HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-06-25, Page 4tee. W1LUMS,
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Brunswick House,
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• lt3kd„ss v
FRIDAY. JUNE 26, 1891,
of the tew.pertkture may be found on
the sheltered side of the stove, 3 have ,
reported these to the trustees but 1
sin sorry to say that Wine true*
tees think that where they have pre..
vided four walls, to matter how peer,
and het up a large' stove, they have
done all any reasonable p(trson should,
expect,. In some three or four ex-
treme oases the school house is the
coldest. aid most dilapidated building
M the school section, the worst staple
being much more. comfortable tied
babitable in winter, Two very neat
frain*, school houses have been built in
McKillop, in 8 i 12 and 18. The
school house in S S No 4,Tuokerswith,
hits been thoroughly repaired and is
filmed as good as flew. .In No 9,
Berwick; the school house has been'
renewed with brick and when finished
Weide will be a credit to the 'section.
An elegant brick school house is beiug
built in No 9, Tuckersniith, and it is
expected to be ready for occupation
immediately after summer vacation.
The School Y'ar'ds, -The yards are.
T•00, Wg4sBurre has•'seuffed out the
Iaj` fiel°.F.4deration movement..
re',„ e eeteuane-essY has been ap-
•poFfilktaleit a ffreotor of the 0 P R to
susses d keetal 3 C Abbott, and has
also -been elected vice-president of the
Board. t
t. •
SuziaroR 112acvoreALD bas introduced
a bill in the.Scnate to establish. divorce
•coarts,` in tile several provincesof the:
D'ttni nOpt Quebec Nova Scotia
and hew Brunswick.,
Pirtle Boos °till` has faith in the
iy, mph manufactured by him ' for the
Outer of tuberettehr diseases, and inteuds
shortly to suint the composition of
the lymph to the exaiuivatiou of the
st:ienttlie world.
Tan duty has beery taken oti' of raw
sugar and reduced on the manufactured
article, thanks to the action of the
lea States Government some
mouths ago. The ttuty has been la-
m eased on liquors.
East Huron Public Schoeils.
usually fairly well• kept and in it few
years will he well shaded with trees
but some fees •school yards seem to be
used as grounds for raising thistles and
weeds, in two or three, cases the
grounds are very uneven and the moat
neglected spot in the section. A few
boards of trustees have"agreed to level
their grounds ; in' two the pupils and
teacher have done the levelling them-
selves. A teacher can easily arouse
enough of enthusiasm in his pupils to
have the yards tidied up and the
thistles and weeds eradicated. There
is something wrong with a teacher or
pupil who does not take sufficient in-
terest in his school. grounds to keep
them neat and who is AA proud of his
school. The school yards of the fol-
lowing S S are unfenced : 15 and 17,
Howick; 5, 7, 9"and 10, Morris, and,
4, Turnberry. °
Desks -Many of the schools are
badly in need of desks and blackboards.
The desks in many 'schools are too
high for children ; once they sit down
they are unable to put their feet' on,
the floor. This is very wrong.
Melee and books of deference, such.
as an unabridged dictionary, a gaza-
teer and a biographical dictionary, are
needed in clearly all .schools. A few
have neither a globe hoe a numerical
frame. In this respect trustees are
very short-sighted ; many a trustee in
his every day business puts the most
improved implements into the !lands
of his hired matt, yet Ite pays a high-
er sp1.•Iry, to a teacher and makes him
in t ruspeutor'ate of Fest Huron, work with antiquated desks,•tnaps, ete,
Daring et/ ,e yearvl visited all the. and often expects him to do good work
achno's iii t ' s ;`dicrtsion twice (except with
' tilts e
vi it r
,. i h
t H= to e
h )
h p
once during the last half of I890 and
once drain. the it it half of 1891.
Lis ti s t°.+found it uectres;iry to
visit a • v s Hoists oftener their twice
in tlyd to ee" t iat' certain recomr
tnendations which ,1 ,rade and which
L considered necessary to the progress
of tlifrefitsttiililJlls t'w(ai:e' promptly carried
The 'Teachers Nearly all the teach,.
