The Huron Expositor, 1971-07-29, Page 6Mfc..17.4NE HDATJCIAS KMAN DOkOTHY STICKNEY and ESTELLEPAR5ONS CANDLELITE RESTAURANT and, TAVERN DAYFIELD ROAD IN GODERICH PHONE 5144711 SEAFORTH 'MONUMENT WORKS • All Types of CEMETERY MEMORIALS. f d t t..+.1v A A VIr : 1 11E N i 9.4 br:s "T. PRYDE SON inquiries, are invited Telephone Numbers: ' EXETER 235.0620 CLINTON 4124421 , \SEro AFORTH: Contact Willis Dundee ..e OrLBIll Pinder 527.1312 Bus. 5274750. rinfR .:c 0 audience will be given quite a treat when they are able to see Some original theatre put on by the ender 14 year old set. . Donations of frozen lemonade or freshie and candy or articles for the white elephant stall will be greatly 'appreciated and should be brought to the Town Hall on Thursday and Friday. afternoon: The proceeds from the booths will , go towards funds for re- creation in the future. This week the, children are concluding their \ projects of weaving and carpentry, the boys having enjoyed a sesion of build- ing bird feeders on Monday. Mrs. Don Gaffney of Mitchell and her daughter Dianne spent some time at th,e park on Monday as guests when they conducted a follereusic Smiles . . A young job applicant was asked if he was married. "No," he replied, "I'm not. Bet I can take orders, if that's what you mean." session with Dianne and Cathy Cook playing their guitars. INSURANCE Auto,Ylire, Life Donald G. Eaton • InsUrance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Sleek Main Street Phone 527.1610 Seafisili Town & Country Cleaners CLINTON ONT. FLOOR CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING PAINTING WALL WASHING FLOOR VARNISHING MEL STEAD 482-7771 ' 0 • ARNOLD STINNISSEN LIfe-= Health and Attideut------ Regisied Retirement Pensions — Inccui Tax Deductible Registered Retirement Annuities Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of• Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST — SlAiORTN HOLIDAY SPECIALS Shirriff's POTATO CHIPS 11-oz. 590 '• Ray'S MARKET BOY Says: '41" OUR COLD CUTS; DUPING SUMMER HEAT, ARE TASTY, COOLING ,MEATS TO EAT! 25 cents off 'TIDE, King size COFFEE MATE Weston's Rasp DANISH BUNS Shirriff's Good Morning MARMALADE- Bright's -APPLE JUICE, 48-oz, Schneider's COOKED HAM lb.- 89q Schneider's,, - BACON ENDS lb. 51¢ CLOSED MONDAY, AUGUST 2nd oik' sate* ZO FAMILY MARKET EGMONDVILLE OPRN 9.9 DAILY — SAT. Till 6 16-oz. 890 414 24-oz. 490 2 for 530 $1.49 ••• OR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JULY 29, 1971 LOCAL BRIEFS -IL- Miss Glad Thompson was hostess for a garden party for residents of the Kilbarchan Nursing Home last Wednesday. Above, Miss Thompson chats with three of her guests. They Ads pay dividends. ADULT NuotArkranit also CLINT EASTWOOD "HANG 'EM HIGH" witorratrimen •!r, The .PARE.P/T 'TIMM Seetiltelosr was the former Nang), Dori*. -Mr. and Mrs. C. -L. Moore and son David,( the fernier, Maxine Lawrence) of Prescott, were guests of Mr. and)1rlrS.17P11, Campbell, James Street, this week. Mrs. Hugh Jack, Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Jack'and two sons of Preston, called ortfrielicis in town on Sunday. , Mrs. Leon AgoPsWYsz and two sons of Ottawa visited with friends in town on Sunday. Mr. Walter Murray of Corunna is visiting friends in town. Mrs. • Frank Holroyd and children, Janice and Douglas, of Preston, visited her mother, Mrs. Albert Hudson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp and Patrick of Oakville spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sharp. Rodney Woodman, of '.'Stratford, spent the plt week _ with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Smith, in McKillop. