HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-06-25, Page 5Lower Wingham
The boys of this place still continue
to enjoy kicking the .leather, and
'Xiiursday, June 18th, in answer to a
challenge from the world-wide brick?,
yarn club they walked over to their
recreation grounds and for an hour
Made it interesting for their opponents,
the seers at the end of the time being
oue goal: each, our boys deserve
great credit for their pluck and skill
in this line?,as they have not had a
ball only about a month arida half
and then had very, little ` pratice,,, and
none cifthem 'searcely, ever kioked'ai'
ball before, • Still, notwithstanding
these, they `Mildly faced a club that
should haVe,beaten them easily, as
they were piked .froin other clubs
besides the brick yard- It is expected
that a return match will be played
soon on ti s, Wiughann park, when we
hope that the boys will: have morn
fair play and only shave to kick against
those who: have. ,been p}actising all
along with' the "brick• yard boys".—
Miss McClennan, of Ashfield, was the
guest of Mrs Linklater this last. week.
On Saturday evening last, .a crowd of
young folks gathered around the corner
for the purpose of a charivari,and. after
fi proceeding for about an hour or two
they were infgrmed that the folks were
not at home, and they all realised no
sport in' charivaring an empty house,
and broke up,
The many 'friends of Mrs John A
McEwen, of the first.concession, . will
be pained to learn that she is no better,
and that there ie but little hope of her
recovery,—Oa Monday week one of
the oldest residents of Morris died in
th@,,person of Mrs Mary Oampbell,who
had reached the age of 97 years. Mrs
RIvk1Rs - Sr ,as In Brussels an the lith
inst,, bay Rov, S. Jones, at the residence;
1 8 1
of bride's yrandfather,Robert1 amiltori,
• 1
Mr John livers of Stratford,.. to 'Miss
Rachel Sipes of ll el
taic—Sdim/I—Ats the
CI.residence of ; MISS BOYD
1891 \
the bride's fattier, th
on the lOth inea,,Tohn
Clark, to Miss on e taughterof Mr. Willies to intimate to the ladies: of Wingham and surrounding otiur tely
Wm. Smith, of Culross,
rTthat her
stock of
Campbell, had been residing with her j C>xaTzs--In.Bluevale,anthe2O , N E Ill
son David for some time.. Last winter Geo. W. Curtis, ngoci' Sli years. fl I has arrived and is now opened' c 0,. The stook is well assorted : and
she had the Misfortune to • fall an . GIx4LIsr-In Oulross, on the 24th
break Tier leg ard.inever got over the
West Wawanosh..
The death is announced of another
of the old residents of West Wawa.,
nosh in the person of.. James Smith;
who was an industrious and good
citizen, Age, 85 years ; cause of death,
apoplexy and irfirinitie, of old sae,
The deceased belonged to the Order of
Orangemen, and received the rites of
burial of that order at the hands of
his brethren,
Catherine Gilboa, aged 86 years.
Yours—In East Wawanosh, en the
24th inst., Alexander Young, aged Oe
Ci.ENNAN- le Morris, an the lOtb inst„
Pearce Clennau, aged .93 years and 10
PARKER- In Brussels on Tuesday,June
16th, Chas M Parker iu his 81st year,
contains all the fashionable' styles for this year.
A large stock en Banti; consisting of Embroidery, Silks, b'.eatliers,Flow-
erst, Ribbons, Laces, Ste,
MoINTritr On the 17th Met, Mr Alex, Tis Mantle l to lartrlient contaifis a vane assor went of it i;.s
ander McIntyre, of Culross tow nship, 1 tl t $ l ,
aged 68 years and 8 months. ';aat►ns, Satiii 13iocades, Plashes, Velvets clad Malatle 111bthY to choaae
Owing to the unpreceaeuteid demand for Mantles made to order—Perfect Fitting and in the latest and most.
platd,glass it has advanced considerably m. fashionable styles.
price. Messrs McCausland de Sou,Torvuto,
fortunately made s. contract before the
advance for a very considerable quantity,
and are thus enabled to offer their patrons
uanadiaa Order ermaters, this season a decided advantage in price,
The above society held its 12th the quality being superior to any ever pre,
annual meeting in the city of Toronto viously imported.
oil June 9th, -'10th,,,. llth and 12th.
