HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-03, Page 5i OR -PON f MCINTYRE Beg advlsti 'de arrival of a very choice, seasonable' ` goods, admirably nutted theploasant warm weather that we area ow enjoying, suibh 'as Victoria Lawl> from lee, up,. Muslins from Gel upwards. A11 over lace flouncing at all prieesa- a best value inthe 'market, The ladies aro- :cordially invited to anapeot these goods, as well as many other lines egpallr suitable for the warm seasort. In. men's and boys' ready-made suite we have a nice assortment just opening up te-dav, Any person wishing to get 4 nice suit cheap should give us a Gall. We have :lots . Qf. straw :hats in white , and colored and they are selling fast, fox' the ric do p es the selling, Our trade in ordered Suits is keeping tivell-'•why should. itno't be so -for we have the right goods at right prices, and .we always make diem yup in the ' very. latest and best styles. - ' How those choice teas of ours vire sounding. our praises 1ean be judged by the extensive sale they are having. GORDON & 1VlcINTYRE... The Big Brown'Anceack. • Dominion Grand Lodi. of Good' emplaret. The Independent Order of Good Teruplars held' their annual meeting in Jfeterboro last week. This order. date Its 'origin to the state of New York, where;.in,1841, the .first lodge was organized. The ;character of the' organization quickly impressed itself upon people of ' other parts of - the United States, extending to our own Dn 1n1•nieo,'so• that by .186'0 the inem„ berohip had reaohe•1 nearly 100,000. By 7874 such wonderful progress had been made that the meinbei^ship was connection with the lodges throughout with;8,668 lodges, scattered: through the out the United States, Canada, Eng - subordinate Province, a t eve exry ists. The pulut er y land; Scotlaird, Ireland,, 'Wales,. New Zealand, Australia, Sweeden, Norway, movement will he a prominent feature- Gertitany, France; and'even benighted of Red Gross work, and,` acing cot Africa. At the meeting of 'the li W ducted ,under an organized circle, it is G L of the world, which convened til believed that in tan be pushed with Edinburgh, Scotland, in, May last, .the greater vigor and success theft hereto reports showed the ntiinber of lodges fore; .The proposal' tr iustt,u'te i the to be 13,000 and the membership 600,- 000. The thirty. eighth session of the Grand Lodge of Canada was oalled to order by ,1 no E Wilson, of Galt, G 1' 0. The .G 0 T, after welcoming the members, reported a decrease of mein- 'besbip iii Soule sections, while others show a •..considerable increase, The effects of two elections, the Provincial and Dominion, had a detrimental effect on the work of the order, inter- fering with the arrangements for field work. During the year the G 0 T devoted aoonsiderable amount of time entirely to the interests of the order; travelling over 6,000 miles, addressing 85 public meetings, 7 district lodge sessions, 15 court conventions, besides 200 lodges and juvenile, temples. Ete reported that 73ro.E Dawson had due good work for the Order in Muskoka, Nipissing, Algotua, and Parry Sound. He also did work in S}meoe, Brace and •Elgin.. His' •record shows over 400 new members in 19' lodges. The Grand Secretary, Thomas Law- less, ;.reported 5,825 initiated, 1.86 admitted by card and 387 `reinstated, Braking, a total of .6898, while losses from suspensions, withdrawals, etc., amounted to 7521, showing the pre - emit membership to be 11,,932, in the province, with a total of 806 lodges. The Grand 'Treasure+r, A Burritt, reported the receipts $4,887.07 and the expenditure $4,832,07, while •`the assets over liabllites•shows a balance of $558 56, The following resolution was moved by Mr 1' 5 Spence, of Toronto, second- ed by • lte,v W L Scr tt :—"To }kik Peter White, Speaker House of Com- mons, of Ottawa : Kindly lay before the Houso,of Commons this metier - tial :—Grand Lodge of Good Template in session here assembled, represent- ing twelve thousands citizens of On- tario, earnestly urges the House of• Commotio to oppose every attempt to evade the straight issue stated 'in the resolution introduced by members for Guysboru and to vote for immediate total prohibition of Canada'a curse, the 'traffic. in iutnxieating beverages. The uortrrnt ,tce on juvenile t e work then he i presented their report, which wee dis- cussed seriatiin at a considerable