HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-06-19, Page 71 1 4tIEflL 1 •If Wend worth loving. . Yee, vol'd hint !mow That ou love him, are lire's veuing Tii a his brow with elute% glow, Why bould good words ne'ar be said Of it friend—till he is bad. f you hear a song that thrills you, Sung by any child of Hang, Praise it. Do not let the Singer Wait deserved pra,isee long, Why should one who thrills your heart Lack the joy you May impart ? If You hear a prayer that moves you 13y its humble, pleading tone, Join it. Da not let tho seeker Bow before his God alone. Why should net your brother share The strength of two or three in prayer? If you seethe hot tears falling Prom a broth eel?, weeping oyes, • Stop them, and by kindly sharing, Own your kinship with the. skies, 'Why should anyone be glad When a brother's heart WM.1? • " ir If a silvery laugh goes rippling • Through the sunshine of his face, Share it. 'Tis the wise man's saying— Por both grief and joy u place, There's health and goodness in the mirth, In which an honest laugh has birth. If your worth is made more Amy By friendly, helping baud, Sty Bo, 'peak out brave and truly, •Bre the darkness veils the lancl. Should tt bo ther workman dear, Falter for a word of cheer? Scatter thus your seeds of kindness, All earichiug as you go. • Leave them. Trust the Harvest Giver He will make each seed to grow, So, until its happy end, Your life shall never lank a friend. RES THE BASHFUL, ONE. and 1 were coining along here just now Tits naibgs atm usuasuie onyx ANA and I e obi I ri,in her ge f i cso naen ess, 'CAVING' hastily, and/ said in the blandest inans intunation of trouble, the result ner : i would bo unapeakuble relief end come 111 la') to ine RLL A. word to the wise is eziongli, village preacher seid that he once we west to tnfoila th,1 public that t LA y• t). woolen mats la a 1 Tomlin!, wire, and In making a will, Mr Higgins, what win site special attention tt; married a rnral couple at the home of f is the drat thing to do the bride's parents, in the presence o Look out for breakers. adarge company of invited gueste,The bridegroom vette u booy, redfaeed How is your friend doing out in young fellow, who looked as though Helena Oh, he is carrying every. thing before hint, Good. 1.4'hat busi. he could have felled an ox with his fist; but be shivered and turned pale at the 1106'010 1)0 ? He's a waiter in a beginning of the ceremony, and at ite• taurmit. Who goeth borrowing, goeth a sorrowmg, was doublese tree thp good old fillies, bnt nowadays it is the tender who does the mournful 'ran.. Ab I beg pardon, wore you speaking tort, both to an and bela. elose be fell down in a dead faiteta the manifest annoyance of his britlet Avho had been as cool its to cm:umber. Owing to the unprecoaented demand for plate.glass it ha(' advanced oonsiderel.iy inoutatio.8. price, Mensrs Ue0ausland & Son,Toronto, fortunately made a coutraot before the rtitIvnipte for a veryconsiderablesuantity, Ewa are thus enabled, to offer theirpatrous this season a decided advant age in price, the quality beiugsoperior to any ever pre- viously imported. .gouldn't pool rler. A woman opened the front door and addressing a seedy -looking papas clown on all -fours, whti was seemiugly look- ing for something. said :— • What are you doing there 7 Madam, he said, straightening up, please he so generous as to pardon this apparent intrusion. My little girl • SSW POSSESSED. ran across your greenelward,but in her 'a t eshict .forgetf airless dropped half a dol- .. Ministers d4clare .tliat in nine cases lar ' that had been given her by the out of ten brides are much more self- handsomest and noblest of women: possessed than aro bridegrooms when We were on our way to get a doll the marriage ceremony is being per- _ fanned. • • A sby,modest looking little creature robed in white will stand perfectly erect, looking -the minister calmly and squarely ,in the eye without for.nn instant losing her self „poise, whsle the big blunt six footer Ora bridegroom by her side is pale and nervous and trem- bling. His fingers ure likely to twitch nervouslY, and be May even hitch at his trousers legs or twist a corner.of Overeorne—rapa, said Mande sof fly. did George call on you to -clay 7' Yes. He ealled about 4 o'clock and he was very ill. Must have had a chill. Shook so 'sent him home in ft carriage. Hotel Logic.