as RED OR BLUE BRAND NO FAT- ADDED BLADE ROAST 63 lb . 4 RED OR SLUE •RAND NO FAT ADDED SHORT RIB ROAST S9 lb RED OR FOR STEAK SLUE SOUND JOUR BBQ RIB , -5, Ds )1 RED 'CUT , • STEAKS. OR FROM 79 BLUE BRAND THE CHUCK SWISS lb CUT - RED OR SEMI STEAKS FROM SLUE BRAND THE CHUCK BLADE BONELESS ( RED OR BLUE BRAND COMPLETELY SONELESS IMPERIAL OVEN STEAKS -ROAST ' RED OR BLUE BRAND BONELESS SAVOY ROAST OR , WRNS SWEET PICKLED y..,,, WRNS Rcogirs 591 SAUSAGE "F-554 lb EPICURE SLICED 1 Ile 5 SIDE BACON 51 WIENERS ---- 9 SIDE BACON ix: WIENERS .246- 554, SLICED S94 Hams t:"2. 1699k E TOP YALU SLICED I lb 65 2 b pkg gt ROI VA LU Vow eINIse el A1'...PARgettnolo/ AluneiPok e SIDE BOLOGNA • et 59 'ACNNEIDER'S BOLOGNA ,f, PIZZA. COLD MEAT 13S, SPARE RIBS 65L S OKELY ANCY CREAM STYLE CORN WHOLE KERNEL CORN OR HONEY POD PEAS 12.14os Tin 19( GRANULATED FINE WHITE SUGAR 10 lb Bag 6( I — CANADA NO 1 FANCY McINTOSH APPLES ' bay gm( ..- CHASE & SANBORN FRESH ROASTED GROUND COFFEE 1 lb Ilup 85( • ASS T FLAVOURS ROYAL INSTANT PUDDINGS ' 4 ex Pket 8/ 1 00 ssiw• BALLARD S ,), NA -•T FLAVOURS DOG FOOD 15 ot Tust 7/100 ' BRIGHT APPLE JUICE 48 os 4 /100 5 Tens MACARONI & CHEESE KRAFT DINNER 7 ,. es Pkg 1.5< MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR ' 7 %Beg -s. MONARCH . ASS FLAVOURS T CAKE MIXES 9 as Plsg 154 ROSE 6 VARIETIES d PICKLES 15 et for 394 FIVE VARIETIES AYLMER Sours 10 e. Tins ' 61100 IVORY LIQUID ilo, OFF) DETERGENT 24 ox Plait)! Iti 59( TOP VALU - BLEACH 64 et Matti< 3/100 LIOUID • leo GRANULATED FINE WHITE SUGAR 3 43 DOD $6t GOLD REEF FANCY HALVES OR SLICES PEACHES 14 et Tie 254 40'80. 100„WATT WESTINGHOUSE SOFT WHITE LIGHT BULBS Hsu el 2 bulbs . 394 COTTAGE APPLE APPLE STRAWBERRY , JAM 41 es tip 79( TOP VALU (H TOMATO SAUCE 28 us Toss 3188 ( FR ASERVALE FROZEN COO FISH & CHIPS 2o us Phts 494 RASPBERRY OR ASS PORK & BEANS COLOURED YORE FROZEN ' ORANGE JUICE 6 OR 5100 Tel. RICH'S COFFEE RICH . 32 oe Consults., . 47c SLUE SONNET PARCHMENT MARGARINE 3 lb Pkg 874 DE BALLARD'S CAT FOOD i S es 8/100 T FLAVOURS Tim.