HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-07-22, Page 7A Notigefir 20, Auction Sales* .21,, Tenders wan At* 44$00'6„.04IPPi 1410 St.# • ' CHOP, Our A.4-4)! Car e(. 0.000. R.Rp#30- • PagshWOOti. NAPO and PileetfioAti0114 are - available at thei3oerd Office, The - loweet Pr any 'tender not neces- sarily accepted. HURON-PERTH COUNTY R.C. S. S. BOARD Main x. Cetning Events ArtiC.Na FOIL! $41.0,:. 045=t1g4... fe1; Available al. The gx,P9MOF., :0a7,0140, $ogotti. 1,149.0-4. .„, GO.. Falcon. Citation, Flye • travel trailers; Baron Hardtop and SO top tent trailers; Woods tents; POMO; -Iteede• geetoe, mgs, Service, camp- Out, Huron St, V/„.60411911,393-• 0038. 11-82-13 COPIES • . Copies of your important pers or documents while yoU emit. Letter size, 25c each. The Huron Expositor 11-9041 rick your own cherries at Mur- ray.Bros Orchard, 4 miles S.W. of Thedford on Ridge Road. Sweet cherries -ready July 10th -and Montmorencies ready July 12th. 11-91x3 • 1,4, Prepe !ohs' E SI Con. 8 Stanley Township, 1.2011e West and 1 mile sot th of /*map oft0p44,Gps; ptetost Chamber egT..oekAteeree Annual Chicken RaitetAte Wednesday JOY 28th, 5 -pm, Adults,.cht.W-rev, $.15, Entertainment, hall games and rem-he:lents. Dance to the music of The Inlows 10 '1 P.M. Admission $1.09, Chicken barbequed over hard maple wood, 1-91,3 Alee, ggiusiderliig orectIgf Form Buildrings SATURDAY. JULY 31sT NOTICE AF .APPT,ICA7'IQN• to !1' o Pntt*4iTi 19443r34.397 porO n of tile.Seaforth 4 . „Approvg.Af:alv4of.t.0-T.Agi420.404 u$e passed-pursuant to Section ,$Q ' NOTICE . thia ,:Gopinoll..of COrpOratiO4 of the. Town: .of ''AeFtgertit." intendit to apply, to. The 04144 .m44,-. IOW Board. pursuant te;the'PrOyistonS. of: Setlea 30. et* Kkilriing Act. for approval of 47,10,w,..8.07. ...Rasped. .an .tire 12th day duly fr 4914 -kgepy.- ef-tlafbY44W is siithighOlipVeWitk: note,glYittg.an eXpleAlatUal -0,01.0. purpose-00-14feCt'Of : by-,law and statieglheiOnds:affasfed•thereby'is:alag.Oirniabed herewith, v • 40:r PERSON ttIT.g4F0,51.71r,i MAY, tivithin :.fourteen.' j daYs fdter 'the date' Of tins ecttlee. eeteci-br regiSteredMailH..9 deliver to the clerk of the Town' 'Of..6eafortn of objection to approval of the said, by law, together with' a statement of the grounds of suc11=Objegtio0... . ANY PERSON wishing to ompp44 444' 4ppliPat444 approval vf the bylaw may within fourteen (14) ' dayaafter the date of this ndtice send by regiStered Matt,ot.deliVeV, to the Clerk of the Town of Seafertil-bei10,0 of 111Ssupport - of approval of the said by-law together, with, 4. i'eciu,.eat fat: • notice of any hearing that- may be held giving 918014 partite. and address to which such notice should be given. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may ariPPVe Of 'life ••• • said by-law but before doing so. it- may appoint a.tinie,and. place when any objection to the by-law will be conaidered.::-' Notice of any hearing that may be held will be ,given only ' persons who have filed an objection or notice of suppOrf"und, who have left with or delivered to the clerk undersigned,. the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. • THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS will be August 3, 1971. Ipj Estate - ileik_kart *feet • MOKI119. 'Township 1.50 acre farm with two large barns close. to Seaforth on the Highway. Good drilled well. Large 10 room stucco home with oil furnace. Nearly all -workable land.. • at 2 P.M, Sharp. - THIS YEAR -• TRACTORS:, let. standard Super Contact us - We offer corn- W 4 in excellent cOndit1Ph with plate farm building Aervice, belt pulley. Case RP Niedel YAP Ball filacaiday to:tchuffichelfivia=rolhale irra Model 60 combine with, AC motor mounted; Int. 15 run power lift • fertilizer seed drill (disc) (with Clinton - Seaforth HenSall markers); Massey bean puller 19-90-U and snuffler; Gehl hammer mill, ":' new condition; Fleury Bissell SEPTIC TANKS disc; Fleury Manure Spreader; CLEANED M.H. 7 t.