HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-09-09, Page 11- . Do "Litter It fo Coming Events Farnt Stock for sof- ClIARTFRED bus leaving linten YOUNG' sows due shortly, Apply Sept. 20th for an eleven day tour Glen Pepper, Let 31, Con. I, Logan to the East Coast. For infor- • ;phone 345-2464, 849-2 million phone 482-762'7. 1-99-2 THIRTY-four pigs. Oliver PLAN to attend the Bajdield Pell Wright, R.R. 2, Seiforth. 527- Fair Sept. 10th & 11th. Friday 1727. 8-100-1 evening exhibits in building and , SIXTY York and llaniPShire pigs. bingo. Saturday parade atl p.m.--Gerry Cronin, 345-2574. followed • by livestock 'show, — 8-100-1 school events and baby show. FORTf-three started pigs, York 1:99-2 and Hampshire cross, castrated. • REGISTRATION for Seaforth 1st Ken Ryan, R.R.#1, Dublin. Phone Brownie Pack will be atipfTown 345-235'4. 8-100-1 Hall gn Sept. 14, at 7 P.P.M;Aanual v. Poultry for Sale membership dues -0.00. Gitls 7 years of age meSt roe acerom..,, KIMBER LEGHORN panted by their mothers. Anyone bay Old and Started Pullets wishing to lend' a hand with•57 Brownies will be most welcome. SCOTT POULTRY i-loo-i • 'FARMS, LTD. Articles for 5,0p GESTETNER ink T available at The Huron Expositor, 521-0240, Seaforth. _ II -99stt CRUSHED gravel delivered or at the pit. John Thompson, 527- 0238. 11-99-tf SAVESTROUGHING and lilt- ning-rods. New installations and repairs. Estimates without obligation. Contact R. E. Ruttan, Wingham, phone 357-1077. 11-99-ff COOK stove with 2 oil burners installed; one Wingham cook stove; quantity of second hand lumber; washing machine; Phone 527-157'7 evenings. 11-100-1 FUDGE The Fudge Hut will be back at the Seaforth Fair. 12 delicious flavors plus peanut brittle. 11-100-2 BARTLETT pears are now ready at Berg Orchards, Forest, 3 miles south of Camp Ipperwash. Peaches, prune plums, apples apd grapes. Phone 873-5598. 11-100-2 TWO German Shepherd dogs to give to a good home. Mrs. Joe McLaughlin, 527-0599. 11-100-1 11. • Wanted 'to Rent RELIABLE tenant with WO school age son would like to rent a small house or bungalow close to town or access to town. Phone 345-2175. '17-100-1, 20c' Auction 'Saks_ 20 'Auction:8ales Antique Iron Bed, Exten- sion Table, Side Board, Sink, Bureau, Picture Frames, Wood- en Bed. 20. Auction Sales: 23. Busiiies Direelo -RAAWEW $YSTE 4•001pneer 4ppralSe; BRUCE', 'RA lHWaL Phone ,?u0E4 9?-1200 l , 2545-0, G. k WITITNEY • f Goderich St. soaftv-th FUNERAL 'HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE ' Adjustable hospital beds ler, rent FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 52'7-1390 6e-19°11-.4 23 SSA .1;041; .John PO 00:1 4091 Corn Planter, Fmvzo ,tower mangre, Spreader* 13513u.; 410 Deere '7 Ft* Mower, Melt forage Harvester Ho.276, Hay pickup and I How corn Head; Dion Forage Bloyiar and 55 Ft. Pipe (5 Ft.) Distributor and Hood; Dien Wagon and Self Unloading' Box, Heavy Set Tractor Chains, 16 30; John Deere Hammer Mill, 9 Inch; Woods Roller and Motor, Co-Op Weed Sprayer with. 'Agitator (1 Yr;).21 Ft.; Eniery Stone & Motor, 3 Feed Carts, Wheelbarrow, Keystone Cattle Dehorner, Alufninum 32 Ft. Ex- tension Ladder, Wooden Ex- tension Ladder, 14 Sheets Plywood, Handyman Jack, 7 -; 16 Ft. 2 x 4 (New) 4 x 4 ,Cedar Posts, Quantity of Steel Stabling, Quantity Barb Wire, Smooth Wire, 2 Rolls Plastic Silo Rope, Bench Vise, 5 Inch; Belts, Nails, Etc., Socket Set, Hand Tools; Snow _Fence and Steel Posts. This is an Excellent Offering of Machinery. FURNITURE Chesterfield and 3 Chairs, Co- lumbia Stereo (6 Speakers), philco TV, Living Room Rug, Bedroom Rug, Mats, Pictures, Lampe, 2 G.E.Fans, Modern 9 Piece Dining Room Suite (Real Good), Singer Electric Sewing Machine, Twin Maple Beds and Mattresses, 2 Chests of Drawers, Chrome Table and Chairs, Sev- eral Small Tables, Clock, Shelf, Mahogany 3 Piece Bedroom'Suite, Beautyrest Mattress; Chest of