HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-09-09, Page 10is.,..THRJAuni Espowes,:sesFc TA, SUPPORT REP cROsS • help us help NZ. SEPT. 9, 1971 "BE A BLOOD DONOR" SupPort the RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC At NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH MONDAY September 13th, b - 9 p.m. "Your Blood Saves Lives" Correspondent • Mrs. Maude Hedden The fall meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held with a good attendance, opened by Noble Grand Mrs. Jack Taylor occu- pying the chair, assisted by Vice Grand Mrs. Elizabeth Riley. Quite a number o f cards and treats were sent out to sick and shut in members and friends during the summer season. Plans are being made for the installa- tion of officers in district lodges. Mrs. Bertha Jinks will cele- brate her 88th birthday Monday at the home of Mrs. • Gordon Schwalm. Mr. Tony Gelderland, Ridge- , town is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobel for a few days and attended the funeral of Mr. Archie Legerwerf of Parkhill Thursday. Lynne Dodds of Seaforth, is visiting with her grandparenjs, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol. Ray McKenzie, Toronto, for- merly of Hensall, is a patent in Lakeshore Hospital, 3131 Lake- HELP WANTED Seasonal and full-time help required for elevator work. • COOK'S DIVISION of GERBRO CORP., HgNSALL — 262-2605 Lodge Plans District Visits Correspondent Mrs. Ken Elligsen Rev. Robert Rock, Dart, mouth, Nova Scotia, conducted the Memorial Service last Sunday afternoon at St. Peter's Lutheran Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens following the ser- * * * Price BRIAN'S HAIRSTYLING. 527-1700—Seaf orth f-********** vice were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bach, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Bach, London, Kenneth Ahrens, Bur- lington and Peggy Arthrell, Ham- ilton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe, Steven and Jamie London, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fischer, Greg and Joy Lynn, Faye Mark,,Wal- ton, Martin Quincey,NOW Jersey, U.S.A. and David Summerville, Toronto visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and Officer and Mrs. Dick Watson, Douglas, Donald, Dianne and Dia- mond. They celebrated Douglas' birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beimers and Karl have moved to Strath- roy. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Fraser and family, Stratford have pur- chased and are now residing in the Beimer home. , Mrs. Laura Mogk is a patient in the Seaforth Community Hos- pital. Officer ,,and Mrs. Dick Wat- son and family, 'who have been visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe, have taken up residence in St. Thomas where Officer Watson is instructing the Militia. The regular monthly meeting 1971 MODEL CLEARANCE I PRICES SPECIAL REDUCED BONUS In Addition To Our LOW PRICES Special Bonus With Each New or Demo 1971 Model 38-Piece Assorted Set of Dynaware By American Eagle 6-Piece Gourmet Cutlery Set By Regent Swords OR BONUS OFFER $ 8950 VALUE OF ... Here Are Two Examples Of The Savings 1971 FORD GALAX1E 500 DEMO, V-8, automatic, G78 whitewalls, rear defogger,. tinted glass, power brakes and steering, AM/FM stereo radio, heavy duty suspension, plus a special value package consisting of dual accent paint stripe, bumper guards, wheel covers, vinyl roof and special paint WAS $5095 $3875 '3470 1971 FORD TORINO 500 DEMO 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power' brakes arid steering, whitewalls, radio, wheel covers WAS $4151 18 —1971 Models To Choose From Remember... It's Sense To See Snider's Huron Counw's Largest Ford Dealer Lam+ Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235.1640 LONDON 2274191 Open weekdays Until 9:00 Saturdays Until 6:00 Gas pumps open until 9:00 p.m. evenings except Sat. & Sun. (.03 Tau VISOVISCE OV OST 010 SAVINGS ®FBI 0;41e•R‘O 95.P.,c ORIN, otst-T. September 9, 1971 • ________ To the CA 0.7..enS of Seaforth and surrounding district: . Come and see us at the Ontario Savings— Ot-f-A-- Were holding Open House" September 13th to 2 0 th , so come An for refreshments With us and discover kl WA vie can put more dollars into your mpney • A free gift is waiting for yo if you open an account viAth us, or if you brAng in a n,evi one • Did you know that Ontario Savings Offiocae oe offers you a Savings Account at 5% op annum based monthly minimum balance? Buts that's not al I lou have chequing prleges viithout a decrease in interest ates • Novi that means yok.ir money earns 'from 1 1 /2. o 2.