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Advance In
Red Cross
Swim Tests
Swimming instruction for
more than 400 area children con-
eluded last week when examiners
of the Red Cross 'Water Safety
Division carried out tee in the
various classes.
InStruction began early in
July and was carried out by the
pool staff including RuthGorwill,
supervisor,. Jane Sills, Jean
Devereaux, Mary Ball, Brenda
Dietz, Ruth Anne Dunlop, Leanne
Melanson, Stewart McLean
Peter DeGroot and Mrs. Joan-
Those who gained standing ,
Joan Cardiff, Paul Kirkby, Julie
Blake, Terry " McCutcheon,'
Richard 'Visser, Pauline Jordan,
Lynn Van Miltenburg, Bobby Axt-
mann, Kathy Broome, Brian Rus-
ton, Dayid Huard, Jamie Gro-
othuis, Patty Meugge, Jane De-
laney, Joanne Albert.
Gerry McLaughlin; Tim Prior-r-
Brian _Armstrong, Bruce Arm-
strong, Gail White, Dean Hack-
well, Annette Boneshanker, Dan-
ny Broome, Joanne McArter,
Lynda Machan, Mary Ann Ber-
nard, Chris Ryan, Pamela Hack-
well, Kathy O'Leary, Mary Ann
McIver, Neal Pollard, Cindy
Anstett, Sandra Neil, Diane
'Gridzak, Neil Johnston, Sandy
Broadfoot, .Maureen Ruston, Don-
ald Ruston, Ben Van Miltenburg,
Leslie Adair, Ronald Broadfoot,
Cynthia McFarlane, John Wilson,
David Gridzak, Susan McLean,
Brian Lee.
Elizabeth' Johnston, Susan Moir,
Chris, Ring, Susan Rice, Judy
Dorsey, Rhonda Keifer, Vicki
Pollard, Patti O'Rourke Mary
Ann Kale, Marie Therese Nash.
Larry Moir, Joanne Schenck,
Richard Stewart, Mary Jean
Salisbury, Ellen Stewart.
Whole No., 5894
*7 Year Boy Loses Lrfe
In rodhagen Accident
for it when it went off, hitting
.him in the chest.
Perth County coroner, Dr.
David Gemmell, said the boy died
within . a ' few minutes of . the
shooting. Dr. Gemmel has de-
cided there will be no Inquest
Constable Armstrong said.
The boy has two brothers and
one sister. 4
Miss Karen Leigh Sara.ras
hes sticbessfully passed
her C.S.R.T. exams. A ,
graduate of S,1).1i.S., She
is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs.Ross Sararas,1t,g.#2, •
Staffa. She has accepted
a ,position in the Radiolhgy
Departtrient of Kitchener-
Waterloo Hospital.
to move the equipment.' Called
on Wednesday concerning the Au-
gust school, Miss Hunt said she
didn't care to comment but agreed
the, reasons she had advanced in
February continued to apply.
William Elligsen, a resident
of the Kilbarchan Nursing Home
in Seaforth sported thirty-two
buttons on his clothing at a garden
party for the residents last
The thirty-two buttons were
easily enough .to earn him the
first place prize 'as the "Man-
with most buttons" at the event.
Winners of other contests were:'
Closest Birthday - Mrs. Jessie
Stelck, who recently celebrated
her 96th birthday; Oldest Mail
Nelson Westcott (91); Ball Toss -
Matti Aho; Guessing Contests,
Miss Elizabeth Henderson arid
Matti Aho.
Miss Glad Thompson of
Church Street was the hostess
for the garden party and tea with
twenty residents of the nursing
home as guests of honour. She
was assisted in the organizat-
ion of the party by Mr. and Mrs.
Hodgert, operators of the
nursing home and the ,staff of
the hop.
A seven-year-old Brunner
O boy was accidentally shot and
killed Sunday afternoon while
visiting his uncle in Brodhagep.
Steven Harold Brodhagen was
spending a few clays with
his uncle, Harold Mogk, at Brod-
hagen while his parents were on
a trip to Eastern 'Canada. They
• had left Friday'night.
Const. Kenneth Armstrong of
Volunteers from the Seaforth
area taking part in the
Fall Homemaking 'Club project,
"Dairy Food" again must drive
to Clinton to take part in the
training school that proceeds the
Miss Catherine M. Hunt,"
Home Economist in Huron has
These young sidewalk superintendents have a personal stake in the job they are watching.