Drawers, Mantle Radio, Portable Stereo, Step Table, Writing Desk, Swivel Chair, Gibson Amplifier, Bedding, Curtains, Royal Type- writer, Dishes, Cooking Utensils, Good Clothing, 3 Lawn Chairs APPLIANCES Kelvinator Refrigerator, Cold- ifiortider-Fresze;---28-Ft.;-Keti- more Automatic Washer, Kenmore Dryer; Ironing Board, Fewer Lawn Mower, Barbeque, Winchester .22 Rifle, Archery. Equipment, G. E. Vacuum Cleaner, House Paint, Small Weed Sprayer. Not responsible for accidents TERMS - CASH JACKSON & JACKSON Auctioneers 20-100-1 chairs; oak sideboard AO glass doors; blanket box; picture frames; reed fernery; teolS and tool box; dresSer; vanity; wash stand; brass bed; cedar chest like new; vacuum cleaner; mix master; gramophone; clothes hamper; 3 wardrobes; 2 brown iron beds; springs; mattresses; night table and foot stoolOdtchen clock; chrome kitchen table, 4 chairs; kitchen utensils; elec- trical appliances; Clair Jewel kitchen range; Westinghouse re- frigerator; deep freeze; Moffat 24" electric stove; step ladder; extension ladder; davenport; piano stool; white( enamel annex ,stove; kitchen cabinet; garden tools; wooden butter bowl and laddle; oil lamp; quantity antique dishes; bed linen; Piper rack; blanket box; antique light fix- tures. CHATTELS - CASH PROPERTY - 10% down,balance • 30 days Sold subject to reserve bid. 19. Notices CAMPER trailers for rent: Reasonable rates. Contact Hopper Mechanical Servicea. 527-1859. 19-99-tf ANY trees to mit? William Albert Phone 345-2583. 19-99-ff No Reserve As The Farm Is Sold TERMS - CASH Not- Responsible For Accidents JACKSON & JACKSON • Auctioneers 20-100-i HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to the decrease in meat pricet, we are unable to pay for any farm. -stock. We offer fast efficient, courteous same day service. 24-Hour Service - '7 Days a Week CLEARING AUCTION SALE. Of household effects, tools, mis- cellaneous items, antiques, etc. at' 239 St. Andrews Street in the Town of MitChell on SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 at 1:00 P.M. , NURSERY schobl, Northside United Church commencing Sept. Seaforth - 16 from 9:30 to 11:30 A.M. , Phone "527-0847 Box169 Children 3 to 5 years old. __ _ __ . 9-99-tf ef-100-1 N , Pullets for Sale, ° • Canadian Cancer. Societ will be THE annual 7,eeting •af the' Lots of ilt held in Wesley- illis united ;I Church, Clinton, E , Sept, 20th, at 7 p.m. This wi ;take the form of a dinner meet* andel§ open to the public. Anydne wfnliing to attend, please contact`the local secretary, Mrs. John McCowan, phone 527-0817, by Sept. 15th. 1-100-1 PULLETS FOR FALL R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME' Prompt and Careful Attention No order too big or too small. Ready to lay K 13'7 Kimber Leg- horn pullets. These pullets are Dubbed, Debeaked, Deworrned, Vaccinated and delivered. Twenty weeks old November 2. J. ANDREWS & SON R.R.#4, Seaforth, Ontario Phone 527-1106. 9-100-3 10. Used Cars for Sale for the former Roy Selling Estate, MrS. Weir Acheson, Pro- prietress. R.G.GETHKE,Auctioneer 20-100-1 Phones: Day 527-0680 - Night-527-0885 23-99-tf HERB COOMBS proprietor HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer JIM McQUAID, Clerk Proprietor not responsible for accidents on property day of sale. 20-99-3 Auctioneer 12. Wanted to Buy Call Collect 482-9811 License #237-C-70. 19-99-tf FURNITURE and household effects, will buy by the houseful. 482-3120. 12-99-tf ONE steel ditch culvert, 5 or 6 feet in diameter. Phone 527-1308. 12-100-Z 13. Wanted FARM AND FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery, Feed, Furniture, Antiques, et!. at West 1/2 of Lot 9, Con. 1, Logan, one mile east of Mitchell on No. 8 Highivay on WEDNESDAY, SEPT.15 at 1 o'clock R. G. GETHKE phone 347-2465, Monkton 23-9941 FARMERS!4 2. Lost, Strayed Are you considering erecting PERCY WRIGHT Farm' Buildings THIS YEAR? Contact us - We offer complete farm building service. LOST - 1 steer from Lot 29, Con. 6, Hibbert. Ken Britton 345-2765. 