HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-07-15, Page 4Notice to Parents CONCERNING BICYCLES Parents are urged to co-operate in instructing thelf children that the practise of leaving bicycles do the shoulder of the Highway at the Park entrance and on adjoining properties is PROHIBITED. It may be necessary to deny Park privileges to those children who persist in this practise. Seaforth Lions Park GRAND. PRIZES Draw to take place Tues.. November 9th, 1971 at,the SI, Lawrence Hall. la .41111).004) end sele11011 3rd prime 41.000 each MONTHLY PRIZES 5 draws, one each month In Ontario. May through October lor: 1st S5.11011 end settee III prizes 451)1) each .21 prizes ellen rash WINNERS OF TilgSECOND MONTHLY DRAW Con eolitis „tarries W, Coady Tom Fieher Brian Morey Miss Murphy Marion Currie 24 Prizes •$100 each Edythe Phillips. Toronto; M. E, Hilson, New Toronto; Mary E. Career, Bramp- ton; M. Furiston, Toronto; Frank Tozer, Toroht0: Mrs. W. G. Guest, Islington; Eleanoi:Fleining, Wilke/Nate; BRed- mond, Weston; Domeeer5 A. Delo: Toronto; Jdhn 1Koide, Toronto; Wilmer Sleacy, Tdronto; /Vert M. Syer, Mississauga; Mrs. Jeltiario, tornwall; C. 0. McDougallOoronto; Mrs. 'Lloyd Finlay, Napaneelee,J. Gi- zikoff, Haymer; Mrs, Ft, Bois, SatiltSte. Marie; Bob Vogt, London; J. A. Melall, TOronto;,Alry Arsenault, Torontci; Mrk Watson, Toronto; Mrs. W. Hovey, Toronto; Carolyn Pilloe, Windsor; Eaton's Social Club; Kitehener. Don Mills arbo(eugh Toronto Lindsay Toronto Willowdale '1st Prize Ronald Wright $59 • 000 Mississauga 2nd Prize re"gujra Crockett 14 Prizes . Wm. Greensides Ivan Dunn M. Brankovic Roland Porter . $500 .each Stratford TOronto Toronto Toronto $1,000 Scarborough Winners of monthly prizes also remain eligible for Grand Prizes. Buy early...entries remain eligible for all monthly draws until drawn. ••• ••••••••••••-, ...,,,,,,,,,,,••••-•/..11••••••••••••••••••••..1.•••••••1 4,411*, IIRIOts! Expostroa, SEAFORTH, ONTi., JULY 15, 1'71 so Area Families Hold Reunions • birthday of Mrs. David Papple with a decorated cake and gifts. Games and races were held. Relatives attended from Brant- ford, London, Welland, Mitthell, Wasauga Beach and Dorchester. Scanning the Weeklies By Lee Hee NORRIS REUNION The annual reunion of the Norris family was held onSunday afternoon, July Ilth at the Seaforth Lions Park with approximately '70 In attendance. Supper was served followed by -a, short business meeting. The president, John Norris, called for a mingte's silence in memory of those who had passed away during the past year. The next reunion will be held on July' 8, 1972 at the Seaforth Qz Nixon Sets Out Details Of Liberal Proposals Lions Park. The following are the results of the various sports activities: Races : - Age 1 - 3 - Beth Williams, 1st, Kathy Norris, 2nd. Age 4 - 5 - Sandy Williams, ist, Shiela Jones , 2nd., Age 6 - 7 - David Jones, let; Jim Flynn , 2nd.; Age1.2 -13 - Franky Flynn, 1st, Jerry Storey, 2nd; Age 14 - .15 - Jack Storey, 1st, Larry Flynn 2nd; Age 141- 16- Sherrie Storey. Sack Race - Sheila Jones, 1st, Sandy Williams 2nd; Jim Flynn, 1st, Doug. Hub- ert, 2nd; Frank Flynn, 1st, Jerry Storey, 2nd; Lila Storey, 1st, Patsy Cooke, 2nd. Softball Throw : - Men - Gary Jones. Kick 'the Slipper - Ha.zel McLepd, Janice Sillery," John Jacobi. Newspaper Contest - Mrs. Don McLeod. Authors of Best Sellers - Mrs. Harvey Jacobi. T.V.Program Contest - Mrs. Orville Storey. Oldest - William Norris. Youngest - Chelene Glanville. Coming the farthest - Mr*nd Mrs. Irvin Pagel of Davisen, ' Michigan. The next years officers are as fellows: President - William Norris; Sec- retary - Janice Sillery; Lunch - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pinder, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Williams; Sports, - Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris. In scanning the Exeter 'Times-Advocate we. ncete ,that Mrs. Olga Orenczuk, 236 Pryde Boulevard, notteed a young girl In difficulty at the Morrison Dam reservoir liek SUnday afternoon and went to her assistance and pulled her from , the water. She did not learn the girls identity. Work started this week on Exeter's first Uglier outlet. It will be at Le Pines Motel and may be ready by early fall. The new addition will