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Were' handled' with -tact by th* MORDC :As theYSQVT14 thetn *elves
SQ b24g40:40:Yinillnde-r nziinild_S "
0144.94 :and ,nnmnents in
the form. of briefs that"they told
the goyernment they had to h4ve',
' ; The title; they tequiied was
gloved and the report
be handed ; to the ,prOrinOiak"
Itel'erigeetlt 1410RPc'S' reply
-,*Tbase -one sheuld be real-
itOtIc .#40' of PlitiWeateinge.'.
gtOn,'0 paid.Mr. Gowing.
-for. -
Aug. 1 to Aug. 7
We'll be back to serve you with
The Sports Column
(By Rob Brady)
The .„ Bassets Like Bassets
Some people might argue whether my subject this week
is a sport at all or rather just a hobby. I'm going to stretch
the semantics just a bit and-call it a sport. The subject
in general is the raising and showing of dogs, in particular
Basset Hounds' raised by Ken and Dorbthy Bassett (who else?)
of Egmondville....., •-•-•
The Bassets are showing ,two dogs at shoWs this year and
have had a fair bit of success. They will have to go some,
however, to beat their record of last year when they were
awarded a champion s rating to their -female Sibin (pro-
nounced Shibeen), whose registered name is Ch. Sand-
Dell's Sibin O'Kendorba. Sibin was declared a champion
in three straight shows with a total of eleven points.
Ken explained to me that to be declared a champion
a dog must accumulate at least 10, points under three
different judges. To do this in three consecutive shows
is almost unheard of.
This year the. Bassetts are showing two dogs, both
puppies, the male is Kendorba's Doch, and Dorrach(Doc)
and his sister Kendorba's Loving Cup (Mame).
The dogs haVe won many ribbons in the shows so far this
year but it was not until the latest one that they picked up any
points towards the champioaship sfatus.' • •
On May 8 in London, Doc was named reserve winner
(second place actually) over several adult dogs including an
American champion. He also won Best Canadian Puppy in
Breed and was named First Junior Puppy (Male). .
• The following day in Sarnia Doc again won First Junior
Puppy (Male) and Best Canadian Puppy in Breed.
At the Hamilton Kennett Club Show, June 26, Doc was
again reserve winner and Mame, in her first show, was
named best Canadian Bred Puppy.
St. Catharines was host to- the Basset Hound Club of
Canada's annual Picnic and "Fun" Match on JUly 3 and
at this unofficial show Doc got Best Male Puppy and Mame
was named Best ,Female Puppy as well as Best Puppy in
All of which brings us to WoOdstock on July 10 and 11.
Each of the Baseett's Bassets 'picked up two points in this
two day show sponsored by the Oxford County Kennel Club. s.
On Saturday, Mame was named First Senior Puppy
<Female), ,Winners (Female) and Best of Opposite Sex (to
the, •Champion). On Sunday the exact same results were
repeated. Mame was awarded one-point for each day.
Doco Saturday was selected First Senior Puppy (Male)
and BeiteCanadian Bred Puppy. Oh Sunday, however, Under
a different judge he took it all, winning First Senior Puppy.
(Male), Winners (Male), Best. of Winners, Best of Breed,
Best Canadian Bred Puppy in Breed and Best Canadian Bred
in Breed for a total' of 14 ribbons, in two days. The per.:
formance Sunday was enough for Doc to, pick up two points.
This weekend the Bassetts are taking' Mame and "Doc to .
Barrie for 4 shows in three days, so it is mathematically
possible for the "dogs to "finish", that is to earn their
championship this weekend as each show haS a different
._Ken. says--itLe-highly unlikely-thoug as edogs must,
face a total of 66 entries of Basset Hound throughout the
I wish them luck this weekend and in the future with their
dogs and hope I'll be able to go to a show with them sometime
soon. Ken makes it sound pretty exciting even it is confusing.
Of the 14 ribbons Doc won at Woodstock the one marked
First was the lowest ranked. You figure it out!
St.. -C011inthan- downed ' the
London Gernian Canadians 3 71
in a London 4.,DiStrIct 1st DI,V17
sion Soccer League game played
"" at the Cove Road field in London
on Saturday.
The score was 0 - 0 at half,
time but St. Columba n carried
most of the play in the lst half
and could have taken the lead
only for the fine work 91 the
German goalie.
