HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-06-24, Page 9SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1971 —Seeorid Seetion, Pages 9-16
The (Off1014.
Effect of the Plan •
- The Official plan establishes an orderly and efficient
pattern of development' _for „Pie SegferthR r;enceiir2e
!PIC and direbting,growth'Whe*lPerePrtatep. • ' Upon approval of the 001441 PleMf-hr \ Minister, no
public work Shall• be undertaken and no bYrlaN shall
Passed for any purpose that does-not Cogerfil with Vle.RA0e. Zoning by-law boundaries shall follow the general heundallee
between land use established the Official Plan ,i4t*Kig4 . minor modifications shall be permitted without aMendillent-
to the Official. Plan provided that the intent of the plait is
operations, parking lots, public
buildings or structures, utilities;
rail facilities, accessory build-
ings and open space.
Industrial includes agriculture
prior to development.
The Land Use and Roads Plan
shows the lands designated Indus-
Access points to parking lots
and loading and unloading areas
shall.,be limited in number and
desipied in a manner which will
minimize danger to vehicular
and pedestrian traffic.
Buildings and structures shall
have adequate setbacks from an
adjoining area designated for
Residential use.
Adequate areas for landscaping
shall be provided and landscaped
to screen land designated Indus-
trial from adjoining areas desig-
nated for Residential use.
Adequate fencing shall be pro-
vided to screen open Industrial
areas, including storage, from
public view.
Public Implementation:
Use of land shall be controlled
by Restricted Area (Zoning) by-
laws in accordance with Section
30 of The Planning AO.
efe - -gityouildritg --- libraries, funeral--homes- CpEN PACE • deutial use. centre lings over commercial establish- • Definition: rural population. ;
ments, accessory buildings and Commercial growth will be
accommodated primarily in parking lots.
and woundthe existing busin- Locations: section.
The Land Use and Roads Plan Residential growth will con-
shows, the land designated Corn- sist primarily of low-density
mercial. single-family development.
The use of land for agricul-
"--'•'-ture -will be permitted prim- Policies:
arily as an -interim . use prior Highway-oriented commercial
to development, providing such uses such as Motels, service
uses are compatible with ad- stations, car sales and service,
joining uses. car washing . establishments,
Existing and new development farm implement sales depots and
will be provided with' adequate funeral parlours shall be per-
sanitary sewerage, storm :pitted only within designated
drainage and water supply commercial areas on Goderich
facilities, in accordance with Street and on Main Street, north
the requirements the Ontario of Goderich Street -Ind -South of . .
, Water Resources Commission. the CNR rail line.
Silver Creek' and Lawrence Access points to. parking lots'
Drain will,be improved to in-. and loading and unloading areas.
crease storm . drainage ca- shall be'limited in -number and
pacity and to provide additional designed 'in a manner which 'will
ft 'community open spaces. ,. Minimize danger to vehicelar
and pedestrian traffic.
Implementation ' Buildings and structures shall
Land , will be &Veit:tiled haVe adequate aethacks from an
marlly by private enterprisal adjoining area designated for
Control over land.. uses' nro- Residential use.
posed-by the OfficiatPlan will • •
Public Implementation: 'be based on relevant legisla-
tion as indicated iti the Public.;, Use of land shall be controlled
Implementation section for by Restricted Area (Zoning) by-
each land use category. laws in accordance with Section
All public works will conform 30 of The Planning Act.
with the proposals in the Plan.
• . Definition: . • The "predominant use of land
.The predominant use of land deSignated Industrial shall be the
designated Residential 'Shall be manufacturing, assembly, pro-
,direllings, including . various cessing, fabrication, repair,
types of dwellings. . maintenance and storage of
Residential includes home goods and materials, but exclude,s
occupations. any noxious or offensive use.
Residential includes uses Industrial q, inaddes whole-
.% - which are compatible with dwel- saling, offices, dwelling for care-
lings and necessary to serve taker. or person employed on:the
residential areas; e. g. recrea- maintenance staff, service
tional facilities, nursing homes, -
schools, places of Worship,
arenas, assembly halls, clinics,
hospitals, utilities, public build-
ings' . and accessory buildings.
Residential includes board-
• ing houses, limited professional
• offices in all residential areas,
general offices and funeral homes
in the central area described be-
low, and parking lots in appro-
priate locations.
' Residential - includes ag-
o** riculture, prior to development.
• Location:
The Land Use and Roads
Plan shows the land designated
Dwellings other than single-
• family detached dwellings; •
boarding houses; funeral homes,
clinics; parking lots; and offices
other than 'limited professional
offices situated within single-
family residences, shall be per-
mitted only in areas immediately
adjacent to the Main Street/
• Goderich- Street commercial
designation. Where such uses
'are proposed further than one.
block (i.e. 2 half block widths)
from the commercial desig-
nation, an amendment to the
Official Plan will be required.