—Guess- -How is this'? 'My 12ilf thie time is 43.1 &day ; anti last December I had the same rutin and it, was only $8 a clay. Clerk—Yee; I >know; but the days are much lunges CUSTOM WORK no Did▪ n't: Blame them,—S 8 Teacher --Don't you think it very strange that the lions • didn't eat Daniel 7 S Scholar—No, sir, ziot since I saw- that pieturs of him in my Sunday School. book. He—Life with me has been a failure. She—You must have had and wasted some opportunity. He —110 ; I have spent half my life. raising whiskers to In all its branches, anti will keep in stole class of lirsttelass goods, such i Tweeds, 1111....10.• eking 4 retreskreet at ray thirteart or an. business hi t1ng1Ituri.1 /lobe woet nder my thanks to my irked' alai -Oa parbile *tally for the liberal patronage extended to tow 81111 1' moy o'se state8 1••8 1 An 14 4 yOrrit4.01,511 better imiturcructits than ever to she., rains orything 10 the all: of Flannels, j Gromite, .Qr Stolle 'lora-men s- jr.f..,r0;tim Etoffs- FOL.e Blankets, S1ioetizis 1IMIIIICaIA,A. pro. Stocking Yarns &c., (Platte /Tor), pure wool only) cbcapfor eash or str.• change for wool. Customers from a distance. V411 hare their .1. ironic whit them the same day, atelikrbest anarket price in cash for _Iderchant4Ae N G.LLE &OUY.t Wool, for nay other little girl that is sick in conceal my youth, and the other halt them bed, and it would have done your heart dying to conceal nay age. good to have seen the happiness of the Life is„ short, and we have never too little would -he purchaser, but She lost much time fcr gladdening the i'earts 1 the money, and now, ithnost broken- of those who are travelling the same hearted, she has gone borne to tell her 1 ciark journey with us. Oh, be swift to 1 . love, make haste to be kind 1 , poor mother of the gteitt calamity. • Tbat,..was Indeed too bad, remarked - I ain't drunk, roister, he tried to the woman, • • ,explain to the policeman- who was ar. Yes, madam, and if I could hope-- resting him. Well, said. the officer, have you any little children, madam 1 if you are nos drunk, you bad better Yes,' . • ., take nut a. ileElaSe for that breath.. his O_oat shirt,. , ., '.,,.. ,,. ,,,,, Then mm you know what disappotent ..i„, was once best man to a stalwart, means to a middle aged bridegroom, noted for his where e°1114 borrow haif a acilar' how inexpressibly happy 1 sbouldbe tourage lira feats of daring, says could you let me have half a. .writer its, the Philadelphia U&,211 /, and Mala, . when the time came for us to go down dollar stairs to meet the bride and her at No, not. this morning. tenclantes, lie aearly lied a fit, and he looked like a walking corpse all through .the ceremony. 1 had to keep saying, Brace op, old boy, and come, conie, you've got to go dowo,to get him start - ted at ad ; and at the. door he was idiotic enough to clutch at Inc and say Say, Fred, how would it do to have Mary and the preacher slip in here I umsr are Y°11 andhave ib all over with before we go All right; 1 shall bid you good down at all? 1 cati4 go through it 1 • morning.. It is one of'' my business before all that erowd. pointedly rales never to tamper with anyone that Idiot 1 said', briefly and is thoroughly prepared. enough to leave 110 doubt as to my t meaning,Mary won't come in here,and• .4.1)VeCle 810T111144.