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,all Property Owners in Huron County
In accordance with the Weed Control Act. R,S.0, 1960,
Sec. 3, 13, 19, and amendments thereto, that unless noxious
weeds growing on their lands are destroyed by June 15, 1971
and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon
the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the
costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act.
The co-operation of all citizens is solicited.
ALEX, CHESNEY, Weed Inspector,
County of Ninon
• ••
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positions of which only one other
teacher was interyieWed.
• Itinerant remedial con,' stiltants are Mrs. Ila Mayes,
presently on staff at Ilsbome
Central School; Mrs. Beryl
,Nicholson, presently on staff at
the A./M Hugh Campbell schPol,
pFB Clinton; and Miss Shirley
Norman, presently on staff at
Colborne Central School. There
were 18 other applications made,
seven of these additional applic-
ants being interviewed.
Chairman Bob Elliott noted
that of nine perions hired, five
were from Ilnion County.
"That's a good indication
to me," stated Elliott,
Other teachers appointed tol,
fill vacant positions left b_y
secondary schools • la Arthnr H. _ resignations from the St,aff were:
Henwood, presently employed at Miss Jane Dougall and
the General Vanier Secondary
School, Oshawa. Fifteen
applications were received for
this job and six interviews held.
Itinerant speech consultants
will be Mrs. Bessie Road,
presently on staff in North York;
Mrs. Verna Kane, presently on
staff at Victoria Public School;
and Mrs. Pamella Scotchmer, on
staff at Exeter Public School until
December 1970. There were
seven other applications for theas-
Miss Jacqueline Dunn, Usborne
Central; Miss Helen 'Elliott,
Clinton PS; Miss Helen Hoshal,
Holmesville PS; Charles Liddle,
Brookside; Miss Linda Ward,
Stephen Ceetral; Charlea"Baetz
and Paul Jury,F. E. M.adill, Wing-
ham; David Cox, South Huron
DHS; Robert Dick,' GDCI; and
James Moore, Seaforth DRS.
Resignations include Mrs.
Rena Fisher, Brookside; Mrs.
Darlene Castle, Miis Lois
Thompson, 'Betty, Jim, Sharon
and Bob.
Mrs. Doug Whyte, Lori and
Lisa of Glen Orchard visited
on Sunday with Mr. Harold Whyte,
Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Tom, Bill
and Margie.
Mr. 'Jim Medd of Shelburne
spent the weekend with his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd
and Kerri.
Mrs. Lawrence Hill of Cred-
iton is spending a few days with
her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator,
Linda,•Dianne and Nancy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd-and
Kerri left on Monday for a trip
through parts of the United
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butler of
.Courtland are spending this week
with Mr. and -Mrs. George Hog-
gart and Harvey.
poliCies and decisions within
their elected year. These reports
of county activities should be
performed by someone within the
county office and' sent to the
press, radio, etc. and therefore
the public would not be confused
with unrealistic quotations and
personal opinions within county
business that we are subject tia r.
.In speaking to the report,
committee chairman 'Alex Mc-
Gregor explained that the clause
was inserted in the brief following
a recent meeting of county council
at which, it was reported in the
Huron County Weekly News-
papers, , a member of council
was in favor of continuing imports
of meat to Canada and a second
member of council remarked
that in his opinion, beef farmers
had "never had it so good".
A letter from an official of
the Huron County Pork Producers
was subsequently forwarded to
some. weekly newspapers repri-
manding the council members for
their remarks and expressing the
hope that the press represent-
ative had misquoted their actual
The remainder of the brief
presented to Huron County ,
Council wa s as follows:
Clause 2 - "The Pork Pro-
ducers also recommend that the
county present an urban and
agricultural development build-.
ing pragrani plan to be made
available as '''seon as possible to
all livestock and agricultural
producers, as to the foreseeable
future grow-th of Huron County.
The modern livestock or agri-
cultural units that are being built
today and in the future are all very
complex in design, size and ex-
pense. These units cannot be
planned for just one generation
or two. Therefore producers - •
should know the plans for their
area so as to determine the
expected life of such units par-
ticularly when located near urban
Clause 3,- "Another sugges-
tion we propose is that thecounty
along with the townships study
the possibility of erecting traffic
signs at all concession and cross
roads in the county. With the
increase of traffic of cars, trucks
and farm machinery, we are
witnessing an increase in accid-
ents and deaths at cross roads.
With the knowledge that we all
protect the one on the right at
cross roads, we feel this is not
good enough with increase of-
traffic at faster speeds.,, com:,
cealed cross 'roads With crops,
eta. Most towns now hive signs
on back streets, why not on town-
ship concessions?"