Fes te,'r„< cin e:ali;idtid there are many
excellent teachers in this inspectorate,
but a few frotu iuoxperiettee are do•
ing very little and two or three from
sheer el.r,'le,•sneAs and °indolence are
"dobe/ }rite&tiGely=•!lnoitiiing, In some
few cases -happily eeeee fees the
Schools appear to be mere noisy mobs
where each child tights for his own
baud and the teic,lrert ,give what really
amounts to iudivtatil instructions.
In two cases at least, school is called
any time between nine and ten and
between nae and two and dismissed at
mei tithes as tnay suit the' whin of
the ;loofa IBtt esw schools the
disc pfinary ':ain'� nF punctuality and
nadir ar • t0 ail • nGt,... t+.very teacher
ah'n)ffl he at his`•-'ebooi at a quarter
to nine,and a minutes to one; shits
as hitt l him elf do it'd en he signs
' t �vitir
e trustees..
Ins re t
h t, a tl�
This winL of punetnality is much too
frequent. if the schools were all sup-
plied with sleeks tltera'twould ' be a
greater pune;tuality of both teachers
• and pnpits. I teeee1)'ei: Vices requre
the ttr()tiel' �I�i� `'tilt-`''Sri:boot bell
b:itlr'in milling and dismissing; this is
a goal € 'ekt� ltif piitictuality.
It tesOo,�fottekee t dein �` that if the
teacher its ever late, it. is sure to be on
the dayria which the inspre or visits . Young, for the Suri of $14, yob cow- on the eervies,s -Damp Rumor has it
. els a whol(1 •th0,ra'inatts.are muddy this raises., snelt Dieted and recnoInifud payment. :lir that the. "1?urittlta Dissenters" are
his aC l�q s �
,. ( ; 1 '.e,, ;ti of the en intolerable dust as alrnnettosrtloth• Diluent reported that be had examined negotiating fora pastor to hold setae?
rte ,itil proposed ditch at :A Hyslop's, Also, in the English uhurrlt The milieu.
are not object lessons that we take 114o aetii n on the Hysiop
maf lcea t stases,.
in either neatness or cleanliness. drain until: we get further information
Geiltletneen,--1 bsve the honor to
r,nuwit my annual report of the schools
Examinations, •^-, Nearly all the
schools in this division took, the pros
motion exaniivatiens ; a few did not,
1 • am not prepared to say' that these
few are the best school$ in my division.
I ane sorry to report that more than
one third of the teachers du not hold
public examinations. This is a tuts,
take on their part, and I hope attempts
will be made to remedy it, During
the year 29 obtained professional 3rd
Class certificates frotu. the Clinton
Model School, These'alt obtained
situations and many are doing well,.
enthusiasm in sume measure convene
sating for lack of experience, 270
passed the entrsnco examination .in
this inspectorate, A pupil from Gorrie
public school won the gold medal at
11arriston last �it'Iy,.and a pupil p from
9 S No 5, Orange Hill, Howick,, car,
ried off the silver Medal in December,.
no gold medal being given at that ex•
Teachers' Institutes. •-Two success-
ful meetings of the. Teachers' Institute
were held .during the year, .one at
Wingham and the other at Brussels.
At the Brussels meeting • J J Tilley, MoNauglitorepnundkeeper;be accepted
in a and that James Stewart be appointed
oven these.
Outbui/dinps•-Of all school property
these seem to be the meet neglected.
They are usually placed in the farthest
corner of. the yard, never uleaned,walls
out with knives, seiibbled and defaced
in all possible ways.' dere one meant
for girls is usually during the deep
sneers of winter totally inacnessible,
on the eubjeot•'-•••Carried, Moved by
Diment, seconded by B Matwell, that
the Deputy Reeve arrange to sleet the
Reeve of Oulross at 0 P R crossing on
boundary line, on Monday, June 29th,
at lj o'clock n ' in, and arrange for
building a fence or other means of pro-
tecting travel on the. road• --Carried,
Moved by J Diment, seconded by W.