• Binder; Int. 3-furrow ace botm plow 'on rubber; Int. Modern equipment. We guar' 2-furrow; 6 ft. McCormick mow- Harvey Dale. Seaforth, Phone antee' all work. Write or call er, ruber tired wagon; 1 Hay- Clinton 482-3320. " rack with grain box, 4 sections. 1-'"90-** harrows* MCD drophead hay- NOTE: - Corn-Wiener Roast;-• Races, .Tug-o-wor, etc. K. of C. grounds, St. Columban, Aug. ,22nd, 5 p.m. to dusk. K. of C. members and families plan now to keep this date open. 1-93-1. SEATS available Tuesday, July 27th on a bus going to Ontario Place and Lion Safari. Contact Mrs. Leslie Dolmage,527-0695. 1-93-1 Ltd. 160 acres with two frame barns. Adequately tiled. Instil brick 6 room home nicely decoraied on spacious well kept'grounds. HO acre 'farm in Grey Town- ship, 2 large barns equipped for beef cattle. 20 acres of hard- wood bush, 100 acres in core included in the purchase price. 6 -room ashphalt siding home Situated near the village of Cranbrook. 21-93-2 DRAIN TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY DAILY VACAT I 01•1• BIBLE SCHOOL All children three years of age and older are invited to attend a- Daily Vacation Bible School. There will be Bible stories, singing and crafts JULY '26 - 30 Daily time - 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. Place - Kinburn Church Call 482-7118 or 527-1485. 1-93-1 ' TRAVEL-ON SALES & RENTALS Trailer ,and camping supplies available. Special new Sun- kamper 10 ft. truck mount. - Complete $1800.00. Phone Clinton 482-33$4. 11-93-2 loader; 1950 Dodge truck 1/2 T. sold as is; 3/4-incV plywood truck racks; Bell City threshing machine; 150 ft. 7-inch drive belt; Set of cable & blocks for threshing machine; Electric-barn hot water heater; Rubber tired wheelbarrow; Bag truck and bag- ger; Hayfork and ropes; 2 new 10 ft. sections eavestroughing; quantity Hemlock planks 12 - 14 inches wide, excellent cond.; Quantity of side barn lumber for rec. rooms; Rolling shed doors 6 1/2 x 11 ft., Weed sprayer; 4 all steel wagon wheels; 10 by 12 tarpaulin; McCullogh Chain Saw, 24 in blade, like new; Approx. 100 ft. 3 wire electric cord; Jubilee 20 in. lawn mower with _Hriggs_and_Strattonanotor. ANTIQUES: 4 high wooden spoked wagon wheels; Spinning wheel; Yarn winder; Apple peeler; Iron CONCRETE WORK Tenders will be received by the undersigned ^ until 5 p.m., Tuesday, August 3rd,1971, for the construction of,the following drainage works in the Township of Grey: All types of foundations and ./..loors, cement barnyards. Rea- sonable rates - free estimates. MALONEY BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. Dublin, Ontario 345-2253 Phones 345-2964 19-90-tf List with us to sell. Listings wanted in Seaforth and surrounding- areas. Contact Mason Bailey Office 482-9371 Residence 523-9338 14-93-1 CAMPBELL DRAIN consisting of 3,380 lineal feet of cov- ered drain; 1 Catch basin. VAN LOO DRAIN consisting of 11,360 lineal feet of open drain. STOREY DRAIN- Consisting of 9,200 lineal feet of open drain. MODEL 130 Case combine •with Case air cooled motor. Apply to George Varley. Phone 527- 1697. 11- 93- 3 CLINTON Lions Carnival will Ip be held in conjunction with the, Clinton Merchants "Old Fash-, ioned Sales Days", on the street, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 29, 30 and 31, Stores open Thursday and Friday' 9 A.M. to 9.P.M.