The county development com-
mittee made the following re-
commendations: Clause 2 -
that the suggested Code of-
practice in conjunction with the
County Official Plan should be'
a suitable guide; Clause 3 - that
the Pork Producers Association
should peitition local township
council regarding the matter of
erecting signs as this is a
subject of local jurisdiction.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil 'Duncan McNichol are shown following
their recent marriage in, St. Andrews United Church, Kippen.
The couple will reside at H.R. 4, ,Walton. (See page 14)
News of
Mrs. Maude Redden
11 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T.
Van Dyke of Three Rivers,
Chairman for the Huron
County Board of Education, Bob
Elliott spoke out Tuesday even-
ing -it the regular board meeting
in favor of holding all meetings -
• even committee meetings - to
Elliott's comments were
prompted by the news that a
committee chaired by Dr.Barry
Deathe of Goderich to be attended
by "teachers from all over the
county" was to be held in
Elliott said the board was
originally headquartered in
Clinton because the town was
The 'centre Of the county, and
travelling expenses for those on
board besiiiess would be kept to
a minimum. ,
• Two other members of the
committee in question, Mrs.
Warren, Zinn and 'Wilfred
Shortreed said • because the
meeting was with the teachers
a "site away from any school"
was sought by .the committee. It
was noted that Clinton does not
• offer suitable accommodation for
a private luncheon' meeting.
Joke Broadfoot, chairman of
direction concerning a meeting
he was planning to host the com-
mittee of county council. It was
• suggested through board
discussion that the meeting be
held in the board room in
$.1 don't think any member of
county council has ever been in
News of
Mrs. John Templeman,
The, 411 girls,• their leaders
and their mothers were guests
of the Staffs. Women's Insitute
members Wednesday evening.
The new president, Mrs. John
Miller presided. The roll call
"Which do you prefer, Mini,
Midi or Maxi'?" was answered
by 50 members and guests.
Mrs. Ed. Chappel presented
a report on the district annual and
Mrs. Charles Douglas gave a
repoit on the Officer's Confer-
ence at Guelph which she at-
litended. Mrs. Charles Douglas,
NeWs of •
Mrs. Ken McKellar
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee
of London accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Walker and visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker
and family at Dowling.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cockwell,
Dashwoad, Mr. and Mrs. Norm
Barber and daughter, Deaneene,
London and Master-Roy McGhee
of London were weekend visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Gardiner'and children.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,Laing
visited with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Scott and Ronald, Seaforth and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cole-
man, Cromarty.
Recent visitors with Mrs. J.
R. Jefferson-were Mrs. Bruce
' Cleland, Pauline and Bobby of
Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Laidlaw .and John of London
and Mr. James Mehl
of Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Si
Pollen of Gladwin, Michigan and
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fawcett, Mit-
t, chell visited on Friday with a
cousin, Mrs. Dan McInnis of
The hostess, Mrs. Carter
Kerslake presided for the meet-
ing of the Marian Ritehie Even-
ing Atixiliary.
A discussion on the study book
dealing with materials and re-
sources-.available from the Pres-
byterian Church ha Canada's Re-
source Centre at Don Mills was
led by Mrs. S. McCurdy. With
the aid of a flip chart, Mrs.
James Miller showed how the
Glad Tidings magazine was as-
sembled' and printed. The topic
"Remnants" was presented by
. Mrs. Frank Hamilton. An amus-
ing egg Contest was led by
Mrs. Lloyd Miller and was won
by Mrs. John Templeman. the
,president, Mrs. Gerald Carey,
conducted business, dealing with,
the June Conference to be held
Cavan Church; Exeter in June.
Following the meeting, a sale of
Wise and garden slips and plants
realized over $20.00.
Quebec are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Sim. Roobol,
Mrs. P, Brand Wile has been
a patient in St.: joseph'S Hos-
this room,"- ^ stated Chairmazr
Elliott. don't like to see
these meetings decentyalized."
Mrs.Marilyn Kunder said she
understeod•-the reasoning behind
some committees taking their
meetings out of the board 'room
but she described it as "an awful
shame to have all this expensive
furniture" and still have people
feeling "they •can't meet here".
it v4suggested that aboard
ained within the board,
offices away from CHSS would
be a solution to part of the
The county development com-
mittee reported to Huron County
Council at its May session last
Friday in Goderich that it had
considered a brief from the Huron
County Pork Producers and had
decided to hold at least one matter
The matter held over for
further discussion concerns the
following clause in the brief:
"We believe that the residents
of Huron County should be better
informed and have more available
knowledge of what the different
county committees are per-
forming for them :in programs,
Mrs. ftoss McPhail and- Mrs.
