HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-07-08, Page 3Kpi4'gxPpoirOR, spAro1R61, News of Wolfo— Mark 40th AnnOersaty JULY-11 re Rece.ptit, .• E41... • eating meters. E. R. Thede,flearingir Service , lit 88 Queen St. !!NorfilteilPnerf Ontai DON BRIGHtita 14)61 Consultant The family of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale of Seaforth were hosts at a surprise dinner PAY on Saturday in honour of the fortieth wedding •anniversary of their parents , who had been married on July 1, 1931. Also Present was Mrs. Thelma Brom- ley while' Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dale and Cheryl,, called during the afternoon... The couple received a number of lovelyg-ifts from their family. • ' calved, her primary education at S.S. No, 1 Grey and is agraduate of Seaforth District High School. She has accepted a position on the staff at St. Joseph's Hospital London, Correspondent • Mrs. Allan McCall , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc.Gavin celebrated' their 40th wedding anniversary Saturday evening, June 26, when a dinner partywas held in their honor at Hayfield with their family, Mr. and eirp. Bill (Elizabeth) Dinsinore of Brampton; Mr. end Mrs. Jelin McGavin of Thornbury and Mr. and Mrs. Neil .McGavin of Walton. Mrs. McGavin was the former Florence Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin were married 40 years ago at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stewart of Brussels. Those attending the barbecue N on Sunday afternoon at the McGavin home, McKillop Town- ship, were: Mr. and Mrs. Clark Matheson of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston of Bluevale, Mrs. Elsie Dinsmore of Seaforth, Mrs. W.C. Bennett of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull • of Brussels,Mr. and Mrs. John McGavin an family of Thorn- bury, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dinsmore and family of Brampton and Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin and family of Walton. The family presented Mr. and Mrs. McGavin with a scenic pain- * tang done by Mrs. D. A. Rann of Brussels. The friends of the community also add their congratulations to Mr. 'and 'Mrs. McGavin on this happy occasion. Toronto. Penny remained for a week's holiday. Mrs. Norman Williamson has returned home from Seaforth Community Hospital. Mrs. Ley Warwick or Blue- vale is spending the month of July with her daughter Mrs. Jim Shortreed and Mr. Shortreed in the village. Miss Valorie NichOls, the 1971 Delegate of 'the junior farmers of England and Wales, spent a recent week with Miss Christine Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCall and Susan spent Sunday at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Allan McCall, prior to their motor trip to the West Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rut- ledge, London spent the week- end in the village. They visited at Seaforth Community Hospital with Mrs. Roy Bennett, who had the misfortune to break her arm , this past Friday evening. They also visited with Mrs. Margaret 'Humphries at Huronview. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills, Scott, David and Cathy of Brant- ford and Drs. Jean and Gerd Westermann of Burlington were supper gustse on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills. " Wisitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk were Mr. and Mrs. David Dunk, Darlene and Allan of Carunna, Mr. and Mrs. A. Greig, Linda and Penny of Toronto, and Philip Dunk of ...„ A Letter To Non - Nibblers *1 PHONE 527.0732 SEAFORTH' — Repairs for all makes of Hearing Aids Fresh" BeltOne Batteries Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs , are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527- • 0240. , 1 How are you? Are you losing the excess pounds the way you are supposed to do? If not, return to the 'meetings regularly. Remember how well you did? We have been missing you! The children's group will be meeting at 8 o'clock with the adults during the summer months. This is a good oppor- tUnity for teenagers to get slim and trim• before school starts again. We are planning a group of special lessons on dieting and good nutrition followed by exer- cises, Remember that the summer