HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-08-12, Page 11• THE Htift9W,Ei(POSiTOR SEAFORI!H, ONT; A!-!q; 12:1971 if Sell Your Don't Needs Here and Gobble Up Comkg Events 10. Used Cars for Sale 14. Property for Sale RED 1970 Honda CT 70 Mini, Trail. Excellent Condition, Low Mileage, Licenced. Phone 527- 1239. 10-96x1 1960 Ford truck 600 series with grain box and hoist. Murray Christie, 229-8238. 10-96-1 19. Notices _ 20. Auction Sales 20. Auction Sales ,Cards or nab 2 bottle croelts; 8 piece Evening Star flatware and other flatware; pots and pans and many, many more antique articles. Meet REX HUMBARD and staff at Toronto Exhibition.. AUGUST 22 For transportation call MacLean's Florists 527-0800 or 348-8543. 1-96-2 2. Lost _Strayed A small white Persian kitten, answers to' the name of 'Missy'. Phone 527-0807. 2-96x1 ifelp Wanted 1. - THREE men to work on tiling machine. Reg. Chapple, Staffs. Phone 345-2387. 4-96x2 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL piano, building. Subject to re- moval or destruction. Contents include 85 school desks, Ges- tetner paper duplicator, map case, books and odd chairs, cupboards Information on schools is correct unless otherwise mentioned on day of sale. School bells to be sold separately. TERMS - Cash on contents. PROPERTY - 10% down, balance in 30 days. NO RESERVE FARMS FOR LEASE I would like to say fAlrliii*IPTou" to all my relatives and friends for the cards, treats and visits while in Victoria Ilespital, Lon- don. Also 'a very sPeelal Thank You to Dr. Brady for sending me to Dr. W. H. fialiey and to the nurses on 8th flOor west. It was deeply appreciated and will long be remembered. - Jim McGrath. 24-96-1 A sincere thank you to the many friends who kindly remembered me with gifts, flowers, cards and treats while I wase. patient• in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. D. Beck and Mrs. Eric Luther for their prayers, Dr. Goddard, Miss Claypole' and nursing staff for their excellent care, to -the Times Advocate, Westlake Ambulance Service of Zurich, Friendship and Visitation Committee of Hensall United Church, Amber Rebekah Lodge, Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Sincerely - Maude Hedden. 24-96x1 N4:45011 '"in 0401 rii4moOsg* dear husband, Benjamin Kaiser, • who passed aWaIrAngnst 15,1969. You years otligoolness • Then PaP41041.1euce.,144 ,i0ar$ But you 44 me wonderfill..memIk • OR PURCHASE A. R. D. A. has farms for lease to full-time farmers at reason- able rates. A.R.D.A. is still buying, farm land for Farm Con- solidation and for Alternate land use. Talk to A.R.D.A. about your plans for retirement, relocation and retraining or about community development pro- gra-ms. Arda programs are helping programs. For more in- formation contact your nearest Ontario Department of Agricul- hire and Food Office. There are A.R.D.A. representatives in Clinton, 'Markdale, and Walker- ton. 14-93-9 TERMS - CASH on contents Property - 10% down day of sale and balance in 30 days. Reserve on Property Lunch available on premises. INA AND MARION GRAY Prqprietresses BRUCE RATHWELL Auctioneer - R.R,#1,Brucefield. 442-3120. 20-96-1 ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE S A T UDRADY AF lyE D A U G UST AREA 1'4 orbs I will treasure thrgughout Yearef Pod knew rm.-were -Puffer And HO knew Yoe Were la pain He gently closed your eyes Arid whispered''Peace be Pine" It broke my heart to: lose you But you did not go alone For part of me went witfi You The day God called you Honlet, - Lovingly remembered.by Wife' Eva. 2570611 26. Personals Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sinclair are happy to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Joan Beverley, to Bryan David Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. David IL Stewart, Seaforth. Wedding to take place on September 18, 1971 at 5:00 p.m. St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, 26-96x1 Mr. and Mrs. William Couttp, Walton, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Karen Diane, to Mr. Allan Neil Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Career, R.R. 2, Seaforth. The wedding will take place Friday, September 3, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. In Duff's United Church, Walton. 