There were a large number of delea
gates present. Thu reports of the
various officers showed the Order to
Oe in ,1t flourishing condition. During
the past 11'orestrie year the member
ship increast.d nearly three thousand,
the total membership being 12;600.'
The finances of the society are • in a
healthy condition, there being a sur-
plus of $144,433 in Endowment Fund,
while the general fund is in good
shape. The death rate has not in-
creased to any great extent, being only
5.45 per thousand of the membership.
This is very low considering the large
percentage .of deaths from `chronic
diseases. The average death rate
for the past ten years, 5,12 per
thousand, will:compare favorably with
any society or company doing an
insurance business in Canada and will
secure 'for the C O,F success. There
were some changes made in the con-
stitution durinm this session. Where
there were weak points they have been
strengthened and all laws made to
harmonize as near as' possible. it is
the intention of the society to apply to
the Dominion Parliament for incor-
paration, also to. 'make a deposit of --
$50,000 with the Government as soon The Holstein -Friesian Bull,
as possible. The large surplus is at Iluron Lad, No. 1 1669,
present in the very best monetary in Registered in the fourth volume of the Holstein-
FrIoshtn Herd Book, will be }cept for service during
the season of 1891. at Lot 11, Con 7.. Morris.
TRIMS -01.20 for grade cuts, thoronahbred
the ofh eers elected ace as follows:
The stein cons 520; with privilege of returning, to bo
R paha at time of service.
Morris, May 13th, 1801. J01:1\` A MoLWEN.
Last Monday evening, an- open
meeting of the I 0 G T was held in
the Foresters' Hall here to which a
large number turned out, filling.;tbe
ball to its utmost capacity. The pro.
gramme consisted of readings, recite•
tions, vocal and instrumental music
by members of the Whitechurch and
Wingham lodges, Speeches on the
temperance subject were delivered by
Rev Mr Geddes (Presbyterian) and
Rev Mr Crewel (,Methodist), both of
which tended 'to make the . meeting
profitable as well as entertaining, The
order was unusually good, considering
the warm evening and large crowd.
We think the Whitechurch lodge
should bo encouraged by the success
which sttended this meeting and de-
cide to hold another before long.
Mr Bickersiaf , of Toronto, is spend•
ing a few days at Pleasant Hill.—Mr
Eli Bolt and the Misses Belt spent
Sunday in Wawanosh —Miss Mont-
gomery, of Howick, spent a few days
with Miss Bella Wylie.—Owing to
the recent rail s,'tbe er•aps are looking
well and .an excellent harvest may
yet be expected.—lf you wish to see
two of the best fields of fall wheat in
Turnberry, call upon Mr Ben Heunin;
and Mr P Oanipbell ala I you shall see
, something that will surprise you and a
crop which will give a large , yield
when properly niatureti.--Gordon Mc-
Kay, agent for the famous Whiteman
Pea Harvester, is. meeting with great
• success. The harvesters• are selling
like hot cakes. Cyders are continually
coining in, which is an indication of
its appreciation by the farming pub-
31u ale.
George W Curtis, of 'the Boundary
line, passed away last Saturday./even-
ing, after a painful illness, in his 57th,
year. He leaves a wife and two sons
and a daughter t r mourn his loss.
-Toe funeral, which took place o11 Mon-,
day afternoon, was largely attended.—
Qttite a number went on the excursion
to the Experi►ilelitel. Farm, at Guelph,
on Wednesday. — Miss Johnston,
daughter of Mr W 3 J )llnstoii , was
married on Wednesday, to Mr Georg
Mathews. A large number of invited
guests were present et the wedding.