length The report asked that the superiniendenee of Juvenile Temples in each lodge be made annually in plane of quarterly as now, that meas- ures be adopted. to create'a greater in. tersst 'in the work among the subordi- nate lodges, sagrf•rsting that one tight in each tlnart.er he devoted to juvenile quarter with a view of bringing the' the T O G T Grand Lodge . r a d o,. Good ! nlao,ell to oils••° mooting in whole membership into sympathy with Teterboro lest week, M Metcalf the in.In Grrit'1i ,Lodge. . Templar work.. The report gave rise i --..On Mond Ora ray,You ' larger p f the afternoon, while the Ant trine stool, theirrecelit scorclling, Wishes to inti►uate to the ladle o remarks of the various speakers ; but owing to the brine not being stronn e s f Win, llairi and surrounding country hrouglat out the fact, that the work of j Snout h tl • l they Invd to desist ca children and conduotia the wok to ` will retain their.iatereste, is surrounded `come up and be mads good, y ) ,Y tun; + iaparliai; to a discussion extending over the ' commenced timuufneturtug salt for the' l' r cr art o I MISS A. BOYD the juvenile department'' N °e i^ i r was91 SUMMER 189 n , lrt,u:; l 1f ttkare in some that her stook of imparting tea peraueo principles to the tubing, S FRI N G- „ r ly some of the tubing consequent. . it M ll have to.:has arrived and is now opened out, The stock is well assorted and by many difficulties ; it also showed how deeply,tbe work had impressed itself en then: whole Order. The j uve5 nile membership has increased 40 per cent during the year, and the Juvenile Temples 38 per cent, . Totallodges were now 50,; aocl the membership 2,857. Thei report was adopted. The Grand Secretary laid on the table the report of the R WGL which 'held its ,session ill Edinburgh, Scotland, its May last. , Tho report was a lengthy document showing that the membership is now 600,000, and the number of lodges 13,000, scattered throughout every part of the habit. able globe, New Zealand, Australia, (Jape of Good Dope, Swedeen,'.Norway, Germany, Trance, India, and other fereigli parts, besides England, Scot- land, Ireland, Wales, 17nited States and Dominion of Canada. It was resolved that the Grand Lodge petition the Ontario Legislature to prohibit the issue of licenses at any railway station' or within 200 yards of same, 'and that all Si1bordina a Lodges be requested to so likewise. The report of the Committee on the White Cross And White Shield move-. went was presented, It recommended. that a :special standing committee, consisting 'of Mrs W L Scott, J ,,V Turnbull, J B Hay, and J S Robert- son, • be appointed to further the organization of Red Cress circles in ;gad Cross degree, which will occupy a like positien,in Good Teurplary+to the 'higher'dehred'of thil3s&ai:et: societies, tie a Market stepriri; ,advance for the ,Order,. and *ill doubtless • hei,ve an im portant bearing on the influence and growth of Good Tetu•Plary in the Pro- vince. The report was unanimously adopted. 'Guelph was . settled.:' as the place tar holding next GranciaLodge . meet- ing 1t TheteihetiOn 'of` officers resulted as follti'ws 'Glil 'P,John) L 1,cingrtson, Toronto ; G• C1o, DYaiini.I iSawyers, Ottawa; 0 V T,Mrs S A Jiitoheil, Hamilton ; G Secy, Thomas Lawless, t.Poronto; G T, Frank 'Metcalf, Blyth; G 5 J T, Mrs;W L Scott, Toronto , Grand Auditors, J 0 Merray,and.J W Turnbull,Paris. D G G T, A Bnrritt, Mitchell, Glenfarrow• Mr o.nd Mrs A Oainpbefl,of Wellesley are visiting at Mr Peter Campbell's.— Mr and Mrs Bickerstaff have returned to Toronto.y--Miss E Gibson, et Wrox. titer, spent a few day with. Miss Belli), Wylie.=—Messrs Farrell acid ,..George, of Listowel, spent Friday last with W T Farvell.`Qttice a number from this part spent est of July in Harristoii and attended 7,istowel , faces en the 2nd.—A number- from this part took in the .excursion to: the L-+'xperitnental Farm, Guelph—kir Scott, of Detroit, is visiting at Mr J Anderson's; -Satur- day last, Jas Powell had 1t new harp erected, which Adds greatly to'the appearance and . value of his farm.