— Are 11011 dIfiellebellt at night and broken of your rest by a sick ohlki suffering and you will go Ci own this instant, ,• crying with pain of Cathy Teeth If so send at child, ff only knew' Weitcould you let me have a quarter now and give me the'test this alters noon ? ' No, I can't do,that, 6ithet. Well, madam; may I"tis.ls what you are prepared to do 1 • ' I ani prepared, to tell you to move on or ssucl for a polieenian. You are thoroughly prepared for ;$114ecthritiretntl&ooth nAlrs, WInelow's Soothing " Ile got through at last without do- rims able. It will relieve theg' po i Its.valuo is incaltul. ing or saying anything ridioulous, in hninediately. Depend upon it, msOtheitilttt•lethritilisst'g Willett respect he was luckier than Irnelaseutt=tret'slttcas"ctrafli31,84t1".Y4MviLis,11240' st:nfteezmIttosio-vg:\ezzi="10,.),,tairlisd $i,yes itttOtiel` stalwart bridegroom of my acquaintance, who wes so dazed and iu- VictO,ef tgtNNuTratri.tg, CIITtiotrotif"ohife ohf ochre's' Otto Vdegttargeees,telee(nelef 1:.) hyeseigary aatig rertrir. int overcome that he held out one of his ti=ssitlt !,-,1,1401,1;ig. aprteoer twenty -live cot? as own fingers for the rieg when the min- I i1335 WITMOV4 And take ne other kind ester said : With this ring 1 thee setglitxt° et*" wed. Another bridegroom 1; knew lost his head to such a degree that when - it came time for hint to F3t3.': LHOeflee 410 thee, Annie, to be my lawful wedded tvife,he said in an utoaaturally loud woe: I, Annie,take thee,Horace, • to be uty lawful wedded wife, and whee the time came fel. him to intro. duce his bride to some of his friends who had not yet seeti h't', he did it by saying, awkwardly Alt, et—Miss .thirter this is my wife, Miss Barton, oalling her by ney motion name. Ft'IW 11" 83Y 114 wife easily and naturally the fiest time they use the words itt . A 'fanny caw; wits that of a badly tattipa bridegroom who stared, blankly at the minister until milted if he to'ok this woman to be his 'guild wedded *He, when he ;darted suddenly and To Prevent Gana and Soro• s. A Oatoidian correspondent of the Country Gentleman, whose horses are subject to the severe !mkt of rough rid. ing under saddle,gives the appended suggestion for the prevention of galls and sores ; Every sadd:e, especially a side.saddle, should be loosely Birthed on half an hour before •needed, Ana., far more important, it should itever, never be taken sea horse *Welt coivics in tired and het. No remedies could Save a horse treakti lilte that. The girthi.f,hould be at once loosened, but the bad 1' hitt OH 1 111 the horse is cool, and till all otimr par.ts f 1,15 body and his legs ore thoroughly &eased. if harness end eaddles ate; kept clean laid soft, 110114,8 pioperly attended to, backAnd shoulders bath. • ed with tutting brine when needed,and the gall powder used at the very first maim( any la 'nes it:e to!. dome goods, compare aid le"ree 1"•:•'••• `''11•41/ Mt:goods IUM bt, sc,urod met Orepstre,t ,,, the Kt3.1t4111. You eau st het terror tint 1,40* t.lens mid • obtain the finest, wo lortansh4r at the re., -84..,,,rgebie priecs.8i4 respeafelly,,,,urst 83YrIttli, 04. GOOD • "4." WOOL WANTED LOOK HERE It r have in. stock a full line of FLY NTS, BRUSEES, OURRY.0011BS„ -S pig git The Olitatse - do not perini b their WOM• to be. 'phot ographed. C:fivvit—No ;. they .have quite 'an artistic sense. 1 bave• seen some Ohinese women. Do you believe Bronson married for love'? You know she is just made of money. , If that is true, I've no doubt lie roarried her for love., ••••••3•Mi••••••,IMIC•1. ''‘e -if 4103010 'KO THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. 0 SOL IW DRUGGISTS VER7V/IIERE3. ',1.001.10eif 006.1.14M ' THE ODEL TYPE WRITER. 1. a 3. \ double and single, light or heavy, ra ade t1 order, in the lateat styles 'sad of the bee-, material. TRUNKS, VALISES, n A.111) BGS, 4,, „ • , in stock and will he sold cheap. 