"How are you?"
"N'icel , Thank. Tom"
"Thank Who?"
"Why the inventor of
Which cured me of CONSUMPTION."
Give thanks for its discovery. That it
does not make you sick when you
take it.
Give thanks. That it is three times as
efficacious as the old-fashioned
cod liver oil.
Give thanks. That it is such a wonder-
ful flesh producer.
Give thanks. That it is the best remedy
for Consumption,Scrojula,
2ronchitis, Wasting Dis-
eases, Coughs and Colds.
Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon
color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at
50c. and $1.0o.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville.
stitution of Ontario, hearing from 4
to 5a per oent lute/rest,
Elliott, Win_Yliam•, Past High Chief
Ranger. E Towe, London,Higlh Obief
Ranger. C E Britton,Gananoque,High
Vice Chief Ranger. T White, Brant-
Lord,High Secretary: J Neelands,Wing.
ham, Hieb Treasurer, Dr. Stanley,
13rantford,Ohairnian of Medical Board.
R 0 Young, B,idgetown, Associate
Medical Board. Dr Logie, London,
Medieal Referee. E Gartun;;, Milan
ton, R Elliott, London, Auditare D
R Kennedy, Montreal, High Registr:u'.
D M Gordan, Wingbain, High Chap-
Iain. R T Kenip, Listowel, High
Senior Woodward. B Stewart, Perth,
High Junior Woodward. Jas Gadsby,
Hamilton, High Senior Beadle. A C
Washborti, IKim:airline,` High .Junior
Stamping. (lone to. order. An inspection invited,
,, M f.thf'r';S Glove
preparation for cleaning kid gloves. It will also remove grease or
The Conilig School of Medicine,
stains; from sill; ur woollen goods. Try it.
Remember the place—First door north of Ed. Dinsley's jewelry
Wingham, April" 3rd, 1191.
Farmers, Threshers and Mill Owners
Try It Once and You Will Use No Other.
Every barrel guaranteed. We are also manufacturers of the Genuine Lardine..
Also Cylinder, Wool and Harness Oils.
Chicago, Jan. lot 1SSS.
This is to certify that 1 have mads a thorough
investigation or the Misto,onotic medicines, pre.
pared by Dr J Eugene Jordon, and of his unique
methods of research, and am therefore competent.
to form a car reel judgment. 1 pronounce them
marvellous products of the highest skill, showir.g an
acquaintance with the natural gcionecs far in advance
of any savant with whose works tho w clad ie acquaint.
ed. no amount of time arid painstaking which the
doctor has. expended upon the simile !welch of
A.speetroscot;visenorrnous,and his discoveries startle
Beadle. R Elliott, LVin,harn ; R
For sale by D. SUTHERLAND, Wingham.
Dickson, Toronto ; T4. D Henderson,
Whitechurch, and A. 'McNeil, Peter.
bore', Executive Comtnittee.
A marriage was consummated at ille
hone of t1r W Thornton a few days
since, that has quite a romantic tilli-ze
to it. When Captain Andrews,—who
is blind --of the Toronto Life Saving
Corps, was here last fall, ho became
acquainted with Mr WThant on, who.
is of quite a nautical turn of mind,ancl
visiting at the latter'sho rhe, the Cap-
tain met with Mr Thornton's only
daughter, who, as our readers kno 1v,ia
also blind, It wits net exactly a oasts
of "loos at firth. sight ;" but it was a
case where the sympathy of affliction
was akin, and Cite acquaintance thus
formed ripened into love, with the
result that they were married by Rev
Mr Stewart a. few evening's 'since.
'.though deprived:of her sight • Mrs
Andrews is not without her acco1n4
plishnente, as these who have se
frequently heard her sweet voice in
song know, and the good wishes of her
acquintftlwes go out to her in her new
sphere of lift'.•--.' ''ew Era.