Cruickshank, that the arrears of taxes
on Ints 141, 81.0 and 325, Wingllaln
Town Plot, be cancelled, and that the
Olerk mail to the County Treasurer a
certified copy of this resolution --Car•'
vied. Moved by It Maxwell, seconded
by G Harris, that Mr Dement inspect
road at west end of ,John McEwen's.
road division and get any necessary
repairs done --Carried. Moved by R
Maxwell;,seconded by W Cruickshank,
that Mr Diinetit let a job of 'gravelling
on the sideline between lots 10 anti 11,
concession "5 --Carried. Moved by J
Diment. seconded by B Maxwell, that
Mr Harris gee B line repaired opposite
lots. 81 and 82, concession 1 --Carried.
Moved' by J .Diluent, seconded by R
Mexwell, that the resignation of D
Beg to advise the arrival; of a v,,:try
choice, seasonable goods, adrAbiy
suited to the pleasantwarm weather that
we are now enjoying, such as Victoria
X.4awns from 100. up, Muslins from 5o.
upwards. All over lace tlounoink at all
prices --the best value in the market, ,
The ladies are cordially invited to 40116
inspect these goods, as well as many
other lines equally suitable for the warm
In men's and boys' ready-made sults
we have a nice aesortnieiut just opening
up to -day. Any person whaling to get a
nice suit cheap should giveus a call. We
have lots of straw bate in white and
colored and they .are selling fast, for they
prices do, the selling. Our trade in
ordered suits is keeping well -why should':
it not be so- for we have the rightgoods
at right prices, and we always make
them up in the very latest and best
How those choice teas of ours are
sounding our praises can be judged by
the extensive sale they are having.
The Big Brown Anchor,
Esq, t P `9, was present, and th
evening be gave a very interesting
address to a large audience in the
town hall.
DAviD Rolm, 1 P S.
poundkeeper _ Cairried. Tenders. for
printing 200 copies of voters list were
received from Winghanh TIMES and
Advance offices, Moved by R Max-
wed, seconded by G Harris, that , the
Turnberry tender of the Wingham Txnas, being
A grand picpie in connection with S the lowest, be accepted -Carried.
S No G, Turnberry, will he held in Mr byMoved Cruickshank, seconded
Dimentt,, that a by latw be passed
authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer
to borrow funds for township use un-
til taxes are collected -Carried. By
law read three times and passed.
Mored by J Diment, seconded by W
Cruickshank that the Treesurer'shond,
baying been read to us, we find the
same satisfactory to this council -
Carried. Moved by W Cruickshank,
seconded by J Diment, that the Clerk
write to the County Clerk and enquire
if thereware any arrangements made
between the County and the Township
of Turnberry in respect to Graham's
bridge, on the boundary line in the•
Wingham town plot,- at the time
the County assumed the Fisher
bridge, and if there were any such
arrangements, to send, a copy of same
to this council -Carried... The follow.
ing accounts were passed and orders
on Treasurer issued : Robert Agar,
$3.85. for gravel ; Samuel Anderson,
gravel, $5 Alex Hyslop, gravel, 60
Wade's buoh, ou Tuesday, the lust day
of June.. ' An excellent programme is
ander preparation and a good time is
expected. The pupile and •others will
take ,part in° rendering music, recite -
teens, etc. Mr J -Molielvie, of Wing -
ham, will be present and supply his
line of -necessaries. Picnic to be in
the afternoon. No admission. Bring
baskets, along. Alt, in the section are
especially desired to be present. -Mr
Robt Maxwell left on Tuesday for ft
trip to Manitoba and the North West,
and expects to he away about a
The Turn�bei•ry Council met in
Sault's hall, Bluevale, on Monday,
June 22ud'r Members all present. The
Reeve in tele chair. Minutes of last
meeting were read, approved and
signed. A communication from the
County Clerk "was read, stating that
the amount required for the (current
f this municipality would be
East W awanosh,•
The adjourned meeting 'of the Court
of Revision was held on June 20.
Members ail present. Minutes of
last meeting read and. confirmed..
