HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-07-15, Page 11CLEARING AUCTION " OF BUILDING, AND CHURCH CONTENTS AT PART OF LOT 2 CONCESSION 8, McKILLOP TOWNSHIP KNOWN AS ZION UNITED CHURCH, McKILLOP, TWO MILES WEST ',OF BROD- HAGEN OR FIVE MILES NORTH AND 1/2 MILE WEST OF DUBLIN, ON • SATURDAY,. JULY 17 AT 1:30 O'CLOCK BUILDING - A timber frame building 34 ft. x 24 ft. will be sold to be removed from the site. CONTENTS - 12 Church pews 9 ft, 6 in. long, nearly new; clergy bench; pulpit, communion table; hreintzman piano arid bench, A-I condition; walnut arm chair, Victorian chair; space heater; 40 glass individual communion set; numerous books includ- ing a large German Bible; antique communion 'set; antique clock; numerous other articles found in a church. - TERMS - Cash. NO RESERVE Not responsible for accidents, R. G. GETHKE Auctioneer 519.347.2465 . 20-92-1 --FIELP-ANANTED,', Mechanic- Our Ford dealership has an opening for eiiher a licensed mechanic, or an apprentice . We offer excellent benefits and good working conditions For Further Information Contact: • Reg McDonald Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED - EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227.4191 - THE•Huggilm .EXPOSITOR, sisAroitito,,ONtA •It/1 tit " • There ts n the the Unwante 9. Notices 20. Auction Sales t for an 1. Coming Events 10, 'Wed Cars for Sale' '67, Yamaha250 Motorcycle. Will sell for sash or trade on snow- mobile. Also '61 Chev 1/2 ton $125.00; '62 comet $95.00. 262- 5272. 10-92-1 11 Articles For Sale PARTS for New Holland 611 liar, vester • Also good cornhead. Ber- nard Grobbink, Walton, 887-6708. 11-92-1 A Case combine for-sale in good working order. Apply to Nash Bros., le.R.#5, Seaf6rth. Phone 527-0805. 11-92-3 20. Auction Saes s 24. Cards wef Thank 24.: Cards of Th4nk. 'Though" apsent, yo • ire *ways , 41.4 Welk •Missed; very, deatt pryingly rernembered by ber tanglY and grainic4lIcireP• • 25-92k1 Tct Bin Clearest Joan? who went .rest, July 181 197% Time cannot change the empti- ness I feel within-my -heart, It cannot, give the answers Why dear friends had to pert. It only helps to measure How deep our faith can grow And if He'S 'there beside us We'll meet again, I know, - Sadly missed, and always re- membered. Till we meet again, Phyllis. 25-92x1 CHARTERED bus leaving 'Sea- ferth for Bracebridge, etc. July 28th. For information call 482- q 1-92-1 RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. David Medd (Nee Sharon Payne) in Women's Institute Hall, Bel- grave on Friday, July 1§, Scott's Orchestra. Ladies pie se bring lunch. " 1-92-1 NOTICE, We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm phone by Sat- urday night. I wish to. thank leereeeffene Mailms„ Dr. Wi4tnuui and. retbee Lamb and all the purging. staf at Seaforth Community Hoppetel and also my famlly, relativeat friends. and neighhors for their acts of kindness during' my stay. in Seaforth Community hospital. - Mrs. Isabel Ram - 2.4-.924 WE wish to expreSS,illir gneere, thanks and appreciation to retat,' -Ives,-friends and neighbers for their kindness shown tots ;dur- ing the recent loss of a very dear husband, father and grand- father, Wilbur R. Special thanks to Dr. Whitman, Rev.- W. Jarvis, Lockhart Funeral Home, pallbearers and those who assisted at home. The beautifil floral tributes, cards, donations and other kind expressions of sympathy will always be remem- bered. Annie Miller and family. 24-92-1 11 Articles For Sale EAVESTROUGHING and light fling rods. New installations and repairs. Estimates without ob- ligation. Contact R. E. Ruttan, Wingham, phone 357-1077. 11-90x0 WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 19-90-tf 12. Wanted to Buy Timber Wanted PLAN to attend the 12th Annual RathWell Reunion, Seaforth Lions Park, Sunday July 18th, 1971. Dinner 12:30 p.m. Please bring 'picnic basket. 1-91x2 BRODHAGEN District Chamber of Commerce• Annual Chicken Barbeque Wednesday July 28th, 5 - 8 p.m. Adults, $1.75 Child ren, $.75. Entertainment, ball games and refreshments. Dance to the music of The Inlaws 10 - 1 P.M. Admission $1.00. Chicken barbequed over hard maple wood. 1-91-3 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CRUSHED gravel delivered or at the pit. John Thompson. 527- 0238. 