26-96x1 Mr. and Mrs. Herb Harrison announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Joyce Elaine to Earl Adrian Mullin, son- ofMr. an Mrsii-ififfM-Min 11 Articles For Sale COLLIE pups to give away to a good home, good watch dogs. Phone 527-1668. ,Sam McClure. 11-96x1 24-inch DeLuxe range, good con-. dition, 8 months old, white. $125,00. Phone 482-9800. 11-96-1 JET pump, good condition, will pump 65 ft., 4 years old, com- plete with valve $75. Phone 482- 9800. 11-96-1 A piston pump, Beatty, 1/4 H.P. Good working condition $40. Phone 482-9800. 11-96-1 WRECKING large brick house, slate roofing, 2 x 4, 2 x 6 and 2 x 10 pine flooring, windows, doors, white brick. Phone Dublin 345-2554. 11-96-2 11-96x1 "GENERAL" Mobile House Trailer 44' x 12'. Can be seen at #30 Morgan's Trailer Court, 343 Victoria Street, Clinton. 11-96x2 PUPS, part Chihuahua and Corgi, small type house dog 527-0362 Mrs. Marie Muegge, 66 James Street. 11-96-3 GOOD mixed grain, wanted, will pay cash. Phone 527-0655. SEVENTEEN used comfort cow stalls in excellent condition. R. and J. Drummond. Phone 262- 54817.--- -11.`--x35_3--.car good terms. CLINTON Due to• the decrease in meat prices, we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast efficient, courteous same day service. • 24tHour Service-7 Days a Week Call Collect 482-9811 License #237-C-70. T9-95-ti Anyone interested in viewing the property and schools, contact Bruce Rathwell, 482-3120. Maps indicating location of schools, listings • and time schedules are available at The Huron Expositor, Seaforth or Winthrop General Store or mail a self-addressed envelope to RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE WANTED Dead and Disabled Cattle and Horses, Highest Prevailing Prices Paid for horses on the hoot. 24 Hours, Seven ' Days Weekly. Fast efficient service. CALL. COLLECT BRUSSELS - MAN wanted to assist in ditch- ing work. Experience preferred. Apply Alex Irvine Phone 527- 0984. 4-96x1 ' at 12: 30- Featuring 171 choice antique items from the private collection of, wm. M. Hart, Seaforth and including: Glazed jar, 6 one gal. jugs, 3 pickle jars, 29 jars, various sizes and styles, including rare and scarce items such as a set of three 'The Rose Jars', '2'7 bottles, all mach sought and rare items, several insulators/29 jugs various sizes from potteries long since gone, pig foot warmer, dash churn, 10 lamps some dat- Refinish Your Brick Home by ing back to 100 years; early tele- phones, butter molds, scoops and Sand Blasting patters, whiskey flasks, boot- WOMAN to care for 2 children in my home for 4 or 2 after- noons a week from 1 P.M.' to 5:30 P.M. beginning in Sept. Apply to Box 2019, Huron Ex- positor. 4-96-2 Real Estate would like to thank everyone for the lovely cards, gifts and floWers received while a pat- ient in Stratford General Hos- pital and since returning home. - Audrey Malone. 24-96x1 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies 11/2 miles south of Brussels. Lie, No. 273-C-70 19-95-tf • lack, candle mold-several cham- bers, a number of rare crocks, various sizes including a scarce Morton .3: Bennett crock a pro- duct of Brantford Pottery, Cherry What-Not, Spinning Wheel, Child's high chair, child's sleigh. The above list includes items bearing such names as Morton and Bennett, Goold," Belding, Welding and in fruit jars Star, Best, Beaver, Cohansey and Ideal.. BRUCE RATHWELL Auctioneer R.R.#1, Brucefield, Ontario 82 Albert Street Clinton Wanted: 100 acre dairy farm with stock machinery and quota also 300- 350 acre farm with a good hOuse on a good road. WANTED man with Grade 12 preferred, neat in appearance, congenial, to work in business in Seaforth. Chauffeurs license required. Apply in writing stat- ing references and wages desired, to Box 2017. The Huron Expositor. 