Walter McGowt.tt, cou,3, Jas William.
son, con 9, and Thoutas Itinklater, con
13, each a dog struck off. . Applica-
tion was wade to have the following
names placed on the assessment roll,
viz : s� m iyilliams,lot 35,00n 3 Wm
Rath, lot 411, eon 5; Wm J Mason,
jr, lot 42, eou 5 ; John 0 Reid, teach.
er, con 5 ; Win Netterfield, lot 38,00n
7 ; Robt Ray, tot 40, eon 7 ; David
Ramsay, lot 28, con 4; Duncan Mc-
Callum, teacher, con 9 ; Daniel Leech,.
lot 42, con 9 ; -----^- Donovan, lot.
28, eon 11 ; Jas Garrick, lot 40," con
11 ; John Ray, lot 88, con 12 ; John
Nicholson anti Sheppard Nicholson, as
joint owners with Thomas Nielholson,
N 4• Int 28, con 2 ; John H Baiter and
Wtn G Salter, as joint owners with
John Salter,. lot 42, con 12, Moved
year from
by lilt Paterson, seconded by Mr
for hosts county and school rat(! i2, .Shiest, that tl'e assessment roll, as
010 34 The Reeve reported 'brat" he emits, John 1V Walker. gravel, .$5;. now revised and corrected be passed,
Ben •Rinitler, gravel, $2.65 ; Andrew I and -the court closed for the"pt4;sent
Rind, gravel, $5.50; John McEwen,1 year -Carried. Council resumed.
repairing- onlvert, $1 ; Dr Chisholm,) Ooluniatiic,ition received from • Peter
had applied to the County Oouncil and
had got two of the insane indigents of
this township --Edward and Isabelita.
Artustroug--transferred to the county
and as wards of the county they will'
receive a grant of i90 a year each for
their support. Also, that he had
received from the County Treasurer a
'cheque on the Bank, of Oomtnerce for
;540, arrears of taxes. Also, that
along with the Deputy Reeve 11e had
islet the County Judge and the lawyers
engaged in the Bryce law suit. at the
Bryce farm, on Monday, June 15th, to
inspect' the formation of the land,
drains, culverts, etc. Also, that he
attended the court in Goderich from
the 17th till the.20th June, and the
decision of the case bus been referred
to the. full court in Toronto. All
claims for damages from the culvert
iu the Turnberry portion of boundary
line have been withdrawn, but the
Township of Turnherry is still held
equally along with the Township of
Culross for any damage the plaintiff A little :Ginger bus core to stay at
may have seff'ered from the culvert in the Commercial -Mr and Mrs Stra-
the Culross portion of the boundary chap, of Centreville, are the guests of
line,- The Deputy Reeve reported Mr D Fersuson this week.--elre Rots
that ho had, along with the. Reeve of ton, of L.incardine, visited at Mrs
John Batten's last week, -Quite a
i,uiiiber from the vhlluge. ettlencled the
picnic in Miss Carr's section last week.
--There is taik of disposing of the
grounds opposite the tow). 'hall, by the
village. It is useless Cu its present
state and the sooner it is sold the
better for the village.-AM1" will be
.pieased to hear that the Rev Me
Malcolru's little daughter has quite
recovered from her late illness. -
Tenders ere called. for by the clerk of
session of the Presbyterian churph f•tr
a choir leaclel', It is tune, sinnethintx
was dont', as the lack of iuter'•ct in
this (natter swam to thrown damper
Wells. -AD but very few schools
hove a plentiful supply of pure water.
In some cases it is impossible to ob-
tain good water on the school lot owing
to the school house being built in a
Care of School Property. -Two t
duties (Regulation 12) of the teaoher
are : To make and enforce such rules
as will ensure the keeping of the
school grounds and'out hnildiugs , in a
neat. and cleanly condition, and to see
that the school grounds, sheds 'and
Water closets are kept in proper order;
that no damage is douse to the furui.
ture, fence„ outhniidinss, or other
echonl property; to give notice in
writing to' tile, trnste,s of arty metes -
sexy repairs or supplies. •
1 am sorry to say that many teach
ere pay no attention to' these mctters
the pupils are allowed to deetroy
fences, deface wal s, or do any other
their heads.