2-100-1 CLEARING, AUCTION SALE Of farm machinery, household furniture and antiques at lot 2'7, con. 12 McKillop, 7 miles North , of Seaforth or three miles South Ball - Macaulay °Z Walton 7r1 All types of • LICE4F,D 1967-Volkswagon 1500,Notchback Call 262-5407 after 5 P.M. 10-99-2 BABY sitter wanted for 4 year ESTATE sale 1968 Pontiac,4 door, V8 Automatic, power old from 8 to 5, five day week. steering, good condition. Certi- -Phene-527=1836-after 5; fed: $1650:00 -orbest offer:- display at Seaforth Fair, Friday - - - - 4-100-1 262-5290. After six p.m. Septe-mter_- 16t1r. -Females--.-and - MIDDLE aged lady to lock after 10-.10Q-1 offsprings preferred. •elderly couple. Live-in pre- Contact Ken Moore .ferred. Apply to Box 202'7 The 11. Articles for Sale Huron Expositor. 4-99-3 PEACHES, plums, apples, prune plums, ready picked or pick your own. Shady Lane Fruit Farm, 1 mile east of Arkona on Town- line . Phone Casey Bongers, 828-3305. 11-100-1 ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-99xtf BOY'S suits ranging in size from 6x to 14, also other articles in same size range. Phone 527- °768. 11-100x3 ALUMINUM storm and screen door; small gold gas stove,.,one year old. Apply to 91 Victoria Street, Apt. 3, Seaforth. 11-100x1 SIX-year old registered half Arab mare broken to ride; 2 year old registered half Arab mare green broken; 1 1/2 year old Shetland pony quiet and from good stock. 4Anp-reasonable.offer.considezzedt. (Moving) Linda -Wise, 482-7536. 11-100-1 211 Case corn harvester, good ANIMALS OR BIRDS suitable for OLD McDONALD'S FARM AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ontario Telephone 262-5515, ,Hensall 23-99-tf 4. Help Wanted CATTLE 15 lbs. Hereford heifers, 650 to 800 SEAFORTH VETERINARY • — __SATURDAY. SEPT. 11 • LTD. 527-0508. 13-100-1 300 Harco Sex link pullets laying 80 laying hens FEED 25 tons mixed grain; 1400 bales hay; 500 bales straw. , MACHINERY - M.F. 135 gas tractor with Kelly loader, heathouser and chains in Al shape; M.F. No.9 baler; M.F. 4 bar side rake; M.F. 15 run seed drill; Smoker 32 ft. bale elevator;• J. D. semi mounted mower; Nicholson hay tedder; wagon with flat rack; Tomen wagon; McD. 3 furrow mounted ace bottom plow; J.D. manure spreader; trail cultivator; J.D. mounted 9 ft. cultivator; Gobel disc.; 7 sections harrows; 2 poles; roller; 24ft. aluminum . ladder; 2 steel Water troughs; 2 wheel trailer; 2 - 1/2 H.P. motors; Universal milker pump; cream separator; forks; shovels; chains and many items too num- erous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ANTIQUES, ETC. - Flat back pine cupboard in Al shape; Wringer washer; side board; 2 wash stands; 24 in Westinghouse elec- tric range; Westinghouse refrig- erator; oil lamp; steamer trunk; chest of drawers; Odd chairs; blue cruet liner; Beaver sealer and other items. Note: Sale order will • be small „Jarm items first, followed by Houseli-Ord--Effeets-, - Feed and Livestock. This is a well kept offering so plan to attend. TERMS - CASH. No reserve as the farm is sold. HUGH ARMSTRONG Proprietor Clinton Seaforth — Hensall MACHINERY - Nuffield 1060 10-90-tf • fully hyd. 3 PTH (like new); Hydreix fully mounted 3 furrow 16 in. plow; Kongskilde 11 1/2 ft. cultivator; Cockshutt 9 ft. double disc; 4 section diamond harrows; 7 ft. New Idea mower; Cockshutt side rake; M. H. 75 bu. manure spreader; hay rake; 3 H.P. Gem electric grinder; Lawn Master mower. FURNITURE - General Elec- tric frig; table and six matching chairs; couch; 3 pee. matching bedroom suite; paper rack; tables; 2 bedroom suites in- cluding washstands; lamps; buf- fet and Leonard wash machine. ANTIQUES AND MISC. - Cutter and shaves; 1 set sleighs; wagon; cast iron kettle; horse drawn ditch scraper; Ox yoke complete; wagon wheels; harness; turnip planter; scuffler; walking plow; buggy jack; whipple trees and neck yoke; 2 copper boilers; kitchen cupboard; rocking chairs; ,crocks; commode; rugs; steel bed; picture frames; butter churn; trunk; chairs, sideboard; Montcalm part set of dishes, and many more 'articles. 