Mg. Also having; used these medicines in my own
practice, I can say that their actual success in (ur.
ing disease is as great as their discovery. The
revolution of the medical 001011ce of to -day is 110
dreatu;it is at hand.
J,' 13.5. Time, M. D., P. 1).
Prot, Chem. and Toxicology, lIali,omann A1UdiCal
College of Chicago.
The Rist>'xenetic theory of reachlttg discoso is : -
• WALLAOE—In Turnberry, on the 18th htebuildtnsr the diseased cells ancttissucs of tho body,
and ferCneflt
with the seine proximate
tact, the wife of Mr. L$Vid Wallace;
organic bodies, and so an, wltic}a arc normally pro.
n. pared in the bond' by the glands 'Che 1+t llcincs are
Heals;Es.—In Wingham, on 20th inst, prepared by rhenlicalproce+seg I3isasse herrtorot•o
the wife of Mr. Ales. Holmes; a son. considered incurable aro erred by these medicines.
SPL11z—In Morris, on the -10th inst.,In acute d1seases etlelt CO 14 Grippe, Pneumonia,
Tvphold, Diphtheria, etc., the patient improves at
the wife of Mr. John Speir; a daughter. 01,05.
1lznitTUED, • - l
.ma lownN—DonAs..In Blyth, at the TESTI i, l ,g
residence of the bride's father, on the t a i . t n' •
17th inst., by Rev. A. McLean, Mr'. Wm. Mrs, Atr.Cattiiutrh, 001 Adelttidcstrect east, Toronto
ilxeGowan, second son of Mr. Geo. 1t'To= very rapid cure of congestion of livor anti intuit
street, Toronto, bronchial
James Dodds, both of Blytl
DrShmiafr, FLEURY
M, D. M. A., LL,, O. P. S. 0., M. 0, P. S M.,
►J JJ *.J1-•_l..J.L h have h 1 i toh
Jonathan Bushai t, Listowel, says
"After spending all my money and prop-
erty to no purpose on medical men, for
what they termed a hopeless case Of con-
sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me."
Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says;
"When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair
cured mo of fits."
W. McDonald, Lalrefield, says :—"Dr.
Sinclair cured me of Catarrh."
Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says :•—"Dr. Sin-
clair cured me of heart disease and drop-
sy, when all others failed." •
Diseases of private nature brought on
by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures.
Mr Oso Thompson; while at work
in his mill yard, a week or so ago, had
his right knee badly injured between
two logs. l e was unable to g -t
around for llEtat two weeks,
Gowan to Agnes eldest daughter of Mr, oration of lddhc,e.
g J C Sinclair, 63 Victoria
th 1Oth 0 It wood, 1'2 Jr 'via cunei, Torontot kidney
last., at the residence of the bride's trim) Ropirre:fri at Markham street. Toronto,
father, by Rev.- A. L. Russell, Mr. Wm. Connwption cured m few weeks.
Davis, Wingham, formerly of Exeter, to Mrs J' Paneott., 102 John street, Toronto, totnale
Miss Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Pratt troubles. Rad bun in Toronto Uencral hospital.
Fisher, of Exeter. also trusted by povoral ph3•eiCia11 . Af•er using
Pllstogenetie Medicines two weeks has a new woman,
I r1'SRN- CAVANAGItoeAt Elinin, on lra,ph Perkins 18 i Tecumseh, Toronto, remark -
the 2nd inst., by Rev..j. Wass, Mr..R. C. able euro of ltara33sis.'
John ilurlanzett, llfattawa, Ontario, nervous
Kitson, of Wilhgham, to Miss Emma pohilitr, ofe., no years; two weeks' medicines did
Cavanagh, of Elmira, sister of Dr. Cav- there fort hhn than all the Other remvtdies lie had
anagh, of Brussels, takonitt Elie ?0 yearn.
