HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-03, Page 3MPER;ANCE COL JMN.
00110143011 IIT TIM T. W. 0. T. 0.
it is a truth that cannot be repeats
d too often that the greatest stuwb-
ling,Mblecic in the way of the tempos.
mice ;;•e'forna movement is the respect-
able moderate drinketr. As long as
.0hris#.aal'1 man of influenoe and high
.stainling in the community will cling
to the eociat glass, to the wine cellar
and the It;idebnttrd, so long; wiil it be
impossible to seoua'e efl)e{;tual legisla-
tion on the Liquor traffio,•Or to : reduce
in any adequate degree the mirrors
and iniquities that follow strong ariult,
The multitudes of intelligent,' refilled
and professedly Obristain 1•ueu and
woolen who indulge in an 'occasional
;less fes pleasure's sake, and think
themselves no worse forit, are the des.
pair of the temperance rejortiker and.,
the stcolnq hope of the liquor seller,
The' latter knows that as long' as the
multitude continues these practises he
•need not fear any very serious :interfere
once with his business. When will
Christian amen aald women come to see
and 'unelerstand the reasonableness and
the practical Wis4iom of the Pauline
rule that "if meat make 1uy la•rother to
,offend I will eat no flesh while Llae
world standeth 1" Granting that a
moderate indulgence in strong; drink
does no special harm it seven eases
out of ten, yet if in the other three it
leads directly and undeniably to Misery hoed crops. The system followed is l.o
woe and crime, why should not 'the plough over the stubble with a thin
seven forego an i:tldulgence in strong; furfow. -using double tutiow }soughs
drink which does them no goad if it I for the pf)•puse—Hl5 sos)u as'possible
does no harm, if l,y so &Ault they • after harvest or even during harvest,
may surely stand on the side 1vhr:ie as soon as the field is. ready grid time
their influence and their example will
count fcr . righteousness and purity
and sober living This is an old and
enitditlt)i18 fel' •'()rll)lniitlll T. `.Phbll•
,hurt of sell;.tlenial. Our income it
n0 greater now than thus blit it pro%
duces at least one-thiri more because
we have no bills. Depend upon it, a
poor Esau cannot attord to bo some«
what! ahead of the world, otherwise
the world will soon pet so far shoed
of him Witt life w111 be a harden.—
Globe Democrat,
CU'N&t/1114TIOrV' (MANI).
An old physician, retired front practice, hteirltf
!tad placed in Itis hands by an Bast dpdin tulasion:4t^r
the formula of a stnli,le Vey/labia remedy for the
speedy sed permanent cul•o`'of Consumption, Bron-
chitis, Catarrh, Astwllaand all throat:and Long
Affections, also a positive and radical etre for
Nervone t)eb(lif;r and all Nein ous 1."oµtpl.1. Its, after
having' tested its wonderful curative powers in
thousands of eating, he has felt'it iris duty to matte it
)mown to his suffering; follows. Actuated by this
motive and a desire to relieve human guttering', 1
will sons true of charge, to all who desire it, this
recipe, in German, it't•eneil or i�.aplish, with lull
directions for pr'epar'ing and using;• tient by mail by
addressing with stamp, naming this ))aper. W. A.
Novps. 5 0 Vowere'.fifock Rochester, moi. Y.
To Destroy Canadian Tflipties,
,Tlli' method which we find most
effective in g,rettintz rid, of thistles is to
put pleuty of work on the Manna at the
proper time, We often hear of sumo
patent way of trilling them; but this I
know for a certainty, that the cleattest
farms in Ontario are chose on which
cultivation is ghost tllorongh, • Io this
particular section, where fall wheat is
grown Only to a very limited extent,
many of our ['lest farmers have, ill a
large measure, given up summer -fol-
lowing, aad rely ntaiuiy for keeping
their ferule clean ails free from weeds
on thorough full working and, f rolving
Ali Alen.