14.. Property for Sale J. 0. Turnbull., D.V.M., S. J. Alkemade,B.V.Sc.,D.V.M., M.R.C.V.S. M. P. Haynes, D.V.M., B.V.Sc. J. W. V. Wekken, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth 23-99-tf JOHN E. LONGSTA OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Seaforth Office Tues.,Thurs.,Fri.,9 to 5:30 p,m. Thursday Evenings Mon., Wed. - Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-12_40 - or 482-7010 23-99-tf FIRE ALERT of Stratford, require full or part time SALES 'PERSONNEL to cover Perth and Huron Coun- ties. Your opportunity for high financial reward on a commis- sion basis. Qualify to demon- strate fire safety in the home. Sell this highly acceptable new product, manufactured in Canada by an old reputable firm. Call us 271-'2283 for an-early appoint- ment. ' ' 4-100-1 CONCRETE WORK All types of foundations and floors, cement barnyards. Reasonable rates - free estim- ates. MALONEY BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. Dublin, Ontario 345-2253 Phones 345-2964 19-99-tf Real- Estate 82 Albert Street Clinton 7'room completely modern home in' Clinton, Natural ,firepla,ce, oil heating, Large workshop aid double garage. Modeit 6 room home in Clinton, modern conveniences, Early pos- session. Priced for quick sale. 200 ACRE PROPERTY AUCTION Modern 50 head dairy and 300 set-uphog with all modern con- veniences. ' Cows, pigs and sows, machinery, feed and crops to be sold. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Urgently Required • S.HEET METAL MECHANICS FOR 44EATING---- • Particular layout men, • RIDSDALE HEATING AND SHEET METAL Galt, Ontario. • Phone 623 -640 4-100-1 ACT FAST! Are you looking for a solid future? Are -you-a-self_starter,_c.exisciee tious and hard working? Then join the Dominion Automobile Association team. As, a Dominion Automobile Association Representative you will have' guaranteed renewals. Earn high commissions, receive on the job training, with group insurance benefits, and pension. Act now and find out how you can join the Dominion Automobile Association team. For a confidential interview write to- day. Mr. Keith Gleed, Dominion Automobile Assoc., 201 King Street, London, Canada. Modern equipment. We guarantee all Work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth.Phone Clinton 482-3320.. 19-99-ff 24. Card of Thanks I wish to express my gratitude to all my.friends and relatives ,for cards , flowers and visits while I was a patient in Strat- ford Hospital. Sincerely - Beatrice Boyce. • 24-10C- I wish to thank all my family, - relatives and friends for their visits, cards and flawers, also Dr. Moyo, Dr. Shah and all the Staff and nurses for their kind- ness to me and also my room- mates while I was a patient in S,eaforth Community Hospital. It was most sincerely apprec- iated. - Mary A. Hotham. 24-100-1 Chuck and Ariel Wood wish to ._thank their family and friends for cards, giftiand mot—fey-given at their 25th Wedding Anniver- sary party held 'in their honour. Thanks again for making it such a happy occasion.' 24-160x1 I would like to take this oppor- tunity to say "TIM.nk You" to all my relative's, neighbours and friends who remembered me with flowers, gifts and cards While I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to • Drs. Malkus, Hession, Manners and Williams and the nursing staff on the 6th floor. - Joyce Miller. 24-100x1 350 acre farm near Seaforth, '9 ..acres workable-and well 'drained. River crosses property. 8 room, 2 storey instil brick home, with all modern con- veniences. . Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, Phone 524- 6514. 