HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-07-15, Page 3veying Course held at the Univer-
sity of Guelph.
ted Church com'nunity gave Miss
Susan Allen, bride-elect of this
Saturday, a kitchen shower on
Wednesday evening at the church.
' Mr. and Mrs. Sanford lietton
and Diane spent the weekend at
Listowel, Diane remained for a
weeks holidays with. relatives.
Mrs, John Coward attended
the Twelfth of July Orangeman's
Parade ip Listowel on Saturday.
Township of East Wawanosh
council met in the Belgrave Com-
munity Centre Room with Reeve
Roy -Pattison presiding and-all
the members present.
Motions adopted included: -
- That the County Weed In-
spector place in the local papers
appropriate advertising • re
noxious weeds.
- That Schultz Bros. receive
$522.96 in payment of all previous
work done at the Waste Disposal
Site and also to end of year 1971.
- That Reg. Schultz be ap-
pointed as Waste Disposal Site
Supervisor @ $1.75 per hour.
- That the Township Mill
Rate be set at BuSiness and
Commercial: 27.87 mills and
Farm and Residential: 24.44
That the Clerk and Treasurer
receive $15.00 re attendance at
a "Tile Drain" Seminar held
in Orangeville.
- That the interest rate re
levying of municipal drains be
set at 8%.
That Road Accounts be ap-
proved and paid of $7,746.97
and General Accounts of
Following are the mill rates
to be used for 1971 tax pur-
poses. County Purposes: 20.33
mills; Township; B & C:
27.97 mills; F & R; 24.44
mills; High Schools; B & C:
22.84 mills; F & R:' 20.56 mills
Public Schools: East Wawanosh
School Area: B & C: 11.86
mills;, F & R: 10:67 mills; West
Wawanosh School Area: •B & C.
Nil; F & R: 6.67 mills; Turn-
berry School Area; B'& C: 18,67
mills; r & R: 16.81 mills; Hul-
lett School Area: B & C: 12.54
mills; F &' R: 11.29 mills; Kin-
loss School Area: B & C: 11.03
R: 9.93 mills; Sep-
arate School Rate: FarirT7aria -
Residential: 19.47 mills; Police
`Village of Manchester; General:,
15.00 , mills, Special; 6:00 mills;
Reduced Township Rate; 8.00
Reeve Roy Pattison presented
Clarence Hanna, Road Superin-
tendent, a "Certificate" from
the Ontario Good Roads Assoc-
iation in recognition of having
successfully completed the "C.
S. Anderson" Road School Sur-
Logan Council met in
Bornholm for the July meeting,
with all members present. An
advance of $500.00 to the Monkton
Fire Area Board and a $200.00
4Zrant to the Monkton Library
Board was authorized. The final
inspection certificate of James A.
Howes, O.L.S. was accepted on
the Bode Drain and the Dietz
Drain By-law was finally passed.
Due to changes in the Tile
Drainage Loan procedure a
by-law setting up a $200,000.00
credit was given two readings and
the Clerk instructed to apply to
the Ontario Municipal Board for
approval to finally pass.
Clerk K. J. Reaney was in-
structed to have a building by-
law prepared for consideration at
the August meeting.
Road accounts amounting to
$33,594.52 and general accounts
totalling $8,539.76 were ordered
paid with $59,600.00 school tax
having been paid on June 15.
The report on the Michie
Drain was considered. Jas'. A.
Howes, O.L.S. was present and
answered questions from the
ratepayers involved.
The meeting gave approval to
By-laws to adopt the Michie drain
report, to provide a savings plan
for employees and to repeal a By-
law providing a levy on the tax roll
for the Federation of Agriculture.
Resolutions pasSed at the July
meeting of Grei, Township council
- That the appeal of Gordon
Clarke, owner of Lot 26, Con-
cession 3, op the Storey Municipal
,Drain, be not allowed and the
assessment be sustained.
-That Court of Revision on the
Van Loo Municipal Drain be
closed and By-Law No. 16 of
1970 be finally passed.
