HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-06-17, Page 8WI Has 35th An- niversar Y •
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26. Personals
Mrs. Nellie Jamieson, Egmond-
ville, would like to announce the
forthcoming marriage of her
daughter, Doretby Lerene Mills
to Brian Allan Barry, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barry of
Egmondville. The marriage,will
take place on Saturday, Julyr 17,
1 971 at Egmondville United
Church at '7 P.M. 26-88-1
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vogels *o,f,„„,
R.R.02, Dublin and Mr. and Mrs. \
John Willems of R.R,#4,Seaforth
announce the forthcoming
marriages of their daughters,
Dorothy Vogels to Mr. Frank
Vansteelandt, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Vansteelandt of R.R.
#2, Dublin and Maria WillerostO
Mr. Cinth Vogels, son of Mr.
and .Mrs. Paul Vogels. The
weddingS will take place' on•
Saturday, July 3, 197f at , St.
Columban Roman Catholic
Church at 2:30 P.M. 26-88-1
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Klein-
haar, Huron Park are happy to
announce-----the ----fortheeming--"-
marriage • of their daughter,
Johanna Jenny (Ann) to Mr.Alired
Helmut (Fred) Zwaan, son of
Mrs. John Zwaan Sr. and the
late Mr. Zwaan, The marriage
will take place Saturday, July
10, 1971 at 2:30 o'clock in the
Bethel Reform Church,Exeter.
26 -88-1
Mr. and Mrs. Delmhr Meidinger
of Seaforth wish to announce the.
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Joanne Alice to Mr.
Joseph Federer, Kitchener, son
of Mrs. Katherine Federer, Kit-
chener. The marriage to take
place July 3rd at 5 o'clock, et.
James Roman Catholic Church,
Seaforth. 26-88x1
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Chiselhurst Church was the
Setting for a double shower for
Misses Catharine Roberts and
P041 Vanderwiel , brides elect
Of June 25 and 26 respectively.
Mrs. R. Taylor and Mrs. Rosa
Harris were the ho.stesses.
After a sing-song, readings
by Mrs. R. Taylor and Mrs.
Brock, contests and relays,con-
ducted by Mrs. R. Brock, Mrs.
R. Bell and Mrs G. McLean,
Catharine Roberts was seated
in a decorated ahair, by a gar-
den gate with:, streamers and
bells as, isted by Pam Valli:lei-
will. Roaa, Harris, reap the
address ad Pearl Taylor pre-
sented the gifts,. After thanking
the ladies; Caparine and lath
exchangect- chairs with Mr$.. R.
"Taylor readl4 the address and
r. .0'NE MEETS
Unit One of laorthside Church
met ,„in the church school room
for - a pot luck, supper, There
were twenty-six present.
Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Robert-
on had charge of the programme.
Pictures of interest were shown
by Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot.
ZURICH, only $85.
Mrs. Myrtle Taylor, Noble
Grand, presided at the nOmina-
tion of officers of Amber Reb-
ekah Lodge Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Elizabeth Riley, vice-grand
reported for the visiting
A Great Gift , . This Hi-Back
swivel rocker, turns a full circle, as low as and rocks as Beautifully cov-
ered in expanded vinyl, comes in
many attractive colours. Padded
foam arms, back, and seat over No-
Sag springs. Designed and built
for many years of comfort and
Also available in new Wet look :wee
colours at slightly additional charge-
only $69
for his home or his of-
fice. Easily adjusted on -
metal base.
presentation to Pam. After thank-
Mrs.. Rosa Harris making the
ing the ladies in a few well Chos -
en words, the two brides elect
"Good Luck ribbon -horse shoes"
were hung on the decorated gift
display table by their gifts.
Catharine Roberts ' 'was
honoured at a shower prior to
her wedding on June 25th. Mrs.
Wally Maxwell and Mrs. Fergus
McKellar were joint hostesses in
Seaforth for a miscellaneous
shower for relatives and friends.