-= Tne union picnic between S S Nos 5 and 9 was held Friday Matt The day was tine and the large number present seemed to enjoy 'themselves; by taking part in the various- amusements. The fuotball' match between the Gorrie Ranger: and the Turnberry Clippers resulted in a draw, •no goals being scored. The football • match between the Bluevale Juniors and a team from the brick -.yard resulted in a score of 8 to 0 in favor of the Bluevale boys. --The following is the half year, ly report of S S No 9 for the first half 'of 1891: Average attendance for• January, .04.05 Febuary, 84 8; Mardi, 54.05 ; April, 29,42 ; - May, 34.55 ; June, 39.68; total attendance for half year 4250; average attendance for half year 34,55 ; number of,mimes on the roll 53. • Blyth. OnMonday the retrains of .Another 1 ' dates for June are •! of our oldest citizbns,MVir Thos Watson, merchant, wore borne to their last Friday, Sth, Friday, t 9th resting plaee,followed by a large nutn work, ati r the regular work of the bor of vehicles and sorrowing friends I Sul)n, dinittil L•ielge is concluded ; that I to the Union cemetery for interment. ea - b einporiutenueet of Jtivenile 1'I'he bereaved ones have tiro sympathy Templet, 1,o retgeeanal t,1 offer the nF the entire onlnnllluity.- -qtr Frank lir • t to the members of their 'Sub- tele calf and Mistt Clara Moffatt, we •ttw' .ledge's at least 011011 oath the doles a•ee 1rnn1 'hero whep a..1•' NADIA wawa ; Commencing Prictay,' July 8r THROUGH LC FROM TORONTO TO. OLD ORCHARD ON THE MAINE COAST', - and to all WHITE MOUNTAIN RESORTS contains all the fashionable styles for this year. A. large FANCY G J J l' t4` a, , ge stock on band consisting of Embroidery,. Silks, Feathers, Flea w- ers, Ribbons, Laces, i&le, C3 { MANTLE DEPARTMENT. r ke Mantle Department contains a varied assortment of Silks, l Satins, Satin Brocades, Flushes, Velvets and Mantle Cloths to cboos, from. EVERY TUESDAY and FRIDAY Returning, leave ('lel Orchard ]:;very Monday and Thursday, running through to Toronto during Summer Season. For rates and fullinformation apply to any 0, P. R. 'Ticket Agent. 1 tUOFBETTER, Tharrk'You® THIS IS THE UNIVERSAL TESTI- Iltaif.Yof' those wlw have suffered from CIfROiiO BRONCHITIS, COCCI'S, . COLDS, 011 ANY FORM OP VAST - VQ' DISEASES after they leave tried Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPI'IOSPHiTES —QD$' Lime d7, Soda. IT IS ALMOST AS .PALATABLE AB Id=LK . 12' IS A WONDERFUL FLESH PRODUCER. It is used and endorsed ,by Physicians. Avoid alt imitations or substitutions. Sold by alt Druggists at SOS. and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWM; Belleville. The Coming School of ,Medicine, B1 7OUEld171 SY3i'G6R Ghieago, ,Tan, 1st 1588. This is tc certify. that I have MAID a thorough investigation of the Rfstugonutie medicines, pre- pared by Dr J Eugene Jordon, and of his unique methods of research, and aur ,herefore competent to forst a correct judgnte,Yt. 1 pronounce then marvellous products of the hir,hest skirt showirg an acquaintance with the natural seiencc',Lir in advance of any savant ivith whose works the world is acquaint- ed. The amount of tine and painstakin+, which the doctor has expended upon' the single branch of spectroscopy, is enormous, and his discoveries steal. leg. Also having used these medicines hi my own practice, .1 can say that their actual sucou9s in cur. mg disease is as great as' their discovery. The revoldtion of the medical science of to -day is no dream;it is at hand. J. 13. S. luso, e1. I)., P. D. Prof. Chem. and toxicology, 11ah-remann:Medical College of Chicago. Tho histogenetic theory of reaching disease is: — Rebullding the diseased cells and tissues of the body, with thosa a proximate principals and ferments, organic bodies, and so oh, which are not mall). pre- pared in the had h the glands The medicines are prepared by cheulioal processes Diseases heretofore considered incurable aro cured by these medicines. In acute diseases snch as to Grippe, Pneumonia Typhpid, Diphtheria, etc., the patient improves ai once. TESTI ATOM A Its Mrs, McCullough, 004 Adelaide street east, Toronto very rapid cure of congestion of liver anti inflow motion of kidneys. J 0 Sinciair, 68 Victoria moot, Toronto, bronchial troubir., effects of la grippe, cm -011M ono week. C if Wood, 122 Jarvis street, Totonto, kidney trouble,prat•ol'and constipation, Henry Iloperoft 144 Markham street. Toronto, consumption cured in fele weeks Mrs .1 Fancett, 102 John street, Toronto. female troubles. IIad been In Toronto General liospitai. also treated by several physicians. Atter using 14istoecnetio Medicines two weeks was a new Woman, Jcsoph .1'orkins, 185 