HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-07-15, Page 10The Sports Column
(By Rob Brady) ----- '
Organize Minor Town League a.
A tip of the hat this week to those who organized the
Industrial Minor Baseball.
The League was formed to give the kids from age 8
up to Grade 8 the chance to play organized ball and I
think it is filling a large gap in the recreation program
of the town. Before there was no chance for these young-
sters to play organlz,ed ball during the summer so when
they were old enough for inter-town leagues they had to
learn from scratch.
Jack Price, the unofficial convener of the League tells
me that there are more than 70 boys registered with the
new League. They are divided into 6 teams with two
volunteer coaches each.
The teams play every Wednesday night at the Lions
Park where three diamonds have bee n laid out. In this
way all the youngsters are in the same place each night
and it is mech easier for them and their parents.
The games start at 6:45 p.m. and go for seven innings
or the inning which-is completed closest to 8:30.
The volunteer coaches in the program include Tom
Phillips and Bob Read, whose team is currently in first
place followed closely by the team coached by George
Ribey and Verne Scott. Other team s are coached by Bill
Price and Jerry Blow, Charlie Campbell and Ron Drager,
Brian Flannigan and Harry Arts and Earl Grey- and Bob
Unfortunately I didn't hear about the program earlier
and Wednesday was the last date for signing players so
those ,youngsters who haven't been down as yet will have
to wait until next year.
The only equipment the boys mist provide is a "ball
glove. Bats and balls are provided by the league and -the
Ontario Department of Labour, recreation division, has
donated some catcher's and umpire's equipment to the
The program can mean nothing but good to the whole
recreation scene ih Seaforth as it will develop the young
ball players more quickly for Pee Wee and Bantam teams
in future years.
Who knows? Maybe Seaforth is on the way developing
a Rusty Staub or Ferguson Jenkins of Its ewe. Each Wednesday night the Lions Park rings with the sound
of over 70 boys aged 8 - 12 involved in the new industrial
Minor League. Three diamonds have been laid out in the Park
and all six team s in the league play at the same time. Above,
a young pitcher sneaked one by a determined batter as play
got underway last week. For more information on the league
and -its organizers, see The Sports Colum i. (Staff Photo)
On. Top
Mainstreet continues to lead
the way in Men's Industrial Fast-
ball following Monday's action.
In second are the Teachers 'fol-
lowed by Firemen, MeChanics,
Genesco and Turf Club.
Monday night, the Firemen
defeated the Teachers 12-9 while
Mainstreet drubbed the Turf Club
10-3 and the Mechanics handed
Genesco their seventh de-
feat 10-5.
Last Thursday two games
were played which had been
rained out. Mainstreet defeated
•Genesco 12 to 7 and it was Fire-
men 15, Turf Club 6 in the other
Future garn'es scheduled in-
elude a game tonight caused by
a rainout. The Teachers will
face the Mechanics. On Monday
night, MainStreet is scheduled
to meetGenesco at the Optimist
Recreation grounds while at the
Lions Park, the Mechanics will
face' the Teachers and the Fire-
men will go against the Turf
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"Good heavens! That doesn't mean strike two . .. it's the
peace sign!"
St. ..Columban lost a good
chance to gain in the league stand-
ings When they were edged 3-2 by
the Tillsonburg Athletics in a
London and District 1st Divisio'n
Soccer League game played in
Tillsonburg on Saturday.
Tillsonburg opened the scor-
ing early in the 1st half when they
intercepted a clearing pass and
two players broke in through
centre and goalie Paul O'Reilly
had no chance on the close-in
shot. St. Columban tied the
score mid-way through the half
on a rush through centre when
the play in front of the Tillson-
burg goal was climaxed as an
Athletic defender fired the ball
into his own net while attempting
to clear.
Tillsonburg took a 2-1 lead
early in the 2nd half when they
broke in from the left wing and
scored from close in.
St. Columban had many good
scoring chances but couldn't
capitalize until late in the game
when Tom Love and Brian Melady
, worked the ball into the Tillson-
burg goal-mouth and it was de-
flected in to tie the score at 2-2.
Tillsonburg scored the win-
ning goal in the last five minutes
of play when Athletic centre Jack
Criel cut in from the right side
and curved a shot into the top
of the St. Columban net to make
the final score, Tillsonburg - 3,
St.Columban - 2.
The next St. Columban game
will be Saturday, July 17th, when
FAG Stratford will play here in
the 1st round of City, Cup play.
Kick-off will be at , at
the Seaforth Distri hopl i.e ier 4th, Field. On Saturdca oe'rel
St. Columban 're.London
German Canadians in a league
game with kick-off scheduled for
4:00 p.m. at the Cove Road Field
in London.
