HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-07-01, Page 11TENDER FOR PAINTING Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until FRIDAY,-JULY 9, 1971 at 5:00 P.M. for painting at the following schools: ' St. Joseph's School (Kingsbridge), R.R.#3, Goderich Ecole Ste. Marie School (St. Joseph), R.R.#2, Zurich St. Patrick's School, Dublin St. Joseph's School, Clinton St. James School, Seaforth Our Lady of -Mount Carmel School, R.R.#3, Dashwood St. Ambrose School, 181 Louise Street, Stratford St. Aloysius School, 228 Avondale Avenue, Stratford St. Michael's School, 8 Grange Street, Stratford St. Joseph's School, 363 St. Vincent Street, Stratford Tender forms and specifications are available on-request from the Board Office. • The lowest or any tender-not-fie essarily accepted. „-H-fidN=IfEftH tOUN Y:R.C.S.S. BOARD ' P.O. Box 100, Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario. 21-90 7 1 tirld The Coolest 1. Coming Events THE 42nd Stephenpn Reunion Sunday, July 4th, Seaforth Lions Park. ,Supper 5 P.M. Bring a basket lunch, dishes and silver- wear. Tea and freshie provided. Please extend this invitation to members of 'your family. 1-82-2 11 Article-a For Sale CHEAP for quick sale{ Massey 30 gas tractor with 2 row scuf- fler. Good condition., Robert Elgie, Kippen, 262-5002. 11-89x2 MODEL 'A' 12 ft. Gleaner com- bine with bean attachment and pick up. Real good condition. Apply Wm. Holland, Clinton.482- 3245. 11-89-2 A 24-inch kitchen range - excel- lent condition, reasonable price. Phone 527-0708. 11-90x1 19 Noticei 20. Auction Sales 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH COUNT'S! OF HURON To Wit:- By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Tuckersmith under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 25th day of March 1971 sale of lands in arrears of taxes A. the Township of Tucker- smith will be held at the Huron Centennial School, Brucefield at the hour of 9:00 in the evening ,i'cJn the 5th day of September, 1971 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 1st day of May, 1971, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 31st day of May, 1971. 24. Cards of Thanks 1040 Nov. Malta, !Vet ' YOUR representative for Con- ' federation Life in this area Stu' Kelly, Mitchell, Ontario. Tel - 348-8816, 19-90x1 AUCTION SALE helped in any NOY-. It vias'vOrr-rnuz.h appreciated, Mrs. Karen Driscoll. • 24-90-1 MY sincere tnanics to pr. 'mop, Dr. Malin's, Fr. Laragh, nurses and staff and all who remembered me while I was a patient in Sea; forth community Hospital . - Mrs. Art Devereaux. 24-90x1 CLEARING NOTICE • We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm phone by Sat- urday night. For Friday fat cattle sale, phone by Wednesday night. WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 19- 90-tf SATURDAY, JULY 10 at 1 o'clock • at part of lot 1, Conc. 11, Qrey Township on the southeast corner in the , • . PP-4140 lir.l.P123144.fre4.11.1Y. W4Shecf -.P14-134413,' 4'1 lAYOrs ;tin :saucepan, sprinkling .eachlaYeT-VilkSalL. • Coyer, then. gat. LonieVy. to form .. steam. '. It j 94P.O:feot and..cCok • '. gently until ust:tender, 4 0.6. minutes.' Turn spinach. *ter some wilting occurs, goon.' draining, cut4roppwts4,.519*4 through spinach ' to .411-9W 1.1691#--; -. to • drain more easily,-" .D'rain • .....';'''''''''. thoroughly. If desired, - chop befpre serving, Add 1 ta.blespoon butter and reheat. • • TO PAN SPINACH-Melt I tbsp. butter in ,frypan and add 1packap ' 4 spinach for 3 servings. Sprinkle - with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Meat quickly, turning spinach for even cooking. Cook, uncovered, until leaves• wilt and spin ch is just tender, 2 to 3 iminute .., • •SpINACIL.,WITH BACON' - For 6 servings, fry 4 strips baconu. crisp, remove from pananddrairi off fat. Add 1 crushed clove of • garlic and cook .1 to 2 tninutes. Dark green, crisp and curly,` fresh Canadian-grown spinach iS now on local markets, imported spinach is available earlier inthe lendar year when it gives variety to meals and at the same time contains iron and vitamins. Such produce must always show the country of origin and, to be graded Canada No. 1,- it must meet the same standard set by the Canada Department of Agri- culture for all fresh spinach. Fresh spinach is sold loose, by the pound', in some areas. One pound looks like a lot of spinach, 'but when roots, heavy stems, or wilted leaves are dis carded it will just make three servings. Wash bulk spinach two or three times in cold water, -lifting :the teave-n aiitix the water each time because the 'kndsinks,.-- to the bottom,' Shake leaves well after last rinsing. Spinach, usually packaged in 10-ounce bags, is trimmed and. prewashed and will serve three persons. It can be looked over quickly. Wash it lightly - the water left clinging to the leaves provides all the moisture necessary for cooking. THE annual Norris Reunion will be held at Seaforth Lions Park, Sunday, July 11, 1971. 1-90-1 I wish to thank everyone who was so nice to me while in the hospital. David Smile. 24-90x1 ThE family of the late Herman Vermeulen wish to express their sincere thanks to the friends and neighbours for their many expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement. It was all greatly appreciated. - Mr,. and Mrs. Mat Claessens and Faintly. 24-90x1 SILLS Families and Descendants Reunion - Sunday, July 18th,1971, Adolphuston _ Provincial Park, basket picnic at 12 noon. Sec.- Treas. - Mrs. Marion Foster, Plainfield, Ont. • 1790-2 TWILIGHT crop Meeting Thurs- day, July 8, at '7 P.M. on Winter Weight and Spring grains at Jack Peck's farm, west of Kippen. 1-90-1 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Clearing auction sale of real estate, farm machinery, furniture, antiques, etc. A full list will appear next weeks paper. PEASE furnace, stoker and cir- culating fan complete with pipes, plus controls In good or.der to be removed promptly. Cheap,see J. C. Crich, 527-0340 or 1642. 11-90-2 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL ALMER McQ1.1-NRIE Estate Proprietor R. G. GETHKE Auctioneer 20-90-1 110 volt 'weed chopper electric fencers, 1 year guarantee, rePair on. hand, also repairs for Amer- ican type. Phone 345-2306. Alvin Beuerman, R.R.#1, Dublin. 11-9p-1 3. Found 25. In Memoriam AUCTION SALE A white Terrior with black spots wearing a leather collar. - John E. McLean, 527-1608. 3-90-1 BARRY - In loving memory of a dear husband and father, James , Barry, who passed away three years ago July 3, 1968. I think of him in silence His name I oft recall, There is nothing left to answer But his picture on the wall. - Sadly missed by wife Laura and family. 25-90x1 12. Wanted to Buy limber Wanted WEDNESDAY, JULY 1'7 at 7. •P.M. , CLINTON Due to the decrtase in meat prices, we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast efficient, courteous same day service. 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week Call Collect 482-9811 License #237-C-70. 19-90-tf 4. Help Wanted Consignm• ent auction sale of furniture, household effects, antiques, etc. in the MITCHELL ARENA Anyone wishing to consign good clean furniture or antiques contact GRADER OPERATOR Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes. Write Robert Eaglesp•n, Ailsa Craig, giving• location and tele- phone number or phone 232- 4450 before 8 a.m or after 6 p.m. .12-90-tf Wanted TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Applications will be received by the undersigned., until _ 5 p.m. July 2, 1971 JAMES I. McINTOSH Treasurer. 