HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-08-12, Page 647....Mig HURON exposixoR, SEAFORTH, ONT., AUG, 12, 1971 AND LITE RESTAURANT and TAVERN — FORMERLY PIZZA PATIO TAVERN --- NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Don't Forget the Fabulous Recording Artist "JULIE LYN" Playing 'til August 21 CANDELITE RESTAURANT and TAVERN BAYYFIELD ROAD IN GODERICH — PHONE 524-7711 Exciting . . and HORSE SHO SUnday, August . 15 h 1 :00 p.m. sharp Dungannon Fair , Groun s, Sponsored by: HURON TRAIL RIDERS SADDLE CLUB Adults:, 1• .00 Students : 50c Children Under 12 FREE • SIEVE WI at 200 MPH! "LE IWIS" Fri. and Sat. at 7:30'-" and 9.15 p.m. frog .. • WE Of i•C,• 13.55.(4. Siff 11 COLL* ley .e Melee Rebels ,STARTS WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY, PINNOCHIO GODERICH PHONE 524 7811 AIR CONDITIONED ***** * *****,**********1 BUS TO CNE Wirriors Day -- Saturday, Aug. 21 — EVENING SHOW — Floyd Cramer, Chet Atkins, Boots Randolph and Roy Clark .Grounds Entrance Grandstand Ticket and Bus Fare Adults — $12.00 Children — $6.50 Bus Fare Only: Adults — $6.50 Children — $3.25 • forts Day -- Saturday, Aug. 28 Bus Fare Only Aviation Day -- Sat., Sept. 4th ,Cil2e1JS INTERNATIONAL — 7-RINGS — 60 Separate Acts, Grounds Entrance Grandstand Ticket and Bus FarTe Adults — $10.00 . Children — $5.00 - Bus Fare Only:'Adults — $6.50. Children — $3.25 B9OK NOW for Thanksgiving Weekend in Nashville Includes Tour of Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky and the Grand Ole Opry ES CY BOX189 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 5270050 ******************* STAG FOR OLIVER PRYCE Friday, Aug. 13 at the Seaforth Curling Rink CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, Aug: 13 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10 THREE $25 GAMES $75.00 Jackpot To Go TWO ,DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25ci or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMITTED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Royalt Canadian Legion Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Entertainment this WEEK in THE TIMBERLANE ROOM • THE SOUND OF FURY ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON BRIEFS with Mr- Roy Lawson, Goderich Street. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jordan of London spent a few days visi- ting with Mr. and Mrs. James Keys of McKillop. Murray Sholdice is holidaying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Keys, in McKillop Miss Vivian Block' of Waterloo, a member of the urban rural exchange group, spent the past week with Miss Margie Eck- ert of McKillop. Miss Anne Sharp of Richmond Hill spent the past week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Cockwell of Goderich were guests of Mrs. Frank Johnson last week. Miss Lillie,Dundas of. New York City is it guest of her brother, Mr. Willis Dundas. Mrs. Margaret Whyte of North Bay and Miss Gertrude Crich of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. C rich. Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin and Glenn of Chatsworth, Mrs. Melvin Refd of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenister and Heather of Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cormack and two sons, Earl Reid of Mt. Forest and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Coughlan of London were guests of Miss Alice Reid over the week end. Mrs. Ross MacGregor has returned from Brighton and Lon- don where she spent two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. Stoll, Detroit, were guests of her sister, Mrs. Andrew Houston and Mr. Houston .in Egrnondville. Mrs. Donald Carr, Wm. Carr of Toronto, James Hart, Ithaca, N.Y., Miss Margaret Harris, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ola Eikli and Ingrid of Rochester, Mich. —visited M . Scott last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gal- ligan and family of Chicago are visiting with Messrs. Ken and Joe Murray in McKillop. Ashton Reunion The. annual Ashton reunion was held on the spacious lawn of Violet