4,95-2 HI4tON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Proprietor RACHO - We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to relations, friends and neigh- bours for their kindness shown to us during the recent loss of a very dear wife, motherk and grand- mother. Special thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff of the Seaforth Community Hospital, It S.- -Box-Funeral Home-and-Rev- J. Stanley Sharpies. The many beautiful floral tributes, cards and donations and other kind., expressions of synipathy will long be remembered. - James Racho and family, 24-96-1 20-96-2 21. Tenders Wanted . TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND-FOR -TAXt-S--- Ultra modern ooms upstairs stairs, broad- ghout. Owner will _mortgage. at 8%. Very Part Time -- --- HELP WANTED for weekends - male or female, beverage room waiters or wait- resses. Apply to Garry Armbruster BLYTH INN HOTEL Blyth, Ontario. 4-94-4 and Silicone finishing of neces- sary. STEELWORK , ARNOLD STOTHERS RR 6, Gode,rich, Phone 529-7403 19-95-tf COLLIE pups for sale. Ken Ryan,, R.R.#1, Dublin, Phone 345-2357. 11-95-3 NORDHIEMER piano, excellent condition, also roll top desk quarter" cut oak. Phone 527-1012 after 6 p.m. 11-95-2 PhlifSHED gravel delivered or at the pit. John Thompson. 62'7.- 0238. ' 11-95-tf London. The wedding to take place at Marlan_Chapel, London, September 3rd at 7 p.m. 26-96x1 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnston* of Kincardine announce the engagement of their daughter, Frances Evelyina to Bruce Edgar Brady, son of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Brady, Seaforth, Ontario. The marriage to take place Saturday," August 28 Kincardine United Church at 4 p.m. 26-96x1 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH COUNTY OF HURON To Wit:- • By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Tuckersmith under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing slate the 25th day of March 1971 sale of lands In arrears of taxes-flr the Township of TuciTiC smith will be held at the Huron Centennial School, Brucefieldatt the , hour of 9:00 in the evening on the 5th day of September, 1971 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given , that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on' the 1st day of May, 1971, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 31st day. of May, 1971. JAMES I. McINTOSH' Treasurer. 22-84-14 5 room .modern home in Clinton, Gas furnace, natura 1 fireplace, 4 pc. bathroom, 3 bedrooms. Only 2 blocks from school. 350 acre farm near Seaforth, 325 acres workable and well drained River crosses property. 8 room, 2 storey insul brick home, with all modern conven- iences, oil heated. THE family of the late J. Arnold Jamieson wish' to express their thanks and appreciation to relat- ives, friends and neighbours for their beautiful floral tributes, donations and messages of sympathy received during our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks -to Dr. Malkus, Box Am- bulance, Rev. Mills, Ball Funeral Home, pallbearers, flower- bearers, Mrs.„ Christine Tremeer, the soloist, Mrs. Irma Pryce, the organist, and to all others who helped in so many ways. - Leonard Jamieson. 24-96x1 NOTICE; We are shipping cattle every Monday, to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm phone by Sat- urday night. REGISTERED NURSING ASSISTANT for HURONVIEW shift work 4 5 - "day (40 hour) Good working conditions salary Telephone 482-3451. ONE M. C. 600 continuous flow grain dryer. Glen McNichol, Phone 527-.0395. 11-93-3 PERCY WRIGHT Auctioneer • 20-95-2 27. Births List with us to sell - Listings GESTETNER ink available al wanted in Seaforth and surround- The Huron Expositor, 527-0240. ing areas. Sector:M. 11-95-U GOLDEN Falcon, Citation, Flyte travel trailers; Baron Hardtop and, soft top tent trailers; Hitches; Woods tents; Camping needs. 'office Residence Rentals, SALES, Service. Camp-, 482-9371 523-9338 Out, Huron St. W.,Stratford, 393- 14-96-1 5938., 11-82-13 HULLEY - To Mr. ono ivir7. Robert Hulley of R.R.#1,Seaforth at Victoria Hospital, London, on August 6, 1971, a son,Daniel Earl. 27-96x1 QUANCE - To Mr. and Mrs. Gary Quance, R.R.