Wingham Times, 1891-06-19, Page 6rets
fir mizzen 'chs' a, where I woke up with
ara Cs'',a sharp jcrlarnore surprised than hurt.
1 I hung by my toot,which was held
iffy a round turn of the haul fu of the
bandy billy. I was moiosurprised than
',injured, but 1 immediately because
i more frightened than 1. bad been suss
, prised,
Directly below ate, within what I
imagined' was easy jemping distance,
the white belly of a shark, flashed
beneath the water and was followed
by the appearance of its head helms
the surface, All of tray anatomy
between toy throat and 'his knees
seemed to leave me. I had just sail-
agent streligt1h toreach upward and
grasp one of the iron braces beneath
the mizzen chains and look my arm
tightly around A. On glancing below
I nearly lost my senses, but was res
assured at I saw that the ohaiu of the
bait led into the shark's mouth. It
' .JU1E 19, 1891.
eAd fir's Prayer.
Ws Aced soy.
1b leis sins were scarlet,
t tar astray,
years have I prayed Tltee,
the narrow way.
with the swine he feasted,
i;tait him back to Thee:
meet horn. Oh ! save hint,
awe: be may be,
1y, prayer naw Wt me
that Thou wnuldst turn
rt to These in sorrow,
s, Laird. that lie might learn.
la, sin rmay not corne nigh Time,'
niuoea' may find grace .'
repentt,laim ,y,
wies...pee 'thy face.
Lord, has be waudere4,
m arias and say,
t Thee have I sintheai,
ollger here 1 stay.
atom unto Thee,
at Thy 'feet will pray.
• like the prodigal of old,
0 not turned away,
'Lord, dint never
will come home to rue ;
re not pray for that, Lord,
bile he is far from Thee,
Lord, all things are possible,
ri Mighty it Thy grates;
y bio tlxe clay cometh
'pklat T shall see his face-
face of him who left tae,
My youngest born, my pride ;...'
re carne a day T deemed it
Par better' he had died.
tit now my prayer is on=y, - rived at the newspaper office the boy.
("Lord, Thy will be done foot was released from its mooring. handed over his slip of paper, with the
tTbaubwilt b i> g home my son. And that's thea biggest fish ye ever
cotched .vet, sir.1'll quit plum duff remark-
i e i e
more than thy share of whey, lest one
'should say to another eo,ueerutug thee,
Lo I A wonder; one grog cloth Carry
food for another,
VIII' -,Thou shalt cause thy cons to
ue washed every day, the seams nud
covers thereof; for a filthy Canis abom-
inable ill me sight, and I will visitmy
wrath on him who brugetll
IX—Thou shat not bother the
cbeest.nalter, saying, where and when
shall I receive another dividend,; for
verily I say unto you,, he Imoweth not
nor Gareth a continental about it.
w X -•Thou shalt not say auto one
another concerning nae, L° 1 bath not
this Philistine of a clteesetnaller a
soft snap, 1n ,getteth big wages and
worketh not hard. For verily I fray
unto you, that is a whopper,be getteth
up early ini the morning and laboreth
until bite at night ; moreover he
worketh on the Sabbath day,for which
was struggling to free itself from .the the Lord hath no mercy ori flim
hook instead of striving to make a
meal Of me. A grange whizzed by me An urchin was oil one occasion coal_
and a 1luzza arose on hotted as it en* nissioned by an old lady who had lost a
toted Ms fisllahip..
Lrxplaining an Aclvertisentent.
]:rang oil, boy—hang on 1 I heard
a cheery voice say. Now, tip ns your
flipper' my hearty. Loose that tackle
an' let go my darlin's 1 Avast there l
Pull him in tail fast, so's he `can't
bite, ]lid ye never land or shark, ye
rubbers 1 .Then Jace's arm closed
around my listless form as my numbed
favorite terrier to take an advertisment,
in which her loss wasdescribed, to the
local newspaper for insertion, He
agreed to do so, and received; for hist
trouble a penny, paid in advance, and
also a verbal description of the dog, in
order that his snarp young eyes might
be on the outlook for its recoveiy.. Ar
A VERY OT.,OS SHAPE: -1 to put in that advertisement
of 'tain't exclaimed a forecastle luau
One day shy ,non at the wheel call for a wie.
when I opened my eyes on the main Fut you're surely too young,my ice,
ed lay attention t0 u very large shark hatch a few minutes later and viewed
was following in the wake of the Was $ouuilerin on tlitr to advertise for a wife, said the clerk,
hat the•sharkthat as €,
hip, voraciously devouring the waste deck with a handspike through his 9uizzlnaly.