months with barbecues and picnics have their pitfalls too! On Sept. 27, a special diet lecture and demonstration of ex- ercises held by Ida Burns and, Associates wilt be given, followed by a sam)le diet and buffet sup- per. This is also an opportunity for a reunion of all former mem- bers. We ware able to send $423.00 to the 'March of Dimes. This money was raised during our , Walk a thon. Thank you for parti- cipating and a special "Thank You" to our generous sponso rsl Make an extra effort and come to the meetings. Don't forget -this-1S--• your-club-and-only you-- can make it a success: Weigh-in will be at 8 o'clock during the summer months. Can now be purchased at Keating's Drug Rom OHSIP HAS ANNOUNCED A NEW BENEFIT YEAR For Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter of Walton celebrated their 5Elth "wedding anniversary on June 25. Mrs. porter i5 a daughter of the late Mr. apd Mrs. Joseph Bennett. The couple farmed east of Brussels until retiring to Walton in 1945. CHIROPRACTIC SERVICES A Renewed Period Of FULL CHIROPRACTIC BENEFITS FOR ALL OHSIP SUBSCRIBERS Commences Annually Each July' 1st For Details Consult Your Chiropractor Presented in the public interest, by the ONTARIO CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION Marks 94th Birthday and Mrs. Geo. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nesbitt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Campbell and family, Mr. and Mrs.' Les Campbell and 'family and Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Dillon ,.and family. A birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure and family on Sunday in honour of Mrs. D. S. Ryan who on June 29th celebrated her 94th birthday. Guests present included Mr. NEW LIBRARIAN Mrs. Jim Shortreed began her duties last Tuesday as the new librarian in the Walton branch of the Huron County Public Library' under the leadership of Miss Ethel Dewar, Librarian for the County. Mrs. Shortreed was appointed as supervisor to suc- ceed Mrs. Torrence Dundas who has-contributed-her devoted ser- vices for over the past 10 years. • " 27, 28 Win Prizes In Draw At •Garme At the ball-game on Tuesday evening whee the Walton and' Belmore Pee-wee, boys played the special event was the drawing of the tickets which the Walton team had sold recently. Prizes were awarded* to: 1st - $25.00 to Harvey Craig; 2nd - $15.00 to Marie McGavin; 3rd - $10.00 to John Van Vllet. The players who won one dollar each for selling the most tickets were: Maurice Flood and Dean'Hackwell. ........... ................. • .•• ......... WONDERSOFT (A.sorted Colour) TOP VALU (In Tolerate Sou.) SQUIRREL SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER 3 16 jar . BATHROOM. ..-.^ WITH PORK ........ RECEPTION AT HOME • HONORS GRADUATE Miss Rosemary Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blake, R. B. 2, Brussels, gra- duated from St. Joseph's 'Regio- nal School of Nursing in London on June 25, 1971. The graduation exercises were held at Alumni Hall, Uni- versity of western Ontario, fol • - • lowed by a reception at the home of her parents. Rosemary re- ... .... . . ........ ... . .......... ........ ............ UCW Has Meeting ....... ' .. • ....... • ..... ... .. .... •, ...... ... ...... ... T OP VALU BLUE POWDERED. DETERGENT • 5 16 bag CHASE & SANBORN SLICED,CRUSHED OR TIDBITS LEE INSTANT COFFEE 6 ..i . CHOICE 19..- PINEAPPLE Burns U.C. W. met at the home of Mrs. Watson Reid on Wednes- day afternoon with fifteen mem- bers present. Mrs. Ed. Bell. opened the meeting. Donna Reid gave two piano selections. Rev. McDonald continued with Bible Study on the gospel of John, Chapter 3. Mrs. Ed. Bell ffonducted the business session. Boll call was answered by a Bible verse, and the treasurer's report'was given by Miss Jean Leiper. A thank you letter was received from Scott Mission, TorOnto. The next meet- ing will be held on.July 28 at the home, of Mrs. Ed. Bell. • ..... ............. ............. WALTON YOU ALWAYS DO BETTER WITH IGA'S FAMOUS MONEY SAVING... (Intended for • The Walton Women'sInstifute met with the, President Mrs. Gerald Watson in charge. Mrs. Harold Bolger was pianist. The secretary Mrs. W. H. Humphries called. the roll which was "My favorite room in my house and