% more than anY ther similar account anyvihere• lhat ri: makes quite a afference at Christmas time, or vacation time, or let's face .it , any tame • lhat's tile story • Savings Account that pays 5% on the Oini0u0 Mohthly balance an permits Chequing prkvileges without decreasing those interes rates • It's at all the Ontario Savins Offices • , - Here in Sealorth the branch is located on Main Street• So vihy don't you drop in to our Oen House for a friendly coffee • ,And remember , your souvenir trillium brooch or tie pin is viaitAng for you when you open an account viith us or bring in a new one., See you, soon‘ Sincerely , 7e)( M a na ger ' 'NEWS -Op 'Winthrop Conek!Pondent Mrs. Robt. Hulley U.C.W. MEET Cavan U.C.W. met in the base- ment of the church Wednesday evening. Mrs. William Dolmage was named to give the courtesy remarks at the Fall Regional Rally in Bayfield in October. Finantial reports were given by Mrs. Don Dodds. The Octor meeting will be the Fall Thank- offering meeting with a special speaker. Mrs. William Dolmage presided for the Study period using the hymn "I Am Thine Own Lord". She took a Chapter from the Study Book dealing with "Man's New World", which was about the change in our world through science. This section of the meeting was closed by singing "Now the Day is Over". The offering was received by Mrs. Don Dodds. Mrs. Jim Axt- man read a poem "To Cele- brate Life" and led in prayer. Rev. Reuber pronounced the benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whit- more and baby daughter, Leanne, London visited with Mr. and Read the Advertisements — a Profitable Pastime! Mrs. Stanley Hillen. June Hillen accompanied by Ethel Dennis, flew to Vancouver where they will visit with Jean Hillen. Jean Hillen along with a teacher in the same school where Jean teaches travelled abroad for two months this summer and visited 'Japan, Thialand, India, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji, just returning home to Vancouver where they will commence their teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley and fluriilyVaed with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Judy McGhee returned home to London after holidaying with the Hulley child- ren. Mrs., George Cameron,-Mrs. Ellah Hulley, Brucefield accom- panied by Mrs. E. De Vry, Sonja and Rena visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley and family. Mrs. De Vry, who recently flew from Germany, is spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Cameron before taking up residence in Ottawa where her husband is stationed with the RCAF. NEWS OF BRODHAGEN of the Lutheran Church Women was held with Mrs. Irvin Miller and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman on Devotions and Topic.. The title of Topic read by Mrs. Miller, "No Church Came to Them". Mrs. George Rock, president, presided for the business opened with a poem, 'Take Time". Various committees gave their reports. The roll call and secretary's report by Mrs. Albert Bauer, Mrs. Lloyd Preu- ter; Treasurer's report, Mis- sion, Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth, a Mission prayer by Mrs. Ella Rose. A card of thanks and a dona- tion from Mrs. Lena Benneweis who is a patient in the Seaforth Hospital, was received. Mrs. Harold' Elligsen and Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth, Mrs. Beuerman and Mrs. Miller re- ported the Sick calls they made. The secretary read a letter from the Women of Waterloo Lutheran University and an invi- tation 'was extended to attend the annual meeting of 'the Women's Auxiliary which will be held on the Campus of Waterloo Lutheran University on Septent'- ber 29th. This meeting will reVolve • around the 60th Anni- versary of the Seminary. A cup- board built by Mr. Edward Scher- berth Sr. will be installed in the kitchen of the church basement to store the glassware and silver- ware that was purchased recent- ly. A bus trip was discussed to attend the Royal Winter Fair this fall. The ladies are asked to cater to a Golden Wedding, in October... Rock; Mrs. Earl Rock and Mrs. Reuben Rap- len on a committee for the oc- casion. Birthdays were reported by Mrs. H. Rock, Mrs. Edwin ficherbarth and Mrs. Reuben 15uuck. A hymn was sung in their honour with Mrs. Robert French at t e piano. efreshnTents were served by Mrs. Fred Young, Mrs. Oscar Young and Mrs. Albert Bauer. UICW "Has Meeting Burns U.C.W. met at the°home et Mrs. George S mith'on Wednes- day afternoon with 19 members and one visitor present. Mrs. George Smith opened the meeting with a reading. The Scripture reading, Psalm 733 in unison followed and Mrs. Taylor led in prayer. Rev. McDonald continued with a Bible Study on the Gospel of John. Mrs. Ed. Bell conducted the business session. The breas- brer's report was given by Miss Oat Leiper. A thank you card was received from Jean Scott. The losing team in the copper contest will provide supper. 0111V•••••Fr••••~4414141104104~ftwarit For Complete INSURANCE on your 009ME, BURNESS, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIAINIArt OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency phone 527.0490 : Seaforth Office Directly, Opposite Seaforth Motors Neireee4.1.1••••••••••••••••••••ei shore Boulevard W., New Toronto 14 recovering from injuries he received in an accident, when he fractured his arm and leg. UCW MEET The United Church women of Chiselhurst United Church held their fall meeting with president Mrs. Russell Brock opening the meeting with a poem followed, by the theme song and pra yer. Mrs. G. Glenn gave the worship "The? Common heart", assisted by Mrs. T. Brintnell. Mrs. H. Parker, the Steward ip, "Part- ners with God". The November 3rd for their Fall baz- aar, and decided to paint the exterior of the church. Mrs. Rose Harris had the program. WED • • • 0 4 a v 04 • • •