__LionsC.az'nivai Thuirsday evening, July 29 featuring bingo, games of chance, pony rides the bunk-Him game and refresh- ment booth.' Free pony rides for children 8 years and under. Dutch tea garden operated by the ladies of Christian Reformed Church. 1-93-1 ONE Chesterfield and chair and one pair of matched table lamps $75.00 complete. Telephone 527- 1799. 11-93x2 WANTED 'DATED at the Town of Seaforth this 19th tday of July, 1971,. Ernest M. Williams Box 610, Seaforth, Ontario. • Dead and Disabled Cattle and Horses, Highest Prevailing Prices Paid for horses on the hoof. 24 Hours, Seven Days Weekly Fast efficient---serviee, CALL COLLECT BRUSSELS CLINTON SET of 14 inch Wigs for a Chev. car. 527-1919. 11-93-1 Nice small • cottage with attractive lot.. Priceda.way below its value. SMILLIE DRAIN .eonsisting -61-f,-000 lineal feet of open drain; 1,940 lineal feet of covered drain; 3 catch basins. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Township Office, Ethel, Ontario. The Township to supply the tile and pipe. Terf- ders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of amount of tender. Completion date tote stated•on each tender. Lowest any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. ANY quantity of flag 'stone with 24-hour notice. Samples can be seen. Contact Joe Nigh. 527- 1475. 11-92x3 NOTE TO BY-LAW 867 OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH It is the intent of this by-law to provide -more specific control of the -erection of signs in the Town of Seaforth and to provide for changing the land uses or zoning for these portions of the Town described in Schedule "A" and Schechue T13" which form part of By-law 867. Section 1 of By-law 867 repeals the previous provisiohs controlling the erection of signs and substitutes specific provisions for each of the six Mine categories in Residential, Commercial and 'Industrial "'zones. , Section 2 of By-laW -867 and the attached Schedule "A" provide for changing the zoning on thoselota on the tenth side of Railway Street from the present zoning of Reistricted Industrial (Ml) •to General Residential (R2).. Section 8 of By-la,w 86'7 and the attached Schedule "B" provide for changing the zoning of those lots listed in Schedule "B'! from the present Restricted Residential zoning to General Industrial. This change will place all land south of the Canadian National Railway and, east of Main Street, except land owned by, Canadian• Petrofina Limited between Railway Street and the CNR, in an Industrial zone. 887-9334 WILLIAM M. HART kettle; Toilet set; 3 trunks; Brussels Pet Food Cherry wood organ with top stand 9 x 18 Sleeping tent, used one -season, green and orange. Three zipper windows and door with attached canopy outside frame type.. Dill floor, nylon screening. 527-0621. 11- 93- 2 and mirror; Barrel churn, excel- . lent condition, also glass hand Salesman Seaforth representing Phone 527-0870 or 565-2855 Supplies - ph miles south of Brussels. GEORGE R. JOHNSTON Lic. No. 273-C-70 . 19-90-tf churn; rubber tired buggy; An- tique lamps; Dishes and baskets; 3 sets of Antique scales; New Williams drophead, sewing ma- chine; Antique Dresser. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Deluxe 30-inch Frigidaire elec- tric stove, like new condition; bkning room ,table and chairs; Wood and coal heater; R.C.A. T.V. and -stand; 2 beds -and springs,' 1 spring for, bed; 2 doz. 1/2 gal. sealers; furnace fan; hand lawnmower; forks; shovels; chains, a qnantity of other items too numerous to mention. 3. Found LARGE Redbone dog two to three years old, found on West William Street. 52'7-0254. 