#2, Stella, at Seaforth Community Hospital on August 10th, 1971, twin daughters. • 27-96x1 JACKMAN - To Mr. and Mrs. Richard ,Jackman (nee, Berger). at Montreal General Hospital " on July 20, 1971 a son, Steven Karl. 2'7-96x1 PAPPLE - To Mr. and Mrs. Don Papple at Clinton public Hospital on July 27th, a son. 2'7-96x1 WILLIAM J. DALE Phbne: Clinton 482-9892 19-95-tf TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE Contact MASON BAI LEY FARMERS! week, and Of household furniture, applia- nces, antiques and car on '1 Are you considering erecting Farm Buildings THIS YEAR WEDNESDAY., AUGUST 25TH I wish to express my sincere appreciation to neighbors, friends and relatives 'who re- membered me while a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Brady, Whitman, Tusz, and the nurses and staff of the hospital. It was appreciated very much. - Earl Squire. 24-96x1 EIGHTEEN acres second cut alfalfa. Thomas O'Reilly, R.R.# 5, Seaforth. 14-96x1 COPIES Copies Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while yoU wait. Letter size, 25c each. , The-Huron-Expositor 11-95xti AVESTROUGHING and light' ring-reds. New installations and avpairs. Estimates without ob- ligation. Contact IL E. Ruttan, Wingham, phone. 357-107.7. 11-95xtf C. A. Archibald, Administrator 4-96-1 Contact us - We offer com- plete farm building service. at 7 P.M. at 99 John Street, Seaforth. FUrniture and antiques consist of a three piece living room suite, arm chairs, piano stool, love seat, writing desk, book shelves, Westinghouse T. V . , walnut exten- sion tables, fern stands, tables, mirror, 2. rugs 9' x 12', and 6, x 8, couch, china cabinet, 5 chairs, 2 rockers, mantle clock, CLE ANED 3 piece bedroom suite including JOHN E7.10,N S-rpA_F THREE-room Trailer, -built-in on large well fenced lot. pressure pump, septic-tank,-,modern-forced air gas furnace, trees, rhubarb, berry bushes, flowers, etc. Suit retired couple or pensioner. Box 2018, The Huron. Expositor. 14-96 -tf WHY PINCH PENNIES when you can earn dollars selling guaranteed Avon products? And it is easy to get started right In your own community. Write now: Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkes- bury Ave., London 32. 4-95-2 Ball - Macaulay 23. Business Directory R. S. BOX • FUNERAL HOME Prvuspi and Canada Attention Phones: . Day 527-0680 - Night 5274885 23-95-tf Ltd. Clinton - Seaforth - Hensall 19-95-U FOR SALE SEPTIC TANKS ONE beige Acrilan rug, 9' x 14' with underlay, in good con- dition_ Also_a_number_oteurtains 8 roona_residence, -3-bedrooms, and drapes. Phone 482-7507, 3-piece bath upstairs, 2-piece Mrs. E. Crich. 11-95-1 washroom downstairs, oil fur- nace. One acre, well-landscaped corner lot. 1971 taxes $36.00. Mortgage money available. Pro- perty must be sold as the owner is moving from this area. $8500,00 --1,1-6-d -m equipment. We guar-' -dresser and wash stand, dresser blanket box; wash stands, sewing machine, golf clubs(right) and many other useful items. Dishes include Bridal Wreath, OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Seaforth Office Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday Evenings ' Mon., Wed. - Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 23-95-tf antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale. Seaforth, Phone Clinton 482-3320. 19-95-tf ORNAMENTAL IRON • WORK CONCRETE WORK COUNTY OF HURON REQUIRES cut glass, two part toilet sets and many other articles. .1969 Pontiac Strato Chief, 6 cylinder as is. All types of foundations and floors, cement barnyards. Rea- sonable rates - free estimates. MALONEY BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. Dublin, Ontario 345-2253 Phones 345-2964 19-95-tf Custom made porch railings and columns, inside vinyl covered stairways and rails,,room divid- REALTOR ers, etl. Call Elroy Desjardine, Zurich, 236-4622 days, 236-4242 Phone 527-1560, 14-96-1 nights. 11-94-4 LOT for sale 111 'foot frontage ADMINISTRATOR For newly created Social Services Department to serve in the General Welfare Assistance field. JOSEPH McCONNELL TERMS - Cash night of sale SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC 140. alz cares ESTATE OF THE • LATE J. C.' COCHRANE .