young, old'• or middle aged, who find
then►selves nervous, week or exklauat,
eci,, alto are broken down from excess.
or overwork, resulting in many of the
fullowiug BynlptotYfs' ental depres-
sioll, premature old age, lose of
vitality, loss. of memory, had dreams,
dimness of sight, palpitation of the
hart, emission, lack of energy, pain'
111 thn'kidueys, heliditkce, pi11►ples. 011
the taken or body, itching, or peoular
sensation about the scrotum, waisti)a;I
of the organs, di7Zelnetis, specks 4s.h.re
the (eyes, twltellitt; of the muscles,
eyelids au(1 f'lsewitere, hasisr'u!ti'•_ia,.
depu,its itt. the urine, lose of will
power', tt•1141 et'lin1 of the snails •111(i
spine, ave1.12 stud flubi,y toU4W1es, (141(4)?
to sleep, foliose to 140 r,'s(.I 41 by 'ttt?r:p,
04)8 il.)lttion, alul.'nr'ss of
of vni+ill, desire: for so:Itede, exalt11
bilin' of temper, :erltJlcetl eyt's sur
rouru ruled With LSA 0111Cr f., ntl�•
looking skill, tete., are 'ill symptoms
o£ nervous cleinlity that lea 1,4 salinity
find dear( useless, cures,. .1141 spring
or vital 1)0lyer'.lutt•i)ig lust is tension
every' t�I1;10ti011 %vises ill enn51•(ltic'l•«:.
Those who through abuse u ,14214) ted
iu i'4nurInce Intty he permit lien Leis'
cured.. f end yullr address for holy1(
on all diseases peauliu)' to 0)110. i
Address . i'. 1,11.13 AN, 7l) !!,dint `«'IL V1 irtghaltl, April (3r.1, 189 1..
E., Toronto, Ont Hooks ,ci; «:,<ttt tree ,..,•_...,.,..,..,. Tr•,.....,.,...,._._._..�.,.....,�.
W e have received a Jit; ge stools frolti the
Best radian: and American LIJaoufactorer
Our asSO)'tllitift i5 the fin3t w1'e have yeti 11,11Vr1 anti .We belies
{t e arty£' 1) (it01h to knit t'1'P.i;vbod T. 1'Vcs li.i,ve•taI1.4 41.:)1)ecial tains t
select i?rrbttei'rq. atm aro suitable, r «y. e 1
liLil(l the ceteitt5 from ttJ(' Nash 13c
der;; ar(1',rill excel Ic!nt.
A 1441"'r vt4)4?til. 1114 'Ttt.l,l•t•) selNet ft'Ulit, 1111'1 1lriii°1 t! i.«,141
est 1))n(.illlt', 1l'1r�P!5 (:,411 anti sea (1111' .4ttatk .ai4(1 et, flt•i,•t,;,t•
11)chnw:sttsis. n
sealed: 'least. disease, lits• symptom.
of which are faint shells, purple lips,
nnuthuess, psi pitat1st t1, slid) latht)4,
liot 111)81108, t'U,lt of I,141nd to t int 114 ,01,
dull plaid in the heart 11it11 ;0 a.t-
st.roug, rapid 111141 11rlegtrl(u•. i hie 144:0 ''1 i
heart heat q'.ti eliir that, the fit's', prim
a1)414)1 the breast .lame, (do., ('44
posltil,'Iy be cur -41. No 844'11, no hays
beod for .lama Address 1'.
LU BON; 150 Front: Strl-••t. Eu -t.
Toronto, Ont_
a.ue.,:...»~.0 ..•a�.,�e.,e.vw+avdn.:m..vw.w,sn r rn..- .«.
