HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-09-09, Page 3• •ts • • Scanning the Weeklies By Lee Hee The Blyth Standard reports that the Trotting pony Club held their 8th successful race meet and anticipate holding another meet in September. - - Blyth Public School athletes won a trophy at the Lake Huron Zone track meet. - - -All chairmen reported everything is in readiness for the biggest and best thresher reunion ever on September 10 and 11. Simon Hallahan is the secretary. All eyes, at least some 20,000, were turned up, according to the Zurich Citizens News, last week end as Miss Glenda Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fisher, Exeter, was chosen "Miss Bean Queen" during the sixth annual bean festival. • Ten girls competed. - - A rare occasion was celebrated on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Xi's. Morris Webb, along with the 25th wedding anniversary' of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur MacLean, when five generations were ill 'attendance. - - Mr. and Mrs. J. Elgin McKinley,- R.R.1, Zurich, marked their 50th wedding anniversary recently. The Lucknow Sentinel reports that •tenders are being called for the construction of anew liquor store in Lucknow. - Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rutherford of St. Helen's marked their 50th wedding anniVersary recently. - - - Mrs. Isaac Nixon of Ashfield won $500 in the Mildmay Rotary Club bingo. Her husband won a similar bingo for $500 a few years ago.- - - Despite the unfavourable weather con- ditions, there were 158 entries in the Ripley flower show. The Eaton trophy for cut flowers went to Mrs. Ewan Mac- Lean, while the Simpson prize of stainless steel cutlery went to Mrs. David Elphick. According to the Listowel Banner the sum oof $1,487 was raised for 'competition swim suits and promoting a competitive swim program by the Piranha Swim Club. There were five classes in the swim-a-thon. The Exeter Times-Advocate reports that the Canada Post Office Department on Monday recognized the lengthy service of a district mail contractor. E. R. Guenther, Dashwood, was presented with a 45-year medal from Ira Jones, postal area manager. - - A steer from the Whitney Coates and Son Hereford herd of Centralia was named the reserve grand champion in market cattle at the Canadian National Exhibition. The steer weighed 1,260 pounds and was bought at auction for 90esets a pound. --The -Clinton Horticultural Society held their-- amulet - flower show recently. According to the Clinton News- Record there were 172 entries in the adult section. A total of 26 adult competitors took part, while in the children's section there were 46 entries. - - - Seven Kinsmen and their wives attended the National Kinsmen Convention in London last week. - - Members of the Clinton Lions Club will mark their 35th anniversary oh Saturday, September 25th. - - Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steepes, Clinton, marked their 50th wedding anniversary recently. There is a flag-snatcher at work in Goderich, according to the Signal-Star. During the week-end a flag was removed from the flagpole of Arnold McConnell. Mr. McConnell reported this was the second time in three years a flag has been taken, from his property. Last week end a flag was, also taken from the Bedford Arms Motel ; - - - Rex, the German Shepherd dog described by many persons as a ((beautiful animal" is to be destroyed after 30 days following an order by Provincial Judge Glenn Bays inGoderich court. - - - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Little were given a surprise dinner party by their family on the occasion of their 45th wedding anniversary. • aF • • Suggest Egg Enquiry Would Eliminate Emotion 5. effects of the present method • of establishing price 6. possible effects of the pro- posed national market-sharing agreement 7. need for agendy-type:Mark- eting plan 8. attempts to (pad' the voters' list 9. threats and intimidation of some _producers openly sup- Somebody Wants What 0 You Don't Need ! .SELL Through Huron Expositor Classified Want Ads • al • • • Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 