19-99-tf .a. SEPTEMBER 24 AND 25 FOR RALPH KOSKAMP ' R.R.# 1 , Blyth.. Low reserve on property. Mortgage available, at 6 1/8% For more information write or call RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Bruceheld - Phone 482-3120 20-100-1 22,--Legal Notices ° NOTICE condition. Frank Roney. Phone 345-2228. 11-100-1 NOTICE We are shipping .cattle every Monday to •United Co-Operatives • of Ontario. To , arrange for pick- up at your •farm phone by Saturday night. We have several clients wishing well equipped dairy farms in the area. COPIES . Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 2W each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-99xtf MRS. CHARLES McGAVIN Proprietress Contact rIA:S-ON BM-L-EY RATHWELLS AUCTION PANEL truck bodies very rea- sonably priced. Excellent outdoor storage or snowmobile shelters. Phone Hensall 262-2600.11-99-3 MILK quota - 3830 lbs. Federal subsidy quota , 3830 butter fat market sharing quota. Phone 345-2155. 11-99-3 Special Price on New Idea BEAN SPECIAL COMBINE with spike tooth cylinder to fit New Idea 700,701 or 702 Power Unit. Also a good selection of new and used 1 and 2 row corn pickers. C. N. Grainger, New Idea,, DAVID BROWN FARM EQUIPMENT 7 miles South, 2 miles East• of Aylmer. Phone 773-9136. 11-99-3 GLADIOLI for sale. Jean Durst, Egmondville., 11-99-2 A new 1971 Polaris 398 cc. 2 cylinder twin carborator. 482- 7222. 11-99-2 BARBIE or 11 1/2 inch doll clothes for sale. Many styles and patterns to choose from. Isabel Janes. Phone 521-1693 11-99-tf WILLIAM .1715ALE, Office 482-9371• Residence 523-9g38 14-100-1 Brucefield - 482-3120 20-99-2 Phone: Clinton 482-9892 19-99-tf • . LAWRENCE'S • 'CLEANING SERVICE Floors cleaned and waxed, clean- ing windows. Clinton Phone 482-7907 19-99-2 COMPLETE CLEARING SALE FOR RALPH ROWLAND FREE .LISTINGS! It costs nothing to list your property with us and. we do all the advertising, WILLIAM M. ' HART Salesman -. Seaforth representing GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESATE LIMITED TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET NELSON LEE MING All persons having claims against the Estate 'of Margaret Nelson 'teeming, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Housekeeper, deceased, who died on the 16th of August, 1971, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of September, after which date, the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, ontario this 31st day of August, 1971. McCON'NELL & STEWART $eaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 22-100-2 Lot 25, Con. 7, Grey Township 1/2 Mile East of Ethel , WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1 1:00 P.M. FOR information on all mutual fund investments contact Fred (Ted)Savauage,527-1522,Seaforth • 19-99-if SHOEING and trimming, all types of horses. Contact Ross Elliott, phone 527-0118. ° 19-99-tf R. G, GETHKE Auctioneer Not responsible for accidents. 20-100-1 CLEARING CATTLE 16 Beef Cows with Calves at Side; ,2 Beef Cows due in December; 1 Beef Heifer due in November; Registered Polled Hereford Bull, 2 years old. AUCTION SALE Of livestock, tractors; Machin- ery, truck, furniture and antiques at Lot 14, Concession 6, Hullett 3 3/4 miles north of Clinton and 3 miles east on SATURDAY, SEPT 18 FUDGE The Fudge Hut will be back at the Seaforth Fair. 12 delicious flavors plus peanut brittle. 19-100-2 25. In Memoriam McLachlan. In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Margaret McLachlan who passed away September J3, 1970. Though her smile is gone forever And her hands we cannot touch Still we have so .many memories Of the one we laved so much. Her memory is a keepsake With which we'll never part God has her in his keeping We have her„,in our hearts. - Lovingly remembered and' sadly missed by daughter Jean, husband and family. 