-That the revised report of
Walter, Fedy, M cCarter ,
Hachborn of the Kreuter
Municiap Drain, be provisionally
adopted and By-Law No. 25 of 1971
be given first and second read-
-That the request of William'
Blake and Emerson Mitchell to
repair Branches 3 and 5 of the
Pellard Municipal prain be ac-
cepted'and the clerk be instruct-
ed to notify The Maitland Valley'
Conservation' Authority of such
proposed drainage works and,
subject to the approval of the
Authority, Gamsby and Man-
nerow, Consulting Engineers, be
:appointed to make a survey and ,
prepare plans, profile and speci-
fications and report for the repair
and improvement of Branches 3
and 5 of the Pollard Municipal
-That the clerk,.be instructed
to advertise for tenders on the
Campbell, Smillie, Van Loo and
Storey Drains.
-That the . County Weed
Inspector be authorized to place
in the local papers appropriate
advertising• concerning noxious
Accounts paid included:
'General $11,065.70 and RoadS
and Bridges $27,316.10.
Mr.. Joyce Schenck,Seaforth,
and Mrs. Edith Brdthers,
Stratford, left July 5 along with
sixty other Canadians to attend
the 21st International Conference
in Moscow, U.S.S.R. Mrs.
Schenck and Mrs. Brothers are
both members of Board of Direc-
tors of Huron-Perth Tuberculo-
sis and Respiratory Disease
The Conference will last 5
days, July 12 - 16 inclusive. The
Inaugural session will be held
at the Palace of Congresses of
the Kremlin on, Red Square,
Moscow. Four Pleniary sessions
are at the Moscow State Univer-
sity, Lenin Hills. Conference
tours are arranged each day to
clinics, sanitariums, museums,
theatres and many other points
of interest. The balance of the
a week tour includes- visits to
Holland, Denmark, Finland,
Czechoslovakia and England.
Two thousand delegates are ex-
pected and eighty countries will
be represented.
News of
Mrs. John Templeman
Members and friends pi the
Hibbert Com.ntinity Young Peo-
ples enjoyed a picnic at the Pinery
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Kemp,
Broughton -Island, North West
Territories, are holidaying with
tievid's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Kemp and Eleanor.
Shirley -Miller. holidayed, for_
a few days _with her aunt, Mrs.
Rose Harris, Chlsellibrst,
Karen and Steven Miller hol-
idayed for a few days with Mr.
and °Mrs. Eugene Willard, Exeter.
Miss Bonnie Miller, Hamilton
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr.,-and Mrs. Clifton Mil-
ler and Paul.
Fred McCaughey spent the
weekend with M r, and Mrs. Harry
McCaughey and family, Arthur.
Susan Norris.is spending this
week at the United Church Camp
at Bimini.
Morris Township Council held
its July meeting in the township
hall with all members present and
Reeve Wm. Elston presiding.
kit Motions adopted included; that
he tender of Seaforth Drainage &
Construction Limited to con-
struct the Magee Drain for $3125.
be accepted; that by-law No. 10,
1971 setting tax penalty at 3%
after December 15 and 1% per
month after January 1, 1972, on
unpaid taxes be passed; that the
COiffity-Wee-cl Inspector be artho-
rized to place in lbcal papers
appropriate advertising re:
Noxious Weeds; thAt By-law No.
14, 19'71 be given 1st and 2nd
readings (Borrowing By-law for
$300,000. under The Tile Drain-
age Act 1971); that Court of
Revision on the Michie Drain be
August 16.
ktoad Accounts for $28,536.07
and General Accoents for
$3,699.27 were approved.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cote of
London visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs%Freernan Horne.
Miss Janet Hern of London
spent the weekend with Mr. and
M rs. Phil Bern and boys.