and Seldon Ross, R.R. 1, Brucefield, when 72 descen- dants of the late Sam Ashton and Mary Ann Gibbings met to renew or become acquainted and reminisce the good old days. They came from far and near, Royal Oak, Mich.; Duntroon,Ont.; London, Stratford; Port Elgin; Goderich; Fordwich; Brussels; beafort,h; Clinton; Londesboro and Blyth. Sports of course were a high- light and much enjoyed, with the winners as follows: picture draw- ing, Dave Craven, London, Mrs. Geo. Ashton, Fordwich; wrapped parcel, Roy Ashton, Goderich; rolling can relay, Geo. Craven's team; licorice contest, Fern Craven and Geo. Warner; pre- school children, race, Grant Haves and Cheryl Lyon; back- wards race, Gail White and Wayne Lyon, shoe scramble, Gail White and Rhonda Warner; wheel- barrow race, Danny White and David Craven, Wayne Lyon and Larry Baer; hop skip and jump race, girls , Lori Young; boys, Wayne Lyon; guessing number of buttons in jar, Lori Young, Jack White; largest family present, Mrs. Geo. Ashton,Goderich; youngest child, Scott Baer, R.R.5, Goderich; closest birthday, Gloria White. The peanut scramble is always a highlight for the children. Balloons were also given to the children. A bountiful picnic lunch was en- joyed by all. The 1972 executive is the same as 1971; president, Mrs. Lorna Radford, Clinton; -secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Grace Easom,Illyth; snorts„Mil and Mrs. Elmer Townsend, Sea- forth; table committee, Mrs. Gordqn Richardson, Mrs. Gladys Wallis, Mrs. Ila Walters and Mrs. Roy Ashton. HOT BEEF SANDWICH ONLY . 50c Includes: -Pititaftie-57-Vege' Cole Slaw, Gravy Every Tuesday night 6:30 till 8:30 in the beverage rooms • AT THE Blyth Inn Hotel BLYTH SOME LEW/PN peom rxePeleiewce ornirtes ivEvFx) IC'covgie Mr. and Mrs.J ack Chodoroff of Toronto, Mr. and MrS. Steve Slomovitz of Cleveland, Ohio and Mrs. Maurice Mandell and sons, Amez and Claude of Paris,France were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emile Iszacovics. Miss E. C. McLeod and Mrs, H. C. Pelletier, who have been visiting in Toronto returned it their home on Sunday. They were accompanied by their niece, Mrs. Donald Carr and Mr. Win. Carr who visited at the residence of Mrs. Patricia Troutbeck and her brother, Mr. Kenneth South- gate. Vacationing at the home of Mrs. William G. Wright is her daughter, Mrs. Thomas S. Craw- ford and granddaughter, Miss Jill Crawford of Winnipeg; her daugh- ter, Mrs. Leo Rafuse, and Mr. Rafuse of Newcastle, New Bruns- wick, and her son, Robert, and family of Brampton. Lt. Cmdr. and Mrs. Rod Lovdal, San Juan, Puerto Rico, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan, Lt. Cmdr. and Mrs. Lovdal and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Williams spent the weekend with relatives in Flint Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid of Owen Sound spent the weekend ,iiinmiannumnifinnnumnnunnununnonunnii -RECEPTION - DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Larry McLean (nee Mary Lansink) Saturday, August 14th Zurich Community Centre Music by BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS Lunch Pro*vided EVERYONE WELCOME L2 -1/RVoRfFIG o. pp g (../& 5 f/VS : b NES DRIVE-IN BOX OFFICE OPENS AT Sin P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Beech Street. Next to Community Pork CLINTON ONTARIO WED. - THURS. - FRI. August 11-12-13 - DOUBLE FEATURE — A SELECTED FAMILY ATTRACTION WITH SIX YOU GET EGGROLL Doris Day - Brian' Keith .• Pat Carroll The most refreshing family comedy about a bunch of very happy but nutty people. — In Color • HOW SWEET IT IS James Garner .2- Debbie Reynolds A contemporary comedy filmed throughout„Europs. Color ' Cartoon .441.441.411.,.~,4•41.0~4.440••••••••• SAT.-SUN.-MON.-TUES. August 14-15-16-17 — DOUBLE FEATURE — RIO LOBO. (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) John Wayne - Jarg• Mum,* In Color MONTE WALSH (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Lee Mervin •• Jack Faience Color Cartoon b11#0.41NINPre~".....v1P•04.00•044,...