why". Twenty-five dollars will be given to Merand Mrs. Merton Hackwell who recently lost their barn • by fire. Mrs. Wm. Humphries will make an article to ,f loe • sent to Guelph next• fall to 'be sold at the gift stall. Ten dollars was donated to Brussels • Fair Board. The July meeting will be Historical Research. and Current Events- with Mrs. Jim Axtmann and Mrs. Murray Smith in charge. Roll call to bring oldest piece of jewellery and tell its history. Lunch • committee will include • Mrs. Jim Axtmann, Mrs. Laverne Godkin, Mrs. Dave Watson and Mrs. Clarence Martin and the pianist will - be Mrs. Neil McGavIn. The four members repre- senting the Institute to the Hall Board and the board are to look a into possibilities of installation of different washroom facilities. The Convenors of Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Herb Williamson and Mrs°. Herb Traviss *ere in charge and read two interesting poems, then introduced Harold Robinson who • showed a film "Valleys and People", which' told of -the vast area covered by the Conservation Authorities. They are concerned with damage from floods, pre- serving wild life. There are 36 Conservation •'Authorities 'In pouthern Ontario. The film, con- cluded advising us to use and enjoy our parks so they may be pased on to our children's child- ren. Mr. Robinson mentioned the Maitland Valley Conservation Area in Huron 'County and the new Reserve falls at Benmiller. Mrs. Williamson thanked the speaker and presented him with a gift. • A carnival type program is being planned for an evening in August with fish pond and pony rides for children and the com- munity will be invited. Mrs. Jim Fritz, Mrs. Geo. McCall, Mrs. Harold Bolger and Mrs. Ken McDonald served lunch. HOLD DANCE TO HELP FIRE VICTIMS A benefit dance was held in' Walton Community Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Merton Hackwell, R.R. Waltonr who- lost their barn • by fire recently. During the evening, Campbell Wey, on behalf of the Hackwells thanked all who had given so "generously and helped to Make the evening a success. 'Doreen and MertOn added their thanks for • the envelope of money. • Music for dancing was donated by the Trile-Tones. Lunch was served by Mr. and Mrs. Bob McMichael, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Wey, Mr. and last week) Mrs. Latretne 'Codkin, Mr. and • Mrsr drank Aeinink, and Mr. and Mrs. W.' J. teeming. Mr. and Mrs.• Bill Taylor and family of Lucknow visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Achilles and Ann. Mrs. George Dundas of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNeil, Teresa and Paula of Hanover visited Mrs. Tofn Kirkby. A bus trip was enjoyed by the grades 4 to 8 of Walton Public School last Thursday along with Mrs. Pletch when they toured the Douglas Point Nuclear Sta- tion, Southampton Museum, Owen Sound Park, and Chatsworth fish hatchery. The bus driver was Ross Niched of Pearson's bus lines, Brussels. Sherrill Craig of London spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Torrance and Joanne, Miss Nancy Saunders and Gerald Smith visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hackwell. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marks and Blaine, visited at Boiler Beach, Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clark) London, "spent the 'week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clark, Keith and Ann: Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNeil, Teresa and Paula of Hanover visited with Mrs. Tom .Kirkby. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge and family of London visited with Mrs. Roy Bennett , and the Humphries families. RECEPTION HELD FOR NEWLYWEDS A reception was held for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clark of London, recent newlyweds, in the Walton Community Hall. The evening was spent dancing to the music of Ian Wilbee and his orchestra. Prior• to lunch Pam and Bruce were called to the platform when Mac Sholdice read the address and Roy Williamson presented the couple with a purse of money on behalf of the friends and neighbors. Bruce made a reply on behalf of Pam for the gift of money and the evening planned in their honor. "YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT THAT TABLETRIM MEAT" IT'S PERSONALLY SELECTED Use s Exppsitor Want. - Ads, Phone 527-0240 BOSTON ft, CORNED BEEF. LOAF 1,2,,°'' 5T WESTON RASPBERRY 1 rol 2...551 CREAM ROLL l ASSORTED COLOURS a pc PALMOLIVE SOAP "6a 00 SHIRLEY GAY CHOCOLATE GUEST CAKE 'cake ft/ / 10 BRAVO .vvith 'meat al inushrocu, . . lic SPAGHETTI ,SAUCE '1,. ..3.1 INSULATED , 4. COFFEE' pkg. of 77, GERBER JUNIOR 71,02. 