22-84-13 Remove garlic then add 1/2 teaspoon lenan rind, l tablespoon lemon juice and 2 packages cooked'. spinach. Heat throughly • c" and sprinkle with. crumbled McNICHOL - In loving memory of my dear wife, Viola Ethel, who passed away two years ago, July 2, 1969. There's a gift in life you cannot buy, That's very rare and true, It's the gift of a wonderfulWife, Like the one I had in you, The many things you did for me, In your.._kind_apslloying you gave me years of happiness, No one can take away. It seems you left me yesterday, The wound is still so sore, For every day of these two years, I miss you more and more. - Remembered lovingly and sadly 23. Business Directory DENTIST DR, CYRIL J.. LACKO FARMERS! FURNITURE And household ef- fects, will bny by the house full. 482-3120. 12-90-tf ' TO STEAM SPINACH - For each bacon. • SPINACH WITH, GREEN ONIONS , For 6 servings combine 1/3 cup • each of light cream and sliced green onions: Pour these over .2 packages of weIl-drained steamed-stk./a-eh add heat just' before serving. Home economists believe that spinach fans should enjoy, a new slant to the favorite spinach-egg combination. _Slip a poached egg on a piece of buttered toast and surround it with freshly cooked spinach. If desired, sprinkle egg and spinach with grated -Parmesan cheese and place under the broiler till cheese melts. This makes a tasty nutritious lunch. Did you know 'that freshly washed spinach may be used raw in a tossed salad? Its dark color and' crisp texture adds interest and a definite flavor to other salad greeds. R. G. GETHKE ' Auctioneer. Dial 347-2465 by 'Are "YOU -considering erecting 3 servings, arrange 10-ounce Too Late for' a full time grader operator for the Township of Hibbert. • 13. Wanted Please state age and experience Farm. Buildings THIS 'YEAR 40 Franklin Street, (across from High School) July 5th: 20-90 7 1 CROCKERY, brass or fancy lion beds, pictures, rockers, old jew-ellery, old bottles, or sealers, old light fixtures,_etc.• Cheek-- (if any). • SEAFORTHL: Office Hours 9 - 5 P. M. Evenings & Saturdays by Appointment. 21. Tenders - Wanted Ed. Chappel, Rd.Supt., I wish to extend my sincere thanks to my family, friends and neighbors for their cards,. gifts and visits also to all the nurses and staff on the third floor of Stratford General Hos- pital for their. kindness while I was a patient there. SpeCial th-a-nks to Father Hughes, Father Keene and Father Laragh, Dr. Tidman and Dr. Quinlan, it was all greatly appreciated. - Mrs. Ed. Brady. TL - 90x-1 with us before you dump. 482, DRAIN TENDERS Contact us pie >9arm building service. --R.-R.-#2 Staffa. - - 4-90x1 .7358, 13 90-1f Ball (.6 Macaulay TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Ltd. Tenders will be received by • y • 8: Farm Stock for Sale 29 Pigs nine to ten weeks old. John Calwill, Brucefield. 482- -3204. .8-90-1 14. Property for Sale 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE the undersigned until 5 p.m., July F,-.1971 for the con:A-met- ion of the MAGEE DRA I N 3,200 lineal feet of covered drain 2 catch basins 1 concrete junction box 1,06'7 lineal feet of open drain Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of amount of tender. The Town- ship will supply tile and pipe. Plans and specifications may be seen at Clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ‘''St cepted. Mrs. Helen Martin, Clerk, Morris Township Belgrave, Ontario.21-89-2 CALL 527-1370 23-87= misse Clinton - Seaforth - Remain 19-90-tf ANY trees to cut? William Albert Phone 345-2583. 