00.1 emptor through the chute. by , It's no for a wife, eicpla nod the boy
gills. !it's for An surd wife.
cook or the. sieward. When the The next day the cools • handed one, i gale.
r, Jack Dolinhliy by name, was Then, 1've lost' an old
sued feolu hie trick at the wheel
exclaifnued ashe passed me.
Patient elaeiviirreete
No•life is wasted that been ltwa
part; And what that part shall be,
Providence sometimes decides, not we,
We cannot always eelect the task we
would perfoktn, the service we would
render. The world, indeed, waits of
us our special work, Possibly, poor
sufferer, its hairneed of your patient
enduring. Possibly, the example of
your waiting VW trusting is the very
survive your fellows need most to have
rendered hem . It takes all parts in
music to slake the perfect harmony;
and y'onr strain, tow and , pathetic
minor though it be, (unmet be spared.
from it. There is the light behind
your cloud, and you may see it if you
will leek toward ' it., Your patient
enduring,•the world hasneed of, and
God asks it of you. In the coming
goad acpe d upon it, you shall have
your± place, for, as tnucll as the brave
est and the strongest, you wilt have
done your part to bring It. --Rev A,.
W Jackson.
No man is accountable for the mis
takes of his friends.
Don't call a spade aseadewben it is a.
>`oman ever yet minded his own,
business who didn't get into trouble,
However .great some men's abilities
are, their liabilities are always greater.
A man is frequently known by the
company the keeps out of.
"I3onesty is the best policy, boeanse.
it is the only p°liSy which insures
against loss of character.
Don't lose sight of an honorable
enemy; he'll make a good friend.
The soaring . hawk . has no ear tor
music, and rates tl'e cry of the parte
ridge above the song of the nightin-
the vertebrae of the shark strung on a
wire, and during the voyage home-
ward, a year later, I scraped each
vertebrae untilit shone with a luster No, I havens, an' it's no', "exclaimed
equal to mother of pearl. On reaching
the youngster, in a]1 sincerity. Dae ye
New York I had them *mounted on a
d old no understaun' me ?
seer wife,
wife, poor wee chap, said the sympa- l
thetio joker. Your grandmother, prob. LOGS LOGS
Bad time to fall overboard now, sir.
ably o J
Why sol 1 naturally questioned.
Re" pointed to a shark that had
lowed alongide to midships as we
The U.tdersigned are prepared to pay
steel od tapped with ebony an g the
MOS! forward You want au old vt, I suppose, and Highest Cash Prices
t t e filled in witlh had g
[this is herdescription, returned the
e .. a "''. a ,- clerk, holding gip the paper. ':
h, centennial year, when home• one 1)115 ' HARD AND SOFT W 00 LOGS,
e fa . brit mostly, Six "1 • I was dirt-' 1\0, I don't , but this•rs w hat t .wants `
A piece Of p ' y took it for hie own while t replied the boy, amazed at such colosstll l Dellveredatthair MillY in li'inghant.
gid they rubs ee hit o' brimstone on it, y
ilia in tt. cafe and appropriatedstn idity d taking l b tri to ( Also for
at night 'so 's it shines '1'h bonito
eye, an'. ther old undertaker kin, see it worthprobably dimeso I have
• a ; that advertisement fo•• the lost don o an
n zhe� dark.
nothing left to remind me of my mie-
n auld wife wi' a curly tail that keeps a r By the Cord.
The next day wits cloudy, but 1
hap while catchiu4 a sane. -:Frank grocer's shop at the foot o' Highstreet,snd t
• a llc:un 0 junk Magazine, ye're to put i in twice rtiuuiu', and .after CUSTOM SAWING
L a
' anti the interstices
stupidity and a . long
rc s: f tl • `•
Vh• t do you bait with, I ask bel I carried it proudly until the
#� rub
1 For allltinds of Good Sound
like a o.n leaving In its place an app stick,
make his meaning olear—Ye're to put iu 'BasS�i ooc Heading Bolts
ai1t-d pound P salt k on the
ri.d-,f ti 11th,1: anal chain and watched
it is stopped, everybody that has't is to be •
'i the g watch. MrThe Ten Commandments• persecuted, an' anybodytllatcomes aoross't I)oneatLowest Paying Prices, and ,
it art;ear tail midi cdog i wi' a bleu' e'e that answers to the name o'. V T q V ED.
,tiled to accept Lir: invitation: The following are the cheesemaliers . 1 SAZI�i'A(ll`I01 GUrS.ktAN.:P �'
Snap is to be rewarded if they apply to
tight belts on the day after T lost ten commandments the :turd wife 1 -Paisley Gazette.
