HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-08-12, Page 10Dr. Zafar Shah, MBBS,
FRCS(C) who is assisting
Dr. Chas. Moyo here and
who will assume the prac-
tise while Dr. Moyo is on
holidays. Dr. Shah has been
on the staff of Victoria
Hospital, London.
WI Discusses
in Wingha.m, Precious Blood
School in Exeter, St. Mary's
School in Goderich and St.
Aloysius School in Stratford.
The Heard tender, lowest of
five received, was $1,956.00.
Eugene Bannon, R.R.2, Gads-
hill, was awarded the contract
for the installation of a catch
basin at St. Patrick's School in
The Bannon tender, lowest'
of three received, was $1,175.00,
Donald Gardner of Stratford
was hired janitor at Holy Name
Separate School in St. Marys,
beginning August 15. This is a
part-time position.
The business administrator
was authorized. to set up an in-
service program for the cus-
todians. It will provide an
opportunity for them to learn
new techniques and as well, an
opportunity for discussions re-
lated to their duties.
Norte of Brodhagen
Wesenberg Reunion
Attracts Members.
The eighth Annual Wesenberg
Reunion was held at the Brod-
hagen Community Hall. The
descendants of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Wesenberg gathered
together and had as their hosts
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens
and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens
and their families. e •
Mr. Armand L. Gras returned
home from his vacation 'at the
North West Territories:
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Slemon ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Elligsen to attend the Ahrens-
Chamberlain wedding in Toronto
on Saturday. The reception fol-
lowed in the Dennison Armouries.
While in Toronto, they spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Drager, Seaforth, spent a few
days holidaying with their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs; Norman
Mrs. Irene Hinz, Kitchener,
visited last Monday with Mrs.
Caroline Elligsen. Sunday Mrs.
Oscar Elligsen and Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Straus also visited with
Mrs. Elligsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Heuer-
man and Mr. and Mrs. Lavern
Wolfe, accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Ahrens to Toronto Sat-
urday to attend the Ahrens-
Chamberlain wedding. Wniie
there, they visited Mr. and Mrs.
Kelly Haupt, Toronto, Mr: and
Mrs. Donald Ahrens and family,
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ahrens
Steven and Jamie, London, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe.
Messrs. Brian and Larry
Ach •
"I'd hoped you'd call for me
in a canoe!"
Life — Health and Accident
Registered Retirement Pensions —
Income Tax Deductable Registered
Retirement Annuities
'Sun Life Assurance Company
- - - of Canada
TELEPHONE 527-0410
Got Fast
9 x?18 Sleeping tent, used one
season, green and orange. Three
zipper windows and door with
attached canopy outside frame
type. Full floor, nylon screening.
527 -0621. 11-93-2
The Seaforth resident who placed
this ad sold the' tent by noon of the
Thursday the paper appeared and
then reatived
22 more,colls in the next few clays
That's the kind of response you
can expect from an
The Huron Expositor
HPRC Board Discusses
Office Space Lease Renewal
Attendance is Up At I. inns Carnival a
Jack Lane, Business Ad-
ministrator of the Huron-Perth
COonty Roman Catholic Separate
School Board, reported to the
board meeting in Seaforth Monday
night that R. S. Box would be
willing to renew the lease for the
board offices in Seaforth for
another two-year term with an
option for a third year. Mr.Lane
added that he was Investigating
extension of facilities at the rear
of the building.
Assistant Superintendent of
Education, Joseph Tokar,
speaking for the Superintendent,
John Vintar, who was absent,
announced the annual conference,
The International Association of
Pupil Personnel Workers, will be
held in Toronto from October 17
to 21. He said the aim this -year
is an opportunity to gain skilled
and professional, help pertaining
'to school attendance officers.
The Board aproved sending to
the conference William Innes of
Stratford, the school atten-
dance officer, if lie is able to
Mr. Tokar reported the board
will again purchase 'kindergarten
services for the pupils of Holy
Name School in St. Marys.
Trustee John McCann, R.R.3,
Ailsa Craig, chairman of the
Building and Property Committee
reported summer maintenance
and improvements to schools
within the system were being
carried out.
R. T. McBride, Ltd., of
Stratford, Electrical Con-
tractors, was awarded the con-
tract for $1,575.00 for the in---- • —
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rock ac-
companied Mr. Ed Leonhardt and
spent the weekend in Toronto with
Mr. and Mrs. James Lloyd. They
attended the Ahrens-Chamber-
lain wedding.
The St. Peter's Lutheran
Church and Sunday School picnic
will be held at the Seaforth Lions
park this Sunday. The service
will be Meld at 11 a.m. Recre-
ation will follow after the pot luck
picnic lunch.