19-90-ti .SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write pr call Harvey Dale. Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482,3320. 19-90-tf 1 4.-: 't y • 25-90x1 24. Cards of• Thanks TWO-bedroom cottage in Eg- mondville. 3-piece bath, sun porch, modern kitchen, gas heat, Egmondville water. Immediate possession. Apply to Harold Jackson, Realtor. 14-90-2 9. Poultry for Sale McNICHOL - In loving memory of our dear mother, Viola Ethel, who passed away two years ago July 2, 1969. You can only have One mother Patient kind and true No other friend in all the world Will be 'so true as you. For all her loving kidness, She has nothing in return If all the world deserted us To' our mother we could turn. So these who have a mother Treasure her with care For you never know -the value Until you see the vacant chair - Ever remembered by Ruth Ann WE wish to express our sincere thanks to friends, neighbours and relatiyes, for the Masses, acts Df kindness and messages of sym- pathy. We wish also to thank Father G. Dill. - O'Connell Family. 24-90xl. KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and 'started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-084'‘' Box 169 ' 9-90-tj I -wish to sincerely thank my friends 'of-.the former No. 9 McKillop school section for 4 remembering me with gifts on my retiring from the teaching profession. .your kind gesture • will, serve to remind me again and again of our- good times to- gether. I • mast also thank the pupils of the 1970-71 class for their gift of jewellery and the 'mothers- who arranged our party complete with a beautiful cake, Everyone was so kind to me during my recent illness and I thank you all, including Mrs. Ellis who has had so much extra to do these last three weeks. - (Mrs.) Anne Sniith. TL-90x1 Li BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE • I wish to thank all "my relatives, friends and neighbours for their lovely cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special- thanks to Dr. Malkus, Dr. Hession, Dr. McKindsey, Dr. White and all the nurses . and staff on sixth flOor. Also special thanks. to' those at. home who 24 HOUR APPROVALS in TOWN OF SEAFORTH 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE Gas furnace, full bath up, toilet basin down. In residential area.. Immediate possession: * 11 Articles For Sale USED stove 24" in good con-dition $50. Crown Hardware, Seaforth. . 11-90-2 TWENTY acres of mixed hay standing in the field. Lot 2,,Con. 5, McKillop, Joe F. Ryan.11-90-1 .2nd 'and 3rd Mortgages Arranged in the Convenience Of Your Home • Law cost. You can call to 11 pm. today for helpful, courteous ser- vice. Prompt Investment Corp. 'Ltd., • 330 -Bay. Street Toronto. ,Call collect. 368-9586; ' Eva. 231-8146 19-84-7 Apply to Harold Jackson,Realtor 14-90-2 'Don and family, Barbara, Mallard and family and Janice. 25-90-1 THREE bedroom modern home on the Main Street of Egmondville) '-'gas fur nace' and- extra lot:. Apply at the residence , Ina and Marion Gray. 527-0057. 44-90-4 TEN acres of standing mixed hay. Mrs. Chas. .McGavin, Wal- MELADY - In 'loving memory of ,a dear husband, Joseph Francis Melady, who-passed away, July 4, 1955. Sadly missed along life's way Quietly remembered day by day No longer here - my life to share But in my heart you are always ' there. - Ever remembered by his wife, Marie. 25-90x1 At" roday -S-prices, breakt ing a mirror is most-certain- ly seven , years' bad luck. ELEVEN acres of standing hair. New seeding mostly red clover. Geo. Flewitt, 482-9239. 11-90x1 3 BEDROOM HOME MASONRY, CEMENT WORK AND PAINTING FIVE-piece drum set, in good • condition. Apply to Doug. Hilde- - 'brand 'or Phone 527=1784. 