HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-06-17, Page 11SPEEDY•CERTIFIED GOOD BUYS SAL ES .404e, SERVICE PA0Ne,t27-750 • S WORTH Lot Open Evenings to 9 p.m. 0 LOCAL 111.4DIN 70 IMPALA oraa H.T. A.T. & R. 69 EPIC Sedan, R. low mileage. 69 PONTIAC "8" Sedan A.T. & 69 CHEV. "8" Stn, A.T.R.PS. •& P.B. 67 CHEVELLE "8" H.T. A.T. R. PS. & PB. 67 CHEVELLE "6" H.T. A.T. & R. 65 PONTIAC "fi' Sedan A.T. 67 COMET •Capri, "8" H.T. A.T. & •R. 66 FALCON "6" Coach A.T. 69 CHEV. Pick-up, low mileage. 66 CHEV. 3/4 pick-up R. • 4, 0'S'." 111.01111.11111,1 lad. eteut nol••••••••nt Ontario has joined Canada and .the U.S. to launch a united attack on pollution of the Great, Lakes. The total cost of such a pro- • gramme according to the Inter-. national Joint Commission report of last year would be $1.5 billions but George Kerr, Minister of Energy and Resources Manage- ment, feels it will be considerably • more than that. Mr. Kerr said an Ontario • Water Resources' Commission study has indicated that improving sewage treatment fa- . cilities for municipalities and industries on the Ontario'side of the . Lower Great Lakes basin will cost closer to $500 million than the $210 million estimated • by the Joinf.Commission. Mr. Kerr said Ontario and the Federal Government are close to an agreement on cost sharing. He hopes. Ottawa will foot 2/3 of the cost of treatment plant imprthement on the Great Lakes in exchange for payment • by Ontario for similar improve- ments at plants along rivers flowing into the Lakes, such as the Grand. - The Government of Ontario is making preparations for the Federal-Provincial Constitift- tonal Conference which is to take took the part of the Member for place next week, in Victoria, B.C.. Huron-Bruce, and I was one of This conference will review the the Pages. These occasions are distribution of tax powers be- always quite amusing, and it is tween the two levels of govern- interesting to see how much the ment, and also other areas of Pages have observed during their concern. It haS been obvious session here at Queen's Park. for a considerable time that They are great at heckling one there is not sufficient liaison another, of course, and they do a between Ottawa and the Provin- first class 'job of making • the ces, and I think it would be a Pages run messages - I should good plan for conferences of this know!, kind to be held on a continuing • Government and the Provincial basis, perhaps twice a year. By this means the Federal Has Governments could consult with eetirig one another; •and'Ministers would M, be able to work in closer co- • operation. There Is no doubt that there is a great deal of The June/meeting of Unit 3. duplication of services in. many Northside United Church was held jurisdictions, from .the Fe0dral at the home of Mrs. W. Harry level down through , the Provin- , Brown and took' ,the form of a cial level to the municipalities, pot-luck supper with Unit 4 as arid there is obviously an urgent gueSts. - need for streamlining of govern- Mrs: Thos. Wilbee opened the ment at, all levels. ...meeting with a poem "Off Duty On Thursday of this week, For God till Fall". Unit 4 was - we had the traditional Mock Par- asked to join Unit 3 and accepted. Han-tent, when the Legislative Pages take the part of the various Members, Ministers and Leaders of• the PolitiCal Parties. Young Scott MacLennan. from our area The devotional part was opened by.., Mrs. Peter' DunlOp with "Ser- enity of Nature". Mrs. Alf Heuer- man and Mrs. Peter Dunlop and Mrs. Thos Wilbee put on a skit. a • 0 • ,„ • , tHR HURON EXPOMTOR• '0,4FORTIL (iNtf JUNE 1).. 1171--I Seaforth - institute ‘_ilears of Ver Mrs. Wallace Haugh was hostess for the June meeting of Seaforth Women's institute, with the president, Mrs. Erlin Whit- more chairing the regular opening exercises and buSiness. The program, in charge of Agriculture and Canadian Indus- tries converters, Mrs. W. Haugh and Mr's. Earl Dapple, was chaired by Mrs. Haugh, who asked the members to repeat in unison l'what Is 'so rare as a day in June”. ' The guest peaker, ii Mrs. Robert McKerch r, told of the European tour s onsored by U.C,O.. and showed slides taken in agricultural areas and cities in England, Scotland, Den- mark and Sweden. Mr's. Mc- Kercher stated that European farmers face the same problems as do Canadians, including ex- ports, machinery