257 100x1 West Lorn 14-90-1 MODERN 2 bedroom nome con- venient., to shopping area in Seaforth. Also 1st mortgage on valuable property. Contact Ted Savauge 527-1522 Seaforth. 14-09-tf THREE -room Trailer, built-in on large well fenced lot. Pressure pump, septic tank, modern forced air gas furnace, trees, rhubarb, berry bushes, flowers, etc. Suit retired couple or pensioner. Box 2018, The Huron Expositor. 14 7 99-tf 4-100-1 SWINE 8 Young Sows, bred 2 months 5. Bus. Opportunities WANTED Dead and Disabled Cattle and *Horses; Highest Prevailing PriCes Paid for horses on the hoof. 24 Hours, Seven Days Weekly. Fast efficient service. CALL COLLECT BRUSSELS 887-9334 SANTA NEEDS HELP Christmas is just around the corner. , You can haVe full or part time wort; with Sarah Coventry. There is no invest- ment, delivering or collecting. Kit supplied. Call Joan Boshart, 271-1558 before 7 p.m. or Linda Dale, 271-029'7: 5-100-4 AVON CHRISTMAS "GALLING Two representatives required in this area now. Call to-night while territories available. FEED at 12:30 P.M. LIVESTOCK - 100 head beef cattle consisting of 15 cows , with calf, 30 yearling steers and heifers, balance of feeder cattle including Hereford, Angus and crossbr eds. Full listing will appear in next week's issue. • TERMS - Cash No reserve, farin sold. 3000 Bales of Hay; Corn - 98 Rows 64 Rods Long, 67 Rows 68 'Rods Long, 86 Rows 34 Rods Long TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTH , COUNTY OF HUROW To Wit: if MACHINERY Ford Super Dexta Deisel 2000, Ford Loader, Live Power, Swing Draw Bar, Pulley, Overum 2 Furrow Plow (16 Inch) (New), Trip Beam; John Deere 2 Row Corn Planter, Konskilde 10 1/2 Ft. Cultivator, Dearborn 24 Plate Tandem Disc, Steel Land Roller, M-11'13 Disc Seed Drill, Inthrow 14 Plate Single Disc, 5 Section Harrows (Good), New ' Holland Baler No. 66, Ford Mower,7 Ft.; Cockshutt' No. 4 Side Rake, 4 Bar; J.F. 3 Pt. Hitch Fertilizer Spreader, Spraymotor 21 Ft. Weed Sprayer, Smoker 28 Ft. Bale Elevator, Geo. White Wagon and Rack, 8' x 16' with High Sides, Joe's Wagon, 5 Ton; Cattle Feeder, Rubber Tired Wagon Ind Box, New Idea 1 Row Corn Picker, Allis Chalmers Forage Harvester with Corn Head, Turner Grain Box,136 Bu.; Smalley Hatchet Mil 10", P.T.O. (New); Letz Grinder, Set Sloop. Sleighs, Oliver Manure Spreader, -90 Bu.; Cement Mixer & Motor, Drill Press, Anvil, Portable Forge and Blower, Coal; Blacksmith Tools,. Scrap Iron,, Cattle Crate, Snow Fence,. Steel Posts, 8 Cord Short Wood, Pile Circular Wood, Lumberjack Chain Saw, 24 Inch; Jackalljack, Tattoo Outfit, Electric De- homer. SEED WHEAT FOR SALE 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies 26. Personals FARMS FOR LEASE OR PURCHASE A. R. D. A. has farms for lease to full-time farmers at reason- able rates. A.R.D.A. is still buying farm land for Farm Con- solidation and for Alternate land use. Talk to A.R.D.Aribout your plans for retirement, relocation and retraining or about community development pro- grams. Arda programs are helping programs. For more in- formation contact your nearest Ontario Department of Agricul- ture and Food Office. There are A.R.D.A. representatives in Clinton, Markdale, and Walker- ton. 14-93-9 16. Property for Rent WANTED - A mature person to live in downstair furnished apartment. teassessien Nov. 1st with occupancy for 6 months. Apply to Box 2031, The Huron Expositor. 1 15-100-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Cleary ' will be at herine to their friends at their residence, Side Street, Seaforth; on Saturay September 11, 1971 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. No gifts please. 26-99x2 Mr. and Mrs. Aran E. Mc- Call wish to announce the forth- doMing marriage of their only daughter, Beverly Jane to Mr. Ronald Thomas Stevenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stevenson, R.R. 2, Brussels. The wedding will take place on September 25, 1971 at the home Of the bride's parents, R.11.3, Walton, Ontario. 