3-93x1 SURGE • REAL ESATE LIMITED ANTIQUE AUCTION West Lorne 14-93-1 SURGE milker parts, cleaners and disinfectants available at Clinton Farm and Garden Centre .22 Isaac Street Clinton Phone 482-9333 11-92-s 4. Help Wanted PART time womanclerk to work in Seaforth store, eveeings, and l weekendt. Must be reliable. Apply to Box 2012 The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 4-92-2 FULL time woman clerk to work in Seaforth store beginning in September. Experience pre- ferred. Must be reliable, -con- scientious with pleasing manner. Reply in writing to Box 2011; The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, 4-92-4 WANTED - Couple to spend week= ends or possibly a week on farm in late July or early August in return for a few responsibilities. Box 2015, Huron Expositor. 4-92-2 7. 'Situations Wanted MRS. E. M. CARDIFF Clerk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario. 21-93-2 SALE BAYFIEL.D ARENA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 • Commences 12:30 A full afternoon of selling prime collector's items. 20-93-1 15, Property for Rent THREE,.bedrodm upstairs apart- ment, room, kitchen and bathroom.% hone 527-0477. 15-93-.2 A pair of size irboy's roller skates precision wheels, good condition. 527-0867. Phone after 4 'P.1V1. •11-93x1 A Case combine for sale in goOd working' Order. Apply to Nash Bros., R.R.#5, Seaforth. Phone 527 -0805. 11-92-3 ' 22. 'Legal Notices TREASURER'S_ SALE or LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF fUCKERSMITH COUNTY OF HURON To Wit:- By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of TruckerSmith under his hand and :the. seal of the said corporation bearing date the 25th day of March 1971 sale of lands in arrears of taxes Township of Tucker- _ smith will be held at the Huron Centennial school, 'Brucefield at -the hotir 01 9:00 in the evening on the 5th day of September, 1971 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on " the 1st day of May, 1971, and that copies of the said list niay be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 31st day of May, 1971. CLEARING AUCTION SALE 4 Of machinery, tools and hoes& hold effects at lot 17, con. 13, MeKillop Township, 2 Miles south and 2 miles east of Walton on • TWO - one bedroom apartments. Phone after six at 527-0920. 15-93x2 THE CORPORATION OF ,TRE TERMS OF SALE -- Cash TOWN OF SEAFORTH BY-LAW, NO A by-law to amend Zoning By-law.Vo. 794 and By-law No. 814 (a by-law to amend Zonine By-law No.794 ) of the Town of Seaforth. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth enacts as followS: Neither auctioneer or proprie- tor. responsible for accidents day .of sale. APARTMENT for rent. Self con- -4 tainecith4,2,-" bedroom ,.apartment. Available July. Apply J.C.Crich. . ° 15-92-If 4.4 10. 370,370 lbs. of market-,share quota and 14,000 lbs. Federal subsidy quota plus herd of DHIA tested Holsteins and Guernseys. Phone 262-5326. 11 - 93x2 CECIL DOWSON Proprietor Varna - Tel. 482-3355 18. Property Wanted A small farm consistingof house, barn and acreage- of 5 to 50 acres of land in the Seaforth or Dublin area. Please state terms. Apply to Box 2016 The. Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. 18-93x1 19. Notices SATURDAY; JULY 31ST PERCY WRIGHT of 1:00 P.M: Tel. 262-5515 MACHINERY: International 7ft . • ESTATE Binder; Int. 7 ft. Semi-Mounted MciwerrMcKee-Warvest"IPes-AACTIONSALE - and hood; Forage Box 18 by 8 x QUIET Shetland pony mare under 11 hands. Suitable for very small children. Harness, cart and driving bridle, saddle and riding bridle. call 527-1059. 11-93-1 Auctioneer Section 2 of By-law 814 and Section 4.5.4. of 'By-law 794 are hereby repealed and the following substituted for Set: lon4.5T.4. of By-law 794: 1. STUDENT jobs wanted! Lawnmowing, clean-ups, garden- ing, pan ng, a c. ease call 527-4970 after 5. 