I All MIAs of Dressed and Undressed
G of ktitn attugNtllFr ; so after 'talo -
i1�t sun and fi turiatg out our motilins -[•T; M i3 E ll3.
utita•tttid 1 •ugitude, I sat down on 1 What 1 1
Constantly on hand.
art tier Is a..,9'ft t,t tilt: wlleell10U8e, Also Shingles, Lath, Staves, Barrels, Cedar Posts,
1 soon .l d ay les pro ably afrai you re wood, fie. Call and get prices. Mill adjoining G.
McLean In & Son,
Andy billyi•an> had hooked tile 1 t Whigham,
Crew .e.. a on the bitts. for each .coronae.
--'].'hon shalt arise 'early in the
g and deliver thy milk to the Frauik—Blanebe seeifls' awfully shy.
factory', for he that goeth late causet i at do you suppose makes her so'
the oheesamaker to use much profane timidI
.� PUBL1511115D--
Es'Frn FItTEIAT 1110I411ING,-
—AT 'r s —
WIl`7'GIIA1111, - CwT 1tIQ.
Subscription price, $1 per Yanr.fni advance
VI:R2.ISllrlk BATES _
spare. _. i,..1 yt 1 .Ql 8 Inn 1.., Coono Co'. hnnl I Sue 00 485 Inc.),'O x!80 0Q Sit'
Half "" 05 00 80 aQ 12 00 5 00
Quarter'' 20 00 IS e0 T 00 I 4 05
One Inch I 5 00 5 00 2 00 1 00
Local and other easing advertisements, 8a. per use
ler: first insertion, and 80. peellnetor each subsequent
Local notices in nonpareil type, loo. for first in
section, and So. per line for each subsequent hlsert!cn
No local notice will be charged less than 25o
Advertisonents of Lost, round, Strayed Situations,
and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding^ 8 lines
nonpareil, 81 per month
Houses and Farms tor Sale, not exceeding 8 linos,
$1 for gist month, 500. per subsequent reonth
These terms will be strictly adhered to
Special. rates for longer advortischtonts,: ar:e
longer periods,.
Advertisements without specific directions, will be
inserted till forbid and chanted accordingly., Tran-
sitory advertisements must be aid in advance
Changes for contract advertisements must be in
the office by Wednesday noon,. in order to appear
that week
Paornn0xoa Asa Mumma
hf _SI . . probably .d ,
II—Thou shalt slaughter thy salves not going to propose.
not until the third day, and' hearket A Liar from Detroit.
unto fh1P.,take no more than one Le1'18 A Detoitt r,, who'was in a Collision
fin theeli & 0 road several weeks ago,
says he was ;just sitting''back ,of a
farmer and his wife, The train was
running so fast that the, couple were
nervus, and by and by the, woman
turned about and enquired
Master do you think there is any
danger 1
No .ma'am ; not in the least, the 're,
Five minutep litter, the speed having
perhaps increased a little, the %veinal'
again turned with
Master, where are you from'?
Detroit, ma'am,
And there is no danger 1
Norge whatever,
Ten seconds late came a grand
and the coach reared up and fell
As it' went, with everyboc y shouting
and screaming, the voice of the woman
was heard above everything, crying:
Oh, William 1 What a liar that man
from Detroit has turned out to be 1••-�
Detroit Free Press,
The roan ielho believes in ghosts
may be a betted citizen than the one
who does not 1fedieve in his' fe�low.
eeallle iClllnet'1ie
T. R., on Shuter St.
Two., II4ars Before the Mast.
arta •1 eel my shsrk fine to a
v+itich Sys tl°,�I , have ordinarily
,hean. the itl'ite mid or hauling
was also bele) ed to the bias, a
rAstunCe that proved very fortuih•
from 11,0.
e wind died Bunn and the sun
hotter and hotter as the yards
ti in the slings was the flatness
g of the vessel. The creaking
es ,t ltitlabyto than rocking, and
118 tae to sleep maid • servant. When the . dividend
n newt linos the length of my eometh not and tbou goeth forth to
seek it unto the committee, they shall
1 spelt awakened it was with say unto thee, dost•thou see anything
title Baled-'-rlOt even a revel inear opts of an emerald color 1
`rs' Then shalt get no Awoke] from thy
being pumped -oder the milli not if the court knowedi itself,
7 rail ley the handy hilly, in the which she tliinketh she clothe; mores
whielt my foot had caught, as over if thou sottleth this thing up, we
F,1g ,:titled it while asleep, wili make it riot, for thee.