26-100x1 The engagement is announced of Janice Faye, daughter Of Mr. Ross McNichol and the late Mrs. McNichol of Hensall lo Mr. Robert Edward Baker of Stratford. The wedding will take place on Saturday, September 11, 1971 at 4 P.M. at Hamill United Church. ' 26-1013x1 SEE PAGE 12 FOR FURTHER CLASSIFIEDS Commercial, Certified and Registered Talbot, Yorkstar Genesee. Place your order while we have wheat available. By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under •his hand and the Seal of the Corporation, bear- ing date the 29th day of June, 1971, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town Of Seaforth will be held in the Council Chambers at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 12th day of November, 1971 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was pfiblished in the Ontario Gazette on the 7th day of August, 1971, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's office this 9th day of August, 19'71. E. 'M. Williams, Treasurer. 22-97-13 23. Business Director] W. J. CLEARY • Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER anti FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 23-99-ff MRS. ELMA JEWITT ANDSONS Proprietors RATHWELL'S AUCTION -SERVICE Brucefield - Phone 482-3120 20-100-1 • 'R. N. ALEXANDER Londesboro Phone Clinton 482-7475 Blyth ,523-439911-100-1 APPLES - Pick yopr own, Keen- Crest Orchards, 1/2 mile north of W ildwood Park on-Wildwood Rd.,. 4 miles east' of St. Marys,. 7 miles south of Stratford off No.7 Highway. McIntosh 'ready Sept. 17, other varieties later. 11-100-2 USED 12 can spray type milk cooler. Used 8 can drop in milk cooler. Phone 345-2765. . 11-100-1 HONEY for sale. Now pouring clover, golden,-light amber, 35 cents lb. in your own container. Wallace Ross Apairies, Seaforth. 11-100-1 FREE cat, housebroken. Owner ill. 527-1401. 11-100-1' TWO Beatty wash-tubs and stand, in good condition. Phone 527- 1375, Seaforth. 11-100-1 GRADE 13 books for sale. 527- 0923. 11-100x1 1 1/2 miles south of Brussels. Lic. No. 273-C-70 19-99-tf 20. Auction Sales Mrs. M. Munson, 1'7 Hawkesbury Ave., LONDON 32, 451-0541. 5-99-5 AUCTION SALE Of property and household effects in the Village of Egmondville on SATURDAY, SEPT.'S at' 1 P.M. PROPERTY - ,6 room cottage; basement kitchen, 3 piece bath, barn, approximately 3/4 acre extending to river bank. primed-, late possession. CHATTELS - Ng top desk; 3 rocking chairs; platform rocker; Sherlock player piano and bench; two occasional chairs; 2 electric wall heaters; Duro Therm heater; electric lamps; mantel clock; kit- chen clock; 2 studio couches; coffee table; 2 music cabinets; -hall rack; Singer drop head sew- ing machine; 9 at 12 rug; trunk; round oak dining room table, 4 COMPLETE CLEARING SALE EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY MEN OR WOMEN FULL OR PART TIME Tern your spare time into cash. Own your own vending route in your area. No selling, all routes will be established. High quality coin 2perated vending machines. To qualify, you must be honest, have a good car, references, good credit and be able to spend 7 -12 hours weekly. Small down pay- ment will get you started in business, and terms can be arranged. For personal inter- view reply, include phone number, to: B. V. DISTRIBUTORS LTD. DEPT. "C" 1163 Tecumseh Road, East, WINDSOR 20, Ontario. 5-100X1 for KLAUS ZIMM ERM AN Lot 1, Con. 11, Elma Twp. at Silver Corners, on THURSDAY, SEPT.16 1:00 P.M. Must start on time. MACHINERY John Deere 740 Diesel Tractor, 1700 hrs.• ' John. Deere 510 Diesel Tractor,' 1100 hrs., loader, hy- draulic bucket, 1, Belt Pullen John Deere, 4 Furrow Plow, 14". Trip Beam; Allied 10 1 /2' Cultivator (Vi- brator); 3 Section Harrow, John Deere 16 Disc. Grain and Grass TWO - 1 bedroom apartments. Central location. Phone 527-0920. 15-99-tf