Tecumseh, Toronto, remark- able euro of paralysis. John Barlangett, Mattawa, Ontario, : nervous debility, eta, 8b yoa•s; two weeks' medicines did more for hint than all the other remedies he had takenn i the 80 • ' r ycas., Thomas Williams, 10d Robert street, Toronto, eon sumption cured in few weeks. T hf Ifamnnnd, $prhl'ttleld'on•the Credit, ant, hemorrhakes front the lungs and hat ^cutch two years, consumption, cured in few .1,•elts. Call or semi for free book explaining the 'Efisto• genetic oaten). Ono of our staff will visit winihanr oveey two weeks at Mantles made to order—Perfect Fitting and lathe latest and most fashionable styles, Stamping done to order. An inspection invited. SOLE AGENCY FOR a . ather's Glove Cleaner, ., preparation for cleaning kid gloves. It will also remove grease 'ser„ stains from silk or woollen goods. Try it, Remember Lilo place—First . Jam_...north Ed. Dinsley's jewelry A. BOI? . Wingham, April 3rd, 18y1. nee e ofPrI'jj IG CERTAIN IF THE GENUINE MeColl's INE'Oji- IS ONLY USED. BE ENERGETIC BY GIVING- IT ONE TRIAL. AloOOLL'S WELL KNO WN 0 YZt1N 13 T.3 R CD2,TA Acknowledged the best in Canada. For Sale by Leading Dealers tbronghout the Dominion. 'MADE ONLY BY MCCOL1B.OS.&0O. •- t r. e1aiit II, D. M. A., L, C P. b' G., M. C. P. S,II: 99UeR!Cfl SP OT..a.. .rI8 T TORONTO. Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says :— "After spending all my money and prop- erty to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless case of con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs. Mary Furlone;, Woodhouse, says: "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured sue of fits." • W. McDonald, Lakefield, says :—"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says :—"Dr. Sin- clair cured me of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certaiuly cures. CONSULTATION FREE. DR, SINCLAIR will he at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham, GN MONDAY, JULY 6, 189 I. Money to Loan on Notes. Note Discounted AT REASONABL2 ' RATES. Money advanced on Mortga' en at 8, per sent. with - privilege of paying at the en6of_any year. Notes and accounts collected. - ' ^TiUBT, IITCINDOO. Or>rue,—Bcaver Block. Wint han, Ont. Beautify Your Homes! JAS. H. FRrENX , Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, Would take this Opportunity of informing the citizens of whighatu and surrounding country that having had large experience in city work, ho is prepared to do Alaonstining, Iialsomintngand wall Papering in. the latest approved styles of plain and decorative work. Churches, Mils or other public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and esigns at moderato rates, Graining in Walnut, Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- ple, cue, a Specialty, /memos entrusted to my caro done with neatness and despatch. A"e r t`+ Yet vw i- Orderslart nt :ilr. Boss' Dookst4ro will receive , .. .CI I.d:.v pIotttptattentiott. JAS. 11. PRIEN1), Wingham, April 3rd. TOSIIPII COWAN, Consultatloai l ree. - tolirnetiv. ''liruiijing A t. It fie Gtirntt Jen Env, Coral*, Obi ne 20p, t, .e.UOT1UNBER1 ‘, Ro.,itis ,1•';1::l.ri,:t t:: 'i::l:l tt. szt• ti,hULt ;OI" itt.+? t11;la tl:a *LIC,EXS1 S 'ttpn /feel 11 Y 'L', v e i ' 110 l)ir 11,•;1,1 t)11ieo (',19f1:1Clist(t;113ie IN It. C. ,r., .ETC. tCceitd.a,itk for - P.INE APPLES, , ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, • 'TOMATOES, FRUIT OF ALL ItIN'DS, CONFECTIONERY, ALL RINDS, 'ALMOND NUTS, WALNUTS. PEA NUTSt FANCY BISCUIT OF ALL•TINDS. A Large Stdck of Canned Goods.: , TO JI ATUES, PEAS, CORN, SALMON, LOBSTER, cHrcKEN, ` TURKEY,Qaa CONDENSE ;-OOFIi' * 0AEl 'PIGS FEET. P'IREWOR$S OF ALL KINDS. R. FILLS SANITARY PLUMBIIG AND HEATING, ALEX. SAUN'DERS„• .., 40bERZC2- . :le LATEST METHODS':'1.7 Particular attention eld. '. Sanitation it . at on and. 'exltilatlorl. Plans and Specifications car* fully fully prepared. ' Repairing Promptly atteasdRi• ed to. Three Trains Dail. . ,it Telephone N.O. 28. j.1 Correspondence Solicited. TO BREEDERS. rl'1 o Holstoi;1 rlesian Bull, E u.r Regis Fries the s stein paid Moret • fl Lad, No,, 116.80 * cd in 'ilio fourth volume of Abe Iro'lsirshn Meal el,, n 111 be kept for 5ervIva ainartrg Wok, ret 1x01 et Lot 11, Con 1, MMotrb. —.teator,, 8:c tow.. thoroeRhbi15 tteh w th pt:vi'c;;o of rotorniogy it be uc ntncrvtre, Itty 15th, 11Gi, JOI1N A Well i . Mas b