Catharine was seated in a gaily
decorated chair surrounded by
Mrs.Maude Hedden
bells and confetti assisted by her
The ^35th Anniversary of sister, Marion Mennell and the Hensall Womens Institute was
two mothers. Mrs. Georgina observed on Wednesday evening
Dupee read the address with by inviting all past members Misses Susan Maxwell and Debbie and enjoying a hot turkey dinner Dupee making the presentation. in the Legion Hall. The Legion
After thanking everyone for the Auxiliary catered. The Institute many and useful gifts, games and motif was carried out in the
contests were -much enjoyed after table setting with the head table which a, dainty lunch was served. adorned „with an arrangement of
Miss Cathy Greater hosted mums and carnations and an
a shower for Catharine Roberts Anniversary cake.
in Exeter for the classmates with In charge of 'the affair
Miss Arlene Johns making the wereMrs. Carl Payne and Mrs.
ClarencerReld, Welcome was presentation.
• ,:
The latest in exciting wet look, plush,
or fun furs fabrics. This beautiful over-'
sized swivel rocker tub chair is a
welccimed addition to any room. Padded
foam arms, back, and seat over No:Sag
springs, Bright•chrome legs on a steel
base, Rocks and rotates In any position,
Plush or fun fur fabrics slightly extra.
For the room with the colonial
teuchs5 This new colonial swivel
rocker arm chair is a beauty. '
Buttoned Hi-Back, Herculon fabric
patched seat and back, Also avail-
able in printed or plain fabrics.
Finished with an attractive pleated •
Sick, and maple 'finished wood
wings. Foam padded back, arms,
and, seat over No-Sag springs.
Rocks and rotates in any position.
- priced at
Two Locations SEAFORTH.
Me when I Whine" and "Neigh--
Mrs. McAllister gave inter-
esting reminiscing through the
years since the first Hensel].
Womens Institute was organized
in 1900 and disbanded five years
later. In 1936 a short course
Was held in the Town Hall, re-
sulting in a Junior Institute being
organized, Miss Maude McLean
later Mrs. Wilson Broadfoot, was
the first President, Miss Gladys
_Passmore, now Mrs. 1",orrie El-
der, the first secretary.
Later it became a senior
Womens Institute and through the
thirty-five years since, has been
very active, taking part in many
community • and local projects,
educational, 'entertainment, doing
their utmost during the war years
in sending food parcels, clothing
comforts, etc. overseas. This
included a total of 1628 pound's of
jam which speakers recalled with
sugar rationed wasn't easy. In
1949 the Institute enjoyed their
first chartered bus trip of which
they have enjoyed several through
the years. •
Donations were made to the
Museum at Goderich which
started in 1948. Womens Institute
exhibit competitions at Exeter
Fair have created much interest
and -activit-r-altiee-195-0,--MaiFy-
memories of days gone by were
committee and Mrs. Myrtle Orr
for the finance committee.
The following members were
nominated for the , year, one, to
be elcted Noble Grand: Mrs.
'01ga Chipchase and Mrs. Eliza-
beth Riley; Vice-grand, Mrs.
Dorothy Beaton, tecord ing sec-
retary, Mrs. Leona Parke, fin-
ancial secretary,. Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor; treasurer, Mrs.
Dorothy Corbett, and Mrs. Ala-
een Volland, trustee, Mrs. Pearl.
Eyre. The Lodge menfoers were
guests of Clinton Huronic 'Lodge.
St. Paul's Anglican. Church
A,C.W, meeting was held at the
Rectory with the president, Mrs.
Scrabuik presiding. Mrs. G. A.
Anderson reported on Deanery
meeting held in Walkerton, guest
speaker being the Rev. Arthur
Moore of St. Michael's and All
Angels, Toronto, Mrs.. G. A.
Anderson also read Summer and
Silence, and frbm • the Artic News
the life and work of an Eskimo
family. Mrs. Mary Tayldr4read
a chapter from the Study Bonk.
Mrs. G. A. Anderson closed with
Entries 'for the first annual
Fiddling Championship to beheld
in Hensel' June 18 and 19, have
started coming in from fiddlers
across the Province, contest
chair-man Wayne Reid said this
week. The fiddlers will be
competing in five classes for
priza Money: aten ini$440. 00 and
tea -trophies elevated -ty local
,rnerepantd. '• The. championship is
SipenSorecr..',Ibx,, the Hensall
• Klia,Onen.,,cInbi which last year
.aapplied, ,,for and received a
oprovieeial *charter for the event.