11-90xti ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines 'available at The Huron Exposi- ' tor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-90xtf Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes. -Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location .and tele- -phone number or phone 232- 4450 before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 12-90-tf FURNITURE and household ef- fects, will buy by the house full. 482-3120. ' 12-90-tf CLINTON Due to the decrease in meat prices, we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast efficient, courteous same day service, 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week Call Collect 482-9811 License #237-C-70, 19-90-tf GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-90-tf 26. Personals WOOD or coal cook stove in good condition. 527-1356. 12-92-1 GOLDEN Falcon, Citation, FtyLe , travel trailers; Baron Hardtop and soft top tent trailers; Hitches; Woods tents; Camping needs. Rentals, SALES, Service. Camp- Out, Huron St. W.,Stratford, 393- 5938. 11-82-13 2. Lost, Strayed PET dog strayed to premises. 527-1356‘ 2-92-1 Mr. J. ' George Clifton of Brucefield announces the forth- coming marriage of his daughter, Kathleen Ann,, to Mr. Richard Dennis LeBeau, KitChener, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maxim LeBenu of Brucefield. The wedding will take place -on Saturday, August 14, 1871 at 3:30 P.M. at St. Joseph's Rom en Catholic Church, Clinton, Ontario. - 26-92x1 LADIES bicycle in good condition. Phone 527-0979. 12-92x1 - WE wish to thank friends and neighbours from the Walton dis- trict for the lovel' gifts we re- ceived. - Don & Lynn Ryan. 24-92-1. ESTATE AUCTION SALE 22 Legal Notices 13. Wanted 4. Help Wanted CROCKERY, brass or fancy iton beds, pictures, rockers, old Jew-. ellery, bid bottles, or Sealers, old light fixtures, etc. Check with us before you dump. 482- 7358. 13-90-U NOTICE TO CREDITORS De THE ESTATE OF AGNES KRAUSKOPF Of Household effects for the late Albert Elward Maul on PART time woman clerk to work in Seaforth store, evenings and weekends. Must be reliable. Is Apply to Box 2012 The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 4-92-2 HOUSEKEEPER' for two adults, live in. Good home in Hensall. Phone 262-2101 or write P.O. Box 281, Hensall. 4-91 -tf FARMERS! 25. In Memoriam COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. The Huron Expositor 11-90-U HUNTER - In loving memory of a dear daughter and niece, Joan, who went to rest, July 18,1970. We really have to thank the ForLtaorkding -her away. To where she will not suffer The pain from iay to day. And deepwithin our hearts we God 'did what He thought best, And took Him' loved one home with For her eternal rest. fOr:rgootIttednea . _rIzomlovaehdd HiencelveeGrlelee n. 25-92x1 f Are you considering erecting SATURDAY, JULY 24th at 1 P.M. Farm Buildings THIS YEAR A good home for a friendly year old male dog, part Samoyed and part Collie. Phone 527-0952. 13-92-1 All persons having claims against the Estate of AGNES KRAUSKOPF, late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth, Housewife, deceased, who died on the 9th day of June, 1971, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of August, 1971, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims-then received:- - Dated, at Seaforth, this 7th day 'of July, 1971.k MCCONNELL & STEWART , Barristers, Etc. , SE AFORTH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors, 22-92-3 23. Business Directory R. S. BOX FUNERAL AbmE • Prompt and Careful' Attention Phones: Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 23-90 - tf Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, R. R. 5, Seaforth, are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughters Helen Florence, to Mr. Graeme Charles Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs.Harvey Craig, R.R.1, Walton. The wedding to take place on July 31st 1971 at 3:30 P.M. in Northside United Church, Seaforth., 26-92x1 1/2 mile west of Chiselhurst. Extension table; Frigidaire; Hot plate; small tables; bed; springs; mattress; space heater; 10.sheets new steel 10 ft. long; 2 glass- cupboards; Kitchen table; chairs; Forks; rake; shovels; hoe; cistern pump; quantity lumber; pails; stable broom: new steel wheelbarrow; rope; Clinton fan- ning mill; Quantity of baled oat stra.vere983-Cheleepeek upfruck ANY-trees-tcr-cutThielefe-riiAlheit with stock rack. ' Fhohe 345-2583, 19-90-U DINNERWARE SPECIALS Contact us - We offer corn- , plete farm building serveceee 14. Property for Sale THREE bedroom modern home on the Main Street of Egmondville, gas furnace and extra lot. Apply at the residence , Ina and Marion Gray. 527-0057. 