feature a 42-seat dining lounge and a 56-seat lounge. Lucan Lions new executive was installed recently with Jim Shipley as president. Doug. Triebner was neglect building inspector by Exeter council at their Monday night meeting. According to the Brussels Post a special meeting of council wads held for the purpose of setting the mill rate for the year 1971. The new rate increased 5 On Saturday, July 17, Mr. and Mrs. Martin, MacDonald will be At Hone" to their friends marking their 5th Wedding Anniversary. The Wingham Advance-Times reports that eight-year- old Michael Rintoul, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rintoul, was in collision with acar. Taken to hospital, aet examination, revealed no serious injuries. A further step toward the establishment of a day care centre in Wingham was approved in principle following a request that the Armouries be made available for this and related services. Wingham town 4olice investigated three accidents, total damages amounted to more than $700. The residents at the Mee Water Rest Home, according " to the Zurich Citizens News, will have a summer volunteer program for secondary school students which has been set up and financed by the Department of Social and Family 1, Services. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ducharme, of Hay Township, were honored recently on their 40th wedding anniversary. The Blyth Standard extends congratulations to Mie and Mrs. Harry McGuire who quietly celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Tuesday, Jely 6th. Valerie Morningstar, 19-yeareeld' daughter pf Mr. and • Mrs. Albert Morningstar, according to the Lucknow Sentinel, rl represented this area in the Miss Dominion of Canada contest held at Niagara Falls on July 1st. Winner 'of the Miss Dominion of Canada award eras Lana Drouillard, a 20-year-old school teacher from Windsor. An Amberly news item relates that Mr. Lankester of England has been 4t , reflecting the costs of produc- tion to provide our primary pro- ducere_with the return that is their due. A Liberal Depart- ment of Agriculture would launch an immediate program to inform all consumers of the economics of farming; offering a compar- ison of retail prices and the prices paid primary producers. The whole community has a responsibility in this matter. We would appoint marketing boards with agency powers 'for any product threatened by im- ports grown under subsidies or threatened by unfair business practices or dumping. This initial beard will be abolished or replaced by an elected pro- ducers' board within two years. I need only cite the "chicken and egg war" to underline the Aiz Speaking at a recent Simcoe Centre Provincial Annual Nellie, Robert Nixon, Ontario Liberal, leader recalled problems facing Ontario farmers. In his remarks Mr. Nixon outlined steps the Liberal Party would take to correct the situation. A Liberal Government would give Ontario's farmers priority in the formation of Agricultural policies, for surely it fs the primary producer who Supplies the capital, labor, management and most particularly the risks involved, in agricultural pr. uc- tion. A Liberal Goyerntn nt in Ontario will: 1. Establish an 'Agricultural In- WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 We are STILL SHORT dustry Bank. 2. Institute forgiveable loans to producers updating and moder- nizing their operations in 'a viable farm enterprise. 3. Strive to bring farm produce prices to a level that accur- ately reflects costs of produc- tion and reasonable profit. 4. Co-operate with the Federal Government to reduce farm input costs in Canada. 5. Negotiate with the other Gov- ernmeete of Canada, Federal and provindial for agreement on common subsidy ,and marketing policies. 