-- on West William Street. Write Box 2020 Huron Expositor. 14-96-3 ADDING machine tapes for . ,Most standard adding machines' laVailable at The Huron Exposi- tor, 527-0240, Seaforth, 11-95xtf J. 0. 'Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. S. J. Alkemade, B.V.Sc.,D.V.M., M.R.C.V.S. M. P. Haynes, D.V.M., B,V.Sc. J. W, V. Wekken, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth 23-95-tf "see here,' Winson, it's bad enough that you didn't get I; church today!" BRUCE RATHWELL Auctioneer, R.R.#1,Brucefield 482-3120 20-96-2 Applications in writing will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday, August 25, 1971; please include experience and qualifications. Salary range $7,5130 - $9,000, Excellent employee benefits. Starting date for position approx- imately October 1,19'71. FOR information on all mutual fund investments contact Fred (Ted) Savauge, 527-1522,Sealorth 19-95-tf • FIFTY acre farm, no buildings, running creek, good Crop land. Situated on Lot 14, Con. 4, Hib- bert. Contact F. Feeney, 69 John St. E., Waterloo, Ont. 14-94x2 PROPERTY AUCTION TWO DAY SALE AUGUST 21sT & 28TH 12. Wanted to Buy Timber Wanted Immediate Vaymeilt for good standing timber and bushes. Write. Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and tele- phone number or phone p2-, 4450. beforo 8 am, or at:* .6 p.m. 12-95 -tf WANTED a baby crib in fairly good condition. phone 527-0276. 12-96x2 FURNITURE and household er-' fects, will buy by the house full. 482-3120. ANY trees to cut? William Albert Phone 345-2583. 19-95-tf 'CAMPER trailers for rent. Reasonable rates. Contact Hopper Mechanical Services. . 527-1859. 19-95-tf 15. Property for Rent THREE bedroom upstairs apart- ment, living room, kitchen and bathroom. Phone 527-0477. 15-96-1 APARTMENT for rent. Self con- tained 2-bedroom apartment. Available July. Apply J.C.Crich. 15-95-et MODERN two bedroom apartment heated. Available the 1st. of Sept. Learn Apartments 527-0810. .15-96-tf MODERN two bedroom apartment with frig. and stove supplied. ,, Heated. Available immediately. Learn Apartments 527-0810. 15-96-41 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 23-95-U Seven McKillop Township SCHOOLS AND CONTENTS to be sold on the premises at time and location Stated below. Two schools subject to removal or destruction - property not owned by school board. SATURDAY. AUGUST 21 No. 2 at, I: 00 P.M. Frame one room building, full baSement, oil furnace, large shaded lot, contents and bell. Drilled well. No. 4 at 2:30 P.M. Brick one room building, full basement, oil furnace, clock, shaded lot, contents, Bell.piano. Drilled well. No. 6 at 4:00 P.M. Brick one room building, full basement, oil furnace, drilled well. No water pump. Contents and bell, building. Subject to removal or destruction. Nord- heimer piano. SATURDAY,'AUGUST 28 No. '8 at 11:00 A.M. Red brick one room building, full basement, oil furnace, large lot, contents and bell. Drilled well. No. 9 at 1:00 P.M. Red brick one room building, full • basement, oil furnabe, drilled well, contents, fleinzman piano. No. '7 at 2:30 P.M. Brick one room building, full basement, oil furnace, contents, bell, Ennis piano, drilled well. No. 10 at 4:00 P.M, Brick one room building, full basement, oil furpace, drilled well, contents, two bells, Ennis John G. Berry, Clerk-Treasurer & Administrator, Court House, Goderich, Ont. (Te1.519-524-8394) 4-95-2 20. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of property and antiqUes, house- hold furniture and appliances at Lot 12,, Main Street, Egmond- , SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 PROPERTY - Lot 12, east - 132' x 82', on which Is situa- ted a 10-room stucco house ,with modern conveniences, full base- ment, new gas furnace, single car garage. Lot 12 - west - large vacant lot - 132' x 82'. FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES - Cherry round table, buffet, china cabinet and drop leaf table, 6 matching chairs; 3 piece chester- field suite;' whatnot; settee and chair; combination writing desk and book shelf; 3 Windsor