We are sorry w report that
Mr. Adolph Trentowsky is a pa-
tient at St. Joseph's Hospital in
Miss Cheryl Bennewies ac-
companied by Miss Mary
Goodanetz, Toronto, returned
home Saturday evening having
toured Western Canada and the
Western Central States , of U.S.A.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Bennewies were Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph doodenetz, Toronto,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennewies,
Wlitthail 8484932
(Continued from Page 1)
tesy notes were read and reports
were heard from various
committees. The meeting
approved the suggestion of the
Huron County Historical Society
to set up markers stating the
date and name of first settlers
in each municipality in the county;
also gave approval to the plans
of the fall fair committee, in-
cluding giving prize money total-
ling $10.00 for the most points
in the yeast baking classes in
the womens divisions; a display
booth will also be set up in the
arena, with a draw held fair
day on a hand made quilt and
fancy •cushion, to-be -displikyed
town previopsly with tickets
available from the members and
at the fair. Lunch will be
available as a public service on
the first day of the fair, to accom-
modate those making entries,
those in charge, judges, etc. A
decision on the reprinting of the
Souvenir Cook Book was tabled
until the September meeting. The
August meeting of the Huron-
view Auxiliary will take the form
of a quilting on Monday, August
lb, Win members urged to attend.
Mrs. Wilfred Coleman was
,surprised with the presentation
of a Stoney Creek Women's In-
stitute plate, in appreciation of
her help with the Sec.-Treas.
books, Jan: - April inclusive.
Twelve clubs are being spon-
sored for the fall 4-H Home-
making pro)ect "Dairy Fare".
Leadert include, - Mrs. Marys
Connor and Myrte Taylor; Mrs.
Geo. Cintelon and Mrs. Emmer-
son Coleman; Mrs. John Moylan
and Mrs. Thos. Murray; Mrs.
James Nash and Miss Marlene
Nash; Mrs. Wm. Little and Miss
Sylva Smith; Mrs. Peter Jansen
and Mrs. Norman Eggart; Mrs.
Wm. Strong and Miss Mary Van
Dyke; Mrs. James Devereaux
and Mrs. Leonard O'Rourke;
Mrs. Cornelius Dorssers and
Mrs. John Van Doornick; Mrs.
James Thompson and Miss Janice
Schenck; Mrs. John Jansen,and
Miss Mary Ann Klaver; Mrs.
Gordon Elliott and ,Miss Ann
Courtesy remarks were given
by Mrs. Les. Campbell and lunch
was served convened by Mrs. W.
W a s (11C)-- nBtrtuceed S cf or t S t
apalgeer and
Punch (Expositor) John Wirs-oill
Extension Cord (Jas Cowan Ltd.)
Clayton Geddes; Oil (Supertest
Corp.) Jas. M. Scott; School Bag
(Larohe's) Mervin Wurdell,
Bornholm; Gas (Habkirk's Tran-
sit) Mrs. Phyllis Dallas, R. R. 4;
S.T.P. (Cleave Coombs) Clara
Brugger; Cat Chow (Milt Dietz)
Terrence Hussey; Pillow Slips
(Shinen's) Mrs. Russell Archer,
Clinton; Paint • (Graves Wall
Paper) Mrs. Mae Stewart, R. R.
1, Dublin; Groceries (Seaforth
Superior Grocery) Walter Tich-
borne, Goderich; Luggage (Ste-
wart Bros. ) Isabel Pethick, R.
R. 1; Dry Cleaning (Flannery's)
Harvey Johnston, Clinton; Razor
(Broderick's Pool Room) Peggy
Govier; Oil (McLauchlan Motors)
Ted Lamont; Baking (Trapnell's)
Bruce Austin; Habachi (Sills
Hardware) John Van Geffen; Light
bulbs (Dean Williamson) Doug.
Stewart; Oil (Gerald's Supertest)
Winn McLean; Doll (Larone's)
Julie Kerr Mitchell; Gas (Habkirk
Transit) Doug Hutton, c/o Stan
Jackson; Vase (Gingerich)Steven
Rice; Grease Gun (Fins Station)
Mrs. Betty Glew; 011 (Supertest
Corp.) Mrs. Bessie Smale; Lamp
(Crown Hdw. ) Billy McMillan,
R. R. 2; Faberge Bath Set (Kea-
tings) Peg Wilbee; Spread (Sea-
forth Creamery) Mrs. Grant Fin-
negan; Lamp (Box Furniture)
Pam Kappes, Bornholm; Cookie
Kettle (Stedman's) Mrs. Jack
Case; Sun glasses (J. Longstaft)
Bob Smith; Toy Game (Canadian
Tire) Mrs. Dirk Brink, Brod-
hagen; Articles (Expositor) Mrs.
Walter Muegge, R. R. 5, Mitchell;
Hair 011 (Dave Tremeer) Ken
Tray (J. M. Scott) Jas. Watson,
jr.; Oil .(Seaforth Motors) Mrs.