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Negy of, Florida called on friends in town on Friday. Rev, Bruce Morrison and Mrs. Morrison were in SeafOrth on Tuesday. They will leave next month for Northern Labrador where Mr. Morrison, until re- cently minister of Seaforth Pen- tecostal Church, has been ap-% pointed to serve. ' Mr. and Mrs. Martin Willems of Holland have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Willem' for the past two- weeks. They -have left for the Toronto area to visit other relatives and return to Hol- land on August 4. ' Rev. A: W. Gardiner and Mrs. Gardiner ;of Strathroy called 'on friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Cowing, Seminale Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Long, BrusselS, Mrs. M. J. Engel and Fred Smalldon, Cranbrook, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Keys, Mc- Killop. Mr. and Mrs. James Keys visited with his sister, Mrs. Alvin Pride, who is a patient in East General Hospital, Toronto. . . . Mr. John Archibald of Des ‘nines, Iowa, •visited his brother, . r. Robert Archibald, and Mrs. A chibald in Tuckersmith. Jack. Dorsey of Chicago is a guest at the home of the Kunz family on Victoria Street. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murdock of Detroit were week- end guests of Mrs. J. D. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Thompson have returned from Montreal where they were among, those from 86 countries who attended the '72nd Gidion International Convention. While there, they visited# with Rev. D. L. Paters* and Mrs. Paterson and familS' at their cottage in the Lauren- flans. • Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bolton of McKillop have 'returned from a three week trip to the West coast. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham • of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan visited • Mr.' and Mrs. Vern, - Graham and family of Seaforth. Classified wuntunamanaummumaanaounamamanaaummuounuoannantomomannanamoug mu, 29 an Fri.3 mm 0 Sol. 31 M'mm Maim Good3 It's The Good guysoigranst.Thediestoules! UNt111111111411110111 CLINT arD EASTWOOD CUNT Za NW • EASTWOOD DMUS "THEGOOD. N THEBADO THEUGIY" uartionnuirot GIMMICK NIGHT Mon, Lit/Tues. It's a switehedon Mon.2 1\Tee. 3 bernififintrWed. 4 inu riotl. 01041 nef. Thus 41E0. ivAttffistity...••••,0. ,....• q 1:4btedwissosioresolis 14 .. sic liaiill- sus lithUito *Owl A owfv.w•iir. iro• ,.. v ',mit, i ./ itiOidt:0:1 444 ilot 6A,..,..., - . AO . ..PITY NIGHT •CE 2 CE = • B Mr. Anthony Meidinger -and Son, Mark, saf London, spent a few days visitin4 with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Mei- dinger. • . Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Meldinger were Mr. and mss. Andre AUbin and family of Preston, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Aubin of Seafor.t _1_ and Patrick Meidinger of Stratford. Miss Ethel MacKay returned ENJOY A DAY, A WEEK OR THE SUMMER FAMILY PARADISE CAMPING at t PARK SWIMMING, PICNICS,. MINIATURE GOLF Sunday, August 1st AND CAMPING Ross Mann and his PHONE 527-0629 Ranch boys trio RR 4, Walton, Ont. .1.1011.11..11• .1•••••••••••••••••••• ANDLELITE RESTAURANT and TAM**, FORMERLY PIZZA PATIO MIRA NIGHTLY ENTERTAI NMENT THIS WEEK THE STRE AM - COMING NEXT WEEK DAVE PAUL and THE SILVER LLAR .?fr.***04(-4(-0(4(4i4-4-441-4t-y4.-*** THE -HURON HOTEL —Dublin, Ontario Dining room open for, Sunday reservations ENTERTAINMENT:— FRIDAY NIGHTS July 23rd and July 30th "Sing Along with Walter Whitehouse" SATURDAY NIGHTS July 24th and July 31st "Norval Reid and The Rhythm Boys" 4-4-11-41--1"if-4-4-**21-4-********** Clinton Kinsmen Raceway . LARGE. NEW READABLE TOTE BOARD CLINTON •-ON-TARIO HARNESS RACING Featuring . 10 RACES - - PAP MUTUEL Yi4Eigus DAILY DOUBLE - - EXACTOR • • QUINEUA Harness. Races Every Sunday st this ION't to Si po Advance;prbtitelies Will be available Saturday's gt Pullinates Bather Shop, **oh, home on Saturday after spending the past weeks in England, Scot- land and Ireland. Ronald Mc- Kay of Toronto accompanied her here. Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr and Mr., J. R. Murdie and Mr.Lorne Dennis are-on a motor trip to the East coast.' Mrs. G. Farrah and daughter Christine of Detroit, spent a,few days with Miss Lillian Faulkner. Mrs. E. G. Clegg of LaHabra, California and family, David, Kim and Susan are spending a short visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Barry of ggshadeview,,, -L. Huron, prior to visiting in England where she will meet her husband who will be visiting his mother at Kingston-on- Thames, England. Rev. and Mrs. D. Leslie Elder of Cardinal were visitors in town on Sunday. Mrs. RaymondNott and Mrs. Alma Pinkney spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. M.Parent in Belle River. Mrs. Parent BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN BOX OFFICE OPENS AT BM P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Beech Street Next to Community Park CLINTON - ONTARIO WED. - THURS. - FRI. JULY 28 - 29 - 30 — COMEDY DOUBLE FEATURE — CARRY ON CAMPING (ADULT ENTERTA I AMENT) Th. Carry On Gang In Color PERFECT FRIDAY (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Ursula Andress - Stanley Baker Color „.• Cartoon SAT. - MON. - TUES. July 31, August .2-3 — DOUBLE FEATURE — ARTHUR HAILEY'S HOTEL (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) ' Rod Taylor - Catharine Speak Carl Madan In a modern grand hotel there ire as many varieties of comedy, tragedy and excitement as there are gueets. In Color COOL • HAND LUKE (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) • PAUL NEWMAW, Color Cartoon ••••••••0-0,004(0seostritAMtterstii••••••••• SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT HOLIDAY SHOW—Aug. 1 - GIANT TRIPLE BILL — CYCLE SAVAGES A MAN Drum Dam Melody PaRarsen mod nos u.s• OR In Color __ SHE BEAST (ADULT ENTERTA INMENTY Barbara Stool - John Carlson In Color KILL THEM ALL (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Chuck Connors Color ' Cartoon 'WED. - THURS. FRI. August 4-5-6 RING OF BRIGHT WATER HOW110 COMMIT, MARRIAGE. . Bring this coupon for Free Admission (value' $1.50) for One. Adult with the purchase of one adult ticket at regular price. Valid only Monday Thru' Thursday. Expires August 26, 1971. News of BRODHAGEN Correspondent Mrs. Ken Elligsen A family,-gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Schneider Sunday to celebrate Mrs. Schneider's birthday and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lucas' anni- versary.' Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lucas, Bill, Vicky and Jacqueline, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Mrs. Adeline Per- ish, Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jenkins, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Mallett, Kathy and mark, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jenkins and Julie, and Miss Mary Lawson and Bob, all of London. Mrs. Toleda Beuermann, wa- terloo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and attended-the Turk-Dietz wedding recently. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the family of Mr. George Eickmeier. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen, Terry and W.',r-en visited with Mr. and Mrs. :7 , ry Sholdice and family in Sar:sa. last Monday. Mr. and Mrs.Aordon Miller attended the baptism, of their granddaughter, Lisa, atSt. James Lutheran', Church last Sunday. Pastor Felker officiated/ Her sponsors along-With her Oarents, Mr.' and Mrs.; Leonard Miller, were Mr. and Mrs: John Moore, Dublin, Gordon Byers and Susan Schumm, Baden. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Stu Ballard from the death of his father who passed away at their home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen, Mrs. Mabel Higgerson andalarry Proctor attended the'Darlington- Jewell wedding in Toronto on Saturday. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jewell and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cook and family. Cindy Harper returned home with them for some hold- , days. Bradley Bennewies underwent an appendectomy at the Stratford General Hospital Monday eve- ning. — -The-community-extends-their .'sympathy to the family of Stephen Brodhagen, and Mr. and ,Mrs. Harold Mogk. Mrs. Laura Mogk has re- turned to her, home having,been a patient at the eaforth Community Hospital for a lengthy time. *********** THIS WEEK AT THE ROYAL HOTEL .. MITCHELL Thursday Lou and Pearl Friday and Saturday Wayne Riehl In the Crown Room The recreation session for the Children of Hensall concludes three weeks of activity with side- walk fun in the village on Friday night from 6:30- 9:00p.m. There will be several booths selling lemonade, candy, comics and books, plants and a white ele- phant stall. It is hoped that many townspeople will come and see the plays and puppet shows which the children will be showing in different spots up and down the main street. They have worked hard for three weeks making their puppets and the theatres , and producing the plays, and their News of WINCHELSEA Correspondent Mrs. Wm. Walters Mr. and Mrs. John Miles from Scotland returned to their home this week after, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor' and faintly. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole of London 'visited this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. Russell Lee and David visited on Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. George Frayne. Mrs. Wm. Walters and Mrs. 'George Frayne attended a birth- day party for theirtneleMenrice Quance in. Exeter on -Tuesday. Miss Janet Kerslake is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Mrs. Wilbert Glanville of Staffa visited on Wednesday with M. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr. and Mrs:-Freeman Horne were hostesses for the Williams family picnic at' their home on Sunday. The Elimville Community LadieS—Cateredie the Moore & Allen wedding reception which was held in Elimville Church , on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and^ family attended a family picnic on Sunday at Riverview Park in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family attended the Skinner family picnic on Sunday at River- view Park in Exeter. Master Leslie Patterson of Lucan visited on Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Coward and family visited on Sunday evening with Mrs. Jahn Coward. An Expositor Classified will 'pay you._dividends. Have "you tried one? DiaL,527-0240. • • • • • •••• ' o • • • • • • ••• I RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Brian Campbell (nee Carol Ann Vivian) at, Walton Community Hall I 30 • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Sea f orth Friday, July- 30 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10 THREE $25 GAMES $75.00 Jackpot To Go TWO DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c ,or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDRENUNDE D) R 16 NOT PERMUTE —Proceeds for Welfare Work-- Royal Canadian Legion Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Tor Mr; and MM . Larry Scott (nee Brenda FRIDAY, AUG. 6th Dancing 9:30 to 1:00 Clinton Legion Hall MUSIC EY GEO. 1-QVE end TRUTONES Ladiee.pleese bring lunch --Refreshments Available C —Comfortable Grandstand • —Goqd Concession Booth —Good Parking Facilities —NEW ELECTRONIC TOTE BOARD -"NEW ELECTRONIC MAXI TOTE MACHINES —SHELTERED BETTING AREA ••••••••go DUSK To DAWN and .41 i WERICH ia ,"14.'",ESS•>1 Al 3 dor imwool iitt. al aranaismiss Friday Ju y Sfenella eha&gorgy Dining room opeh on Sundays Tons, Claries , tAilehaig t E ,from 12 noon • 2 p.M. and 5 p.m. CURTIS BRONSON eMERCIER = Music by the True Tortes \ gang gait/ Win Pezlng au E to 8 p:m. in the evening. PETER SELLERS. GOLDIE HAWN sire c . • . Ladies please bring lunch * * ** * ** * * * * J11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111 Ind CE I CE - CE Cromart-y Saturday, July' 31 S to 7.30 p.m. SOUTH -HIBBERT ATHLETIC ASSOCIA CE PORK BARBECUE at TION ANNUAL Adults: $2.00 Children: $1.25 Pre-Schoolers FREE BASEBALL ALL DAY are (left to. right) Mrs., Mary Malcolm, Mrs. Jessie Stelck„ Miss Thompson and Miss Elizabeth Henderson. (Staff Mott)) 0 Hensall Rec. Program Concludes With Fun Nite 6 0 1/ Staffa Old Boys vs.. Mitchell Old Boys - • Wednesday;-$2,00.00 a Car at 8:00 pain.. 1111111111111111111111111111 11111101111111111111111111111111111111111