~. WED. THURS. - FRI. August 18-19-20 START THE REVOLUTION WITHOUT- ME WHICH WAY TO THE FRONT #10./..~#41,~44,00"44...."`•••••••••• Bring this coupon for 'Free • Admission (value $1.50) for One Adult with the purchase of one adult ticket at regular price. Valid only Monday Thrill' Thursday. Expires August 26, 1971. SEE THE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Special buses will Jeave at 8::5 a.m. from CLEAVE'S SUNOCO, SF',AFORTH WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25th SATURDAY, AUGUST 28th WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th — For Tickets and Information Contact — Cleave's Sunoco 527-9016 SEAFORTH L & H COACHWAYS Division of All-Star Tours Ltd. ' . P.O. BOX 326, STRATFORD Ad..3 a.574/41 DRIVEN THEATRE "AY 8 COCCR[CH CONCESSKIN 8,8 COMING WEDNESDAY VANISHING doc'hd=n POINT -the Undefeated minnimmummittimminimmuniumimmimuumwE TUESDAY PARTY NIGHT ;2.00 A CAR FECNNICOLOR lamp E ...SANDERS ....WHITE 1.1 _ . • LARGE NEW READABLE TOTE BOARD • —Comfortable Grandstand —Good Concession Booth —Good Parking Faeilitiet —NEW ELECTRONIC TOTE BOARD —NEW ELECTRONIC MAXI TOTE MACHINES - --SHELTERED BETTING AREA ONTARIO, HARNESS RACING Featuring . . . 10 RACES PARA MURIEL WAGERING DAILY DOUBLE EXACTOR - - OUINELLA CLINTON filmiest Races Every Sunday ab to OtT.31 egg. Pir orb/0We will be avo.4.010, Saturday's at Pullman's VA*: 0 Saalutth, Moe °refloat Ito* rocking the b°111 119111DISNEYn'''. IVAIUNI4 s MORSE MRS SILVERS 33 INVITATIONS it. ANNOUNCEMENTS 6 IN FO.RMA LS"— cic? ACCESSORIES • ASK FOR • (9#hl NATIONALt. LET US ASSIST YOU WITH .YOUR WEDDING PLANS COME. IN' AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT. REGISTER Also receive a free 6-month subscription to The Huron Expositor when you order your invitations. titt Aura ezpositor • la • mommummummunsimummummummilmmummiummminummimmuniniumintimiting rh..1 2 Fri. 1 3 so-14 AITLEM•Eir. "A SHOCKER! FASCIIII!TIN0r - Teti aim sairmi w 1111• THE FORBIN PROJECT"' Oety Wan MINI nee! t, *4 *Mt* Mee Vireis 1.enelsre! nitenfl The Winthrop correspondent is unable to supply the local pews this week a,,,s she is in Victoria Hospital, London. But all is well that ends well, for on August sixth,she proudly presented her Hubby with a bouncing baby boy, Daniel Earl, twelve pounds, five ounces, twenty-four inches long, with a deep base voice. On behalf of my wife I take this opportunity to thank my kind neighbours and friends for helping to keep our household running during Marg's absence. Robert Holley her Hubby it off easy or does he really care for me?" -LOVING HIM DEAR LOVING HIM - Your letter has just reached me - after several months., Your mother is unfair to hold that one mistake against you. She is going the right way about having you 'on her hands for the rest, of her life. If you. are 21, and if he is not more than two years younger than that - and you haven't made ages clear - give love a chance: -A person —who. is talking marriage sounds serious. And to heck with no- sey neighbors! DEAR DORIS - I would like information on a second marriage, such as dress and proper etiquette, and could I have a wedding cake.My mother can't help as she lives 5,000 miles away. This is a 'second wedding for both of us as we are bah divorced. Would it' be all right for four of our seven children to attend? Is it necessary for me to pay for my bridesmaid's dress? - SECOND MARRIAGE DORIS CLARK "Oh, the comfort, .the inex- pressible comfort, of feeling safe with a person - having neither'to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them out, just as' they are, chaff and grain to- gether, feeling sure a faithful friend will sift them, keeping what is worth saving, and with the breath of comfort, blow the rest away." AUTHOR UNKNOWN Smiles • • A youngster who felt hesimply Must have $100, decided prayer was not enough and sent his re- qt.