4 9 BABY FOOD la, 1FOLDING 5-0sITION FLORAL h 59, 81 COT each 9. GOLD REEF FANCY a ,:, 49, APRICOT <HALVES ,. 18" FOLDING each $5 95 BARBECUE ......., NEW TENDER CARE BABY OIL or 59, LOTION ... • 4 0c nti mFicEic BEE FEATERt 2 21b 99 pkgs. 1 • - RED, DRY 'OR OILY 14 oz nil Si 19 PROTEIN 21 SHAMPOO L. WELCH'S FROZEN GRAPE JUICE 1 `°^° 891 KRAFT JET PUFFED 1 MARSHMALLOWS 3 'a: 89c TOP VALU CHEESE iiiai 3 :,,`.. $1 SHOULDER CUT RED BRAND BEEF SWISS .STEAKs PersortoffrSelected Red Brand Round Shoulder or Short RIB RED BRAND BEEF CHUCK STEAKS SHANKLESS SMOKED ROAST - PICNICS 59 16. BONELESS SIRLOIN • TIP STEAK OR — RED BRAND BEEF BONELESS FROZEN PORK TENDERLOIN 99P $1129 SWEET PICKLED Cottage Roll EYE of ROUND ROAST $29 EXTRA SPECIALS — AT — WILKINSON'S - IGA 55! $1 49 lb. Si . TENDER AND TASTY CUBE STEAKS • TOP COLD CUTS TAST Y BURNS WIENERS 49' El,.ILLE Si 190 I NEWPORT ROAST 139 1,2;;IJA,:,:s" 2 24 Extra r Is2" Dm% perfett fee sour wallet, Inane* and relatives! Total of 96 colour printe.• Coupon good for new roll of Nod* KODACOLOUR Film BU'RK'S -SRAUSAGE 55C SCHNEIDERS ASSORTf HOT DOG WIENERS 63 SUMMIT 89 Hi LioLINER BATTER CRISP SOLE PORTIONS 99c BURNS CAMPFiRF 51 SIDE BACON 55' TOP,VALU SLICED SIDE BACON '65' BEEF BURGERS 59c PRIMROSE TOR 'VAL U DINNER HAMS n ICE CREAM A new quality product 1/2 GAL. 5 ,, BY THE PIECE 3 BURNS BACON BY THE PIECE 1, Al BURNS BOLOGNA , k' BOLOGNA BOLOGNA 49c PLUS TRIPLE PRINT PROCESSING WITH THESE BONUSES • FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOP VALU LIQUID DETERGENT • 14 oz plastic btl. SWIFTS COOKED CANNED, HAM „, CH & SANBORN GROUND COFFEE 86 PRIEM LUNCHEON MEAT 49" Cr LA CUL A,TAR.E RI C .., ER SPRITE RED-- SLICING 4 WATERMELONi $ .39 88c Several Flavors' Of t NONCE PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT OR PINEAPPLE ORANGE TOP VALLI FANCY ,OV 4 VI' eves COLONIAL rroF V, P . Ps CEL EBRATIO PREsuif.i RED 50C>, SALMON 57` FRUIT COCKTAIL 2R 07 lul 49' CAKE MIXES 3 19,19 COOKIES FRUIT DRINKS Ii•1207 pkg. 4,3on, 29, U.S. NO. 1 SALMON FLESH CANTALOUPES JUMBO 3 for $1 FRESH SUPPLIES Tomatoes New Potatoes Fresh Be ns Leaf Lettuce Etc. ANC. AGNETE, SFAGNEINN) Go LYONS CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 2l,./az pkg. GFRBERS STRAINED Meatless. I [BOYS ASSORTED VEGETABLES $1 8 ,L n7 CARNATION MILK MACARONI 39, BABY FOODS ,, CAN. NO. 1 HOME GROWN each 7'29( TID bof LETTUCE .3 CAN. NO. I . HOME GROWN GREEN OR 33, WAX BE NS lb U.S. NO. 1 NECTARINES lb. 39c U.S, NO. 1 THOMPSON 1.1% SEEDLESS GRAPES lb DV C TOP VALU FIRST GRADE Create, BUTTERNUT SOFT MARGARINE ib ,99C r-•• K ERR'S • As foletr VaNer.es TOP VALU FROZEN PEPSODENT REGULAR TOOTHPASTE ewer tube 99„. ATTEND GRADUATION Miss Mary Bewley, daughter _of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bewley, received her R.N. at the Alumni Hall on Friday evening, June 25, 1971, held at the residence of the St. Joseph's regional school of nursing. Mary attended Walton Public School and Seaforth High School. Those attending the gra- duation were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yuill, Brussels, Mrs. Joe Bewley, Clinton, Mrs. Ralph Traviss, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bewley and Brenda, Walton, Wayne Baker, Atwood, Tibbie Wright, London, Linda ‘Traviss and Roy Gingerich of Kitchener. Mrs. Yuill, Mrs. Bewley and Brenda attended the tea in the afternoon. BUTTER I lb VIII 6.7` ORANGE JUICE 60, Im 17` CANDIES U.S. NO. ) SPANISH TYPE - ONIONS i!is 39 c. 3,9c,e1 o99 bags U.S. NO. 1 SANTA ROSA' PLUMS ib 39c CHIQUITA OA CABANA r BANANAS lb 4 lc Good Selection Picnic and Barbecue Supplies S EFFECTIVE JULY ' 10 INCLUSIV UANTI TIES WE R SERV THE RIGHT TO LIMIT C STOCK UP AND SAVE AT IGA'S LOW, MONEY SAVING DISCOUNT PRICES WILKINSON'S IGA The True Vatue Store NOW OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY ALL DAY