Columban took the lead
early in the 2nd half on a play
from the left wing. The ball was
partially stopped by the German
goalie but'it - skiteMed Waugh
his hands into the top left cor-
ner of the net.
St. Columban made .it 2 0
7 when .Larry 'Kale broke in from
itie right .side
'an. 4 seeredireal
the corner: of the cLerman
London Made, it- -Os - 'I on a PliCk
into theSts POlutabangeal-loopth..,
Paul made the save but
the ball hit a St, PPlaniben de,-
temlar and_ a German forward and
deflected back Into theSt4Oltinis•
•-ban goal. The gerinalis preSsed
to -the attack in search et the
equalizer bet strong defensive
work_ by the St. Celan-ibex! back-
field, .held them off.
St. Columban scored ea in-
surance goal late in the game
when Briattilelady_fired, eshot
-that - deflected Into the London
net, off a German defender, with
the goalie caught out of the goal.
Final score St. Columban 3,
Germans 1.
4y:11(1r.'11 14iv, 11.IV.Ii71:!:11:11i1)
The Predhagea Atnwern fin"'
Wiled theit Ached* )460aX Right
In the Water190-Q4Prd fP43t,„bal,k
League. As a result of three
straight Wins in their last;: three
games the brewers windup, With a
14-4 record, -good enough to
ensure them at least a tie for
first place•. The other contender,
Rostock, have not ,yet finished
their schedule.,
The last game of the season
proved to be one of the Brewers-
hardest as they faced Millbank in,
Milverton Monday night. The
Brewers came out on top the hard
way when Paul Moedel hit agrand
slam homer in the fifteenth in-
ning to put the game on ice. Merle
Hoegy led off by beating out a
bunt. He was advanced by Bob
Jarmuth's single and both run-
ners stole to get to scoring
position -on 3rd and 2nd. Bob
-Kistner loaded the bases with
his perfect bunt setting the stage
for Moedel who blasted his game
winning homer down the first
base line.
Besides his 15th inning homer
Moedel also tagged the Millbank
pitcher for a double and two
singles but he was not the 'only
On the mound for Brodhagen,
Gary Little struck out 17 and
walked two, allowing only 9 hits
In fifteen innings of play.
Others hitting for the Brewers
included Bob Jarmuth With 5
singles,, Merle Hoegy With a triple
• and 2 singles, Rick Leonhardt
got a triple and a single and Bob
Kistner had two singles.
The Brewers blasted the
Millbank Pitcher, Dave Goetz,
for 20 hits in the 15 innings,
during which time 26 Brewers
were struck out. They collected
one walk.
Goetz also helped himself with
a two-run homer but it wasn't
enough to beat the fired up Brew-
The scoring in the game was; •
for Brodhagen, 3 in the first, one
in the third, two in the sixth and
four in the fifteenth. Millbank
picked Up two runs in each of the
second, fourth and eighth innings.
Ttiesday evening saftv the
largest turnout of the season at
our jitney when thirty were pre-
sent for bowling. A pot-luck
supper was most enjoyed by all
to start the evening on ite way.
High for the ladies was Betty
Tilley 2W • plus 20 agg (3'7) and
second Verde Sinclair 2W plus
14 agg (30. For the men Hugh
Thompson was high with 2W plus
20, agg .(38) with Jack Patterson
second 2W plus 17 agg (32).
List Saturday night's winners
were - ladies Katie Phillis 'and
men, Art Finlayson.
Our bowlers have been busy
attending out of town teurn-
aments. One rink took Part in
mixed 'trebles at Clinton on Sun,
• day and M'Onday evening a rink
av skipped by Jack patterson with
Donna Patterson and Ernie Rouse
placed thirk in mixed trebles at
Last Wednesday there was a
good entry for the Men!S West-
inghouse tournament at Seaforth
is greens. Winning first prize was
an entry skipped by Jim Watkin
of the Fairinont Club of London
' with 3W plus 32 agg.(65). Second
place' went" to George Allison of
Goderich with 3W plus 24 agg(58).
3rd. was another London entry
Set Sights on Win
At Goderkh Tourney
There are no games scheduled
this week because of the holiday
week. end.