11-90x1 1 1/2 storey frame home on 1/4 acre in the Village of Egmond- ville, gas furnace and hot water heater, nicely treed. Contact: GELDING, riding horse, 2 years old, John Segeren, 482-9217. 11-90x2 JOE O'REILLY CASH CLEARANCE Done at reasonable rates. Free. _ estimates. Phone 527-1515 or 527-1794.. 19-90-tf 26. Personals DUBLIN 345-2465 EAVESTROUGHING and light ning rods. New installations and repairs. Estimates without ob- ligation. Contact R. E. Ruttan, Wingham, phone 337-1077. 11-90xtf Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse, R.R.#2, Kippen, announce'the engagement of his daughter, Donna Jean to Mr. James Newton ' Collins', son ' of Mrs. Stanley Collins, R.R.#3, Clinton ' Ont. The wedding Will take place at Hensall United Church on July 31st at 3 P.M. 26-90x1 Refinish Your Brick Home by Sand Blasting and Silicone fini:shing if neces- sary. STEELWORK ARNOLD STOTHERS RR 6, Goderich, Phone 529-7403 19-90-tf QUANTITY mixed grain..Robert Dalton, .527-1366. 11-89x3 I 181 Eglinton Avenue, East, Toronto 12, 487-3333. 14-90-1 f DDfNG ACHINES • CRUSHED gravel delivered or at the pit. John Thompson. 527- 0238. 11-90xtf .1tar. and Mrs. Henry A. Blais, of Transcona, ; Manitoba, are pleased to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Donna Jean to Mr. Garry Allan Patterson,zson of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Patterson, Seaforth, Ontario... The wedding to take place in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, on Saturday, July 24th at 4 o'clock. 26-90x1 FREE• LISTI,fiGcSr ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines 'available at The Huron Exposi- tor 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-90xtf 7111AVEL-On SaleS and' Rentals, Agents, for Sunkamper and Woods. Folding hardtop trailers, truck mounts and accessories. Book now for summer rentals. Gordon Steepe, , R./6-#2, Clinton. Phone . 482-3364. 11-82-8 CONCRETE WORK - property . with _us and we do all It costs nothing to list 'your the advertising, All types of foundations and cement be,rnyarda. rates--•-ffee estimates. MAIJONEY. BROS. CONSTRUCTION. LTD. Dublin, Ontario 345-2253 Phones 345-2964 , 19-90-tf WILLIAM M. HART Mr. and Mrs. Orville G. Storey of Seaforth wish to announce the engagement of their . daughter, Donna Faye to Mr. James Edward McL1wIn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey .McLl'wain, Eginondville. The wedding will take plate July 9, 1971 at Cavan"United Church, Winthrop. '26-90-1 Seaforth 23. Business Directory R. S. BOX • FUNERAL HOME Prompt and Careifull Attention Phones: Day 127-0880 - Night 527-0885 23'=90-tf - JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST By? Appointment Seaforth Office Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday Evenings Mon., Wed. - Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 23-90-tf Salesman representing GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESATE LIMITED 23. Business Directory SEAFORTH. VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. 'Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. S. J. Alkemade, B.V.Sc.,D.V.M., M. P. Haynes, D.V.M., B.V.Sc. J. W. V. Wekken, V.S. Phone5 27-1760 Seaforth 23-90-ti GESTETNER ink available al 111 • The Huron Expbsitor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-90-tf GOLDEN Falcon, Citation, Flyie travel trailers; Baron Hardtop and soft top tent trailers; Hitches; Woods tents; Camping needs: Rentals, SALES, Service. Camp- Out, Huron St. W.,Stratford;393- 6938. . 11-82-13 COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. The Huron Expositor ' 11-90-tf FOR nervous upset - - - Phospho-Plex tablets. A nerve tonic formula to relieve common nervous conditions and nervous upset. Bottles off 50 and 100 tablets at Keating's 'Pharmacy Ltd., Rexall Drug Store. 