HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-07-22, Page 168 LE SAC' e 18 - CHILDREN'S 2.98 Values to 9.98 SEE OUR SPECIAL 1/2 Price' Tables 10% to 20 % Off On All. Summer Merchandise • I ROOkS AND STATIONERY S'I'ORE The Friendly Store in Seaforth — "the friendly town" Your Purchaseis FREE if the alarM clock rings as you are checking out. ...0••••••• SCHNEIDER'S SPECIALS For This Week Schneider's Bulk COUNTRY SAUSAGE • lb. 590 Schneider's Blue Ribbon BOLOGNA lb. 550 - SIDEWALK Schneider's RED HOT WIENER'S Weston's HOT DOG BUNS COCA-COLA, 10-oz. SPECIALS lb. 590 12 for 400 6 for 59t SUPERIOR) *FOOD. MARKET*1 SPECIALS FOR Thursday - Friday - Saturday Maxwell House COFFEE King Size TIDE Post SUGAR CRISP Javex Liquid BLEACH lb.93 ,5-lb. 1.49 13-oz. 500 128-oz. 690 Kraft MIRACLE WHIP Kick's Stuffed MANZANILLA. OLIVES Holiday LUNCHEON MEATS 16-oz. 430 12-oz 590 12-oz. OPEN 'ALL DAY WEDNESDAY • 1.11140- tiVRCIN EXPOSITOR, SE4ORTN, ONT., JUL.Y 1971 . PERSONALIZED COASTERS - GIFT IDEAS - SERVIETTES THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 527-0240 Seaforth Heiman Wellington Street, Ottawa is hardly the location to findNagri- cultural land drainage tubing. But a face-lift progra in along the boulevard which runs parallel to the Federal Parliament Build- ings incorporates more than1000 feet of 4-inch diameter tubing manufactured by the Big eD' corn pany at !Jensen. It's all part of a National Capital Commission scheme to beautify the street with 58 Amer- ican elm trees replacing the older elms suffering from Dutch elm disease, and disfigured by re- peated snow clearing operations. The NCC is responsible for federal government property in the Ottawa area and decided to transplant 25-year-old elms. And instead of a sod surface around the base of the trunk, built the surrounding area up with cobble stones. This presented a problem of • nursing the transplanted trees through the critica I first two years in their new location. Big '0' tubing provided the answer. When the holes were dug, Big '0' tubing was laid from one edge of the hole, down round the bottom and up the other side. A second length was installed in similar fashion at 90 degrees to the first. The tree is then placed in the hole over the crossed lengths of tubing, and hole back.filled. The tubing enables water and fertilizer to be placed at the roots of each tree and at the same time provides adequate air movement to overcome the cobble stone seal above. It also ensures good drainage. Each tree requires 20 feet of tubing, and the four exposed ends are fitted with removable caps for closing the tubing. The NCC has used other„rigke., drain tile before for other pro- jects, but an NCC spokesman said the flexibility of Big 0 0' plastic tubing made a big difference to both handling, installation and the feasibility of using, tile for tree By Hugh Edighoffer,MPP. The big news from the Ontario Legislature is that the citizens between the ages of 18 and 21 in the Province will be given the same . privileges and respon- sibilities as those people who are 21 or over. This will give them the right to vote, to hold elected office, to serve on juries, to sign contracts and• to consume alco- holic beverages. When the Bill is approved 412,000 new voters will be eligible in the next provincial election. Certainly the most contentious part of the Hill is the lowering of the drink- ing age. Premier Davis referred to this part of the Bill by saying: "If we are right to lower the age , of majority, we would be vr•opg to, discriminate against those concerned as to the reason able responsibilities and privil- eges they may enjoy. We cannot bestow upon them our trust and at the same time prejudice it with suspicion". The government has intro- duced- a great number of new bills to be passed in the next few dayS. Tne hours of sittings have been extended from ten o'clock in the morning until ten thirty at night M ambers are critical of the Way the. business of the Legis- lature is being jammed together because proper consideration of some of the important legislation cannot be given when ther e are two other cornm,ttee meetings going on at the same time as the jegislature. The opposition parties Were disappointed with the Bill which will change the Election Act and • • 00000 • • • Having acquired the necessary licence and insurance, I am now in a position to offer Taxi Ser- vice. Any calls will be appre- cjaied and attended to promptly. planting. In 1970, the NCC first used Pig '0" tubing in another land- scaping - project beside the M'iseum Pr Science and Technology in Ottawa. Tnis area was very eveampy and...plastic tubing providing drainage and wee_ used for similar jobs to that in Wellington Street. The NCC- spokesman added: "We can see a lot more uses for" the tubing In the future." allow the government to appoint the Deputy Returning Officer $27.00 a day and the Poll Clerk $17.00 a day. In 1968 legis- lation wa's passed to intrude re- commendations made by a Select ,Committee, which allowed the leading opposition party to appeint 'the Poll Clerks. The government recently in- troduced the Environmental.Pro- tection Act, and related .legislation designed to protect and conserve the natural envir- onment. This •legislation gives the government "power to control or prohibit the discharge into the water, soil or, air of this province, any contaminant which will en- danger human life, the health of people, the bell-gine• of wildlife or the environment, or damage property". Tne government ha's stated that it is their intention to. clean up all sources of en- vironmental pollution, regard- less of the origin. The Bill includes provision for new pro- grammes dealing with noise, heat, radioactivity and litter. Tne new legislation is certainly not intended to make it difficult for farmers to deal with such problem; as• the disposal of animal wastes or the proper use of herbicides and pesticides, and those who follow sound agri- cultural methods will not find themselves in conflict with the provisions of, the Act. • In a move to limit foreign ownership of all investment com- panies, a bill was introduced which will moan thatno more than 25% of any company's capital can be under the control of a foreign group and no more than 10% by a foreign letdividual. This is a step in the right direction to maintain THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE — Main Street, Seaforth — Phone 527-0400 Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer FIRE, EXTENDED COVERAGE, WINDSTORM, THEFT, PROPERTY DAMAGE, LIABILITY, ETC. — COMPLETE FARM COVERAGE, including Machin, ery and Livestock Floaters. — URBAN PROPERTY — We now offer Composite Dwelling Insurance as well as Homeowners In- surance: — SUMMER COTTAGES, TRAILER HOMES, CHURCHES, HALLS. . AGENTS: JAMES KEYS, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. LANE, Rfft 5,i Seaforth; WM. LEITER, RR 1, Londesboro; SELWYN BAKER, Brussels; HAROLD SQUIRES, RR 3, Clinton; K. J. EiruE, Seaforth; DONALD G. EATON, Seaforth. See the fantastic bargains on the ITEM R_ ubu g Aids Ottawa Perth Member Protests Move :to Lengthen Sittings I S ETRAVXI E our Canadian control. • Seaforth PHONE 527-0990 SUPERIOR (.4606 mitiths.1 is 7 • Use Expositor Harold Maloney Want Ads Phone 527-1424 Phone 527-0240 Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Action Ads ,r includes girls and ladies Shorts ,Slims, Blouses, Sweaters and much more. 2 Only Baby GO-BYE DOLLS NOW 9.99 RI. 18.66 While they last 4 There will be many more SPECIALS find a recd selection of .SPECIAL VALUES specially priced for this annual sidewalk sell- ing event. Make Canadian Tire your sidewalk sale headquarters. \ [Run= TIRE „AN AM :0A:00,0,,,Nvar, Fred W. Tilley Ltd., Seaforth Credi(CArd