HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-07-29, Page 8FIVRON ..P0941TPRi ARAFoRii,
Eighteen residents from Huronview were guests last
Wednesday afternoon at the 22nd annual octogenarian (over
80) club picnic at Harborlite Inn, Goderich and sponsored
by the Goderich Kiwanis Club. Transportation, the
variety program and lunch was supplied by the Club with
Mr. Norman Speir of Huronview assisting with the pro-
The Ethel and Molesworth Women's Institute were
hosts for the July birthday-party on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. R. Jones was master of ceremonies for the after-
noon and led a lively sing-song. 'The variety program
included several musical numbers by Norman Birne, Cecil
Bateman, David Dound, Mrs. Stan Speirman; dance numbers
by Barbara and Karen Johnston and readings by Mrs. Wm.
Beirnes. Following the program gifts were presented -•,•
by the institutes to 26 residents having birthdays in July
with Mrs. Mary Johnston celebrating her 97th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barrie, who celebrated their 54th wed-
ding anniversary this month, were presented with roses
by the ladies. Jim Barrie thanked the hosts for the party
on behalf of the residents and lunch was served.
The Salvation Army Band of Wingham entertained the
residents on Thursday Family Night with a concert out-
doors. Mrs. G. Armstrong who'incidentally has two grand-
children in the band, thanked the group on behalf of the
residents. It is hoped, weather permitting, to hold a band
concert each Thursday evening during the summer as all
the residents are able to enjoy the program either out on
the lawn or being in the room on the west side of the
D'Orlean Sills, Chairman
Dr. Roger Whitman, Mayor F.C.J. Sills,
Walter Scott, Manager
Dennis is eight, a healthy„ robust, extremely active lad.
His background is Indian and white. He likes playing football
and baseball and' is a great hockey enthuMast. When no
games are going on, he's likely to be riding his bike. He
learned to swim last summer. •
This handsome youngster is very musical and can enter-
tain himself fol. long periods by playing the drums - at which
he's quite good - or listening to records. In fact, he's rather
a loner - except for team games, he'd rather be on his own.
Dennis is bright, imaginative, creative and a good con-
versationalist, but because of various unhappy experiences
he finds it hard to trust adidts. He hays difficulty concen-
trating In school. Though he can do his a4ademic work, and
he passed into Grade 8, the distractions Of an open class
system created pioblems for him. Ile works much better
with the support and encouragement of an interested adult.
'this young lad will be a rewarding son for a mother and
father who have patience and understanding, and who will
giVe him security, opportunities - and love. To inquire about
adopting Dennis, please writkr. to Tdday's ,Child, Department" - ,of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, TOrOnto,
182. Per general adoption information, ask your local
dhlldren,s Aid Society.
Did you know that Ontario has
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part of Canada—even the world?
Anci did you know that this
"Fresh" water is becoming
OWRC is ciOritinuously
developing programs to Stop
pollution, but you've got to
lean water is
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help to make them work.
Don't drop garbage, drip oil
or gasoline or put anything
that pollutes into our lakes and
And be critical if you see
anyone else doing it.
Remember. It's our
water. Let it live.
Monday afternoon's program of old time music and
a sing-a-long was well attended last week with Alice
Roorda, Norman Speir and Jerry Collins providing the
Hews of Huronview Fetes,GratiOniothers,
4-H Members at 'Meeting
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you to budget.
For greater comfort and convenience — and
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Mrs. Allan McCall
The Walton Women's Institute
met' in the Community hall on
Wednesday evening with Grand-
mothers and 4-H members with
their* readers present.
Mrs. Gerald Watson the
President, opened. the meeting
with Mrs. Bill Humphries as
pianist. The Roll Call "Wear
your oldest piece of jewellery,
and give its history" was ans-
wered by the members present.
Mrs. Keith Rock has become a
new member.
Mrs. Bill Humphries read the
minutes followed by the treas-
urer's report. The correspon-
dence was dealt with. Leaders
were chosen for the fall project,
"Dairy Fare". Mrs. Ron Bennett
reported for the committee to
look into the washroom facilities
for the hall.
Mrs. Alvin McDonald gave a
report on a meeting she had '
attended, and announced plans
were made for the fall Rally to
be held in Ethel on October 4.
Mrs. Nelson Reid had attended
a workshop recently for Tweeds-
muir book curators and found it
well worthwhile.
Plans were made for a Fun
Carnival to be held on August 21.
in the Walton Community park.
- Each member is to bring a pie
for the booth and two gifts for
the fish pond for, the children.
There is to be a Ball game and
prizes to be given for the best
decorated-bicycle, done by a boy
or girl. The community is in-
vited to attend. •
The Meeting was turned over
to the conveners for' Historical
Research and Current Events.
Mrs. Murray Smith welcomed
the 4-H members and each club
put On their demonstration and
modelled their garments made
in the previous club, "Separated
for Summer". Their books were
also on display.
Mrs. Jim Axtmann introduced
the special guest of the evening,
Miss Ethel Beattie of Seaforth,
who has been a collector of
antiques all her life and had been
in business for 30 years. She had
wonderful display of antiques and'
told the history of each ore, she
stressed if we have old articles
we don't want pass them on to
the Historical Society. She was
thanked by Mrs. M. Smith for her
most interesting display and talk,
and presented with a gift.
Prizes were given to the
Grandmother with the most
grandchildren, Mc-
Donald; Vith the iong'elf hair,
Mrs. Edna Hackwell; with the
oldest grandchild, Mrs. Pete Mc-
Donald; there were 12 grand-
mothers present.