14-90-4 FULL time woman clerk to work * in Sea-forth store beginning in September. Experience pre- ferred. Must be reliable, con- scientious with pleasing manner. Reply in writing to Box 2011, The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 4-92-4 Ball - Macaulay Ltd. 45 piece sets for 8 Reg. $42.85 Now $24.95 27. Births Clinton Seaforth - Hensall 19-90-tf FRAME HOUSE REEVES e . To Mr. anti Mrs. W. Geo. Reeves, Egmandville, •Ontario at. Seafdrth Community Hospital on July 7th, 1971, a son. 27-92x1 ANSTETT----JEVELL-ERS-- LTD. M &LONEY - In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother Mrs. Theresa A. Meloney who passed away one year ago July 15, 1970. Wishing today as we've wished - before That God could have spared you, many years more No one knows the grief we share,, When 'we all meet and you're not there Life goes on, we know Chats true But not the same since we lost. you TERMS - Cash SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. -Write or call Harvey Dale. Seaforth, Phone Clinton 482-3320. 19-90-tf 3 bedroom, gas heated on a 1/2 acre lot. Set well back from a paved street in Seaforth, Offers comfort, quietness and a relaxed atmosphere. 11-90-tf THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE Administrator of the Estate HAROLD JACKSON - Auctioneer 20-92-2 NUMBER of used refrigerators. Good values at Box Furniture. Seaforth, 527-0680. 11-91re. WARREN , - To Mr. and Mrs. wsh, Warren (nee 01.11), Strat- ford, at Stratford General Hos- pital on July 11, 1971, a son. 27-92x1 WILLIAM M. HART 5 acres standing ,hay, Earl Dow, R.R. *2, Staffa, Phone Kerkton,, • PICK your own cherries at Mur- ray .Bros Orchard, 4 miles S.W. of Thedford on Ridge Road. Sweet ,cherries ready July 10th and Montmorencies ready July 12th. 11-91x3 2t HOUR , APPROVALS AUCTION SALE -Salesman. .Seaforth representing MUSSELMAN - To Mr. and Mrs. Mike Musselman 'in Stratford, to , General Hospital on Sunday, July 11, 1971, a son. 27-92x1 Of property, household furniture, appliances and antiques for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klaskowinz at Lot 224 Townsend Street, Clinton on GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESATE LIMITED 2nd •and 3rd Mortgages Arranged in the Convenience Of Your Herne Low cost, You can call to 11 p.m. today for ,helpful, courteous ser- vice. Prornrpt Investment Corp. Ltd., 330 Bay -Street .Toronto.- Call collect. 366-9586. Eves. 231-8146 19-84-7 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Seaforth Office Tues., Thurs., Fria 9 to 5:38 p.m. Thursday Evenings Mon.; Wed. - Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 2,e- 90 -tf •°. •••t • 0 READ and USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED SATURDAY, July 17th - at 1:00 P.M. PROPERTY - Large shaded lot, situated at the corner of Townsend and East Street in a lovely residential area. 9-room frame home, 3 rooms and kitchen on main floor, 4 rilems and 3 piece teeth on second floor, tile and 'hardwood floors, basement with oil furnace. Property to be sold at 3:00 P.M. FURNITURE . - 9 piece dining room suite, chesterfield and chair,. 4 piece bedroom suite in- cluding •chiffonier and vanity, wardrobe closet, 3 piece bedroom suite, bed and dresser, hall tree; lamps; trunk; sideboard; piano stool; -..-,mantel Block; tables;. chairs; Westinghouse refriger- ator and wringer washing ..DeaDisabled- Cattle and-----m achille; Kenmore -"eleCtiic Horses, Highest Prevailing stove; RCA 8 cu. ft. freezer, Prices Paid for horses on the Beach electric stove; 21" hoof. 24 Hours, Seven Days 'Admiral portable TV, 8 mon. Weekly. Fast efficient service, old; Inglis apartment size re- CALL COLLECT BRUSSELS frigerator; •3 piece bedroom' West Lorne BLACK and white sweet cher- ries,' will be ready to pick about the 10th of July. Montmorency ' will start around the . 