In r., n. _ _ Thomas t1'illiams 30a Robert street, Toronto, so"' , sunrpticn cared in law weeks,
trouble, effects of la grippe, curet ie one wools
DAvrs—Fisrrcia--In Exetor,on e
on June 16th at the Presbyterian manse, IDI llnnnnou[l, Serin0ileld•on•the Credit, Out,
DR. SII CLAIR will be at the
by Rev, Mr. McLellan, Nle. Wm. 'H, hemorrhages from the lungs and bat *saga twa
cured in h, few
Stewart of Wingham, to -Liss Sadie years, consumption,
Call l l for fco book cx lainhr
1ttloiley to . Loan on Notes.
i?a otos Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per cont. with
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes
and accounts collected.
• 11,O1BT: McINDOO.
On•u a,—Bcavet Block. Wingham, Ont.
Beautify Your Homes
a o mho pleasure n ano+morng the farming
public that 1 am a aeanfor d other
:hse Celebrated
Agricultural I p1em Ats,
Late of Hamilton and Paris,
Would tako this opportunityof informing the Citizens
of Wingham and surroundng country that baring
had large experience in city work, he is prepared to
do Alabastining, Kalsominina and Wall Papering in
the latest approved styles of plain and decorative
work. Churches, halls be other public or private
buildings rrescoed In beautiful Colors and Designs
at Moderato rates.
The Old Stand on Victoria Street will still be
Sewing Machines,
Washing Machines
and Wringers.
Graining in Walnut,Oak, EEird's Eye Ma-
ple, &c., a Specialty.
o, ' , the i#into• 'All orates entrusted to any caro done with neatness
f stn will visit he haat and es;la
MoDoNAL»- "Dsvnn --in Culross, on c,vory two wecka at
'sot o ' d tch.
Hamilton, of Lueknow. geneticsySt[n,. ones ourg
the 10th inst by Rev. W W Sparlin; r orates loft at Ito. nose Tlookatare will receive
Mr. Eugh McDonald,• of Teeswator, to , i i ! N O L. prompt attention. ,
Miss Mary E., youngest daughter of.Mr. i
a r
[latae for Stine aro ,TAS. H` FRIEND.
Win. Dever. I Wiughs.m, April 8rd.
saes I-•-'1iA. LTDAY-111r',tst01,01,'On .
rlda 9th
El toMrs.Annie Halliday, of 'Wing -
22nd Inst., Mr. Jacob Tennant, yy r
Friday, 19th,
Elam, nn1 , t
ham. Consultation ]~ l +ee,
itosti-•iviime-•--At tilt) residence of the
Morrie, r ' fr,r:..ata•1',ill1 .+t,? `1rt Ault: Lu,:Yi:rp"at v ,1 —i
the town lad l Ilvtll gnzbury,
bride's father.. ;tier. James ilT M, Dunker- f i togenetiC Medicine 11$011,
the 10th inst., try Itiov H Moore
1 F
6031, 0n 1 , , , +
ikft. Wni, Robb, of the townahf ri£ lloolt a and 3 Albion ilio, ltirh'iJn tdi i fleet, tahtt•.
tar Mist; Mary Elizabeth Villin U£ t+or1.I1 .dfhll^e It! 1v..+t '' Ott' • f►,[trr'tillacv
Curia 'J'Crr Drv. Coml','C'o. Brines,
SSIIlJtt ..tokt1ttA' #B L1CBtTSB
1 Connaisstosrn r,n IL t..•J:,•Etret
Witexiatett...;,.,:s.e..i.f ,;,trlxr1t
ilt) f, .
1 `fl P as: - ! 1 r!Mt 4,1 i i .. ;I.7 44:.45
Give me a call and inspect Goods.
J. B. Cummings1
Wingham, April 17th 1891.
'le' CITY 111,70ANT
A Largo Shook of Canned Goods
CANNED PICVS 111111": mai
l'` i ..
S' 1{'IRI '4XrOl">,I~KS :OF • A,tl?a '• liI"N0i3": z[
J a