Bradley Schenck (left) and Jim Neil will both be attending the expanded Seaforth Public School
in the fan. The boys watch as Bill Harris of Holmesville lays concrete blocks in a wall of
10 the new addition. Work on the project is proceeding on schedule. (Staff Photo)
Leaders to
in Clinton
the Sebringville OPP investigated
the shooting, which happened
about 4;30 p.m. Sunday.
Constable Armstrong said
Mr. Mogk was sitting on the lawn
'in front of the house when. the
lad became tired of playing and
went into the woodshed a few
feet away where a rifle was
hanging on the wall. The boy
is believed to have been reaching
set August 23 and 24 as dates
'for the school in Clinton. Other
schools are scheduled for Wing-a
ham and Exeter.
Mrs. Erlin Whitmore, presi-
dent of., the Seaforth Women's
Institute said Wednesday it would
be a lot more convenient for
those taking part if' the school.
was held in Seaforth. She 'said
as a result of Miss Hunt's de-
cision between 20 and 25 volunt-
eers would have to drive addit-
ional miles to Clinton.
an Institute we feel vol-
unteer club leaders shouldn't be
out-of-pocket. They are out of
their time in any event" she
As a result the local Institute,
provided for mileage for volun-
teers taking part in the winter
school, the first to be held in
Clinton. Additional cost to the
Institute was about $50. Mrs.
Whitmore said. She added sh,e .,
had discussed the location of the
School with Miss Hunt and under-
stood the reason it was being held
in Clinton was because of budget
The Seaforth Institute spon-
sors between ten and twelve
clubs, among the greatest number
sponsored by any Huron
organization. 'Until last February
when the training school for
Seaforth volunteers taking part
in the summer program was set
at Clinton, all schools for volun-
teer leaders in the Seaforth area
had been held in Seaforth. Asked
- at that time the reason for the
change, Miss Hunt told the EXpos-
itor it was more convenient fors
the staff and added it Wag easier
because it wouldn't be necessary
Members of Huron County
Council and county officials and
their families were 'at the Sea-
forth Lions Park on Wedpesday
for the annual county picnic.
Arrangements for the event were
completed by Warden Jack Alex-
ander, County Clerk John BerrY.
'and Assistant Clerk Bill Haply
Working in conjunction with Roy
McGonigle and the , park staff.
During the day a sports pro-
gram was carried out when prizeS
won included: '
Boys 5 and under - (1) David
Pullen; Girls 5 and under - (1)
Lisa Campbell, (2) Dawn Flynn;
Boys '7 and under - (1) Brian
Shortreed, 2). David Pullen;"
Girls • 7 and under (1) Jill Me
Cuteheon, (2). Sandra Campbell;
Boys 9 and under (1) David Alex,-.
ander (2) Brad,Shortreed; Girls
9 and under (1)"'•Connie MurraY,.
(2) Joan Sills; Boys 11 and under,,
(1) Hugh Hanley, (2) David Alex-.
ander; Girls' 11 and under 1. (1)
Barb Lawson, (2) Mary Ann
Cummings; Boys 13 and under -
(1) John Hanly, (2) Hugh Hanly;
Girls 13 and under - (1) Barlal
Lawson , (;)- Mary Ann CUM-
mings; Open Race (I) John Hanly;
(2) gussell" Berry; County
Councillors' Tinied Walking
Race - Robert W. J;' Lyons; Ex-
Wardens' Timed Walking Race -
Glenn Webb; Ex-Wardens' Wives
Timed-Walking Race - Mrs. Jack.
Morrissey; County Councillors;
Wives Timed • Walking Race -
Mrs. E. J. Elston;, Girls' Kick-
the Slipper (under 21).'- 1st Terri
Flynn, 2nd. Jon Ginn; Ladies,'
Kick-the -Slipper (21 and over)
1st. Ann Schade, 2nd. Mrs. Jack
McCutcheon; Game of Catch -
Spence Cummings & Mrs. Ivan
Special draw prizesyere won
Boys' Draw '(under 15) - 1st
John Hanly; 2nd. Frank Flynn;
girls' Draw (under 15) - 1st
Jaffet McKinley, 2ndConnieMur-
ray;. Current year's C ounty Coun,-
cillors' Draw' - 1st. Hugh Flynn,
2nd. Elmer Hayter; Current.,
year's County Councillors'
Wives Draw 4 - 1st. Mrs.