The collection was received
by the treasurer. It was decided
to have an executive• meeting at
Mrs. Gerald Watson's home on
August 3, to make• plans for the .
Historical meeting to be held in
the hall in October. •
Lunch was served by the
Ontario Water Resources Commission
Hon. George A. Kerr, Q.C. - Minister; R. D. Johnston - Chairman; D. S. Caverly - General Manager,
hostesses, Mrs. Jim. Axtmann, same home. They both returned
Mrs. Clarence Martin, Mrs. Dave to London with Mrs. Farquharson
Watson and Mrs. Laverne Godkin. for a week's holiday.
Congratulations are extended'
to Mrs. Walter Broadfoot who
15 day tour of Alaska and the celebrated her 84th birthday- on--
Yukon Territories, travelling by Saturday July 17th when a dinner
plane, bus, old time train, and was enjoyed at the Red Pump
boat. One of the highlights was Restaurant Leemliting, 13sayfeatieolrdthw;imthr. Mrs.sw.
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Miss, Orville Holmes of Fair- Farquharson, London; Mr-S.
bankA, Alaska. Mr. Holmes was Stephen Kerley, Toronto and Mrs.
a former resident of M'cKillop Stewart Henderson, Mitchell.
township being born and raised Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bennett and 0
here, Joan visited last week with Mr.
Jim Toner of Toronto has and Mrs. Merkley and family of
spent the past week with Mr. and Windsor.
Mrs. Jim dark, Keith and Ann, Mts•S Rosemary Ryan of
tie washere on the Rural Urban London spent a few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E x cmh ar n . g e."
and Mrs. Mac Sholdice, Ryan.
and Sandra spent week - Mr. Neil
before last weekend at wasaga, the Western
Beach and Bracebridge, also vi- attended the
siting at Santalt Village.
Mrs. Ray Nelson and sons, Boning turkey before or after
• Robert and Micba.el of Vancouver, cooking makes serving and eating
B.C. have returned home after' that much easier. When turkey is
holidaying 'with the former's well-cooked, the bones may be
parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Earl easily twisted out of the legs and •
Watson and brother Gerald wings and the breast muscles may
Watson, Mrs. Watson and family. be separated from the keel or
Mrs. Horace Rutledge of Lon- breasl-bone. To bone the raw
don was visiting' with relatives in parts, slit flesh clbsq to bones
the village last week, and use fingers and knife to push,
Mrs. Stephen Kerley of scrape or cut meat from the
Toronto spent week before last bones. The raw meat may be
with Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. coated with crumbs, oven or pan- *
Mrs. Wm. Farquharson of London fried, baked or simmered in a
also visited on Saturday at the well-seasoned sauce.
Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Dun-
das have returned home from a
Ryan is on a trip to
Provinces and also
Calgary Stampede.
- •
Area Families
Hold Reunions
The 32nd Lawson-Clark Re-
union was held on Sunday, July
18, at Kinburn Forresters' Hall
with approkimately '75 persons in
The sports were in charge of
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Tilston and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd with.
winners as follows: Candy
scramble for the• little ones.
Girls 6 - 8 Sack race - Susan
Jamieson, Margaret , Hannah,
Kathy Hannah. Boys 6 - 8 Sack
race - John Lawson, Bob Jamie-
son. ,Girls 9- 11 - Karen Hannah.
Young adults - Mr. and. Mrs.
David Medd, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Suplat, Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Hannah. , Water Melon eating
A smorgasbord supper fol-
lowed the sports.
During the supper hour lucky',
attendance prizes were given to,
Mrs. Lillie Jamieson' and Mr.
Robert Lawson, Stratford. The
president Lorne Lawson conduc-
ted a short business period. It
was decided to hold the 1972 pic-
nic at Benmiller on the 3rd Sunday
of July. All officers will remain
the same forenext year.
The MacDonald Reunion was
held at the Lions Park on Sunday,
July 25,19'71 with 33 in attendance.
Officers are ; President -
Don McClure) Sec. Treas. -
Christine Tremeer; Sports Com-
mittee - Kay and Ross Mac
Donald, Grace and Ross Sar-
aras; Table Committee: Jean
and Allan Johnson, Marion and
Gordon MacDonald. •
- Winners in a spirts pro-
gram were: Races - Boys 6 g
and under - Kieth McClure;
Boys 9 and under - Jim Mc-
Clure; Boys 11 and under - Don
Sararas; Boys 14 and under -
Ken MacDonald; Girls 11 and.
under - Cheryl McClure; Girls
14 and under -.Debbie McClure;
• Single ladies - Debbie McClure;
, Single. , boys - AllaU Rararasi
rAlartied, Ladies,iirm,010Ycki Mei
Clure; Married Men Do
McClure; Ladies Kick the Slip-
.,per - Cheryl McClure; Men,
Kick the Slipper - David Tre-
meer; Wheelbarrow Race -
Joyce and Don McClure; Most • '
articles in purse - Marion Mac-
Donald; Largest bill in billfold -
Kay MacDonald.
Officers elected for 19'72 -
, President, .5- Allan Johnson; Sec.-
Tread. - Don Tremeer; Sports
Committee - Edna and Wilfred'.
Tremeer, Don and __Joyce r
Clure; Table commIttee - Ross
and Grace Sararas; Gordon. and
Marion MacDonald.
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