7-93x2 WHITE__enemel bathroom sink with fixtures, chrome legs and towel bar - in perfect condition. • ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderieh, phone 524-, 6514. 19-90-tf CUSTOM , swathing, $2.50 per acre with 12 ft. Case Swather.. Phone Ken Faber 262-5299. 19-93-3 4.5.4. SIGNS No 'person shall hereafter erect any sign except in accordance with the following provi- sions: RESIDENTIAL ZONES (R1,R2) In Residential Zones the following signs "shall be permitted, (a) A sign not exceeding 2 square feet in area in- dicating • the name and profession of a physician, dentist, drugless practitioner, accountant, tect, lawyer or other professional person or the name of the resident. One non-illuminated sign not exceeding 4 square feet in area advertising the sale, rental or lease of a building structure Or lot on which the sign is erected. One non-illuminated No Trespassing, Caution or', Safety sign not exceeding 4 square feet, in' area. An authorized traffic sign or signal, a public election list ,er. ether proclamation--by a govern- mental authority; and blectiOn campaign sign of not mare than 6 square feet in area. COM MUNITY • Oomm ERCIAL . ZONES (C1) In Community Commeteial Zones the following signs shall be permitted: All signs permitted in Residential Zones. A business identification sign affixed to the building and net projecting more .than 12 inches from the building providing that any such sign shall not exceed 200 square feet in area and in any event shall not occupy .more than 25% of the exposed area. Of, the( wall. For the purpose of determining such 'Percentage area only the maximum area of the 'frontage or-the ground floor of the building shall be considered. HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL ZONES (C2) In.High- waY Commercial Zones the following signs shall be permitted: All "signs permitted in Community Commercial` Zones. All identification signs provided that the outer- most „. point of such sign shall not be closer to • the street line than 10 feet or at least 10 feet above ground level but in. no case shall such sign extend within 2 feet Of a street line. INDUSTRIAL ZONES (M1,M2) In Industrial Zones the following signs shall^ be permitted: (a) All Signs permitted in Highway Commercial aZno..,a nerse.a ' SIGNS A temporary signwith of not more than 50 .square feet shall be allowed on any land, in any zone, on which construction work is in progress. LIGHTING OF SIGNS Where lighting facilities and/or Illuminated • signs arkprevided they Must, be arranged so as to reflect away from Abutting Residential Zones or uses and no flashing or intermittent illumination shall be used in any zones. 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of By-law 794, the Zoning Map forming part of By-law 794 is hereby changed for 'those lands described in Schedule "A", attached hereto, from Restricted Industrial Vane (M) toGenetlil Residentipl Zone (R2). 3. Notwithstanding any other provision Of 794, the Zoning Map forming part of By-law/4M is hereby changed. for those lands described in Schedule ‘41§" attached hereto, -from Restricted Retidential, Zone (10)10Gerieral Industrial Zone (M2). , • 8 with winch; John Deere Wagon (like new); Int. side rake; 3 section lever harrowsi 4 section diamond harrows; walking plow and stuffier; Int. 3 furrow ace bottom plow with straightener; Int.Manure Spreader; Pine gravel box; Set sloop sleighs with rack; Fanning Mill; Set 2000 lb. scales bag truck and holder; Post hole digger; Block and tackle; Logging chains; Scythe;' forks; shovels; hoes; a motors 1/2 x 1/4 H.P.;, 32 ft Extension