6. Establish by Order-in-council, marketing, boards -with agency powers in emergency situat- ions. 7. Encourage the standardization of farm machinery parts. ileltone"Hearing Aids- and----- Audiometers E. R. Thede Hearing Aid , Service Ltd. 88 Queen St. S., Kitchener, Ontario OF USED REFRIGERATORS Now is the time to buy, while we can allow you top trade-in value. We need your old unit badly, so buy a new GSW McCLARY REFRIGERATOR lr DON BRIGHTRALL gotiations for agreement on common marketing and subsidy policies to avoid inter- provincial trade. barriers "in Canadian agriCulture. •Ontario must return to the county assessment system. Cen- tralization has caused frustra- tion and a feeling of helpless- ness among rural people and those living in Ontario's towns and villages. They feel remote from and no longer part of the processes which affect their lives. When they are unfairly assessed, their minority posit- ion' and weltering red tape cause injustice, hardship and Unbear- ably high taxes. Ontario's tax base must be refornied for, the benefit of all citizens. A Liberal. Government will, over four years, assume 80 per cent of the cost of education. Our municipalities will no longer rely on property tax to pay too large, a share of the cost of education. As it is; the farmer pays an unreason- ably high percentage of his total tax in Property tax for educat- ion, regardless of his income, Mr. Nixon concluded. Local Consultant PHONE 527.0732 SEAFORTH - Repairs for all makes of Hearing Aids - FreSh Beltone Batteries Can now be purchased at Keating's Drug, Store Annie Bere of Dungannon visited, for a few days with her rl sister, Mrs. William 0. Hunter. Mrs. Hunter celebrated her 80th birthday, July 3rd., and was honored on Sunday by members of her family witha picnic supper. The Goderich Signal-Star reports it was strawberry festival time recently when, a truck loaded with' crates of berries accidentally dumped a portion of its cargo onto the street. The cleaning-up Operation was swift as many eager children assisted in the task. Needless to say; many. appetites were satisfied. A new '113-hole golf course was opened recently. . The owner of the new course is Paul Baechler and the manager is Dennis Lassaline. The Clinton News-Record reports that Mr. Dick Dixon of Clinton officially became poptmaster, of the Clinton office on Monday, July 5th. He is a native of Clinton and has worked at the post office for 17 years. He has been ' acting postmaster since April when Art Ball left Clinton to become postmaster at Kincardine. A break-pi at the 11/ . Huron Fish and Game Conservation Clubhouse' was dis- covered and according to a police report, approximately ° $250 worth of liquor, beer and cigarettes and money was taken. visiting his brother, Robert Lankester. The two brothers .g.--Restereethe-, county-assessee-neeessity • ofeallegovernmeet ---havenet--seen eaele--other-foresome--sixty-eyearse other -Mrse---- ment system. 9. Implement a program of tax reform. The Agricultural Industry Bank we propose would make long and short term loans and second mortgage loans, at competitive interest fates. Interest rates on farm improvement loans will be brought into line with those pre- vailing in other provinces. Ontario suffers a shortage of feed cattle; cow-calf operations are needed but because a long term cash outlay is required before any return is realized, many farmers are unable to begin such operations. The forgiveable loans we propose for those who Would update and modernize to meet these and other short supply situations would be a boon to producer and consumer alike. Govern- ment loans created to use grain in storage as security would not only tide over- those farmers forced to sell their grain at harvest time, "but reduce the market glut and work to sta- bilize prices. 1.• Farm produce prices must be brought toga level accurately •••••••-••••-•••-•••••••,•••••^•••,..W.• ••••••••••••••••• NEWS OF 1/VALTON John and Steven Beer spent a few days last week at the home of Mt'; and Mrs. Emmer- son Mitchell, prior to their par- ents move from Manitoba, to Carrip Borden. egeeeeee" • as lob) $199. as with your trade smacsamsompazamatscacy• 16-oz. 430 _7%-oz. 630 Eagle Brand COND.ENSED MILK Next Sunday will be the last I/ service at Duff's United Church before the minister takes his month's holidays.• Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herb 'Traviss at their trailer at Boiler Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Doug- all of Exeter, spent Sunday even- ' ing with Mrs. Walter Broadfpot, Mrs. Jim Clark was in charge of the executive meeting held at the church Wednesday evenings when plans were mat % for a worship service at Bayfleld, October 15. It was decided not to have congregational picnic this year.. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall and Beverley, and Tom Steven-7 son visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bender at their cottage at Lurgan Beach. • W.I. TO MEET The W.I. will meet next Wed- nesday in the hall; Mrs. Jim Axt- mann and Mrs. Mersey Smith are conveners on Historical Research and Current Events. - The Roll Call is to be bring your oldest piece of jewellery and tell its history, and 4-H girls will be e present and model their outfits they made in the spring project "Separates for Summer". GSW Air Conditioner A ij Model ,250 WINDOW AIR CONDItIONER This model ie designed specifically for rooms up to 250 sq. ft., such as a bedroom ... provides perfect sleeping conditions during the ' hottest weather. CoMes equipped with the following features: et Single 'epeed cooling • Washable air filter • Strong steel construction • No drip dehumidification 111 Easy installation kit PRODUCE lb. 130 H BEETS 2 for 29 $179. es low 115 installed. 4 Seaforth '4 limited mum PHONE 527-0990 Two Locations SEAFORTH emeseeemseeeeeeeeeseieeseeemee Heinz Strained BABY FOODS, 4%-oz. 6 for-840* Sunlight Liquid DETERGENT 24-oz. 650 White Swan Bathroorn TISSUE, 2's 3 for 890 Allen's Asstd. FRUIT DRINKS, 48-oz. 3 for 1390 .„. WiLLIAMSON REUNION Mr. and Mrs. George elesbitt were host to the annual William- Son Reunion on Sunday with 62 present. A program of sports was conducted by Lynda Forbes, Phyllis Coombs and Brenda Kit- ching with the following results: Races, 4 and under, Kevin Wil- liamson, Steven Coombs, JoAnne Carter; 8 and under, Clendon Coombs, Daryl Robinson, Glenda Riley; 12 and under, Kathy Coombs, Clendon Coombs, Danny McGrath; Kick the Slipper, Jan- ice Carter, Brian Riley, band Kathy Coombs; Shoe Scramble, Brian. Riley; Oldest Man, Adin Forbes; Oldest Lady, Mrs. Forbes; Nearest birthday, Don Carter; Youngest child, Chris Smith. A delicious picnic supper was enjoyed followed by a business meeting. Mrs. Evelyn William- son read the minutes. Jim lea- ching, the president for 1972, presided over the meeting and conducted an election of officers as follows: vice president, Ina Mcbrath; secretary, Brenda Kit- ching; treasurer, Thelma Coombs; sports, Ron and Gloria Riley; Lunch corn rnittee, Flor- ence Nesbitt, Evelyn Carter and Evelyn Williamson. The reunion will be held at Norman William son's next year. RusselleJervis thanked Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt for the use of their home. • PAPPLE REUNION The . Pappel famey reunion was held. Sunday at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones, Clin- ton with a good attendance. A 'smorgasbord 'dinner was served and a special occasion of the day was a celebration of the 80th 41. Entries remain eligible for all monthly draWs until drawn. Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan of McKillop and Mr. end Mrs. Don Ryan of Clinton attended -'the Speak= Durivage w g in Welland on Saturday an visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester leeninger over the weekend. Mr. and . Mn'. Howard Deane, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs Ron Deane, Newmarket spent Friday evening at the home of Me. and Mrs. Ray Huether, and attended the Webster-Shortreed wedding in the Brussels Presbyterian Church. Miss Lynn McDonald has arrived home after holidaying with her' aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Cassidy and family of Ingersoll. Visiting with Mrs. Walter Broadfoot on Saturday were Mrs. Wm. Farquharson, London and Mr. and Mrs. John Guckene bereer of Kitchener, memeopSeememiewilleemmem INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life Donald G. Eaton Insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527.1610 Seaforth NIP New Lotterio .,1" Box 8800, Terminal A I Toronto. Ontario 2 1 It Enclosed please find payment for Lotterio z " tickets $2 each I understand that each ticket makes me eligible :1 I for monthly prves, as well. as the grand prize draikr November. I 61 Name . I Address _ "cf. I Telephone_ . el To speed delivery please include stamped return address envelope ' I SHE -7103-2 Ontario Pray Lic 17147 BP rio F of BUY TICKETS FROM - YOUR LOCAL SHOPKEEPER DISPLAYING 'THE Lorremo,SidN- . til