C. 1, 11. TIlt;3A$i,f,tt.
'rain* :n ilve tidal deport ns 1011bw :
cell be .pared, the object aimed at ,11,WIxe gautvtxo
• o 35 U. ru..........Per Tmm to.......,.5;35 a. in.
beitlg; to bring any. seeds whiell may '00p.tit UO;.w .�t r,
UO p,111 1b,' : de l6 w.01• - 2:oc1 • sass
be lying on the Surface, into f.,1'orsi ,e tettss. m . ,e 10:L6 '
familiar argument that needs yet to he . r, 1,
a,,.u'I .:s l .LR ..
drivers borne to the hearts slid eon- again, if t1100 can be sparea, give an-.
other thio ploughing, a little dEe1p r
the seuorid 11040 Whits 4)11 'tare is
sciences of a vast nitrnber of otherw,se
excellent and earnest Chl'istiati men
and ,women..
It Costs 7rou Nothing.
Ws with pleasure we announce that,
we have made arrangements with that
popular illustrated magazine, the Amer'.
caa Farmer, published at Cleveland, Ohio,
and r lad by farmers in all parts of °auacla,
C5•:17,.A.:: )-J T'a 1•T !3 .>-Z?':IZ"'
A. t;, $tf Tili)1,B, 114101r,_11'ci0t1u1
rr11.011;h 101(et4 411 1121(415 in Asiurica'1-•North-
41'e=4t 'call, Cont ate., via 1 the shurtost and all ,
00110lat routes ntacriani chrellud through to ;
d'stlna11014. Lowest t retes to all 00101.5. , t
applied in 111'• fall i,4 is (kn..; 11'O i aft (Jr
the first hloil!ti),e? 411 1 co1•t iud 11 tla:vee RI:001A%. • Al:1;011 Ax wseu(.i41
11:30 a'n.Tornat) Guelph, 1'nln,orston, c 3:00 p.m.tight y, 11)0 0l JI ut• 81111 •d ai ,t};'1' 1! • 0:10
11010 p ut. (thrt,ta1
l) ?iltf;, its tf t',t 4)44 tt•14 I d, • .'•'1 .:•t 1t*_.., L
. , hn(:',toa , I(,1O 10:15 p.:,,.
London, . ,• 11:00. ••
.Intt)ly s4 O.ds as p•!ti•111:1' 1U ,,1 4 444na11 , "s1Up.m. 1:i,i ,,:.,.
1110 111, rodine,.10 .. 03Aui,
LKiO 1.::n
a1. 111
turd in this wiry, if 1)101o. a; (1 41‘.,,' 4 111 3:30 p. n
,by which that publication will he mailed the manure pn(t;essi:,0 'e.) •:: , many
direct, free, to the address of any of las
Trusssubscribers teho will pay up tkil ar"
rea:ragos on subscriptions and one year in
advance from date, and to ally new sub-
scribers who will pay one year ($1) in
advance. This is a grand opportunity to
.obtain tt first-class ia,rtll join nal free. The
Amorica.0 farmer is a large 16 page
illustrated journal otnationnl circulation,
which remits among the leading agricultural
papers.. Its highest purpose'is the elevas
ton and enobliog of agriculture through
the higher and broader education oI men
and women engaged in its pursuits. The
regular subscription price of the American
farmer is $1 per year. It costs you noth'•
ing. From any one nurnber ideas Can b0
obtained that will • be worth thrice. ,the
subscriptiou.price to yon • or tnembars of
your household yet y..lu gat it•tree.
'TisBotter to Pay asYou Go.
1 Washin toll Housewife --There is
nothing so expensive as poverty. It
seems paradoxical to put it so, but no
poor mall can afford not• to ie a ft•w
dollars ahead in the world. The toss
trt.rne case is that of the very poor,
who must pay for (sold double the
price charged the rich, because they
Have to get it by the bushel or scuffle -
fill, and sr; with everything, else. The
.poor "b'om:ttl roust pay $50 kr a, sew..