-16SC: by letter, directly to the Almighty. The post office for- warded hiS letter to the White House where the president chuckled and directed hiS aide to send the boy a CheCk for $5. The lad, delighted that his plea had -borne fruit, wrote a proper thank you note, but added a terse post- script, "I notice you routed my check through Washington. You'll be happy to know they deducted the usual 95 percent." Vet: "If ,I cut off your dog's tail, it will ruin his appearance. Why do you insist on the operation?" Sad Sack: "My mother-in-law •is coming to visit and I avant to eliminate any possible sign of welcome." iiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIMUIUMMLIMIIIIIIIH1111111111111U111111111111111111111111111111111111111iniffimit11111111IIIIiiiilluillIIE Thu.12 Fri. 13 se. 14 Every man snout, alloy no pmeessyen SWF PEPPE111 'One More Train to Rolf I .S. A WHOM.. I/C1101. tei.moapet A ,„eref crA AeCAR! 'ICtieCat PANAVISAC•I' ERIC BRAEDEN • SUSAN CLARK • GORDON PISANI _ Sun.15 mo.1 6 Te..17 GIMMICK NIGHT end MONDAY _. DEAR DORIS - A chance acquaintance whom I met several years ago has become a ball and chain around my neck. I felt sorry for her at the time because she seemed almost mentally Ill. She keeps me on the tele- phone sometimes for hours. Once I told her not to bother, me any more because my, nerves were getting .frayed just listen- ing to her troubles. I got rid of her for about a year. Then, she started It again. am,-ha husbandnd children, but she doesn't want ,to believe ,that. How in heaven's name do I get rid of her? - TALE OF WOE DEAR TALE OF WOE - I'd hate to guess how many kind souls like you fidd their home routines disrupted by such calls. Why couldn't a housewife say: "I just cannot talk on the tele- phone. Right now I have lunch to get ready and' baking to do for Saturday." Or, must go. There is something on the stove." (One woman keeps a kettle of water. on the stove just so she can say this - but,„I'm afraid I don't go for an un- necessary bit of deception.) Where the long-winded com- plaint concerns family wrangling, one could do worse than suggest a talk with .a qualified counselor in a social agency. . bE AR" DORIS - I am - very, much in love with a man a few years younger than myself and we were getting along fine until our nosey neigh- bors started a, few rumors. Well, now we have decided to stop seeing one another for a while to stop all of these crazy rumors - but it is driving ' me crazy as I have a very strict and evil-Minded mother ,who does not believe in going out with anyone. You see, I :tuba mis- take a few, years back and now I am paying for it. But this fellow knows everything about me and he still insists he loves me and that an age difference does not matter to him. - He wants to cool it down, so we can start over again and get .married before anyone knows anything. He also wants to adopt my baby. Is he 'trying to break ItI it si tit ti ft 0' 0 DEAR SECOND - Separately I'm sending you a few helpful ideas about second weddings. Your wedding can be just as lovely as any other, but will doubtless be on a smaller scale than a first one. Certainly have a wedding cake, certainly wear a gown ,,- but this :time in, a pale -pastel shade. Your bridesmaid's gown will doubtless be something she can wear again and she should be the one who pays for it. If the four children you plan to include are living with you, and there is no danger of hard feelings or a strained atmosr phere, I'd say have them share your day by' all means. They, are the ones with whom you — — are going- to share_the _Isly_Qtf your new husband (who will be their new father). CONFIDENTIAL TO STILL SEX- SHY - You assumed too much. If you had reticent, sex-shy par- ents who started you off with the idea that sex wasn't quite decent, more repetition of the act over 10 years of marriage can only bring boredom. And yet you are both in love. Isn't it time you started learn- ing about this important part of marriage, and what it Can mean? This physical act is"Ifie"lifiEL." '°"'"""""" est expression of human love, 41 and deserves study and discus- sion between you. Your mar- riage is worth some mental effort. I'm sending you , my leaflet recommending several books and pamphlets for mar- ried folk like you to read. ' '