2:00 P.M. All classes of, Livestock COMPETENCE CONFIDENCE COMPETITION Victor Jack Doug Hargreaves Riddell , Riddell 482-7511 237.3431, 237-3576 Clinton Dashwood CraftWci-o-d Galt Hayfield Arthur Chesley Thornbury Tavistock London Mildmay Dundalk Ayton Drayton Mount Forest Wellesley Harriston SEAFORTH Wiarton Shelburne Lucknow Acton Durham Meaford New Hamburg Wyoming Fergus Kirkton Akerfeyle Embro Sept. 9-11 Sept.10-11 Sept.10-11 Sept.10- 11 Sept.10-11 Sept.10-11 Sept.10-18 Sept.11 Sept.11 Sept.11 Sept.13 Sept.14 Sept.I4-15 Sept.16 Sept.16-17 Sept.17-18 Sept.17-18 Sept.17-18 Sept.17-18 Sept.17-18 Sept.17-18 Sept.17-18 Sept.18 Sept.18 Sept.18 Sept.18 Sept.1.8,20 RIB SHORT C lb CUT SWISS ' P g /YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT OUR QUALITY TABLETRIM MEAT RED OR BLUE BRAND PERSONALLY SELECTED SMOULDER OR t ROASTS. C lb • RESH PICNIC iNOULDER )0RX • .. 3 , 8 lb OAST 6 • LEAN & TASTY 4 PORK BUTT 9, ROAST lb .STEAKS RED OR BLUE BRAND CHUCK ft . lb NEW ZEALAND SPRING LAMB • SHOULDER 9, CHOPS lb YELL TRIMMED PUTT PORK CHOPS ' ir, Ali% '' 31,1 BURNS 1 lb ...... WIENERS - )/ c PR lb BURNS your cho•te PO I. SAUSAGE t',7,7, 33! TOP yALU 2 to ft ok DINNER HAMS .,.!,1.b.„,"..! IEVON'SLICED ' ROE BACON 111 FAN 5 5 4 SIDE - ,.., SPARE RIBS- 631 SLICED YOUNG BEEF LIVER 591t 1 Ib SWIFT S PREMIUM tt. SKINLESS SAUSAGE , r. X rot, YALU ;LICE° SPE IACON . ' t2: 65 ( STEAK SHAPED CHOPPED BEEF .8:4 69( Ib TOP VALU . , BOLOGNA -PYIETC7 3 lb $1 BURNS SMOKED PICNICS 551 'OP VALU PK ENERS 2 vac lb 99 Pat c . LEAN CUBED ' 0 gil t STEWING BEEF 0 ab TOP VALU 5 Assorted V odetiet •111 6 ., $ COLD CUTS. j...... I 1MTTERCPISR SOLE PORTIONS 79.( ' RED OR BLUE BRAND SHOULDER STEAK 5 lb bag 2 lb pkg: WONDERS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM lb 1 4 U.S. No. 1 Thomson &sadism GRAPES Product of South Ahoy ORANGES12 OUTSP AN 29! Canada No 1 CELERY Canada Fancy Early APPLES dNros H 3:4 69( AN Product .71 South Aldso OUTSP 4 GRAPEFRUIT jp bog so Canada no 1 mow. r CARROTS A 4 CHIQUITA OR CABANA BANANAS; 'CANADA NO. 1 HOME GROWN MEM HEAD LETTUCE2-=0".4. 2-334 Canada No. f Washed 6 TrAntsvnl SPINACH lair 29( Cando N. 1 SpanTIN Type ONIONS '/scat's mscs TOP VALU CANADA FRESH GRADE A EGGS TOP VALU 1ST GRADE C R'A R- BUTTER MEDIUM SIZE . 1 lb print SAICO SOLID WHITE MEAT TUNA 7 oz In 49 4 ST LAWRENCE PURE CORN OIL 25 oz tin 79# HEINZ WHITE SOFT VINEGAR 160 os plastic lug WESTINGHOUSE WHITE 40,60.100 watt LIGHT BULBS Pkg or 2 bulbs 39, - DIXI CANNED ASST FLAVOURS SOFT ' DRINKS 24 10 oit tins 179 TOP VALU CHOICE PURE • - APPLE JUICE 48 cm tin 35' OR WAX TOP CHOICE GREEN 19' VALU CUT BEANS 19 oz tin HIC ASP' 3 48 $ 1 FRUIT DRINK FLAVOURSSEETENED oz tins 00 WESTON PLAIN SALTED OR SALTINE CRACKERS 1 lb pkg. 394 KADANA TEA BAGS Pkg, of 100 69c RED ROSE AP P GROUND COFFEE 1 lb bog 89, .., . SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO 17' TOP VALU SAUCE 14 oz tin DOG CAT 15 10t TOP VALU OR FOOD ox tin , , AIMS 1 15 FLAVOURS CAT FOOD oz tin 8 c Dad. Brown with Pork M tomato saute LIBBY'S -BEANS 3 19 oz tin 881 WHITE SWAN ASST COLOURS BATHROOM . TISSUE pkg. of 4 rolls 57' WHITE SWAN ASST COLOURS FACIAL TISSUE Bo. of 360 29' SAVARIN FROZEN BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY DINNER ' 11 oz 09 49' - TOP VALU FROZEN LEMONADE 6 oz tin 10. "MOP PINK PARCHMENT TOP VALU MA RGARINE PINEAPPLE 5 I. lb pkg.4 $.110 CITE FANCY SLICED, ADEPT OR • CRUSHED 14 oz tin $ i oo ' SHOP IGA WEEK AFTER WEEK AND TAKE ADVANTAGE Of OUR LOW PRICE POLIO', REBELLION DISCOUNT PRICES 114 VALUPPITED•n RED CHERRIES 1:: 27( SUNNYLEA CHOICE oi 21E of $ I 00 TOMATOES Aip 'In11 mu:Sam. 4 VARIETIES • COOKIES ASSORTED P5 10%r 34, STAFFORD APPLE OR RA1S1N1 Z:1 39( PIE FILLING MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE . Loa.; 5 19 PtgAPIII s' TOW ELStt4HID w"11 (*P194. -55' :APR1 ASSORTED OR WHITE PAPER TOWELS r 711 SSE ALCAN HEAVY DUTY 2,51 18" FOIL WRAP 69, MIDI M Rat it I2Dctit#. ,tiety...21A. upue..00.41:184 HANDYL AST PLASTIC via 49 , STRIPS is STAMM ITNI PSkl 37c ILADES GET SET REGULAR OR 140.59, DRY SHAMPOO GILVEROALE FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 1Z 39 02 t ii., BLUE """ SOFT MARGARINE I 00-b 45' ASSORTED COLOURING BOOKS WITH CRAYONS ABRAM NORSLVOLO NOUN ' IVIRIARF riumtitro4 NONNI iolsmaants 4/99. I.) SIB SP .D. 1. iAtrann Pkg. 0 5 70, iTIA TOWELS 2/99' rbi OH BE 'C" I. IlArill0 P40.