of tluo0 urn deii,rlva•rl. 1 " "" 7—"" _ . _• w^ ._._
10144 it,r.•at (Arai )s doe,.: ,11 ih v;uv ofISI„U iy i `~,
cicaning t114 I1!t:d, for 1,ot ( 1111' are iss'rilrcllcrs '>: I4.11.0 Asn ')as.11, oat, 01^4(3 11;
• 11
runny Seeetfi, 111,1. 1 ,41• , 11, nut by In) otbrl
111,213 of vulture U,i tIle g1'u\v.li! 1',14ail
1)41 11101/t4' ff t'el.11 1} i.ic'si) i) (v(, {'1 et101
ly the Canaria 1)14 it. loos, Le "1-.) .1 1 +"y 1 111°.--r
' •
% _ ,
• 1+111;.1.1,i, 1
hln• p t to t •,r t, flu; nn, etc e11 c1ac call at 7`•' `
r,} tont r
0( , .r '01* 0 11 Pot
l ▪ k l.ieA til ARL'. 0,
se,isou, the I'114,.! is 3)11n:411••11 '14,1).0
and 1.0'4. 01,011 .4110}+1. 1,11' 111(,g 4.4 -ed••
1111;, Til,g1sig.&4U, us (1t•t•te.iy ,..11, the
euitivaret14 or least 01•',' ..1 retest 011
t .,,roil rir•,11. 1,1' as t?l,l:• • .(,.,,I' 1I id „ci •
ting rill of 3)4(411' :', 0.1 0..;y 'le•iny 1%i
01(1' best 414-ittt41194 1,r 11',, d",.'s 01)111)
those Mimi-, r'os li':« 4,r 11.4,'4( I:14 1.4
r1191e a sl)ec.'sity,.dht• ' scant- 11.14,1 0'•,.ps
are iextel.)4I's'elV ortswil. Oro, .01! 1444'
grew, sol vantages of'•keatlilits tfl•' Int,(1
111 this wliy 1s tins, all 4e the woe is n)'4'
being (i(•:.tl'Uyed. i lie Ci op,- Whatever , It
way Ip , eoSiI4.rotes.,r' r'' pc, is b1?ing
gl414t1V i4' 10.11 „i t'' ",.t :I,•' ,,.n,tlr
time by the extra 01)11iwition. Relic:'
et Or, p4e1htl10. tf):'!'I- lti ,111 ,9 ty l:t 1.lileh
(11i.r'y 1,'.T1nn:• it(«''i tai " 11., 111':' 0
11,tgrung+ely go, t Irl of than 1•V t( jIl•lh.
ing machine oil instil; townie, thougli 1 hoe ii1'st''1n 1.1 !e 1::ice' 114 ling. x(1(1, next
she could buyit for $35 in Cash down ii, drdillt.t•S, n,•tl',t 11 r,:e 9,,11,11° towards
Iter lack of the ready cash coats her I tuning 'lino,. 1•,._1e 1•r•'Ir 111 1111+ 4(4,1, of
15 ; that is; whereas It is the ' poor
who ought to get everything cheaper,
they havt' always to pay ('noru',,ual;
more than the rich flet' thesann4 anti hem tms r;.,4'. r; 14••,1' l:r,.wt11S j it1:d 2){)) 0
things, merely because they ar'e poor. prize 11) ems for sum- : •t•r• 1.' 11.11 `•t'1 ►‘z t Jmt:) r.:.' r"¢, ''(r.14, .` e :t,•,' . A 'i
in extro(nity they Must seek 1110 ;Awn it, every part'of this pi.).114 =, -./•1)) 1 0ry'1,,
• broker who ngaitipreys upon their 0150)4 1d, flit?' rct)((ch,ip /,1 t• `•(•,e„
1 n p tf,ltf Ya xvl � .7.a i :; , . , . , .. r. ' , .. , +, •,
slender resuutePt because they have sv •
oay fraru 11.fe.sat Isft°..;, • r(' 1110!)
1 helve fonlltl rn r1t1;r1+i 11.4' 01V:1 t,";el .'0'.
t•. .