The ladies , of Elim title Uni-
197 York Street, Ste. 1000, London 12, Ontario
Friday, July 16th, 1971
one of our representatives
Mr. J. D. Brinklow
will be at
The Bedford Hotel
In this district and throughout Canada many
persons and firms in practically all types of
businesses including
Agriculture • Tourist and Recreational
Businesses • Construction • Professional
Services • Transportation • Wholesale and
Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing
have obtained loans from the IDB to acquire
land, buildings, and machinery, to increase
working capital, to start a new business, and
for other purposes. If you consider 'that IDB ,J'
can be of service, you are invited to, arrange 'an
appointment with the IDB representative by
Telephone: 524-7337-
or,in advance by writing to,
Town. Hall, Mon., July 26
8:30 p.m:
Town Hall, Tues., July 20,
8:30 p.m.
John G. Berry, Charles Thomas
Secretary, Chairman
Court House; Goderich
Pubiic meetings will be held in the_
locations and at times noted below for
the, jurpose of discussing the propos-
ed Official Plan for the County of
These are open meetings and you are
invited to attend. Anyone unable to be
present may forward written submis-
sion to the secretary of the Planning
Board on or before July 19, 1971:
Since its creation in late 1968
'the etellittreof Huron., Planning
Boa rAillesebeset 4ctlivelk pursuing.
the preparation of an- Official
'Plan to prOmote and guide
development throughout the
County. The consulting firm of
G. V. Kleinfeldt and Associates
was engaged in the summer of
1969 and have now completed a
draft Official Plan for Huron
•The' plan, when adopted, will
provide. County Council and the.
Planning Board with the neces-
sary and appropriate administra-
tive tools to guide and direct the
development of all-the rnunic ipa•
lilies in the County in a manner
deemed to be irl' the ,public
interest". The plan will be the
County's "Statement of, Policy"
on land use, and will provide
"guidance.and direction" to both
public endprivate interests,,the
board pointS out.
The plan 'sets out suggested
policy on such issues as: recrea-
tional' development ,.on the Lake
Huron Shore, urban development,
rural development and future
municipal planning.
The consulta4 s, n he
direction of the Planning B.
prepared the draft plan, and
before it becomes official, local
municipal councils and the public
at large will comment on .,the
.Proposals presented., After con-
sidering the _comments County
Council will submit a draft plan
to the Minister of 1Vinnicipal
fairs for his approval. Upon"
approval by the Minister the
draft plan becomes the Official
' plan.
The purpose of public meet-
ings is to provide an' opportunity
for the public to make known its
views to County Council,. the
Planning Board and the Planning
A copy of,the draft plan can
, . •
irs Vs-Trete -ro Br A .
A47/e.Vr elerVerRIAN -rilthv
ArDes-rmAni PA•rtrivr.
Want - Ads
Phone 527-0240
Planning Board, are as follows:
Exeter - Tuesday, July20
Clinton - Thursday, July 22
Wingham-Monday, July 26
In each case the meeting, is
being held in, the Town Hall and
will commence at 8:30 p.m.
Store-Wide Sale -- Discounts
On Everyltem! !
Sporting Goods — Camping
• Supplies -- Hunting Supplies
-- Rifles -- Shot Guns
munition -- Reloading Equip-
ment '- Tents - Canoes Fish-
ing Gear —.Marine Supplies
- Everything for the Spori.s-
' man and o-ut-doors-man.
From north to south,'from Atlantic to.
Pacific, Datsun dealers are everywhere
each with easy access to our chain
of, parts depots across the continent.
So take a Datsun on vacation.
Your own Datsun dealer will be
happy to supply you with a complete list
of his associates thrdughout Canada
and the United States.
1 " -
They're friendly places to stop
for adv.ice and local information.
And, of course, for Datsun parts.
and service. You;orobably won't need
their mechanical help, but isn't it nice
to know Datsun dealers are there ...
everywhere. • •
Have a nice trip.
•VA'.0•W;W: •
Box 249, COrner Main Street and Hwy. 8, Seatorth, Ontario — Telephone 527.1019
`There are more than 1100 Datsun dealers across'Canada and the U.S.A.
be obtained through any library
in. the •C,ounty and as Vi7e1I
mernben.s.,ef County Council have
Meetings which have been an-
nounced by Charles Thomas,
• Chairmail, County of Huron