Wingham Times, 1891-06-19, Page 3orlom • R.ANCE 'COUTIMN., o xtErs0 ex Tlra Ya W. C.TL'. e. Clipping& W , •`Jennings D?rnorest i.me, sent out 10$123, medals since that contests wore' instituted, Ever a.since Emperor Wi;litarn's:ac-. ceroion'to• the throne of Ciormany+lie, llaci ipereiratently dernitnslad some re.: striction a of the liquor traffic. •b'er tlr.•ee ,years his MinistorK,abave been collecting statistics and ekicionce cow"; coming its effects; Ore deci;•sions 1trrIV•;' oa at,havebeen embodied i u a.bili that, ktae,besn sanctioned by the l undesratb,'°. It 'decrees the withdrawal Of saloons licensee, the fining of saloonkeepers; 'wbo:ouoourare drunkards Ka) buy liquor; floes tfor drunitarrls if they are poor; entrngh4'to have fines: cletec'•thenihorn: drirxking,,tnd innpr1sonInel.t if they are ric'll enough not to feel theft -lee.. ho pl;ohibitory Jaw is being •enforced as seldom before in Portland,. 1VV} sine, Tmontyr,Etve seizures were made the last sseek'lly-t'he sheriffs. Among the. places raided was that of Dennis B Tiilday, the Haan w elaa,°put "To God we truer over •his' saloon door last Fourth of July, and sold freely and uumolest,:d all day. Deputy tdili,er£f;Plumnner succeeded in'entering 'his place which has been more carelteIly guardedrl:ately, and found two.baa.tendera stalling liquor, As soon. as they recognized bun they dumped the liquor down a chute, in.to•therellar and, jumped down after it, began to aulash the bottles. Sheriff Steri, til goutsidewaswatchingthecellarthrough a grating, and saw the men destroy the bottles, .which ne,s all the proof seceded The bar -tenders were arrested, but Kilda), seemsrtothave escaped, as is usually the case with the big rogues. The Latht•ap, Missouri, Crusade cases have at last been decided, the jury rendering a verdict of not guilty after being out thirty minutes. It was received -with great demonstrations of joy, even the. grave .face of judge Sandusky lighting up as he witnessed the general congratulations. Mr. Cross, tote: prosecutor,has often boast- ed that he would convict everyone of those women, and did his best to do so. fie accepts hie defeat philosophically,. remarking, I 'em like the bull that betted the locomotive ; you' inay net approve •rny judgemgt, but you can't but admire •rny plunk. lathe evening the victory wase celebrated by a huge bonfireeon the ppot where the whiskey waspoured out, and as its flames leap- ed heavenward, cheer after cheer rang from the onlooking crowd, Goa bless, our Homes being the refrain. The Crusaders have won at every point,ausl this victory •means tench .for the en,. foroementof prohibitory law. For Influenza 'or "La. Grips •Wilson's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is a sure and safe remedy. There is no better medi- cine for the cure of Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Group trud kindred diseases. Get the genuine in white wrappers. itacabes and beth a soden grow*. The horses seornn ettaad,lo attract cola idem-. able attention xtnd the owner's 'the Rutherford Brothers,extensive Ore :gen cattle aea1,ars, were indaaoed to place hint onsecbibition in tlle'town'.of Marion, Ore, Ftealiziug,however,that the horse Was peouliarly adapted deo show purposes, and not having any 'knowledge of this partionlal' landof business, they offered hien: foe; sale, Photographs:of the horse were -sent east, and a •copy happening to attract the attention of 0 H. Eaton, Of the .Eaton stock+farm of Lexington, ,dist gentleman Hiede up his Mind to in.. vestigate, Us result was that .f3. W ,Eaton'nade,ajourney to Marion. One sight of the.wonderful cecluine conain'. ed hint of.future possibilities, and in behalf of Eaton Bros he made an inv.. mediate purn11ese of the longest -hair- ed (mane, tail and fototop) horse i'rf the world. The price paid wa'sp80,- 000. At."Albuquerque, N 111, a syn offered: .50,000 for the' horse, winch was, refuged, as well as a fur, tiler inducement of $11,000 for a three clays' exhibition.—Scientific AJJrer'4ccbnr, "Let Grippe" "La Grippe" or Iuftuonza can be quickly oured•by the use of Wilson's Compound of Wahl Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup,Colds, Coughs and other diseases of respiratory system. ,'Wilson's Wild Cherry has been in use for many years and is highly recom- mended by all who know its virtues. Sold by. all prominent draggiste. Praying and Dion;. Bless the poor children who haven't got any beds tonight, prayed a little boy, just before he lay down'io his nice, warm cot on a cold, windy night. As he rose from his knees his mother Said : You have jest asked God. to, bless the poor 'children; what will you Thetoy thought a moment. Why if I bad a hundred Cakes, enough for all the family, 1 would give them some. But you have no cakes; what, ihen, are you willing to do ? When- I get money enough to buy all the things I want, and have some over, I will give them some. But you haven't 'enough money to buy all you want and perhaps • n"ever .will have ; what will you do to bless the poor now ? I will give them some bread. You have no bread—the bread is mine.