mischief Wet may cuter tti t t
1, one mase I found a few idle pupils
during school hours playing foot hall
with a school globe in the antewroonl
of the school. When a teacher takes
charge of a school the trustees should
take a note of the timelier' and state of
the mites, globes, eto, and when he is
leaving examine these' agltin, and
tnaltft, ititlh replace anything that has
been wantonly destroyed or defaced..
hirci )trig, - In many 'schools the
efells.do the sweeping at noon, When
Medical Certificate, $5; L Hardy,1 �,.a�.tnsou EA, County Clerk, stating
acerunt Eadies' bridge, $220 ; J' fin that the „enema required tidy year
from the township for county purposes
lied legislative school equivateut was
$2247.95. Cominunicutions also re.,
ceived front Ezekiel Phipps, Fordyce ;
Jas Murray Co and Toms II .Ross,
Bur ;ess,servieg subpoenas, site, $4.50;
Teter Deans, witness fees, $7.15; Jos
Tees, wituese tees, $6.20; Robert
Catepobell, witness fees, $6,40 ; 0 A
Jones,0 E, witnessfees,$24.20; `Vin Mc
Pherson, expeuses Bryce suit, $10, 40; Winghatu, being tenders for a supply
Wm , Cruickshank, oxpenses Firyee of new rued scrapers for the use of the
' t. le. rt. 814 be i .r Ac- .
suit,$10 ; Br e t Young, cu e , $ , `tosvu:+ui .-Cratered to filed. 3 I p
.Jas Fleuty, advertising,- $1 : Wtn eouut of theAdraf e office, Wing -ham,
Duncan,' charity, $4; Wm Anderson. for printing, received and ordered to
charity, $5 ; Richard Srigiey, charity, be paid. I)ebtnitures were ordered to
$8. Moved by W Cruickshank, be signed"for payrnr'tit of the following
seconded by Diluent, that this meet- accounts, viz: Wm Purdon, fi3: rods
ing do` now adjourn to meet a,t iV1.rs" wire fence, lot. 30, con 13, x''9.51;.
Eadtea, lot 16, con 10, ori Monday, Peter Lever, 49..rods wire feuce,lot 80,
.July:20, 1891, at 10 o'clock a or.- oou 11, $7.35 ; bl'tn Roobiuson. 34
Curried. rods wire fence, lot 31, con 8, $..10
Jone Buxoitss, Tp Olerk. Brew Williains,.19 rods wire fence,
lot 35, eon 3, $2.84 ; David McCulloch,
Teeswater. 44'ioih wire fence, lot 89:, eon 5,
$6,60 ; Jus .L+'lent,', Adt•a)ter ofl;ce,.
1Vilitzhain, printing account to date, k
$6.2(5. The council then asljanrned,s 1
till Tuesday. 4th• Augii t next.
k', PORTERFIELD, ,Clerk.
tib s
4. It/ till
'' ball
fair ..
On 6
for t
not a
and l
by m
el ethic
Wingt'asn, arranged to have some • re,
pairs °uotie on boundary lice, each
municipality to pay half of the cost,
Mr Maxwell reported that he . had,
along with -Mr Dtnient, visited the
Anderson and Duncan families and
both flttuittes object to being placed in
0110 house 11r. Anderson's son offered
to fiud a house, firewood thud other
aecessaries� for hie father and mother,
provided the Counoiil would grant them
live doll ars per month. We recotn
wend that his offer ba accepted, Mr
Iiarris reported that he hat let a job
of .rebuilding a onlvert (')1 ;ennvei road
opposite lot 1, concession A, to Bryce
H 1
rgr�r r e touchers mote er the Andrea the first school hour 1f ! p
than eoaipensatine fir the wortillesv" the afrernoon. This sweeping should that he had examined 'low place on ulutn must be at hand or the evil one
ness of the few. The, meter end die= C e dude thftPt £vui saga rlif' t natio + ' I f eelessr$ is disguisoi ui saint's apparel. -.The
sigh i1� tv are trip. anti:,-
f.:cto : ' . i' ls'nf t,4c ing an'
a' -:+r ,*•+nil 1 I;i4 t� »+nils:: mainly to
t } u , in Merlins lanttlduary hurt i O
the u/nt3ltU!l' It is Vie duty of the Bridge, and recommend that it be
• can
, 3rd
:o tee
competent raised,
also �rtlatees to lrnv tit nnlpr'teut i'atse 1, ,t
bui'diiigs in course of erection are
beim pushed furwitru with w,r.tierfnl
The Brussels driving park associa-
tion has been incorporated by letters
patent -Brussels races oil August
e e
' e haVe
-The celebration ecnitrtiCt
their arrangements perfected for
Doteiuion day sports its Brusetes.