*1 2 70. SA4 S rotor towns 2/99' .1, IBIS IN "AA'. Is IllAttIVICI l 40 el 4 ' JERRY FACE CLOTHS 6/99' 41 1611 "C' Is *Arnim pky el i 80' rANWEE Pqnsinoto QOM 4/94, Wilkinson's Seaford' 77c- A proposed inquiry into the porting the proposed market- Ontario egg industry is perhaps ing plan. the best way to eliminate the Family farm egg, producers emotion generated in recent are in dire straits: Speedy action weeks and to clear up confu- is required to prevent them being_ sion among egg producers ac- forced out of business,_Mr. ---------isording-to-OFA-PsesidentGordon-grafes& Er Hill. He was referring to the rec- ommendation of the Farm Prod- ucts Marketing Board to the Min- ister of Agriculture and Food that an inquiry into the Ontario egg industry should be held. "The inquiry must be thor- /7 "-selgh and swift. It must be a jud- icial inquiry, so witnesses and records can be supoenaed, and it must cover all aspects of egg production and marketing, "Mr. Hill said. Including matters which should conern the enquiry - • 1. opportunities for smaller pro- ducers to remain in the egg business. 2. contract production by feed companies and food chains. 3. bootlegging *t gs into Quebec • by some iategrators 4. the current rush of feed com- panies to control the egg mark- et through control of grading stations STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY OR CHERRY Crking, C ming Makes the Difference Less tender beef cuts cat make deliciouS and tender barbe- cue meat if they are' prepared, cooked, and carved properly. At a recent barbecue testing ses- sion, food specialists at the Ont- ario Food Council, Ontario De- partment of Agriculture atitiFood, had some amazingly gold results. The most suitable of the less tender cuts were chuck, flank, and round steak. The thickness of these steaks is very important. It is best to buy steaks at least 1 inch thick and, when possible; 2 inches thick. Measure the thickness of each steak accurate- ly before placing on the grill to calculate the proper cooking time. Cook -steaks only to the rare or medium rare Stage quickly over hot coals. Normally we associate less tender cuts with long slow cooking, but at the testing session, meat that was cooked past the medium rare stage was definitely tougher. For high heat, place the grill about 3 inches from the coals. The cooking times will vary slightly. For example, a 1-inch flank steak requires only 3 minutes per side, while the 2-inch steak requires about 8 minutes per side. Marinades were very impor- tant for flavor, but contributed little, if any, tenderizing effect. Meat tenderizer also contributed little to tenderizing the steak. The addition of meat tenderizer did, however, result in a slightly -drier-SteaeriezerWie made the steak quite salty and masked the flavor of the mari- nade. The last step in preparation Is the carving. Proper carving is very important, for the less tender cuts cannot be eaten in chunks like the tender porter- house. These steaks must be thinly sliced diagonally across the grain in much the same way as beef roast. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elgin Mc- Kinley, an • esteemed StanleY ToWnship couple, were hollered when several hundred friends, neighbors and relatives called at their home to honor them on their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married at the home of Mrs. McKinley's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman, and have re- sided on the same farm at R. R. 1 , Zurich, ever since. The McKinleys have three Sons; Anson, Robert E., and Berne and one daughter, Mrs. Jean Fanson, of Fullarton. TheY also have 18 grandchildren. While Mr. McKinley operated the farm for many years, he also founded McKinley Hatchery in the 1920's. Both have been active in community affairs over the years and have held many positions in church and other organizations. Lrkiit:),Q' thaPp , •';77,t,-.