St. Columban line-up -
Goal - Paul O'Reilly; Full-back -
Tom Melady, Ron McClure;
Halves - Gord Moylan, Murray
McClure, Len Bakelaar; For-
wards - Tom Love, George Love,'
Ken McClure, Larry Kale, Brian
Melady; Alt. - Hank Pardys,
Gerald Ryan.
Tillsonburg line-up -
Goal - Ron Deleevrin; Full
backs - Tim Turnidge, Hubert
Vanwynsberge; Halves - Al
Forbes, Steve Szikszay, Charlie
McKernan; 'Forwards - Noel
Ghesquiere, Norel Ghesquiere,
Jack Criel, Tom Janovich, Ron
Ghesquiere; Alt. - Ed. Price,
Etieryne Vanhovteghem, Fred
Smiles . . .
Newly commissioned officer;
"Listen, sailor, if the captain
ever caught you calling the deck
a floor he'd throw you right out
of one of those little round
wifidows over there!" •
A lot of today's troubles arise
from workers who don't think and
thinkers who don't work.
'An impatient business execu-
tive fumed because the elevator
didn't arrive quickly. "Where
have you been?" he snapped at
the operator. "Where can you
go in an elevator?" was her
10...,-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, oNT., .110.,Y 15, 1971
Tillsonburg. Bests
Columban Team
Brodhagen Brewers were de-
feated Sunday 3-1 by the Rostock
team in a game played in Sebring-
In spith 'of the loss it was a
good game all the way. Rostock
opened with an unearned run in
the first inning which stood up
until the sixth. Bob Jarmeth
with 'his first of two singles
knocked in Dave Leonhardt who
had made it to second on a single
and a stolen base. Jarmeth
got'as far as third on two passed
balls .but was unable,, to score..
ROstock picked up two more,
runs in their, sixth to end scoring
in the game.
Al French's seventh inning
double put, him in scoring posit-
ion for the Brewers but he was
later called out eon ," a-, squeeze
Doug. Leonhardt struck out
Brocilitmeniriewers. Lose -
Intermediates 11-6. Errors
plagued the Brewers throughout •
the game as they committed six,
allowing 8 unearned runs. One
bright spot for the Brewers was
the batting of Maynard Hoegy who
hit two home runs to score 3-
runs for the Brewers.
Brodhagen's next game is to-
night-when they will be at home.
to Atwood Intermediates at 8:30.
A good turnout of ladies were
on hand for our ladieS' tretues
tournament on' Wednesday after-
noon. Rinks were present from
Wingham Goderich, Mitchell,
Stratford and Seaforth. ,
Winning first prize was a
Goderich rink skipped by Ardie
Westbrook with Grace Scrime-
geour vice an&Mary RoWse lead
with 3 wins plus. 23 agg. 41.
Second .place went to ' a Strat-
ford entry skipped by Mrs. J.
Hoggarth with Ida Close vice
and Mrs. L, Shore lead with
2 wins plus 22 agg. 43. Third
place. ,was th e_ Seaforth rink
skipped by Janet Ford with Jean
Lunn vice and Haiel Hildebrand'
lead with 2 wins plus IQ agg. 34.
Our thanks go to Ida who gave
up an afternoon with her family
so the-'Stratford entry could bowl.
Jitney. winners last week
were: Thursday night, Ella Mun-:
ro and Eric Matzold; Saturday
night; Mae Habkirk and Hugh
Thompson; Tuesday night saw
one of the largest turnouts this
season at the jitney., Winners
were: ladies, Thelma Dale first,
Katie Phillips, second; Men,
George Hildebrand , first, Eric
Matzold, second.
Several of our men attended
the men's tournament in Strat-
ford Saturday last and at least
one entry is attending men's
doubles in" Exeter cm Wednes-
day. Coming up on July 17, Sea-
forth men's doubles Westing-
house and July 31 Sathrday, rii;xed
doubles watch tournament. " 4
Ladies Play ,
Close Games
Tuesday night's action in
Ladies Industrial Ball saw two
At- the Optimist Recreation
Grounds, the Swingers defeated
the Weepers 27-23.
The game. at the Lions. Park
Saw the Slamm .ers squeeze by the
Bouncers 25-24.
Action will continue next
Tuesday in the League.
thirteen men while allowing 3
runs on 5 hits and 3 walks. The
Brewers committed two errors.,
Another game had been
scheduled With Rostock for July
8 but the visitors failed to show
and Brodhage4 was awarded the
win, 9 - 0.
On Wednesday, July 7, the
Brewers lost their third game
of the season to the Atwood