` Then I could earn money and buy ,a loaf myself. Take :things as they now 'are—you know what you leave that is your own; what are you willing to give to help the poor. The boy thought again. I'll give them half my mouey, 1 have seven pennies; I'11give them four, Wouldn't that be right? An Extraordinary florae. ,.n extraordinary horse' has' lately• been brought to Boston, He is 'a beautiful golden chestnut, with light inane and tail, white hind feet and white face. Re is seven years old, weight 1,435 poun'is, stands sixteen hands high and is three-fourths EJlyde, one-eighth 'Fiend', and one,eighth Printer. Binns—that's his 'natne— was born in Marion, Ore, ' May g0, 1888, and is considered a perfect and beatitiful animal. The fact that at the present time his foretop is eight feet, inane eight feet, eight inches,and tall twelve feet, thri'e inches in length, 1st certaiuly wonderful and makes hirer an e5ctraordinary attralction. No par. titular attention was given the horse until he was live years old, when his fc'retop, mane and tail had in- creased so much in length that they reached the ground. At this time his owners cotnnrtn'ced putting thein in braids find Lag them up. Some four months after it wus braided the hair was loosened and found to havegr own seven inches. On ''account of suet) rapid growth, the owners coli ieneed to cultivate it and it grew rapidly,an d atthe present time hes' reached the J4 gth mentioned alcove, 1n the last twelve months the inane has grown fourteen inches anal the tail sixteen Ctteumbers. ' To help in snaking the garden ]rofi• table, there are few things that will pay better in a small way than grow- ing row -ing cncumbere for pickles. Vacant spaces and beds from which the ear'1y stuff has been taken may be filled with these up 'to the middle of June. Make riot. bills, filled with old ma• nure,ahout four feet apart each way,arid drop a dozen needs in a hill thin to Six plants when .they are up, Dust with 'h'laecttcides from the start to keep the bugs•away ; ,phen they will not trouble the , plants much when larger and the .fruits have begun to•sett Pick the / vines over 'every morning as soon;; /as the ci cambers are as large as your little Anger. ' Put them down fir 1.11rine to sell later in the season, or lave a basketful at•the villttMts s'toro • every morning. They will lifeely be solei before night. A. hundred hills'should give about 4,000 or 5,000 pickles. U Helm, young old, or middle aged, who and themselves nervous, week or exhaust% ed,.wiro ars brokou clown from excess or overwork, resulting an many of the folto'wkig symptoms.' ental depres- siom,; 1'renratur'e old age, loss of vitality, loss of ruewory, liEt:l ,dreams,, ditniwe r of night, palpitation of tire', heart, emission, lack of energy, pain ,i11 the kidneys, headaki., pun is on the fat* or l,nrty:, itolll,g t,r pc:cu.ler seosati''n abnnt the scrotum, .t aaieting of •th,, organs, itirzuu. s, seat cl s before the eves, twitching of the muscles, eyelids ttu4 eleewher'e, I,,tslifltJlle•a. deposits .li thee urine, to -x of will power, teatec'r•net of the scalp fund spine, wei,k anti flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be reiitecl by sleep, constipation,'1uiltaesA of hear'ulg, lass of •vol• t, desire for solitude, excite• bil:iiy' of temper„ sunken eyes stir. row d'd.l with JGrADFN CI80141., oily lotlotlrl; skin, etc., arc 'tit 'Symptoms of nervous. debility that led to isauity and dead useless cures.. The spring or vital power having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse Gorntuitted in ignorance tray be pertnanenteiy cured, rend your address for book on all diseases peculiar to Haan. Address . T. LUI3AN, 50 Front. St, E,; Toronto, Ont. Books seat free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are'faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not finales, rusk of blood to the heave, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and' irregular, the secaed heart Beat quicker•than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc,, can positively, be cured. No cure, no .pay. Send for boolc, Address Y. • LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto. Out. C P, II. TIME TABLE. Traigsarrlvo'andd'opi,rt�aislollows: " 'ttii` LNAVINO Alumna*°5:35 a, m .For Toronto ..,... ..8:35 a, n 2:20 p. .. 