The OS* St. Coltirriban game
will be on Saturday) August 7th
when FAG Stratford. will play
here with kick-off at 4;00 part,
at the Seaforth District High
School. Field.' On Saturday, Aug-
ust 14th St. ColtiMban will play
London Lions at the Glendale
Sports Centre in London;•Saler-
day, August 21st will be the 1st
round of Cresswell Trophy play
but the draw has not been made
yet; and Aug. 28th will find London
Olympians vs St. •,Columban at the
Seaforth District High School
$t. Columban line-up -
Goal - Paul O'Reilly; Full back -
Tom Melady, Murray McClure;
Hafires Gord Moylan, Paul Ma-
lone, Ron McClure; Forwards -
Bran Melady, • Larry Kale,
Gerald Ryan, -Larry Martin, Tom
Love; Alt. - Hank Pardys, George
Love, Leh Bakelaar.
German line-up -
Goal - D. Pielly; Full back -
J. Cochrane, B. Kennedy; Halves-:
T. Belle, F. Schmaelzl, P. Glem-
ming; Forwards - D., Williamson,
T. Daiesam; G. Klaus, L.Arnold,
U.Brenne; 'Alt . - J. Kerestes,
W. Heber, T. Klaus.
St. • Columban and FAG
Stratford had to replay their 1-1
tie in the 1st round of City Cup
play and the game was played in
Stratford last Wednesday. Strat-
ford came out on top by a 3 - 0
score. St. Columban had good
scoring chances but couldn't find
the range around the FAG net.
Stratford led 1 -pat half-time, on
a goal by Slater when he broke
in through centre and scored from-
the St. Columban goal-mouth.
Stratford then added goals by
North and Slater in the 2nd half
to make it 3 - 0.
This eliminates St. Columban
from City Cup play with Stratford
moving on to the next round.
St. Columban will have
another chance 'at Stratford in
their August 7th game with St.
Columban having the home field
A group of interested players
from the Men's Industrial Fast-
ball League has formed a compO-
site team of men eligible to play
intermediate ball with an eye on
entering the three day Open In-
Aermediate Tournament slated
for Goderich on Labour Day week
The group has arranged 'se-
Veral exhibition gimes for prac-
tice for the tournament.
The final score .0F04.44M-gf,
'Millbank. 6. ••
Doug Leetiliardt,„ pitching for
the Brodhagen Kibo:
team to a 10-2 140017 over the
Fullerton 50's Friday night in
fullarton by pitching a one httter.
The one bit went to pple
Martin in the first after which
the 50's led 2,1. The Brewers
'took over in the second leading
3-2 at the-end of that frallIe,
They never looked back,
up 7 more runs while keeping
the 50's scoreless.
Leonhardt ran up eleven
strike outs and allowed only one
walk while chalking up his one
At the plate for Brodhagen,
Bob Jarmuth got a homer and a
single, Rick Leonhardt hit two
doubles and a single and Terry
Morrison batted 1000 with four
"singles. and a walk in five trips
to the plate.
Brodhagen began the three
game schedule ending series with
a victory over Blyth Intermed-
iates Thursday night in the
Brewers last home game.
The- game was a close one but
a 9th inning rally by the Blyth
team fell short of catching the
Brewers who held a four run
cushion at the beginning of the
frame. They picked up two runs
to make the final score 7 - 5.
Rick Leonhardt, pitching for
Brodhagen, pinked up 14 strike-
outs while allowing seven walks
and six hits. He also helped his
own cause with two singles at the
Bob Jarmuth hit a homer -and
a single and Dennis Smith
managed a two run double in other
Brodhagen hitting. _is
The Mechanics gained two
points on the first place Main-
street team •in Men's Industrial
Bill Monday night. There are
now only two points separating the
two teams.
At the Optimist Recreation
Grounds the Teachers required
eight innings to defeat the first
place Mainstreet team 12-7. The
score was 7 - 7 at the end of
the regulation seven inning's but
the Teachers came up with five
big runs in the eighth for the win.
The winning pitcher was Tom Fox
who has returned to lineup fol-
lowing ,a layoff, of several weeks
due to an injured hand.
The, Mechanics coupled Main-
street's less witj1341•5-3 victory
A reply, :1/.4114.0 to.-4 tiMe.of
become 4t one-year study, Walter
(lowing,, .manager of thp,.!.4.0-
wnstnrn Qntarlo Regional Prrniz.- qpinpat ,peencit said recently.