Thos. Slavin, R. R.2, Kippen; De-
tergent (Sparkle Car Wash) Cathy
Cooper; Gas (Habkirk Transit)
Keith Miller; Electric Clock (An-
stett's) Catherine Brown,.Dublin;
Lamp (Kling's) Clara Brugger;
Permanent (Betty's) Mrs., Bob -
Cronin, Dublin; Purse (Read's
S(slitoeews)arDt eBbrboiesoDimnsimkeore;
R. R. 2, Brussels; Dog Chow
(Iviilt Dietz) Mrs. Robert Mc-
Farlane; Oil (Rowcliffe Motors)
Ned Boswell; Order (Eaton's)
Mrs. Shirley O'Shea; Shoes (Ge-
nesco) Mrs. Paul Kramers;
Honey (Wallace Ross) Jennifer
Snushall; Roto-flasher•(Rowcliffe
Motors), Mrs. Joyce Braecker,
,R. R. 4, Walton; Chair (Boyce
Farm Supplies) Mrs. Evelyn O'-
Neill, Clinton; 011 (Supertest
Corp.) Brenda Eckmier, R. R.
5, Mitchell; Shoe Needs (Hugh
Thompson) Geo. Ramantk, R. R.
4; Shirt and Spx (Bill O'Shea)
Mrs. Elgin Young; Spread (Sea-
forth Creamery) GordonSallows;
Cooler (Seaforth Co-op.) Doug.
Hugill, R. R. 2; Picnic Set (Scott
Cluff) Mrs. Andy McNichol; Dog
Food (Stapleton's, Dublin) Bob
Spittal; Shirt and Tie (Shinen's)
Mrs. Geo. McGavin; Eggs (Ewart
Wilson) • Lloyd Hoggarth; Pet
Spray (Vetinary Clinic) Mrs. Jim
Hopper; Spread (Seaforth Cream-
ery) Mel Dale; Supplies _(Bell
Dinsmore) Bill Brown; Choco-
lates (Priceguard) Mrs. Phyllis
Lee, Clinton; Gay Lee Dairy
Products (Gay Lee) Grace Mon-
roe; Turkey (Seaforth Meat Mkt.)
Carol Ann Kelly; Barbeque (Coin
Laundry) Susie Vanstone,
Hensall; Pig Starter (Tbpnotch)
Keith Williamson, R. R. 3; Dog
Bowl (Milt Dietz) Jane Sills; Coke
(Esbesco Ltd.) patty Bremner;
Patio Table (Coin Laundry) Mrs.
Rose Visser, R. R. 5; Grocery
'Order (Ray Family Mkt.) Richard
Burgess; Grocery Order (Ray
Family Mkt.) Irene Smith; Ferti-
lizer (Topnotch) Mrs. George
Powell; $3. Silver Dollars
(Toronto Dominion) Dr. Malkus;
3 Silver Dollars (Bank of Com-
merce) Mrs. Grace Titford; 5
Silver •Dollars (Province of Ont.
Savings Office) Mrs. L. C.
Vincent, Ayr; Potted Flowers
(McLean Flowers) Mrs. Les
Seiler; Shoes (Genesee) Mrs.
Marjorie Montgomery; Dinner
for two (Commercial Hotel) Mrs.
Lois Govier; Shoes (Genesco)
Gordon Nobel; Foot Stool (G. A.
Whitney) Humphries,
Walton; Shoes (Genesco) Ray
Taylor, 173 , Norfolk St., Strat-
ford; Shoes (W. J. ,Thorripson)
Paul_ Wurdell, Bornholm; Plastic
Pail (Hildebrand's) Mrs. Jack
McCowan; Fondue Set (John
Cardno) Linda Dale, Stratford;•
Chocolates (Huron Wholesale)
Susan Pullman; Towel Set (Bob
& Betty's) Mrs. Cecil Pepper,
Hensall; Dispenser (Hildebrand)
David Campbell, R. R, 1, Dublin;
Milk Tickets (Maple. Leaf Dairy)
Suzanne Stewart; Coke (Esbesco)
Isabel Pethick, R. R. 1; Perma-
nent (Brian's Beauty Shop) Mrs.
Arnold Stinnison; Maple Syrup
(Wilkinson's I.G.A.) Linda Vin-
cent; Barometer (Seaforth Jewel-
lers) Peg Case, Blyth; Baby Shoes
(John Thompson) John Van Der
Biezen, London.
Penny Sale prize winners at
the Lions Carnival may pick up
their prizes at Stewart Brothers
Men's Department, Main Street,
of Mount Carm.el School, R.R. 3,
Dashwood; St. Joseph's School,
Clinton and Si..Ambrose School,
The McBride tender was the
lowest of five.
Gordon Heard Construction,
R.R. 2, Seaforth, was awarded
the contract for asphalting at
Sacred Heart Separate School
30 NEW 1971
Want - Ads
Phone 527-0240
, . 1