Ladder. Milk cart; Electric Fender; Hemlock and elm plank; Lumber 1" used lumber;-Dry cedar posts; Anchor 8 braces. Wire; 2 Iron pumps; 3 11:1). Selland Motors; 7" Champion grinder; Pail Heater; Set britchen team harness; Sap pan; Pails; 'spiles; tongues: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 2 Wooden beds, springs, dresser, mirror, dressing table; Dinette set, 4 chairs;- Chesterfield, 2 chairs; Small tables; Lamps;, Sealers; DiShes; Some antiqued; White sewing machine. TEEMS - CASH Farm Sold DAVE WATSON Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer JIM MOQUAID Clerk Proprietor- not responsible f or accidents on property day of sale. 20-93,2 Of Household effectS for the late Albert Elviard Maul on Mrs. Ken Gemmell - 527-1689. 11-93x1 WILL assist in housework in return for home. Neil McLaugh- lin, Seaforth, or call 527-0980 in • morning pr evening. 7-93x1 SATURDAY, JULY 24th at 1 P.M. • 1/2 mile west of Chiselhurst. 12. Wanted to Buy Timber Wanted 8.. Farm Stock for Sale HOLSTEIN bull calf. C. De Corte. 527-1628. 8-93-1 Innirediate payment for good standing timber ' and. bushes. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and.tele. phone number or phone p32-. 4450. before 8 a.m. or a .6 pan. 12-904f ANNEX Coal and woodburning heater in good.. condition. 527- 0217. ' 12-93x1 Extension table; Frigidaire; Hot plate; small tables; bed; springs; mattress; space heater; II:Meets" new steel 10 ft. long; 2 glass cupboards; Kitchen table; chairs; Forks; rake; shovels; hoe; cistern pump; quantity lumber,' Pails; stable broom new steel wheelbarrow; rope;'-Clinton fan- ' ning mill; Quantity of baled oat straw; 1963 Chev. pick-up truck with stack rack. FOR information on all mutual fund investments contact --Fred (Ted) Savauge, 527-1522,Seaforth 19-904f SHOEING and trimming, all 4ypes of horses. Contact Ross Elliott, phone 527-0118. 19-90-U , NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange' for pick- up at your farm phone by Sat- urday night. WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 19- 90- tf (b) THIRTY good pigs for sale, 9 'Weeks old. Hans Vonk, R.R. 2, Dublin, 345-2429. •8-93-1 JAMES I. McINTOSH Treasurer. ,227 84-I3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE .OF AGNES KRATJSKOPF - All persons having claim's against the Estate of AGNES KRATJSKOPF, late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth, Housewife, deceased,, who died. on the 9th day of June, 1971, are, hereby. notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of August, 1-971, after which date the„assets will be distributedbavingrerardoelY-T 9. Poultry for Sale. KIMBE , LEGHORN Day O!d and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY' FARMS LTD. Seafofth Phone 627-980 Box 169 9-90-tf FURNITURE and household el fects, will buy by the house full, 482-3120. 12-90-U TERMS --Cash • (b (a) ) 13. Wanted CROCICERY, brass or fancy boil beds, pictures, rockers, old jew- ellery, old bottles, or sealers, old light fixtures, etc. Check with us before you dump. '482- .7358. • 13-90-tt „ WANTED - good home. Small pups to be 'given away. Don Pletsch 527-1150. 13-93-1 THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE Administrator of the Estate HAROLD JACKSON _ Auctioneer 20-92-2 21.. Tenders, Wanted. 10. Used Cars for Sale 1963 Pontiac Parisienne con- vertible power steering and brakes, bucket seats and console. avlsos after 6-P.M. 10-93x1 1930 Model A running order, new u olstering, needs paint job good tires. Open for offers. 527-044$. 10-93-2 11 Articles For Sale ANY trees td cut? William Albert Phone 345-2583. 