' The reply was to the PTP, vincial government's, phase One
Analysts which weetahledinjune
of last, year.
Mr, cowing 'said the' reply to
line" and will,Prohahlybefinish-
ed within the next month,
fie added that it will be .more
real then. the original with report
the time- and amount of effort.
which has gone in it.
"No one really suspected how
much would be Involved or how
Much interest would be shown in
this report," he said.
Mr. Gowing and Prof. John T.
Horton . of the University of
waterloo and a consultant to
MORDC; are compiling the •
thoughts and comments contained
in some 29 briefs from munici-
palities, townships and counties
in the region.
Mr. Gowing said he did not
really want to compare the for-
mat of the -reply with anything
"at this point".
He said the draft copy is al-
most complete and he and Prof.
Horton are assessing it now.
. The MORDC board of direc-
tors have been kept aware of the
results of the work of the two
men thrOugh meetings dealing
with their specific areas of corn-
.m ittee.
An Expositor Classified will
pay you dividends. • Have you
tried one? Dial -527-0240.
Gain 2pts.
over the Firemen at the Lions
Park to pick up the two points
on the leaders. The steady pitch-
ing of Eric Chuter, in spite of
Jim Sills lead off homer helped
the Mechanics to their victory.
In the second game at the
Lions Park, the Turf Club de-'
feated Genesco 21-20 in a very
close game between the two trail-
ing clubs. •
Action in the league will
continue Monday night as Genesco
faces the Teachers at the
Optimist Recreation Grounds. At
the Lions Park, the Firemen take
on Mainstreet at 7:00 and at 8:30
the Mechanics go against the
Turf Club.
nal si
, The r4egfie :0; the reply to,
Phase.Que14s now beehOhbled:
on as yet, though GMYIng
said some thought, has been given
to the P1#1*T.• •
discussion paper•sire-,
seated te,V0HAP'S annual board
of directors' „MeetIng April,
Prof.. Horton Sag tha region
"'simply cannot _afford, figuia
ttvOy and actually, ,tn prpvide
response-to. ,,,ggyernmnot-reP9rts-
and prOPOsala that are inac-
urate, ill-considered or hastily
prepared." • He addPfis "The Previnee will
have to decide if It wants a
genuine partnership with the
people of the region In a continu-
ing program of planning for their
future, or simply a 'token' in-
volvement by people ill-equipped
to take part and limited by im-
practical time allowances.
The "Impractical time allow-
ances" cited by Prof. Horton
In Seaforth Ladies Softball
this week the Swingers defeated
the Stammers 25 - 21 in the
game at the Lions Park.
• Action at the' Optimist Re-
creation grounds saw the Weep-
ers defeat the Bouncers 44 - 11.
-Games in the four team league
are played each Tuesday evening
with one game ,going at each park.
They defeated a Hensel! team
Sunday night in Hensall behind
the two hit pitching of Chuck
Krieger. The score was 5 - I.
A game is planned Friday
night in Goderich at 8:30, and
Hensall will visit Seaforth Wed-
nesday for a return match at
p'.m._.,..-,s,The,gaMe will kie played-
tire OPeimist ReCreatibir
from the Fairmont Club skipped
by Glen Ross with 3W plus 17
egg. (48) and 4th place went to
Ken York (London) 2W ,plus 20
.agg (51) also of the Fairmont
Club; 5th was Dave Colclough,
Clinton, 2W plus 18 agg (52; 6th
was , Walter Burton, Stratford,
2W plus 18 agg (50). Your re-
porter noticed by the London
paper 'these , men. from the
FairMOnt Club have been quite
active in the Provincial bowling.
Saturday afternoon will be
mixed doubles here in Seaforth
at 1:90 p.m. which is our annual
watch tournament. Quite a few
entries are coming in from out-,
of-town. This will be choose,
your, partner so we hope a good
number of Seaforth couples will
be present also.
Several members are Natl.,-
ning to, attend Goderich M. & M.
on Monday, August' 2nd. Also
the ladies hope to send an entry
Ws- ladies trebles in Goderieh
on Wednesday.
We are. glad to see some
younger folks down trying their
lot at bowling. We welcome
these young people and hone they
may in future join our club.
Good bowling all.