New residential areas shall he
developed only as and when ade-
quate sanitary sewerage, storm
drainage and water supply tenni-
tie,s are, available to serve them.
Public Implementation: •
Use of land shall be controlled
by ,Restrie‘ed Area (Zoning) by-
laws in accordance with Section
• 30 of The planning Act.
Residential development shall
be permitted only.,on registered
plans Of subdivision or lots crea-
ted by consents for 'division of
land pursuant to Seaton 26 of
The Planning Act and in accor-
• dancewith the following Criteria:
1. It is not necessary in the
public interest that a plan of
subdivision be registered.
2.' Consents will be granted only
in' areas where-the undue ex-
tension of any major service
will not be required.
(For some time Seaforth Plan-
ning Consultants, Canadian Mit-
chell Associates, have been at
work on an official plan for
Seaforth. The plan complements
the zoning by-law which the town
adopted several years ago.
The draft plan now has beish
submitted to the planning board ▪ and council. So that the public
, may be familiar with details, the
draft by-law and plan are repro-
duced herewith pteliminary to a
public meeting scheduled for
This ,plan is based upon the
following estimated potential
population and policies.
Estimated Potential . Population
The Town's population about
2,200 in 1971 and the potential
population within the Town boun-
daries _,is 4,380 (see appendix)
3. Consents will be granted only
when the land fronts on an
existing public road which is
of a reasonable standard of
4. The size of a lot created by a
consent will be appropriate for
the use proposed considering
the public services available
and the soil conditions. '
5. A lot created by consent must
conform with the provisions of
the zoning by-law.
6. Direht access from major
roads will be restricted.
7. Consents will be granted only
where the access will not
create traffic hazards; e. g.
because of limited sight
lines on curves or grades.
8. Consents should have the effect
of infilling in exisiting urban-
ized areas and not of extending
the urban area unduly.
The proposals of this Official
Plan are based on the potential
population of 4,380.
The Town will promote indps-
trial development, which will
provide the basis for achieving
the estimated potential popu-
The Town will remain the com-
• m ercial and employment
The predominant. use of land
designated Commercial shall be
buying, selling, leasing and ex-
changing of commodities and sup-
plying, selling and leasing per-
sonal, business and recreational
Commercial includes recrea-
• tional facilities,..schools, places
of worship, assembly halls,
clintcsptilities, public buildings,
The use of land designated Open
Space shall be conservation.areas,
parks, playgrounds, tennis courts
and sim ilar recreational uses and
buildings accessory to such re-
creational uses.
Open space includes arenas,
stadiums, public buildings and
Locations: -
The Land Use and Roads Plan
shows the land designated Open
Landscaping and pedestrian
walks shall be provided along-
side Silver Creek and Lawrence
Drain and to provide access to
Seaforth` Lions 'Park ( a well
equipped 8 acre park immed-
iately outside the Town boun-
dary). Those areas include all
land within the Town which are
significantly susceptible to haz- '
ards from 'flooding or poor
drainage. (The Town is coin-
pletink the iiripldmentation of
• proposals to eliminate flooding
and drainage problems made in
the Report on Storm Drainage,
1965, by, James F. MacLaren
Area presently used for Open
Space purposes, including areas
on Main Street,at Victoria Park
and George Street and north •of
the CNR tracks, shall be Main-
tained in that use.
Public, ImPlementation:
All areas designated Open
Space, will preferably be owned -
and operated by the Town qr.
Conservation Authority ultim- r 2
ately. Until it is considered
feasible , to acquire those areas,
Open Space areas shall remain
in private ownership.
Where lands designated Open
Space are.under private owner-
A. Y. McLean, Chairman D. kunder, Secretary
Mayor F. C. J. Sills , Reeve J. F. Flannery
W. Pinder — J. 0. Turnbull — Lloyd Rowel;
Copies of the draft Official Plan may' be
reviewed at the Town Clerk's Office.
TO enable the Seaforth Planning Board,.
to outline and explain the proposed Official
Plan to the citizens of Seaforth and to re-
ceive the comments and suggestions of all
interested persons, a public meeting will be
held in the ToWn Hall, Seaforth at 8 p.m.,
Mondai . the 28th Day of
• June, 1971
..... • ...
As a general rule, non-con,
forming uses throughout the
Planning Area in the long run
should cease to exist, so that the
land affected may revert to a
use in conformity with the intent
of the Official plan and the pro-
visions of the implementing re-
stricted area (Zoning) by-law.