The avant will be held annually,
Mr. 114id said.
Elimination contests will, be
held the first night, Friday, and
the playoffs for the champion-
ships Saturday. Step dancing
competitions and a dance will
round out the program in the
Hensall Arena.
Johnny Brent, formerly of
C.K.N.X.Television and Radio,
will be M.C. 'for both nights, and
C.R.N.X. Ranch Boys will pro-
vice music for the dance.
MrS. Glenn Bell, incoming
District Deputy , President for
District No. 23 is attending ses-
sions at the Rebekah Assembly
being held at the-Royal York
Hotel in Toronto.
Mrs. Elgin Thomson and Mrs.
Earl Campbell are attending the
Rebekah Assembly also, as
Scholar and Representative from
Amber Lodge, Hensall,
Mri, and Mrs. R. A. Orr,
attended the Service at Arkona
-G emetery-on-Suriday.
Mr. William E. Hedden, Nia-
gara Falls, and Mrs. Kathleen
Wilson, St, Catharines visited
over the weekend with Mr. Herb
Mrs. W. Colclough, presided
for the June meeting of Huron-
view Auxiliary held in• the craft
room. She explained •that if for
any reason -a Women's Institute
Branch finds it impossible Co
put on the birthday party when
.--their turn comes, they, are to
contact Huronview, and some
other arrangements' can be made.
A birthday cake . is appreciated,
but not necessary.
Arrangements were made for
five or more 'Institute members
The 81st anniversary of the
Women's Missionary Society was
ce ebrated on Monday evening at
C mei Presbyterian Church.
Prent Mrs. R. ,A. Orr wel-
come. guests from Seaforth,
Cromarty, Zurich and Arnold
Circle Group of the church.
Mrs. Gordon Schalm and Mrs.
Opr were in charge of the pro-
gram and worship. Mrs. Robert
Madge gave the Scripture. Mrs.
Pierc-y Campbell gave the anni-
versary prayer. A duet "Trust-
ing in the Savior" was sung by
24. Cards of Thanks
THE family of the late Charles
Stewart wishes to express their
sincere thanks to friends, neigh-
bors and relatives for the lovely
floral tributes, donations to the
Muscular Distrophy Association
and messages of sympathy. Spec-
ial thanks to L.O.L. 710,Clinton;
L.O.L. 963 and R.B.P. 1260,
Blyth; First floor nurses of
Clinton Public Hospital ; Dra.
Newland and Street ; Rev.Hatold
Snell of London; Rev. Wonfor
ladles of Afternoon Unit of On-
tario Street Church, Clinton and
the Ball Funeral Home.. It was
all deeply appreciated. 24-88-1
THANK you to.Dr. Moyo, nurses,
friends and relatives for all the
kind help, cards and gifts I re-
ceived while in Seaforth Hospital.
All was truly appreciated. -Ruth
Townsend. 24-88-1
25., In Memoriam
CROZIER -in loving memory of -
a dear son and brother, Donald
Crozier, who passed away sud-
denly June 23, 1963.
Ever remembered and sadly
missed by the family. 25-88x1
PRYC E - In loving menierY of a
dear mother and grandmother,
Mrs. Cora Pryce, who passed
away June 21, 1970.
Peacefully sleeping, resting at
The World's weary troubles and
trials are past,
In silence, she suffered, patience
she bore,
Till God called her home, to
suffer no more.
Sadly missed by daughters, Bea-
trice,, Jean, Helen, son Alvin and
grandchildren, '25-88-1
T OLL- In loving memory of a
dear wife, Dinah, who passed
away June 17, 1968.
oyou rsmilegene
f6re ver And yourhand we cannot touch
We have so many memories
OEfveyrou rweemleomvebde.r seod m bucyh.
Ernie. 25-88x1
to provide help for one afternoon
during the Open House of Senior
Citizens Week, June 20-26.
C. A. Archibald, Adminis-
trator, expressed thanks for the
co-operation and hoped the week._
would,be a success.
A reading was given by Mrs.
Haggitt of Auburn, being the min-
utes of a long-ago Women's
Insitute meeting. A number of
the ladies helped with quilting
and the Auburn ladies served
a cup of tea.
Mrs. Malcolm Dougal and Mrs.