Dorothy Flannery, 2nd. Mrs.
Grace Thompson; men's Draw
Prize (15 and oVer)" 1st. Harry
'Gowdy, 2nd. Roy Westcott; Wom-
en's Draw Prize (15 and over) -
1st. Mrs. Suzanne' Vodden, 2nd.
Mrs. Florence McKenzie; Oldest
Person - Hugh Berry; Youngest
Person - Kelly Vodden; Supper
Draw - Gordon H. Hess.
N DP—Nam es_
Election Team
Seaforth Area
Gain Training
Appointment of a Huron NDP
election team for the anticipated
provincial election in September
has been completed an NDP news
release has indicated.
The Huron Association re-
cently nominated Goderich Reeve
Paul Carroll as its candidate for
the coming election. In the mean-
tithe, Ed Bain of Goderich defeat-
ed by Mr._Carroll for the nomi-
nation, 'has indicated he will run
as an independant ND?.
As announced by the organi-
zation, the election team in-
cludes: Rick Dodds, Goderich,
Campaign Manager; Dave Gower,
Qoderich, Official Agent; Urban
Canvass Organizer Shirley
Weary, Goderich; Rural Coordi-
nator, Wilf Glazier, Clinton; Sign
Chairman, 'Phil Walker, Grand
Bend; Publicity, Stan profit, Go-
. (continued on Page 7)
Margaret E.- Elligsen, The c
a graduate of Seaforth District by CH
High School is one of seven
Ontario high school graduates
who have won $750 University
of Waterloo research assistance-
ships following an annual chemis-
try competition which attracted
1.569 entries froM some 200
high schools. She is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elligsen,
R.R. 4, Walton.
The Winners will begin fresh-
man science %studies , at the
University of waterleo this fall
and will assist professors of the
university's chemistry depart-
ment in their regular research
Tops Ontario to Win MO
Taking a day off from the Cares of loCal government, Huron County Council and their
guests gathered at Seaforth Lions Park Wednesday Air their annual picnic. Everyone had a
good time with the games planned for the event but as is evident from the expressions (above)
the most popular was the water balloon catch game. The winners received a small prize but
all_the_ got was wet:. The objedt of the game was to throw a water filled balloon back and forth bet partners until it broke, as all of them efentlialTrdirtiustratirwith-drenching- io (staff Photo) results.
There was Much to reminisce about at the Huron„County Council Picnic last Wednesday as
these area reeves soon discovered. Shown enjoying an informal chat at the-picnic, are (left to
right) Allen CaMpbell (McKillop), Elgin Thompson (Tuckersmlth), Charles Thomas (Grey)',.
Jack Alexander (Wingham, Warden of Huron County), Hugh Flynn (Hullett), John Flannery
(Seaforth) and Elmer Hayter (Stanley). (Staff Photo)
mpetition, sponsored azine which provides science in-
13 NEWS, a UW mag- formation to high school
4$ chemistry teachers, is designed
to create opportunities for
strongly motivated students to
work in a research environment
while pursuing regular under-
' graduate studies. The winners
will spend three to four hotirs
week working with a faculty mem-
ber and his research group in a
research laboratory.
Miss Elligsen placed first
among girls in the province
In addition to the seven re-
search assistanceships, book
prizes are awarded to the top 50
students in the CHEM 13 NEWS
baVid kohltnier, ?red 't Meer,- Mafit Aho. (Prod fotii) Met« Sarah ReOtti 'hit& Mary Malcebn, Mrs. ;Yeti/1'8,101r, MIS-S'41iiiii)ethitendertbn; Nelson tV6060.iti,
Mrs. Myrtle Riley, Mrs. Mary Allen, Miss Margarei McKay, Riley, Mr*,
Jessie Stelek and Miss Mabel Turnbull. In. front is WSJ,- libilgeft,. OtSitphotto
Residents of the Itilbarchagi ''Nursing Rome gathered at the home Of Miss
Oladys Thompson Wednesday 'afternoon for a garden party; Shown during the
afternoon are (back row, left to is'ight) Mrs. Alexia 'Malcolm, Bill Rodgert,
administrator, Edward Rrausktlpf, :Edward will Is, Steve bobley, William