17th. Bring containers and pick your , own. Elmer Wells, three miles south of Camp Ipperwash on gravel road, 11-9.1x2 4941,N, RE '40 tractor with 37 point hitch, in gaoti running con- dition. Phone 482-9880.11-92,x1 14-92-1 Action Ads "a BAILEY Real Estate '''PHONE DIRECT' CONCRETE WORK _„ ,,,,,, , 82,Albert. Street Clinton MAJOR OIL COMPANY 527-0240 All types of foundatiops and floors, cement barnyards. Rea- sonable rates - free., estimates. - MALONEY BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. Dublin, Ontario 345-2253 Phones 345-2964 19-90-tf SEAFORTH 'VETERINARY . CLINIC' J. 0, 'Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. S. J. Alkemade, B.V.Sc.,D.V.M., M.R.C.V.S. M. P. Haynes, D.V.M., B.V.Sc. J. W. V. Wekken, D.V.M., V.S. phone5 27-1760 Seaforth 23-90-tf ONE 80 International Combine, 4 years old, has combined only 260 acres. Phone 523-9501. .11-92x2 Listings wanted in Seaforthand surrounding areas. List with us to sell. FOR SALE - 150 acre farm in McKillop township, 2 storey stucco, 10 room home with oil heating. Requires person to provide re- lief for, warehouse duties during summer vacation period. Apply. to Box 2014, Huron Ex- positor. 4-92-1 BEATTY 30 inch electric stove, 13 1/2 cu.' ft. refrigerator; 1970 model. Will sell reasonable. 482-7548. 11-92-1 CASH 161 acres with 2 frame barns in McKillop township, 6 room insul brick siding home on lerely landscape. -Priced or sale. WANTED EIGHT-piece dining room set, older style. 527-1416. 11-92-1 WANTED - Couple to spend week- ends or possibly a week on farm in late July Dr. early August in. return for a few responsibilities. Box 2015, Huron Expositor. 442-2 eele-EVATY- -- Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 23-90-tf •ANY quantity of flag stone with 24-hour notice. Sameles Can be seen. Contact Joe Nigh: 527- 1475. • 11-92x3 CLEARANCE of ADDING MACHINE 5 room modern home in Clin- ton. Gas furnace and natural fireplace. Ideally located close to stores and churches. suite; 2 single chest of draw- ers; '3 single 'beds; china cab- inet; chesterfield and chair; swivel upholstered rocker; chrome suite; end- table and cof- fee table; 9 X 12 rug and under- lay, and other articles. TERMS - Cash.' Property, 10% down day of sale, balance in 30 days. 'Selling subject to reserve. 887-9334 PERCY WRIGHT Licensed AUCTIONEER HELP WANTED Contact Mason Bailey Office 482-9371 Residence 523-9338 Brussels Pet Food Supplies CAR SALESMAN 14-92-1 Kippen, Ontario Telephone e62-5515, Hensall 23-90-tf 15. Property for Rent 2 bedroom, upstairs apartment heated, private entrance, located on 19 Adam St. Phone 527-1623. - 15-91x2 11/2 miles south of Brussels. Lie. No. e73-C-70 19-90-tf ' ,Our progressive. Ford dealership requires a sales oriented person to assist in our merchandising Ford products. Some previous experience would be-an asset, but is not mandatory as a fell training course will be provided, We offer excellent benefits, progressive pay plan and . new demonstrators. Auctioneer CAMPER trailers for rent. Reasonable rates. Contact' Hopper ' Mechanical Services, " 527-1859. • 19-90-tf PREPARE for harvest time - for custom combining of grain, beans anti corn. Bean pulli.eg and windrowing. Fall- plowing. Call Ed Szusz, 523-9397. 19-91x6 13ACKHOE work. Topsoil, gravel and fill for sale. Don Wallace, Phone 482-6643 or 482-6614. 19-92- tf FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R: G. GETHKE Phone 547-2465, 'Monkton 23-90-ti Anyone interested in viewing this well maintained fanilly home before sale date, contact HRUC'E RATHVVELL Auctioneer RiReil,Brueefield. 482-3120. 20-92-1 THREE bedroom cottage in Hayfield. Apply Vance Bros. Phone 527-0680. 15-90-3 MODERN 2-bedroOm heated apartment close to uptown. Avail- able Sept. 1st. Apply to Box 2013, Huron Expositor. 15-92-1 SAVE UP TO 20% ON THESE NEARLY NEW -DEMONSTRATORS. CONTACT: JOHN HOPKINSON G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W,, Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent, FLOWERS FOR EVERY 'OCCASION Phone' 527-1390 Searnrth . :43-9U-51' Snider Motors LTD OWNER'S comfortable lake front cottage, 5 miles north of Grand Bend. Reasonable rate, sleeps six. Available 24 - 31; Aug. 14 - 21. Phone 229-6604. 15:192-1 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES . • EXETER, Ontario Phone 235-1640 Exeter or 227-4191 London ROOM and board available for two students In Stiatford. Close to bus stop. Call 273-1093 before July 23. 