‘„ ,Z11,1/C IFey - .5,41•3- iJ Look wkrim .bo'RR CO'RR NOT villoR You'vz BassAli Mr. McKinley was campaign chairman for the bending of the Blue Water Rest Home and has been on the board of directors ever since. He has also held posts with the Huron T8 Association, the Huron Lodge and the Exeter Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. He is a stanch supporter of the Progressive Conservative Party and in 1949 was the candidate in the federal riding of Huron, the riding which his son, Robert E. now represents. Mrs. McKinley Is a Past Matron of the Exeter Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. They were presented with a framed sa.011 from the Province of Ontario and received a per- sonal congratulatory message from Premier William G. Davis. Congratulations Were also re- ceived from the Hon. C. S. Mae- Naughton and Clare Wescott, exe- cutive assistant to Premier Davis. Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau sent a telegram of con- gratulations, as did Goverhor- General Roland Michener and the leader of the Opposition, Robert Stanfield. A smdrgasbord dinner was held at the McKinley home for members of the immediate family. Stratford Sept.18-22 Blyth Sept.22 Brussels Sept.24 Parkhill Sept.24 Ripley Sept.24-25 Drumbo Sept.24-25 Glencoe Sept.24-25 Milton Sept:24-25 Ancaster Sept.24-26 Exeter Sept.25 Forest Sept.25 Grand Valley Sept.25 Milverton Sept.25 Zurich Sept.27 Palmerston Sept.28 %Tara Sept.29 Dungannon Sept.29-30 Owen Sound Sept.30- Oct. 2 Markham Sept.30- Oct. 3 Gorrie Oct. 1-2 Ilderton Oct. 5 Thedford Oct. 2 Tiverton Oct. 2 Teeswater Oct.8-9 lgunota .Egivvrolt, sevecIRTO, .014T; tErit WQRKS Types of 2ocmgo,,ERY MEMORIALS 0-1p,gpo DAILY pRYDE• & SON. inguirie$ arg, invited/ Teloilwe.NOT,OYOr4: EXETER 235.0620 CLINTON 482.44; • SEAFORTI-h ColltsC1 yllillls 41M48I1 Or Pin Pinder 427,1182 --, Bus. 4214750 COUPLE REQUIRED to prepare papers for mailing each Wednesday afternoon. One person to be available approxim- ately 5 p.m., other at 7 p.m., all completed about 10 p.m. One ,person requires license since some driving in vehicle, which is pros vided, is involved. Apply indicating total amount required per week to Box No. 2029 Huron Expositor. 1. Stanley Township Couple, Celebrate 50th Anniversary TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN BUSY AND HELPFUL Donald looks , as if he is pondering what to do next, but this active, healthy five-year-old is not often at a loss. He is a Very busy boy, enjoying either work or play - he even likes to make his own bed.. Donald, healthy and sturdy, is Dutch and Indian in descent.- He has dark eyes, light-brown hair, fair skin, and rosy cheeks. He likes children of any age, so he would be happy to have ' brothers and sisters. He could fit anywhere into a family. This friendly, sociable boy likes to be with people. He is neat and tidy, taking good care of his possessions, and he loves to be helpful around his foster home. Donald enjoys television, especially cartoons and western programs, and is fond of music. Donald -likes the country and is fascinated by farm animals, either real or toy. But he's a cheerful child who can be happy anywhere. He needs Idving, understanding parents who will not be overly demanding about academic achievement. To inquire about adopting Donald, please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general adoption information, ask your Children's Aid Society. LIBBY'S TOMATO CATSUP °4116AIL, O,c4^1. • - ANIMAL KINGDOM \ /YCI",:"Zur.*2',';-,PT• v 1. mit Z uAHTLY CoLoUlEEDI moults WHICH YOU SAVE LAND PASTE IN YOURSELF', OR TRADE WIN YOUR FRIENDS. •.' TIN 14 GRANULATED FINE WHITE SUGAR Set Dates for District Fairs de disci/110 discern* Vida LIDO SPAGHETTI OR READY CUT MACARONI BERRY BOX 10 COLOUR PICTURES LIMIT 1 PACKET PER CUSTOMER WITH A $3.00 IGA PURCHASE. FREE PICTURE PACKET AVAILABLE FROM MONDAY AUG. 30 TO SAT, SEPT. I 1 ONLY! 3..' 00 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY SEPT, lIth. 1971, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. QUALITY TABLETRIM PRODUCE PACO) 0F10 N I S ERINT PIcluhul ALE EACH w FOR at ONLY ak oo PURCH A ASE/