the morning a grand traders' proees-
siotl in Which nearly every lnirineSs
will be •represented. This will be
followed by water test witl1 flirts en.,
gilled,, hater fight la'tween 4,( semen,
base hall, foot ball and lacrosse. Prof .
Ortnuwell, the tinted iiigh rope Welker
will per•frtn some of his wonderful
feats, wheeling R than across l.Le rope
in a wheelbarrow, JC:c. .Cont..r•lonis't
1t'+tltnn will be present to take Dart in
programme. t .
II e
tip,30 C ✓
1. Jet ill•!
e ,
races A $..11 geld piece it; nil'red d,9
,t )irle.tittor4 pt'iZt', every t..lt8.IlCe'
ticket to park or concert being entitled
to tit cltiiit , Grand concert in Atilt.
person to do this work ands to make line be repaired opposite) lots 81 and rapidity,
When onlnpler, d they will Ili„dtin,e�eit at e(1 I+;very night. Single arts , r ld
tJlt'' tCrllt'r,,.p of rine tri'ns'1 schools. the fir('s. '` The ficltnr,C hettses are not 3°•�', concession 1. Moved by Ei, Max- add greatly et the !el)lteitra,tt.t of the un;h(e ,tad sit O t
serubbnd milt list often (tis they ellotlitl well, seri+tutted by J 1)inteut, that $5 plaee.-T eswatoe leas its tine u lot a J y lie fou nt titin•, tt,l9,
r t' , mitre sal'.
per month he granted to the Anderson tion !es any town. 111 the pr0Vltret'. 1t 1'iir i11tlne,ira nr "t.a rt�,P,+" �'t'115t1nt6
new .•11 1 tenni le .1,,,, st' 1001 tern?es, b/ , rarely oftener iter the til tr u y t
i 's , s 'r •k t' i t is fct' f.uiiit • a`1 long :It
t 3 tlr , 13(letSOtt's 5031' J$ ,,ttn'tteu 11r tilt' lnrtl:lt 03' to gond Oorl, r(wul tiyl'up Y,f Wild Jlteiry :t: a i;tirti
i.,l tit,,ee .•:"t' a r,(t a asst Itt:14,r •t Melt ,are: hit the 50 rllattl l,. hek i` .tt1 '41 n iti.d'aafc i'N itis rt<t LI 1:t r meal`
'e .; e't , t•a,,,,,,i3 wbidi (111 a 8fnrigy r il' nava Heti, every school leaving a Cale 1w ps thew est a 1h;1118e, firerVOOtl anti fainting eolrnti'y satins aa'e 8f'.e ttotlung, til etas i83 :''e:!1(1:11:",":11:;,,','„::::5,14::.1:11'':::::'.rtjli"
t elet1ua. tic r,r the i'
1'1 1 *�y j, r ( y I�
0,w +•,1wctfiU;�(a *p,.A.ItAi Aiii1ro, an 1 ,`sabers; 1! may add that some of the other neeese tries- Otirr)ed. :Unveil by hinder It frtrltt 11.'L'fnllit)(� id, lti,l:rt', (;t.t.l(11r., .tt,l kllttil& .,':!`ease$',atit v� 4OHIS t14lkeli6ntyPe1ttre111611SOS, 'Mait.ly sisls in cbergr' 3 co f'1ttrtits, st•co;tdgel by Ii Max, well, : tllrevipjr tit wn, (;(t 1b,erte wrtttrp/et�.
w itl
• sus
,. rr
r� i