:Et the lc)1s
:'4 1)" trtitil:(lc
rrhe Poplar Booksto
:LU.i. E . :,3',r „ifs e r..v�• •14x.�`.e:�:
—._ 00 TO--
-TAPS,•ti I .TS, •
J �i_.1 ea"p tor r
:z f . I
3 i
' 71111
t :ill+e s rii.. titer:,tee's c lil stand, where .he has it 'large •
tri,'te(-l' sissy, st1'. 211•,.11 4 j . - _ ,•
`�w g' fit,• + ��.�r
1 irt('rg �i t a'( tt e' «1a e&J �f' �f 7 •Sits er ' , "e'
'furlh 1)c• ii1',••iilin1 ti{vay down in price, and '.will . he ,ries.; 1.
l' \" 1.,41'ty ;. �..` 1''" have ;not &til /3nli take -a look through his Stock,
tir''i-1C1:.- epr..:,F.1Te” TILE. 1r1AR1u -r,
1x1101112''OCreIII1n 4312r,t 1$•?:. rr
,.i�roziar y'iort3s�llli i' 1fir hjiiit.r'oa.
en, n •4a.d ^"cr, fpr s•el • •, ,1'. n d r e vr.
144(11 i)1 ' 4 1141 rc •r Jtl•Int,l•a, ro 1 c 11 . f ,• nil
tl.vt•111,1 t nu •c, old ' . t ca •anti ,4' 1(1 11 11'!1, it11
' i,nc 0040 ,1st• t n•hal, ,i :ao'1 a colt u• o did
II8IM(lat, .cit:, I,ls•t a
tatabar'r•,h,. Fur}v''t
i.yj.74 r1 rr i .f)7?
• WI N
Z'iUloto, y ll, 2,a(;,j,i
Vte.a. PI *1. i,l1l:l —.V. 1,
I.1 tilt I r1.•<, 1) 1,1 :,'r Lipid
4 Fiil!ar. 1i, 11 CO .
1 r • ';''r rrI{{ ry
A A .`s
GH A M .
g (t (1'
t'ro'll' .1 •atillft' •1..1• .1 'f'•
litcl(1 Credit for anything 1a101(S ''tit
. rr,, u , , , •t
costs money, anis the puor are those1} 1a1lrlpll• '!0(11 4 (*1 r, 13 `t ..: ` h
\1Y111C11','•(\ 10111••','•"'t r ) •0.11, rk) tar
Who 111ust pay [lel' it, Our .,11'11 40014 h'r.• (}•.• :,l),.•see.ess. •, v'!: ^'••1'•+• .. :c1,':;
aro very moderate,410(1 4110 11)0y lessonw4:1 It t ;t. ! '1. ;
that we 01111 WA along no co,uforitth y
as we tto 111 tint Wt' 11,'Vc•1' 111%/e for any
thing, M'il's 1i, 41 we were skyey.,in
debt, alad' the strnoglo W144 severe t11
get along, without 'C,nIu1io,,1 Litt'
talcs a11(1 ttr'i1nyan'113 Memento' tit OW*.
ink tradi'sio0tt mown., Filthily, ',se
found out what the mattes' was, lint,
got square with 3110 world tty it tows;
' c pair ng. a Specialty
t'41.1,. i it it (is •t art) ntod )ttl.t
{, !.. i 11. r'•re n's
,t. •
ti'1{ie 1)(1llll)tly, .
':lfi°J 1son s Blocs."1• •
—14:4441:018 4011 di Rollinson, mandfacturercrs or -
A N D :E71, 0 LT tElts,
and Brass.
'w,,,:�•'xNc'::1Nr>•u{s•aY^4.1 * - ytry y'r S r� �•
•rl'. 5 3? . *y A.(1 4.L 4.9 LT RA
• ;• i $ : ttf� fii i 141‘. ;IN 1', % A.\i)