19-90-U HURON DEAD STOCK ,EtEMOVAL to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 7th day of July, 1971. McGONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Etc. SEAFORTH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 22-92-'3 ',SEALED TENDERS Plainly identified will be re- ceived by the Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board 'not later than 12:00 noon, D.S.T., J4.Y 30, 071 14. Property for Sale - (a) (b) FARMS FOR LEASE USED televisiods reasonably , priced. phone 52'7;1082. 11-93x3 it NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY ANN O'CONNELL .A11 perhons having claims against the Estate of Mary Ann O'Connell, late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth, Retired Telephone Operator, deceased, who died on the 21st day of June, 1971, are hereby notified to-send in full particulars of their claims to 'the undersigned on or before the 12th. of August, 1971, after 'Which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Sea-forth, this 16th day of July, A.D. 1971. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-93-3 Remember! 1 t takes but a moment 'to place, an Expositor Want-Ad and be money in pocket. To 'advertise, just Dial Sea-forth 527-0240. CLINTON Due toOthe decrtase in meat prices, we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer Last '- efficient, courteous same • day service. 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week Call Collect 482-9811 License #237-C-70. 19-90-tf OR PURCHASE . • • FARM SOLD BICYCLE exerciser good con- for the following: dition. 527-1793. 11,93x1 A. R. D. A. has farms for lease to full-time farmers at reason- able rates. A.R.D.A. is still buying farm land for Farm Con- solidation and for Alternate land use. Talk to A.R.D.A. about your plans for retirement, relocatitm ‘and retraining or about community development pro., grams. „. Ards programs, are. helping programs. For more in- formation contact your nearest Ontario Department of Agricul- ture and Food Office. There are A.R.D.A. representatives in Clinton, Markdale, and Wakiter-, ton. 14-93-9 ;MIME bedredin modern home on the Main Street pf Egmondvilld, gas furnace and dittra lot. Apply at the residence , Ina and Marion ADDrNG Maellirie toes tor Gras. 527-0057. 14-90-4 Asphalt paving at the following CASE A6 Combine, in working shape. Phone 345-202'7. 11-93x3 Clearing Auction Sale of Tractors, Combine, ImplementS, Antiques and Household Effects to be held on the premises Lot-19, St. Aloysius School 228 Avondale Ave., Stratford. ONE M. C. 600 continuous flow grain dryer. Glen McNichol, Phone 527-0395. '11-93-3 AVE,STROUGHING and light ning rods. New installations, and ,repairs. Estimates without ob- ligation. Contact R,. E. Rattan, Wingham, phone 357:1077, 11-90xtf Sacred Heart School Wingham RD. WITNTIER-DITYAR EIUS, 229.8945 RES. 235.1494 St. Mary's School 70 Bennett St., E., Goderich, • CRUSHED gravel delivered or at the pit. John Thompson. 527- 0238, itU ' 11-60 BIKES for sale( ' • 1 boys 8 - 12 years and- 1 girls 6 - 10 years, .very good Con- dition. $20.00 each, Call 527- 1970 after 5. 1-1.-142 i nieSt standard adding machines ,aVallable at The Huron Exposi- tor, 527-0240, Seaforth, 11,-00xti Precious Mood School Exeter. Gravel parking lot at: Sacred Heart School Wingham MINTER-DU VA R teit. SON "WHERE FOLKS TUN To Vot_i<s” R.R. 6, ST. MARY AT RANNOCH DODY WORK 'AND PAINTING Lk' OUR SPECIALTY VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE AND SALES • Fluorescent Lighting at: St. Ambrose SchoOl 1 181 Louise St., Stratford SEVEN room cottage On-George Street including $ bedrooms. 521-0888. • I4-93x2 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) . 19-81-13 , ......lien. • J. ' 4ta 444. wir.