'.rags Before the Mast went V -Too shalt 'Lot kill thy deacon.
s adnft the inttst, and brad° ; and .leave the carcass to rot near the
Iiun to i1+"prune's nautical barn; fur the stencil thereof tainteth
It possibly did nut' take • the milk,
all ro rant to drag me over V1.—Thou shalt not bring unto the
o1 the, ship's dde. 'Yet I factory any sour or tainted Mille nor
n ,rinse wheel ery out, the milk of a ct;tw that is sick or bath
rid saw a life pre- buil lately calved, for from such milk
freed as the latter eoneth, lively chem.
vessel near eller VII--Pbarn tslsalt never Murry oil.,
IIT—Thou shalt take no cream. from
thy muilk,even for thy tea or thy caffee,
for when thou getteth thy dividends
one shall say to the other: Why taketh
it more milk here for a pound of cheese
than in other synagogues 1 Then shall
the cheeselnalter arise up in hit might
and smite thee to the'earth.
IV—Thou ehait put no water in thy
milk, thou not thy man servant or tby
\'JgT H. TOWL1,11, i.I,D.C.AM.,
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario,
--•Coroner for County of Iluron-•• `
Office at" Tint Pitman/tor' " • W ingbant, Ont,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and
Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of '
Office and Itesidenco'•Cornerof Centro and Patrick
streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune.
Wisenau •• , Oar
' 11T0LaUo»r,ix & Hawn
Having purchased the Custom Business of Messrs
Mc0ormiol. & Cao, wish to intimate that they have
opened out in the ship two doors south of T A Mills
Store, 8Vinghanr.
Boots and Shoos made to 'order from the Best
Stock on short notice. Repairing neatly and
promptly done,
The patronage of tho public solicited, and all work
guanintcd: lt'IcLAUUHLIN &
lh. VAN STONE, .'
Private and Contpany.fundt to loan at lowest rates
interest. No ocmmisston charged. Mortgages, town
and Sarin properti bought and sold.
OFFICE -Beaver Block \\'INonam„ON'r
isepliine- street .. ' • Wiughani, Ont.
.I, A. IiAtsmae, ,. W. SCOTT,
Mount Posen, I,istoWol
Deposits Received and Interest
Money AAdvanoed to rarrners and
fluslness Men,
On long or short time, 011 endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale metes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to tr,il
parts of Canada tit reasouale charges.
W1nghi,m Ontario
]lcitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for
taking atfidevits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and. .
Village property bought and sold. Money (private.
Money invested for private persons, upon the best
funds) loaned on mortgage security at 51 percent.
mortgage securities without any expense to ,the
lender. Lands for rale in Manitoba and the North.
Wee-Hont's Block. VF inghalu..
DENTISTRY.- S. J EROME,; Wtnetri»,
Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates,
h Vulcanite plates of the bestutaterial
•as cheap as they can be got in the
Dominion.All work warranted.
Painless extraction.of teoth by the use of Electric,
sty or`ve,*otable Vapor.
TAI, 1 wrica.-I will extract. 'teeth .'for 25 cents
OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the
Brunswick Ho •
Arli'�i, Y
Wrn. ix. Macdonald, L. D. S.,
opposite the Queen's Hotel, \Vinghdm.
Will Visit Gorrle 1st and 3rd Mondays
of each month.
\\tlalellA�it, - 'costuno
YVon DEAN, 3a,, WIr eIIAM,
Sales attended in -any part of the Co, Charger'
TOXIN CUlthitli. WXNenA,\t, ONT.,
nicsi SI3yi A0CTIoNEt a 2011, •rue Co0NTY b1' ,
Aii orders lett at the Timms oifhco promptly at cud,
ed to. Toms reasonable. .
11Io1;Ssao, 40c1108.225 100 ACoraTnas 11URes AND
All sales attended to promptly and on the Shorter.
Charges Moderato and Satisfaetlon Guaranteed.
All ncoesaary arrangements can 11e made at 810
T1nuas' cruse
Wixom:it °sri
Spooled., Attention Given to dole P. L. do n, I. Stoontrom AND CIVIL estoi5*sR5,
looting A000tintf3 and Notes, • 1.ISTOWET, Arts WINGIIAM
..o All orders left at the ogled of the T0.180 will to
calve prompt attonfimt
Agents iii'Canada-Vac itorcilanits” flank
Of Canada, f7 PATERSON,
Mike hours -Frons s a. tu, to d p. ht.
A. E.
A Vent, 17111011.0*..... „on.,
h3Aittpr or ittonTn Divisor Cover, Issues or 14,4*
ntav Matxslsn.