John Templeman volunteered to
set up the Institute display for
the Mitchell Fall Fair. Miss
Linda Miller,entertained with a
collection , of • numbers on her
accordian, among them was the
number she played at the music
festival. Staffa No. 1 4-H girls
set up their display on Safety
- in the Home with Misses Patti
Norris and Joanne Ross giving
the commentary. All members
of. *the Staffa No.. 3 4-H club
participated in a skit on First
Aid. Plans are underway for a
New Year's Eve dance and a
committee was named to secure
an orchestra.
Guests Mrs. Elsie Willems,
Dublin and Mrs. Marjorie Hut-
Chison, •Russeldale,, demonstra-
ted "Hair Styles and Make Up
1971", Their models were 3
4-H girls Misses Judy. Jeffery,
Kathy Douglas and Derma Wad-
dell. Mrs. John Miller expressed
appreciation and lunch was
served by the hostesses, Mrs.
Walter O'Brien, MrS. Penelope
Fell, Mrs. Cameron Vivian and
Mrs. Jo Van Valkengoed.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Barker and
Wendy, Mitchell and Mrs. Sam
Norris visited! over the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Norris
at the Macdonald College, Que-
bec and Sunday attended the bap=
tism of their son, Sean.
Miss Margaret Worden,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Worden, graduated Wednes-
day from.the University of West-
ern Ontario with a Bachelor of
Arts Degree, majoring in Psych-
ology. Next Year, she will be
attending Althouse College, Lon-
don, and plans to teach guidance
and physical Education.
Miss Darlene Templeman was
a guest of Mr. Robert Mitchell
at his graduation at the University
of Guelph on Thursday.,
Mr. anti Mrs. Terry Daynard
and family, Guelph visited on the
weekend with Rev. and Mrs.Day-
Mr.. and Mrs. John Miller and
family visited' Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack DUncan Kirkton.
Miss Pat Metz., Windsor visi-
ted Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Norris and family.
Mrs. Russell Worden is a
patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
. don. •
Attending theSchellenberger-
McLeod wedding in London Sat-
, urday were Mr. and Mrs: Norval
Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Reg El-
liott, Mr. and Mrs. Frank El-
liott, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Elliott, Mr.
and Mrs. Mac Lamond, and Mr.
and Mrs, Sam McCurdy.
Hibbert young people spon-
sored a 22 1/2 mile Walk-a-thon
on Saturday to raise' money for
the South Hibbert Athletic
Society. Ninety-six walkers star-
ted out from Croma.rty, walking
north to Staffa, east to No. 23
highway, then north to Mitchell,
west to Dublin on No. 8 high-
way and south to Cromarty. First
to complete the walk were Roger
Haines and John Edwards.
pital, London, has returned he;ne.
Members of the I.O.O.F. and
Rebekah Lodges attended Divine
w orship Sunday morning at Hen-
sail United Church. and were
addressed lay Rev. Harold F.
Mrs. Alma Hess is visiting
with her daughter and son-in-
law, M. and Mrs. J. L. MoCloy
and family, Don Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Forrest'
and M_r.tend Mrs. Russell Break
attended Convocation at the Uni-
versity of Guelph on Friday when
David Brock received his Bach-
elor of Sciende in Agriculture.
Smiles .
A little-girl, visiting friends
of her parents, gazed at their
well-filled bookshelves and ek-
claimed: "We get books from the
library, too,. but we take ours
W.I. Meets
The regular meeting of Sea-
forth W.I. will be held Tuesday,
June 8 at 8:15 at the home of
Mrs. Mary Haugh with,Agricul-
ture and Canadian Industries as
the theme. Roll call, "A new
variety of flowers or vegetables
I plan -to grow this year." Mrs.
Robert McKercher will speak
and show slides of her European
tour. Anyone interested is re-
minded of the Achievement Day
on Saturday, June 5 at S.D.H.S.,
for the eleven clubs sponsored
by the W.I. in the area, for the
project "Separates for Sum-
mer." A few seats are avail-
able for the bus trip ion ;tune
10 to Toronto. If interested,
contact Mrs. Ken Campbell or
Mrs . Erten Whitmor.
The Huron, County Board et
Education has hired a p,83',
etiologist to head up the 40614,1
Education program begianingthis
He is. William E. Carter,
presently a psychologist with the
Fired County Board of EducatioN
His salary was reported at
$16,000 per annum.