19-92-2 ti APARTMENT for rent. Self con- tained 2-bedroom apartment. Available July. Apply J.C.Crich. 15-92-tf TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH COUNTY OF HURON To Wit:- By virtue of ,a warrant Issued by the Reeve of the Township of Tuckersmith under his hang and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 25th day of March 1971 sale of lands in arrears of taxes IA the Township of Tucker- smith will be held at the Huron Centennial-School, Brucefield at the hour of 9:00 In the evening on the 5th day of September, 1971 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is heteby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 1st day of May, 1971, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office, Treasurer's Office, this 31st day of May, 1971. JAMES I. McINXOSH Treasurer. 22-84-13 11. Articles for Sale 8. Farm Stock for, Sale TWELVE chunks approximately 12 weeks old, all castrated, 6 - second litter" sows. Maurice Ryan. 345-2383. 8-92-1 SIXTY-FIVE good pigs, 10 -weeks old. Hans Vonk, Dublin, Phone 345-2429. 8-92-1 24. Cards of Thanks 19. Notices EL-E-CTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-90-tf FOR information on all mutual fund investments contact Fred (Ted) Savauge, 527-1522,Seaforth 19-90-tf A pair of size 8 boy's roller skates, precision wheels, good condition. 527-0867. Phone after 4 P.M. 11-92-1 I wish to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for their kindness, since I have been ill. Especially' for their cards and visits, while I was inSt. Joseph's Hospital. A special thanks to Rev. Mr.liancock for his visits and to Dr. C. Moyle for his pro- fessional care.' Also to those who drove my family to visit me in hOsPital, and helped them at home, - AndreW Houston. 24-92-1 I Would like to thank everyone who remembered me while I was a patient in Stratford Gen- eral Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Lindsay and Tidman and the nurses on the second floor.,, - Frank Vincent. 24-92x1 I wish to thank tit's. Whitman, Jackson, Malkus, the hospital etaff and friends and relatives for' kindness shown to me as a patient. - Mes. Kenneth Glan- ville: • 24-91x1 Refinish Your Brick Home by Victor Tallmaster Electric. Adds, Subtracts. Reg. 114.50, TO CLEAR Victor Champion, Hand ' Adds, Subtracts. Reg.-114.50, TO CLEAR 99.00 99.00 Sand Blasting and •eelicone finishing if neces- sary. ' STEELWORK ARNOLD STOTHERS RR 6, Goderich, Phone 529-7403 lee 90elf THOR washing machine, wringer' type, automatic dryer, antique oak dresser, antique flour chest. 345-2295. 11-92-1 CASE A Combine for repairs. Phone 345-2417. - 11-92x1 TWENTY-SEVEN chunks, apply Donald Kelly, Lot 11, Con. 4, McKillop Township. 8-92x1 THIRTY Hampshire pigs, 9 weeks old. Herman Van Bakel, R.R.#2, Dublin, Phorie u,345 7 2518. 8-92x1 Victor Talleymaster Adder Electric 79 so Reg. 99.50, TO CLEAR a SHOEING and trimming, all types 'of horses. Contact Ross Elliott, phone 527-0118r 19 tf SURG SURGE milker parts', leeners and disinfectants available at Clinton Farm and Garden Centre 22 Isaac Street Clinton Phone 482-9333 11-92-3 9. Poultry for Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old And Started Pullet SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-084"r Box 169 9-90- tf ED. HUNTER-n:MAR Bus. 229.0945 Res. 235.1494 THE HURON EXPOSITOR CHERRIES, pick your own while they last, Montmorency, 1.50 per 6 qt. basket; Bing 3.00 per 6 qt. Ross Middletop's Orchards, 1 mile east of Hayfield, North of the river. 11-92-1 'ITITNTER-DUVAR• & SON "WHERE FOLKS TURN TO VOLKS" R.R. 6. ST, MARYS AT RANNOCH 10. Used Cars for Sale CHEVY 2, 1962 good radio, new ' tires body excellent, engine not running. 1971 plates, perfect for modifying. $150.00. Pherie 482- 7176. 10-92-1 110 volt weed chOpper electric fencers,1 year guarantee, repair on han, also repairs for Amer- ican type. Phone 345-2306.-Alvin . Beuerman, R.R.#1, Dublin. 11-92-1 I would like to thank Drs. Moyo, M alkus, the nurses and staff and all those who rentemered me while I was in the hospital. - Mrs. Martha Van Bakel.24-92x1 Remember! I t takes but a moment to' place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 19-81-13 527-0240. BODY WORK AND PAINTING OUR SPECIALTY VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE AND SALES 527-0240 Seaforth 4), , -•