2:20N' m 2:20 p, in For Teeswater... 2:20 10:30 p. In 10.30 G -A. LTD. TRT?N'K _EV Y A. 0. srairnnEE, AGENT, WINouAIt. Through idiots to all points in America-Nort13- 1Vost Pacific Coast, oto., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination, Lowest freight rates to all points. ---TIME TABLE. LEAVE WINOR'AM:. ARRIVE AT"WINOlrAM. 0:80 a.m.Toronto,Guelph,Palmorston, &o. 3:30 p.ln. 11:10 „ 1010 ". 3:40 p.m. " " Clinton, ". . 7:25 _" Palmerston, Mixed 10:15 a.m.. 0;45 a.In. London, &e. 11:00 " 3:40 p.m. " - 7:45 p.m. 11:10 a m ,. Iiincardine, &o .'. ., .. 8:80 a.m. 3:30 ppm , . 11:10 ,. 10.10 8:50 P.m Mt7'sIO.. INSTRUCTIONS ON PIANO ANn OaaAta, ALSO GLASS IN IIAa$oNY.. For particulars regarding terms, etc, please call at my home, corner Fr u,ois and Patrick streets. FLOItILLA SPARLING. .I1,..DAV1..S Is OFFERING ----ON_ F' E PROpMR TY 'AT VERY LOW ILA.TES. S•7GnOFFICE-OPPOSITE THE MARKET. WINOIIA8 0c'rofss, 411 , 1888 Property for Sale. in B [more. The undersigned oilers for solo a.desirdbte pro pperty in the village of Delmore, consisting of a good dwelling hoose, office, stable and driving shed, with one acro and a"halt of land in connection. Splendid karden, with all sorts of fruit trees. Will be sold at a.bargain. For particulars, apply to PrinmaIor cook, Rehnore. BANK OF 'HAMILTON, N`CxII, .'M. Capital, $,1.000,000. Rest, $450,000. President-3onr S&UAW''. Vice.Presidetlt-A. Get AMsAY.y DIRECTORS IMO? Paxton, CiLis.'GoaseY, Olio 1t0ACit, A. T 4V000, A. n' L33 (Toronto). 'Cashier -4, TUIRNBt LL. Sayings Range hours, 10 to 8 ; Saturdays, l0 to 1. Deposits Of 81 t>nd upwards received and interest allowed Special Deposits aiso received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United StateS bought and sold , s Aozi T. MBYBR t DIOXII,+CSON, Soarcrrolrs. s VI ti *11 1> wtsrto#a.:13 tr'tIZ "„tC xI.Pe -li 1, ease inform win* readeso *batI hare's tt po ittvo remedy tor the above „r.•. . beau.. By its t misty nes 38 uban3s nt hopeless CMOS Lave been permanently cared. I •"N. glad to send two bettlea ot` my remedy PRIM 10 anyti your readers who have, •, + nnptibn if they r•111.stud urs ttre:r Empress and Post Ofice Address. Ra*pecttitilf , r 404.0S1IM. M.O.r Ifiti WGafi. AtlaiatldS *tat -rortoNT , ONTARIO:to MATTHEW AMBLER HARNESS MnXVa,R N hat on band a large stork of lIORSR SLANEETS, 0111i1WCOMDS,; t3RU9iIES, DIPS, TltUNgS VALISES etc. • Which will be sold at botton 2000e. 1L4:RNless, double or single, 111810 to order on short notice, and eatisfaoution guaranteed. &V'A call solicited, 'OP -Opposite the Bank 85 Hamilton, • AIATTSEW AA1ELEtt, ngnam, Feb. Cth, 1800. • ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES,NOTARY PURLIO, CONVEYANCER, lire, OFauo3-" Blg" Bookstore, RIPLEY, ONT. Money to Loan on EMIR Security at Low Rates of interest. Nocharged. J. GOLL7EY, VETERINARY SURGEON. honorary. flraduateol Ontario Veterinary Also Graduate of Dentistry School, Toron , is fared to .treat all Diseases of Domesticate animals. in the latest scientific naenner, Cates promptly attended to. Office and ana: vrs by night vva ] and gin at fire otos commission FOR WING 1. The tinders! tied wish to tender their beat for the liberal patronage given to ou, Ares severalyearepilortotile burning of nor AA' • cendlariem, • During the 1 sit season wa taa•t anoddelincl the town mill to the Jatcetai>pprds d'�a tens of Uungarian holler Proems moil Kos Ws pa Here rocs, now give bettor aces uuaod43fan 300 ever before. We offer Prompt Dlspatoh, Pair It tgxraa, QUls.LIT '' liI'1COND ;t'O NQNJ:' IN I'1OIfii S?,CTfpf, And by close personal attention too husiu:Rip hope to be again fays.red with- a triad by fru al's, Irtends and navy aaow OVOS, Yours moat respootfpli]r,. L1UTTON .4 e Wln::ham 3iill. Oct'*1. 1180. "" Rlon'3 CL Seam), 'F asgha r,C ill VIE BEST, . VALU. ' ORDERED- INOLOTHING/ GO TO '�sE A'STER'S HATS, .CAPS, COLLARS, ' SHIRTS, CLIFFS,_ Cheap.: for EASEL EfED DIN LIL Has removed to E. F. Gerster's cld stitnd, where he has a Jorge and nicely assorted stock of ' 4 Watoltos, Clocks, f' viellesy2 Silverware and Which he is selling away down in price, and will the pleased t , have you call andtake. b look through his Stogie. • Repairing a :S eexalty lA11 work warranted and done promptly. Ed. - Mason's Block. Y& -Successors to It 81.>3obi»son, manutacturerers of - MOWERS; LAND ROLLERS, PLOWS, q.ANG PLO ]'`'S, , c. Caetige of Every Deacription in Iran ani Rrass1 M• 1 and General RegattaPresqptit 4ttnd t . • i-A.GENTS VOR R. WH1TELAW'S AGRICULTURAL GINS ANI) BOILERS, CHEESE FACTORY ENGINES • BOILERS AND> TYP?LIES. /WANTS .ANY QUANTITY Or OAST • S k,MON$ al":