11-88-4 SAVE UP TO 20% ON w. THESE NEARLY NEW DEMONSTRATORS. WANTED West Lorne '14-90-1 Dead and Disabled Cattle and Hbrses, Highest Prevailing Prices Paid for horses on the hoof, 24 Hours, Seven Days Weekly, Fast efficient service. CALL COLLECT BRUSSELS 27. Births WHITMORE - To Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitmore (nee Hillen) at Hotel Dieu Hospital, St. Cath- arines, on June 27, 1971, a daughter. 27-90x1 -' WILLEMS - To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Willems of Dublin • at Stratford General Hospital on June 16, 1971, a daughter, Lori Lynne, a sister for Caroline and Marilyn: 27-90x1 15. Property for Rent FOR Rent - Travel Trailer for rent by the week. Sleeps 6. Mirrors and trailer hitch sup- plied. Phone 527-1357. 15L89x2 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR • Night and Day Calls - 5270510 ' 23-90-11 NEWLY decorated 3 bedroom house, reasonable rent. Phone 3454964. 15-90-tf " TWO bedroom 'upstairs apart- ment, separate entrance, modern conveniences. ' Apply ' Robc'rt Beuttenmiller, 527-0282.15-90-3 Victor Tallyrnaster Electric k Adds, Subtracts. Reg, 114.50, TO CLEAR Victor Champion; Hand , Adds, Subtracts. Reg. 114.50, TO CLEAR 99.00 99.00 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1590 SPafarth 2s-9U-5f PERCY WRIGHT Licensed AUCTIONEER 11/2 miles south of Brussels. Lic. No. 273-C-70 19-90-tf Too Late FOR SALE - 9 pigs, 8 weeks old. 482-7262. TL - 90-1. WOOD FOR SALE • - Hardwood slabs $4.00 per cord, soft weber $3.00 per cord. Deliverdel in 6 or 7 cord loads to your yard. Craigs• Sawmill, Auburn,Phone 626-7220. TL- 90-3 • FOR SALE - A bunch of good strong York pigs. A. R. Dodds, 527-1748. TL-90-1 • THREE bedroom cottage in Hayfield. Apply Vance Bros. Phone 527-0680. 15-90-3 18., Property Wanted CUSTOM bdling. 527-1729. 19-88-3 An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. , Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Victor Talleymaster Adder Electric 79.50 Reg. 99.50, TO CLEAR Kippen, Ontario • Telephone 262-5515, HensaH 23-90-tf , Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Mo_okton 23-90-tf DINNERWARE SPECIALS WANTED to Buy - 50 acres with house near Seaforth. Reply ox,2008 Huron Expositor. 18-891d S 45 piece sets for 8 • Notic s . _ _ _ ECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley; 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-90-ti FOR Information on all mutual fund investments contact Fred (Ted) Savauge, 527-1522,Seaforth •-•-• " • , 19-90-tf SHOEING and, trimming, -alt types of horses. Contact Ross Elliott, phone 527-0118.19-90-ti CAMPER trailers for rent. Reasonable 'rates,. Contact Hopper Mechanical Services. 527-1859. 19-90-U ED. HUNTER-Di:MAR Bu9. 229.8.1o45 Res. 238.1494 THE . HURON EXPOSITOR Reg. $42.85 • Now ' $24.95 FOR SALE - 35 pigs, Peter Van Drunen, 345-2897.TL-90-1 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD, Imitosommoottobtolitoftutoo."4.44 11 Use Expositor , Want Ads . Phone' 527-0240 FOR SALE. - Old coins, Box 2009, The Huron Expositor. TL- 90x1 FOR SALE - 10 acres of mixed hay. Jack O'Rourke, R.R. 1, Dublin! 345-2919. TL-90-1 WANTED - Girl requires ride from Dublin to Stratford at 7:45 A.M. and return 4:30 P.M. Phone 345-2337. • .. HUNTER-DUNAJ/ & SON "WHERE.FOLKS TURN To VOLKS" R. R. 6. ST. MARYS AT RANNOCH BODY WORK AND PAINTING OUR SPECIALTY 11-90-tf , TWELVE acres of red clover, alfalfa and broom grass mixture in the field. Bev. Taylor, 345- 2846. 11-89-3 ONE - 48" box spring and mattress in good condition. Phode 527-0608. 11-90x1 VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE AND SALES 527-0240 Seaforth 1.9-81-13 sIsNw•aa9M49MIMMItenttal.s. 4roomorommou."