There were nine applications
for; tile position and four
interviews held. .
Mrs. Sandra Orr, presently
employed' at the Goderich
Psychiatric Hospital will be the
new psychometrist at a salary of
$7,500 per annum. There were
20 applications for this position
and five interviews conducted.
The new developmental read-
ing consultant (itinerant) for
Qrashy• "and Mr#',..P;;•3,OWiqe
..Glintr% VAMP $0094 MtArlle.
Ann. Rowe,
Schneider, lielMeSitille PS; Mrs,
Ann Kiagswelh Hallett Centrati,
Mrs. Joan Clark, vtgt.9114 gsv
D. McCagtie, Stephenjonea•mq,
1-,aural Hewitt; Gernot Fq945, Alfred Melite, AIM T. Harr
Miss Gertrude Van Veers, Wet
F. E. Madill; and frederick R.
Cosford, Seaforth DM.
Non-teaching resignations in-
elude Mrs.. L. R. Hyde, 01)C1
office !staff; and Mrs. M. Towton
and Orval Beaver, custodians at
South Huron DHSC"
The death occurred suddenly
in Allen Park, Michigan on Sunday
May 23 of William L. (Bill)
Byrne, formerly of Dublin; Ont-
ario. He was the son of the late
Catherine Devereaux and William
Mr. Byrne is survived by his
wife, the former Betty Jordan;
three sons, James of Allen Park,
Don of Livonia, Michigan and Wm.
Jr. of Las Vegas;two daughters,
Betty Jane, (Mrs. James Legauet) • ,
Of Indianapolis and Rosemary
(Mrs. Dr. Jerry Riley) at pres-
ent in Sheffield, England, and 16
grandchildren. Also surviving
'are two sisters, Mrs. Margaret
Dill of Rochester; Catherine
(Mrs. Thomas 4tanley) also of
Rochester and one brother, Rob-
ert of Hamilton, He was pre-
deceased by one brother, Basil
and a sister, Monica.
The body rested at the Voran
Funeral Home, Allen Park until
Wednesday morning, May26, with
funeral Mass at St. Francis
Cabrine Church. Burial followed
in Michigan Memorial Park, Flat
Rock, Michigan,
Mrs. Joseph Matthews, 86,
Seaforth died in Seaforth Com-
munity' Hospital Saturday after
an illness of two` months.
The former Sarah Jane Bick-
nell of McKillop Township, she
was married in 1903 in St. Col-
umban Romaitagntholic Church
'to Joseph Matthews who prede-
ceased her in 1956, She was a
member of St. James' Roman
Catholic Church.
She is survived by one son,
Alonzo of Clinton; five daugh-
ters, Mrs. Lester (Betty) Leon-
hardt and Mrs. William (Mary)
Hart, both of Seaforth; Mrs.
Joseph L. (Frances) O'Reilly of
RR 2, Dublin;. Mrs. Donald
(Pauline) Barber of Kitchener,
Mrs. Gertrude,,, Lavis. of Galt;
three -brothers, Gua• and -Peter
Bicknell, both Of ICitchener and
Leo of Kirkton Lake, Sask.; 14
grandchildren and 14 great-
The body was at the G. A.
Whitney funeral home until Wed-
nesday morning when removal
was made to St. James' church
for funeral mass at 10 a.m.
conducted by Father E. J.
Burial was in St. James'
church cemetery. Pallbearers
were Jack Matthews, Donald
Matthews, Paul Matthews, Doug-
las O'Reilly, Jerry Lavis and
Bryan Leonhard,
News of
Protest Move to Hold -
Board Meetings Away
the county council liaison in abeyance for further consider-
con11 ----asked--for—some—ation„ •
Huron Committee
Considers Pork Brief
Miss Mary McIlwain -
Mr. William Dale spent Fri-
day in Goderich when the Exl-
Warden's were presented with
pins by the County Council, and
were guests of the council for
the day. '
Mrs. Ken Thompson, Mrs.
Carman Scarrow, Mrs. Wilfred
Scott and Brenda, Mrs. John
Thompson and Sharon visited on
Friday evening with Mrs. Jim
Thompson and Ricki.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator
Billy and Debbie, Mrs. EllaJew-
itt and boys, Danny and Billy,
visited orrSunds.y with Mr. and
Mrs. William Dowson,'Brenda,
Bonnie and John of Varna.
Mr. Andy Thompson of Ot-
tawa and Miss Carolynne 'Rob-
inson of London were Sunday
visitors with Mr: and Mrs. John
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