costs and lack' of I capital. These they try to meet through the co-operative Haugh. The roll call was artswered by naming 14 a flowei or veget- able variety, you plan to grow for the first time this year". The motto ,•Ecology - the tacts that frighten," was taken by Mrs. Haugh, who stated that everything we use becomes waste, making pollution a major problem,. The battle against pollution, like Chaxity, begins at home. Reports heard included, - the distriot annual, held May .20, in .0" was Hensall; the program conninittee; 00's, with 4-H Achievement Day held In ground rules Seaforth, June 5. Mrs. . John H e rech an Mss Be e Campbell were named to attend a Curator's workshop, on June 22 at Elimville. . -The picnic will be held July 25 at the Lions Park. Donations were made to i iiminnimonommummutimumnimiimommuniimmotimomminummiumminontita' r-_-- 'aim the stream. Fire Chief Jack Scott (centre) returns to the truck to check the pressure. OP Damage from the fire, which is believed to have started from burning embers in an incinerator behind the building, was slight. (Staff PhotO) ANSWER FIRE ALARM The Seaforth Fire Department was called to the barn behind Sills Hardware about 5:15 P M on Tuesday to extinguish a fire in the eaves of a wooden addition to the building. It is the second time fire has struck theballding-Tiffedelit months. Above Fireman Tom-Phillips. (with hose at window) attempts to extinguish the blaze as Ron Broome (left) tells him *here to „ . • • Murray Gaunt MPP • Notes From Queen's Park the children's ..410 trap P1440. 4.9bn .g.n.14.144 and and to the 140)110 ,Sever01.. 144.400% 'with 110104111M E• members ;plan to.attend tnn. annual. %I.V100119X, #44' Mrs. Strong:: dinner meeting of the 1100001 Forty-tbrna Pqn2 wgIn friends ;enjoyed lIns trip. Grace, lir served' salad1 pt)loate lluuncnchh iCrg atlintaX4rir ;14for 4,Speif90477`4. Courtesy Remarks were made TOM* .41W1q. 1 9, :140#44; OP, was by Mrs. Ear Dapple and ‘9110w- Nnaalna Chemteat• •iCnnipallY ing coMmittee, convened by Mrs. iTry enjoY014040`. 4:0 Thank . You / Folks At this time, after 20 years as your Texaco distributor, we wish to thank the citizens of Seaforth and district for their courtesies and patronage over the past two decades. We have now retired as Texaio distributor and have been succeeded by Robert Dinsmore who will continue to provide prOmpt and efficient Texaco service. Thanks again. The past 20 years have been great and have passett_all _too quickly. , CLARENCE WALDEN CLIFF BROADFOOT TEXACO CANADA LTD. wishes to thank Clarence and Cliff for 20 years of faithful service to their customers and to the Company, and advise their many customers that Cliff will still be associated with Texaco Canada Ltd: in this area. movement. It was 1>~f England the first “Co-operat formed in the late basically the sam being followed now as then set d ill out. She urged everyone to sap their pennies for such a holiday, stating that language was never a barrier and European hospitality tops. Mrs. Mc-+ Kercher was Introduced by Mrs. Papple and thanked by Mrs,. • • • a • For All Your Camping Needs SALES and Rentals-- • Sunset and Sandpiper Traders • Truck Campers We Have 2 Complete Truck And Camper Units For Rent BOOK EARLY — DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED Graham Arthur Rentals 'MAIN $1. SOUTH EXETER 235-1373 . . . . • . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . , . . , • . , ... a . . . „ ., ,, ... . . ..... . . • . , . . .. . ..: . . . aco, Canada , _ , . : Qudly . . . . ., ,. .......,,,, Appointment . . .-z,, .. 'The • -,,..., ,Robert , . ll..--y=-.,l..--y=-.,, . . . . . Announces. a Ln of . Dinsmore. m ted . , g . . .. _._ s .- ' , ..it. '..,-, . . ......_ ..... . as . a Products . . en •- * ,,,, try , : . - , . .. .. „ . . . - - Ex. '1 ... ,, ,,,,,, ' •• . - E. • . . Petroleum in Seaforth , .. AS, - . . 7,:i.,,,,,- — -.Home PLAN ON . • DISTRIBUTOR r of'' - . and District , , , -,, : ' , • ,.r.r4... L , ,.,,,, ......... . . t'.• .12 ,i . ,,. , . /1 Texaco BOB DINSMORE . „ . For: i • GASOLINE * • FURNACE and STOVE OIL • DIESEL FUEL ' . • MOTOR OILS , . . GREASES h PHONE: 527-1224 For Prompt, Efficient Service We Farm NOW AVAILABLE:-- * TIME PAYMENT * A U TOM .A.,TIC DE,LINERN . . , FU -RN,ACE FINANCING ” I n dus _ • FUEL OW '• ' . .• ' • . , .. ,. . . .• ,. , ....i. . -,,,, • , . .. , 0