In special instances, however,
it may be desirable to permit
the extension or enlargement of
a nen-conforming use in order
to i4iyold unnecessary hardship,
roviding the application is in
conformity with the policies of
this Plan to ensure the general
;Welfare of the Town residents.
', Befgre .concurring with any
on for the extension or
enlargement of an existing non-
„conforming use, 'the feasibility of
acquiring the', property concerned
at the time of the application or
possibly at some future date
and of holding, selling leasing or
develhping it in accordance with
the provisions of The Planning
Act will be considered by Council
and Planning Board. In^ this con-
text, special attention will be
given to the chances for the re-
establishment of the use under
consideration An a different. lo-
cation, where it would be able to
perform and produce under im-
proved conditions in accordance
Townlio.wever, if acquisition at this
time does not appear to be fea-
slble if the special merits--
of the individual case make a
permission desirable to grant
the extension or enlargement of
a non-conforming use, Council
may consider the- passing of a
zoning by-law pursuapt to Sec-
tion 30 (18) of The Planning
Act; such a by-law may then be
passed without the necessity to
amend the Official Plan, U it
complies with these policies.
Before making any decision in
such a matter, the application
will be referred to Planning
Board for a report on the various
aspects of the matter concerned
for the information of Council.
Council, before passing a by-
law, shall be satisfied that those
of the following requirements
which are relevant to each
specific application for the ex-
tension or enlargement of a non-
conforming use are,, or will be,
fulfilled in order to safeguard the
wider interests of the general
- That the proposed extension
or enlargement of the established
non-conforming use shall not un-
duly aggravate the situation crea-
ted by the existence of the use,
especially in regard to the
policies of the official Plan
and the requirements of the Zon-
ing By-law, applying to'lhe area.
- That the proposed extension
or enlargement shall be in an
appropriate proportion to the size
of the non-conforming use estab-
..lished prior to the passing of the
original zoning
- That an application, which
would affect the boundary
between areas of different land
use designations on the Official
Plan, will , only be processed
under these policies, if it can
be considered as a "minor ad-
justment” permitted' under the
flexibility clause of the inter-
pretatiOn section of the Purpose
of the Plan without the need for
an amendment. Major variances
will require an amendment to the
Official Plan.
- That the characteristics of
the existing epn-conforming use
and_the_prip• esed extension or
enlargement shilrbe—eXamineti---
with regard to noise, vibrations,
fumes smoke, dusi, odours,
lighting and traffic generating
Actions by Council and Planning Board
The Town Council and , Planning Board will review private
and public ..development proposals, and the effect of such
proposals upon the Town and take appropriate action, within
the framework established by the Official Plan.
The Town Planning Board and Council will constantly
review and 'amend this Official Plan to recognize changing
circumstances and policies.
Interpretation of the Plan
The boundaries between land uses designated on the
Land Use and Roads Plan map in the official Plan are ap-
proximate except' where they coincide with major roads,
railway lines, rivers or other clearly defined physical
features. Where the general intent of the Plan is maintained,
minor adjustments to boundaries will not require amendment
to this Plan.
All figures id the Plan are to be interpreted as flexible
and minor variations in the figures will not require amend-,
ment to this Plan.
capacity and no amendment to
the by-law shall be made if one
or more of such nuisance fac-
tors will be created or increased
so as to add essentially, to the
incompatibility of the use with
the surrounding area.
- That the neighbouring con-
forming uses will be protected,
where necessary, by the pro-
vision of areas for landscaping,
buffering or screening, approp-
riate setbacks for buildings and
measures to reduce nuis4nces ,
and, , where necessary, by
(Continued to page l0)
• •
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• 4.
Consider Draft of Seaforth's Offidal .• Plan
ship, this Plan does not indicate
that this land will remain desig-
nated Open Space indefinitely,
nor does it imply thatOpenSpace
areas are free and open to the
general public or will be purr
chased by the Town or Conser-
vation Authority.
If proposals are made to de-
velop, privately owned land desig-
nated Open Space and the Town or
Conservation Authority do not
wish to purchase such land, an
application for the redesignat-
ion of such land for other pur-
poses will be considered by the
Town. •
Definition: •
The predominant use of land
designated Agricultural shall
agricultural, including including accessory
Agricultural includes parks,
playgrounds, and similar uses.
The Land Use and Roads Plan
shows the land designated Agri-
Future agricultural buildings
to accommodate livestock,
poultry, feed lot or wastestorage
shall have adequate setbacks
from areas designated for Rest-
Public Implementation: •
Use of land shall be controlled
by Restricted Area (Zoning) by-
laws in accordance with -Section.
30 of The Planning Act.