Harold Bell with Mrs. Edgar
Munn at the piano.. Ushers were
Mrs. George Waly and Mrs.
Rocus Faber.
Mrs. Orr introduced the guest
speaker, Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell
of London, formerly df Seaforth.
She mentioned that the W.M.S.ti
is changing and may be for the
better. Young people like to have
changes, cider members don't
like to change the old method.
Looking back& 81 years ago when
the few women started e group,
and what is our goal, re we as
great as those ladies, e asked?
We do only what we want to and
go to church only when we want
to. In the Bible
'Paul said,,
"Brethren, time is short". In
other words, ,•It's later than
you think." Mrs. Schwalm
thanked Mrs. Campbell and 'Mrs.
W., Jarvis of Exeter closed the
meeting ' with an anniversary
Mrs. Florence Meston gave a
reading and a poem and had the
honour of cutting the 8141birth-
day cake,
25, In Memoriam
PRYCE - In loving memory of ,
a dear brother, Leslie John
Pryee, who passed away June
24, 1964.
Nothing can ever take away,
The love a heart holds dear,
Fond memorieseinger-every day, -
Remembrance keeps him near.
Always remembered by sisters
Beatrice, Jean, Helen, brother
Alvin and families. 25-88-1
SQUIRE - In loving memory of
a, dear Mother Lena Squire, who
passed away 11 years ago June
19, 1960.
Years roll on and dayS pass by
But loving memories never die
Sadly missed by dau0hter,Marie
and son-in-law Garnet Dal-
rymple. 25-88x1
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rivers •
'Seaforth, announce the forth-
coming , marriage of their
daughter, Ann Louise, to Mr.
Wilfred Allan Preszcator, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preszcator
of Crediton. The -wedding will
take place in First Presbyterian
Church, Seaforth, on Saturday,
July 10th, 1971 at 6:30 P.M.
27. Births
LAWRENCE 7 Gary and Bonnie
(nee Robinson) Lawrence,
Hensel', are happy to announce
the birth of a daughter,. Debbie
'Lynn ,,on June 15, 1971 at South
s Huron Hospital, Exeter.,, A
sister for Dwayne. ' 27-88x1
HEARD - To Mr. and Mrs.,
Richard Heard, Lopdon, on June
11th, 1971,-at Seaforth Community
Hospital, a daughter.
CRONIN - To Mr., and Mrs.
Robert Cronin, Dublin, Ont., at
Seaforth Community Hospital, on
June 11, 1971, a daughter.
• KENNEDY - To Mr. and Mrs.
Victor D. Kennedy, Seaforth,
Ontario, at Seaforth Community
Hospital, on June 9, 1971, a' son.
BYERS - To Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Byers, R.R. 2, Dublin, at Sea-
forth Community Hospital, on
June 9, 1971, a daughter.
o no r Bride-elect
extended by the President, Mrs.
James McAllister, who was
master of ceremonies. Program
conveners were Mrs, W. Car-
lile and Mrs. Fred Beer. Mrs.
Beer introduced the Past Presi-
dents who were seated at the
head table including Mrs.Wilson
Broadfoot of Goderich, Mrs.A1-
yin Kerslake of London, Mrs.
Bob Elgie, Mrs. G. Armstrong,
Mrs. Carl Payne, Mrs. Bev.
Beaton, Mrs. Clarence Reid and
Mrs. Beer. Congratulatory mes-
sages were read from sever
others with regrets that the
were unable to attend.
Mrs. McAllister expressed
thanksh for all who helped make
the ihncheou for the Districit,
-Annuil in May a success,
It was -decided, that five mern-
bers will help"'at, Hnronview for
an afternabh•-attiring Seuior Citi-
zens week, June 20 -26.
A lively -sing-a-long was
directed by. Mrs. Payne.
Two vocal solo numbers,
"Somewhere a Voice is Calling"
and "Sing Me' to Sleep" were
given by Mrs. William-Brown of
Seaforth accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. Don Carter of
Two piano duets Were con-
tributed by Mrs. T. Sherritt and
-Mrs: Grac e-Harpole.
Mrs. J. Cdrbett favoured with
two readings, "0 God Forgive recalled.
Rebekah Lodge Huronview Auxiliary
WMS Anniversary