chairs; twin walnut spool beds with matching highboy and night stand;, 3 piece bedroom suite including vanity dresser, writing desk, Frigidaire refrigerator and stove; .3 piece sunroom set;, fern stand; small tables; wooden table with 4 chairs; bar chair; paper rack; floor lamps; mirrors; pic- ture frames; oriental rugs; child rocker; books; New Haven kit- chen cloc'k; photo albums; blanket box; trunks; White sewing machine; copper boiler; 7 oil lamps; woven blankets and mats; iron potg and pans; lantern. An- tique China - cut glass, Canadian glass, art glass; 12 piece Elsa tea service; 6 piece" Set Bird of ParadiSe; 4 piece Pagoda Bridge set; 8 piece dinner set, including butter plates; part toilet set; PERCY WRIGHT Licensed AUCTIONEER FEED, TRUCK DRIVER Apply to SEAFORTH. ,FARMERS CO-OP 4-96-1 Kippen, Ontario Telephone- 262.5515, Hensall 23-9.5-tf 13. Wanted CROCKERY, brass or fancy lion beds°, pictures, rockers, old Jew-' ellery: old bottles, or sealers,, old light fixtures, etc. Check with us before you dump, 482- 7358. 13-95-tf Auctioneer 19. Notices ELECTROLUX Canada Lid: Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Litht- house St,, Goderich, phone 524-, 6514. 19-9541 NEED a truck to haul grain? We have them,' Haugh Equipment phone 527-0138. 19-.96-1 WILL do custom combining. John Segeren, R.R. 2, Selforth. Phone .482-9217. 19-96x2 COMBINE available for grain, beans and corn. Call George Troyer 262-5282. • 19-96-2 CUSTOM work, swathing and combining, grain, beans and corn. Gerald Ileyink, Phone 523-9208. 1,9-95x3 PREPARE for harvest- tfme - for custom combining of grain, beans and corn. Bean pulling and windrowing. Fall plowing. Call Ed Szusz, 523-9397. 19-91x6 BACKHOE work. Topsoil, gravel and fill for sale. Don Wallace, Phone 482-6843 or 482-6614. 19-95-U 8. Farm Stock for Sale THIRTY pigs, 8 weeks old.Apply- to Harold Hugill, Seaforth Phone 482-7548. 8-96-1 THIRTY-two chunks, tl weeks old, Ted-Melody, 345-2783. 8-96-1 FORTY-five chunks. Phone 345- 2624; 8-9651 HOLSTEIN bull calf. C. De Corte; R.R.#2, te-aforth. Phone 527-1628. 8-96-1 THIRTY-five good ten week old pigs. Phone 345-2429. 8-96x1 FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton 23- 95-tf * QUALITY * SERVICE * PRICES • • •• COMPETITIVE Rut: a Parsenal and prompt attention we're as dose as the phase! • Promotes local interests by helping to prowls,' jobs and increase buying power • tininess Forms Made by Canadians for Canadians • No Otto test to yen EQUAL OR UTTER 14. Property for Sale HARPURHEY HOME Custom and hand built. One. floor, two bathrooms, wall - wall broadloom, electric heat, beautiful fireplace, extra high basement, double lot, paved driveway, very large garage and many added features not found in average home. • WILLIAM M. HART Salesman Seaforth Phones 527-0870 or 565-2855 RATHWELL'S SOUND SYSTEM Auctioneer Appraiser BRUCE RATHWELL Phone 482-3120 R.R. 1, Brucefield 9. POilltry for Sale 13AR '1,011tiOiN' nay 041 :and Staimd ruiletS SCOTT 1-91.ILTRYt TF,ARMSN. Vila" 4eafortb: • Phone oa-084".• Box 169 • 9-05 etf • REGISTER FORMS • STANDARD BODY AND CUSTOM CARBON PAPER-IN ROLLS OR SHEETS PORTABLE AND COUNTER MODEL REGISTERS • CARBON "SNAP•OUT" FORMS • "PAKSETS' • FORMS WITH CONTINUOUS CARBON FOR TYPEWRITERS AND ACCOUNTING MACHINES • COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AND RESTAURANT PADS • MAGNETIC INK CHEQUES ("MI C.14 1 • SINGLES AND MULTIPLE COPY SETS Etc .. Etc G. A. WHIThIEY FUNERAL- R OME Goderich St. W., Sbaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent, FLOWERS FOR EVERY , , , OCCASION Phone 527.1390 Senferth 23-90ztfa GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. West Lorne 14-06-1• 10. Used Cars for Sale HONDA 160 Good Condition. $225.00. Will take Mini Bike on trade.' 262-5403. • 10-96-1 1961 Dodge Patera 2 door Hard- top, power brakes and„ steering, radio. Phone 482-9169.10-96-2 • at tuton otii or HOUSE for sale: Good frame 4 bedroom house, good location in Seaforth. Large corner lot. Phone 527-0840. 14-90-1 STICAINCl• and trimmEfe types of horses. Contact Rose, Elliott, phone 527-0118. j9 _95 ..tf