18 If ea a ii i n g nea tly an e proinptly do le The patronage 01 (130 public solicited, and oatistlto tIon in work and material 4uaranteed, AV Shop—One door south of T. 8,. Minh' _store. . -. . • ..;.i.-; iiiONEST. RICE Plia T WiLUAM TAN,HERY i. QIIAPIAN.. t,t• 04148400 3c°t1F4451ElleCy/sor PATEW C. KNECHT EL 'i 11'11101am, Jun ma, A.oarnoldet of information and, ab - strut of tueuaws,sbowirur Ilow to Obtain Patittrts, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrightsl sant fret. Marna !IIUNN &. CO. 361 Broadway, liew "York. • For the spring trade we have receive& a large stock from Ole Best Canadian and ,ATefican. 1\11&nufacturers; Our assortment is the finest we•bave yet shown -i and we believe we ba:ve a stock to suit everybody; We have taken 'special , pains to select Pattercs that are suitable, and the effeets front the Match Bor- • ders are really excellent. „ pi A large stook on band to select &in, and wil . be .sold ---,t the io est,possibCe prices. Gall and' sde our Stock and et prices. No totible tO•show (toOds. ., 1. i il:3 i r.,,, , it. 1*•',4 The Popular BoOkstore $d n will .buv tho ODELL TYPE WR1- l'w IF TER with 78 chat•acters, and $15 for er Otto SINGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do better work than any uutehine made. It combines simplicity ivith durability, speed, case of operation, wearslonger without cost of repairs than any other itmehinc. Ifas tro ink ribbon o bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nicker. Plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of typo writing. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two or 'ten copies can bo made at one writing,. Arty intelligent person cal become an operator in two days. We offer $1,000 to any operator who can equal the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. ' i ' : nflumments to Dealers. Sellable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special Li ni E MAIAT.8 plll ii„ 0 AND otgativivittr eteer in uL.LeJ. 4,4 ikalLO I 1.1 i iiit L ii I ., Por Pamphlet !rising Indorsements, Sze., address a . ODELL TYPE WRITER Co.,. ----. 85 and 8:5th AiaLCttIC.aii7,0,.".1_. . These 100390108 have stood the test of fifty ,years experience, end are P801300000& tia ho -t lt-fri,,,,../ kr. Family 0t0. .—)1 t.. Wingbatn, April 3ed, t,8Ot. maKM A Biesing to Every Ilonsehold. ZETLAND SAW MILL • Puri18 the blood,1 rowed all disorders of the MYER, STOMACIT. 'KIDNEYS AN tz 1101', 2,13 tva otd 111111.11.1able 111 all co'mulaints Incidental to fentales of all ages. • GEORGE THOWISONt Proprietor. 0.1..W111:30.2011' Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shin.gles, and Cedar Posts.; Is the on13' reliable remedy for bad legs, aefeeS, 'ulcers, COrMIS, cOLDS, GOUT, -117121711A11851, MSEASIali rr 11.85 NO laRVAL. Manufactured only at 78, I • 1P11011380581'14 143001,1 look to the -Label on th. Oxford Street. Loudon, they ate spurious, • nod sold by all Medicine %coders throughout t 401 e . Car load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part ot Wingham. kl'Ordenthy mat promptly attended Co. 013034(133 TIilln(414:8:Nr, v ; 8 - and old womls, pm; imoNtlitit,. 131 738 GLAIATtAlt SWEI.T.Inni AN 7r ALL *WM New Oxford. tattle:IS, oxford mr eel. Lando*. 4 . .4 Pli e Ilogos mud Pots Itthe taidreea 0110 .hon 1 11'7 Own* I do 11.Keel:i to ate /Isom for tame, 'e them return agal i. I MEAN A rum :Ottau 4.4., 3 31 ,101. made /he cut,titoo ot plioney $iekeitata a 1 fe-loug stady. 1 warro.r4 my remedy to Ou:rik worst eases. Beeause others have failed i ho Teoson for Oct MAO* qv...3g a ear*. 8.7,, Oilert for a treatise and a Presto Settle of my itifibillbie Rai:ft/eel; Give axle Post Office. It eatOs. yen bathing, for a trial,and P. will erne you. Adtfretsle4te ai MAN erioicih..091.1.24141136 WEST ADE./8101R 61131t14 T�U10